boolean currentFanboySocialBlockingList = sharedPreferences.getBoolean("fanboy_social_blocking_list", true);
// Update the Fanboy icons.
- if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean("fanboy_annoyance_list", true)) {
+ if (currentFanboyAnnoyanceList) { // Fanboy's annoyance list is enabled.
if (MainWebViewActivity.darkTheme) {
// Update the Fanboy's annoyance list icon.
// Update the Fanboy's social blocking list icon.
- } else {
+ } else { // Fanboy's annoyance list is disabled.
if (MainWebViewActivity.darkTheme) {
// Update the Fanboy's annoyance list icon.
// Update the Fanboy's social blocking list icon.
if (currentFanboySocialBlockingList) {
- fanboyAnnoyanceListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_enabled_dark);
+ fanboySocialBlockingListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_enabled_dark);
} else {
- fanboyAnnoyanceListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_disabled_dark);
+ fanboySocialBlockingListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_disabled_dark);
} else {
// Update the Fanboy's annoyance list icon.
// Update the Fanboy's social blocking list icon.
if (currentFanboySocialBlockingList) {
- fanboyAnnoyanceListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_enabled_light);
+ fanboySocialBlockingListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_enabled_light);
} else {
- fanboyAnnoyanceListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_disabled_light);
+ fanboySocialBlockingListPreference.setIcon(R.drawable.social_media_disabled_light);
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M9,3L7.17,5L4,5c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v12c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h16c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L22,7c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2h-3.17L15,3L9,3zM12,18c-2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5s2.24,-5 5,-5 5,2.24 5,5 -2.24,5 -5,5zM12,17l1.25,-2.75L16,13l-2.75,-1.25L12,9l-1.25,2.75L8,13l2.75,1.25z"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M20,12c0,-1.1 0.9,-2 2,-2L22,6c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2L4,4c-1.1,0 -1.99,0.9 -1.99,2v4c1.1,0 1.99,0.9 1.99,2s-0.89,2 -2,2v4c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h16c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2v-4c-1.1,0 -2,-0.9 -2,-2zM15.58,16.8L12,14.5l-3.58,2.3 1.08,-4.12 -3.29,-2.69 4.24,-0.25L12,5.8l1.54,3.95 4.24,0.25 -3.29,2.69 1.09,4.11z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M12,6.5c1.38,0 2.5,1.12 2.5,2.5 0,0.74 -0.33,1.39 -0.83,1.85l3.63,3.63c0.98,-1.86 1.7,-3.8 1.7,-5.48 0,-3.87 -3.13,-7 -7,-7 -1.98,0 -3.76,0.83 -5.04,2.15l3.19,3.19c0.46,-0.52 1.11,-0.84 1.85,-0.84zM16.37,16.1l-4.63,-4.63 -0.11,-0.11L3.27,3 2,4.27l3.18,3.18C5.07,7.95 5,8.47 5,9c0,5.25 7,13 7,13s1.67,-1.85 3.38,-4.35L18.73,21 20,19.73l-3.63,-3.63z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M11,9.16V2c-5,0.5 -9,4.79 -9,10s4,9.5 9,10v-7.16c-1,-0.41 -2,-1.52 -2,-2.84s1,-2.43 2,-2.84zM14.86,11H22c-0.48,-4.75 -4,-8.53 -9,-9v7.16c1,0.3 1.52,0.98 1.86,1.84zM13,14.84V22c5,-0.47 8.52,-4.25 9,-9h-7.14c-0.34,0.86 -0.86,1.54 -1.86,1.84z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M11,9.16V2c-5,0.5 -9,4.79 -9,10s4,9.5 9,10v-7.16c-1,-0.41 -2,-1.52 -2,-2.84s1,-2.43 2,-2.84zM14.86,11H22c-0.48,-4.75 -4,-8.53 -9,-9v7.16c1,0.3 1.52,0.98 1.86,1.84zM13,14.84V22c5,-0.47 8.52,-4.25 9,-9h-7.14c-0.34,0.86 -0.86,1.54 -1.86,1.84z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M2.096,3.377H15.51c1.064,0 1.916,0.862 1.916,1.916V9.126H15.51V5.293H2.096V18.707H15.51v-3.833h1.916v3.833c0,1.054 -0.853,1.916 -1.916,1.916H2.096c-1.054,0 -1.916,-0.862 -1.916,-1.916V5.293c0,-1.054 0.862,-1.916 1.916,-1.916z"
android:strokeWidth="0.95815897" />
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="m17.845,15.44 l1.351,1.351 4.791,-4.791 -4.791,-4.791 -1.351,1.351 2.472,2.482H8.096v1.916H20.317Z"
android:viewportWidth="24.0" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M6,19c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h8c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L18,7L6,7v12zM8.46,11.88l1.41,-1.41L12,12.59l2.12,-2.12 1.41,1.41L13.41,14l2.12,2.12 -1.41,1.41L12,15.41l-2.12,2.12 -1.41,-1.41L10.59,14l-2.13,-2.12zM15.5,4l-1,-1h-5l-1,1L5,4v2h14L19,4z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12C21,11.5 20.96,11 20.87,10.5C20.6,10 20,10 20,10H18V9C18,8 17,8 17,8H15V7C15,6 14,6 14,6H13V4C13,3 12,3 12,3M9.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,6M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M11.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M16.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,16H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5H15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13M11,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,16Z" />
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M12,3A9,9 0 0,0 3,12A9,9 0 0,0 12,21A9,9 0 0,0 21,12C21,11.5 20.96,11 20.87,10.5C20.6,10 20,10 20,10H18V9C18,8 17,8 17,8H15V7C15,6 14,6 14,6H13V4C13,3 12,3 12,3M9.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,6M6.5,10A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 8,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 5,11.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 6.5,10M11.5,11A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 13,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,14A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 10,12.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11.5,11M16.5,13A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 18,14.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,16H16.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 15,14.5H15A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 16.5,13M11,16A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 12.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,19A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 9.5,17.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,1 11,16Z" />
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M23,11.01L18,11c-0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1v9c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5c0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1v-9c0,-0.55 -0.45,-0.99 -1,-0.99zM23,20h-5v-7h5v7zM20,2L2,2C0.89,2 0,2.89 0,4v12c0,1.1 0.89,2 2,2h7v2L7,20v2h8v-2h-2v-2h2v-2L2,16L2,4h18v5h2L22,4c0,-1.11 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM11.97,9L11,6l-0.97,3L7,9l2.47,1.76 -0.94,2.91 2.47,-1.8 2.47,1.8 -0.94,-2.91L15,9h-3.03z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M20,4L4,4c-1.1,0 -1.99,0.9 -1.99,2L2,18c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h16c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L22,6c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM15,18L4,18v-4h11v4zM15,13L4,13L4,9h11v4zM20,18h-4L16,9h4v9z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M20,4L4,4c-1.1,0 -1.99,0.9 -1.99,2L2,18c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h16c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L22,6c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM15,18L4,18v-4h11v4zM15,13L4,13L4,9h11v4zM20,18h-4L16,9h4v9z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M20,4L4,4c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v12c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h16c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L22,6c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM4,12h4v2L4,14v-2zM14,18L4,18v-2h10v2zM20,18h-4v-2h4v2zM20,14L10,14v-2h10v2z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M17,1.01L7,1c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v18c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h10c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2V3c0,-1.1 -0.9,-1.99 -2,-1.99zM17,19H7V5h10v14z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M10,20v-6h4v6h5v-8h3L12,3 2,12h3v8z" />
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M21,19V5c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2H5c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v14c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h14c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2zM8.5,13.5l2.5,3.01L14.5,12l4.5,6H5l3.5,-4.5z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M12,7c2.76,0 5,2.24 5,5 0,0.65 -0.13,1.26 -0.36,1.83l2.92,2.92c1.51,-1.26 2.7,-2.89 3.43,-4.75 -1.73,-4.39 -6,-7.5 -11,-7.5 -1.4,0 -2.74,0.25 -3.98,0.7l2.16,2.16C10.74,7.13 11.35,7 12,7zM2,4.27l2.28,2.28 0.46,0.46C3.08,8.3 1.78,10.02 1,12c1.73,4.39 6,7.5 11,7.5 1.55,0 3.03,-0.3 4.38,-0.84l0.42,0.42L19.73,22 21,20.73 3.27,3 2,4.27zM7.53,9.8l1.55,1.55c-0.05,0.21 -0.08,0.43 -0.08,0.65 0,1.66 1.34,3 3,3 0.22,0 0.44,-0.03 0.65,-0.08l1.55,1.55c-0.67,0.33 -1.41,0.53 -2.2,0.53 -2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5 0,-0.79 0.2,-1.53 0.53,-2.2zM11.84,9.02l3.15,3.15 0.02,-0.16c0,-1.66 -1.34,-3 -3,-3l-0.17,0.01z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M22,3L7,3c-0.69,0 -1.23,0.35 -1.59,0.88L0,12l5.41,8.11c0.36,0.53 0.97,0.89 1.66,0.89L22,21c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L24,5c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM9,13.5c-0.83,0 -1.5,-0.67 -1.5,-1.5s0.67,-1.5 1.5,-1.5 1.5,0.67 1.5,1.5 -0.67,1.5 -1.5,1.5zM14,13.5c-0.83,0 -1.5,-0.67 -1.5,-1.5s0.67,-1.5 1.5,-1.5 1.5,0.67 1.5,1.5 -0.67,1.5 -1.5,1.5zM19,13.5c-0.83,0 -1.5,-0.67 -1.5,-1.5s0.67,-1.5 1.5,-1.5 1.5,0.67 1.5,1.5 -0.67,1.5 -1.5,1.5z"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="m14,3h5c1.1,0 2,0.9 2,2v14c0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2h-5v2L12,23L12,1h2zM14,18h5L14,12ZM5,3h5L10,5L5,5v13l5,-6v9L5,21C3.9,21 3,20.1 3,19L3,5C3,3.9 3.9,3 5,3Z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="m12.18,32.04c-4.14,-1.92 -6.77,-6.03 -6.77,-10.58 0,-4.35 1.64,-7.16 5.91,-10.12 1.46,-1.01 2.25,-1.97 2.45,-2.98 0.21,-1.03 0.52,-1.41 1.02,-1.22 0.4,0.15 1.72,0.28 2.93,0.28 1.94,0 2.24,0.15 2.52,1.27 0.18,0.7 1.25,1.92 2.39,2.7 4.22,2.92 5.84,5.75 5.82,10.17 -0.02,4.59 -2.89,8.88 -7.12,10.64 -2.51,1.05 -6.7,0.97 -9.17,-0.18zM14.95,5.83c-1.05,-1.13 -1.48,-4.92 -0.56,-4.92 0.96,0 2.54,2.69 2.54,4.33 0,1.96 -0.56,2.13 -1.99,0.59zM17.44,6.25c0,-0.68 1.54,-2.33 2.17,-2.33 0.68,0 0.31,1.37 -0.58,2.18 -1.11,1.01 -1.59,1.05 -1.59,0.16z" android:strokeWidth="0.50134861"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M17.65,6.35C16.2,4.9 14.21,4 12,4c-4.42,0 -7.99,3.58 -7.99,8s3.57,8 7.99,8c3.73,0 6.84,-2.55 7.73,-6h-2.08c-0.82,2.33 -3.04,4 -5.65,4 -3.31,0 -6,-2.69 -6,-6s2.69,-6 6,-6c1.66,0 3.14,0.69 4.22,1.78L13,11h7V4l-2.35,2.35z"/>
<!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M20,19.59V8l-6,-6H6c-1.1,0 -1.99,0.9 -1.99,2L4,20c0,1.1 0.89,2 1.99,2H18c0.45,0 0.85,-0.15 1.19,-0.4l-4.43,-4.43c-0.8,0.52 -1.74,0.83 -2.76,0.83 -2.76,0 -5,-2.24 -5,-5s2.24,-5 5,-5 5,2.24 5,5c0,1.02 -0.31,1.96 -0.83,2.75L20,19.59zM9,13c0,1.66 1.34,3 3,3s3,-1.34 3,-3 -1.34,-3 -3,-3 -3,1.34 -3,3z"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M15.5,14h-0.79l-0.28,-0.27C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5 16,5.91 13.09,3 9.5,3S3,5.91 3,9.5 5.91,16 9.5,16c1.61,0 3.09,-0.59 4.23,-1.57l0.27,0.28v0.79l5,4.99L20.49,19l-4.99,-5zM9.5,14C7.01,14 5,11.99 5,9.5S7.01,5 9.5,5 14,7.01 14,9.5 11.99,14 9.5,14z"/>
android:viewportWidth="24.0" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M3,5h2L5,3c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2zM3,13h2v-2L3,11v2zM7,21h2v-2L7,19v2zM3,9h2L5,7L3,7v2zM13,3h-2v2h2L13,3zM19,3v2h2c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM5,21v-2L3,19c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2zM3,17h2v-2L3,15v2zM9,3L7,3v2h2L9,3zM11,21h2v-2h-2v2zM19,13h2v-2h-2v2zM19,21c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2h-2v2zM19,9h2L21,7h-2v2zM19,17h2v-2h-2v2zM15,21h2v-2h-2v2zM15,5h2L17,3h-2v2zM7,17h10L17,7L7,7v10zM9,9h6v6L9,15L9,9z"/>
android:viewportWidth="24.0" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M3,5h2L5,3c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2zM3,13h2v-2L3,11v2zM7,21h2v-2L7,19v2zM3,9h2L5,7L3,7v2zM13,3h-2v2h2L13,3zM19,3v2h2c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM5,21v-2L3,19c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2zM3,17h2v-2L3,15v2zM9,3L7,3v2h2L9,3zM11,21h2v-2h-2v2zM19,13h2v-2h-2v2zM19,21c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2h-2v2zM19,9h2L21,7h-2v2zM19,17h2v-2h-2v2zM15,21h2v-2h-2v2zM15,5h2L17,3h-2v2zM7,17h10L17,7L7,7v10zM9,9h6v6L9,15L9,9z"/>
android:viewportWidth="24.0" >
- <!-- We have to use a hard coded color until API >= 21. Then we can use `@color`. -->
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M19.43,12.98c0.04,-0.32 0.07,-0.64 0.07,-0.98s-0.03,-0.66 -0.07,-0.98l2.11,-1.65c0.19,-0.15 0.24,-0.42 0.12,-0.64l-2,-3.46c-0.12,-0.22 -0.39,-0.3 -0.61,-0.22l-2.49,1c-0.52,-0.4 -1.08,-0.73 -1.69,-0.98l-0.38,-2.65C14.46,2.18 14.25,2 14,2h-4c-0.25,0 -0.46,0.18 -0.49,0.42l-0.38,2.65c-0.61,0.25 -1.17,0.59 -1.69,0.98l-2.49,-1c-0.23,-0.09 -0.49,0 -0.61,0.22l-2,3.46c-0.13,0.22 -0.07,0.49 0.12,0.64l2.11,1.65c-0.04,0.32 -0.07,0.65 -0.07,0.98s0.03,0.66 0.07,0.98l-2.11,1.65c-0.19,0.15 -0.24,0.42 -0.12,0.64l2,3.46c0.12,0.22 0.39,0.3 0.61,0.22l2.49,-1c0.52,0.4 1.08,0.73 1.69,0.98l0.38,2.65c0.03,0.24 0.24,0.42 0.49,0.42h4c0.25,0 0.46,-0.18 0.49,-0.42l0.38,-2.65c0.61,-0.25 1.17,-0.59 1.69,-0.98l2.49,1c0.23,0.09 0.49,0 0.61,-0.22l2,-3.46c0.12,-0.22 0.07,-0.49 -0.12,-0.64l-2.11,-1.65zM12,15.5c-1.93,0 -3.5,-1.57 -3.5,-3.5s1.57,-3.5 3.5,-3.5 3.5,1.57 3.5,3.5 -1.57,3.5 -3.5,3.5z" />
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
tools:ignore="VectorRaster" >
+ <!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M12,6c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L5.82,5l0.66,-3.18 0.02,-0.23c0,-0.31 -0.13,-0.59 -0.33,-0.8L5.38,0 0.44,4.94C0.17,5.21 0,5.59 0,6v6.5c0,0.83 0.67,1.5 1.5,1.5h6.75c0.62,0 1.15,-0.38 1.38,-0.91l2.26,-5.29c0.07,-0.17 0.11,-0.36 0.11,-0.55L12,6zM22.5,10h-6.75c-0.62,0 -1.15,0.38 -1.38,0.91l-2.26,5.29c-0.07,0.17 -0.11,0.36 -0.11,0.55L12,18c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5.18l-0.66,3.18 -0.02,0.24c0,0.31 0.13,0.59 0.33,0.8l0.79,0.78 4.94,-4.94c0.27,-0.27 0.44,-0.65 0.44,-1.06v-6.5c0,-0.83 -0.67,-1.5 -1.5,-1.5z"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` may be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M22,4v-0.5C22,2.12 20.88,1 19.5,1S17,2.12 17,3.5L17,4c-0.55,0 -1,0.45 -1,1v4c0,0.55 0.45,1 1,1h5c0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1L23,5c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1zM21.2,4h-3.4v-0.5c0,-0.94 0.76,-1.7 1.7,-1.7s1.7,0.76 1.7,1.7L21.2,4zM18.92,12c0.04,0.33 0.08,0.66 0.08,1 0,2.08 -0.8,3.97 -2.1,5.39 -0.26,-0.81 -1,-1.39 -1.9,-1.39h-1v-3c0,-0.55 -0.45,-1 -1,-1L7,13v-2h2c0.55,0 1,-0.45 1,-1L10,8h2c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L14,3.46c-0.95,-0.3 -1.95,-0.46 -3,-0.46C5.48,3 1,7.48 1,13s4.48,10 10,10 10,-4.48 10,-10c0,-0.34 -0.02,-0.67 -0.05,-1h-2.03zM10,20.93c-3.95,-0.49 -7,-3.85 -7,-7.93 0,-0.62 0.08,-1.21 0.21,-1.79L8,16v1c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2v1.93z" />
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` can be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#88000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FF757575"
android:pathData="M21,3L3,3c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v14c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h18c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L23,5c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM21,19L3,19v-3h18v3z"/>
<!-- A hard coded color must be used until API >= 21. Then `@color` can be used. -->
- android:fillColor="#44000000"
+ android:fillColor="#FFB7B7B7"
android:pathData="M21,3L3,3c-1.1,0 -2,0.9 -2,2v14c0,1.1 0.9,2 2,2h18c1.1,0 2,-0.9 2,-2L23,5c0,-1.1 -0.9,-2 -2,-2zM21,19L3,19v-3h18v3z"/>