public class MainWebViewActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, CreateHomeScreenShortcutDialog.CreateHomeScreenSchortcutListener,
SslCertificateErrorDialog.SslCertificateErrorListener, DownloadFileDialog.DownloadFileListener, DownloadImageDialog.DownloadImageListener, UrlHistoryDialog.UrlHistoryListener {
- // `appBar` is public static so it can be accessed from `OrbotProxyHelper`.
- // It is also used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `closeFindOnPage()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `appBar` is public static so it can be accessed from `OrbotProxyHelper`. It is also used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `closeFindOnPage()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
public static ActionBar appBar;
- // `favoriteIcon` is public static so it can be accessed from `CreateHomeScreenShortcutDialog`, `BookmarksActivity`, `CreateBookmarkDialog`, `CreateBookmarkFolderDialog`, and `EditBookmarkDialog`.
- // It is also used in `onCreate()` and `onCreateHomeScreenShortcutCreate()`.
- public static Bitmap favoriteIcon;
+ // `favoriteIconBitmap` is public static so it can be accessed from `CreateHomeScreenShortcutDialog`, `BookmarksActivity`, `CreateBookmarkDialog`, `CreateBookmarkFolderDialog`, `EditBookmarkDialog`, `EditBookmarkFolderDialog`, `ViewSslCertificateDialog`.
+ // It is also used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateHomeScreenShortcutCreate()`, and `applyDomainSettings`.
+ public static Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap;
// `formattedUrlString` is public static so it can be accessed from `BookmarksActivity`, `CreateBookmarkDialog`, and `AddDomainDialog`.
// It is also used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `onCreateHomeScreenShortcutCreate()`, and `loadUrlFromTextBox()`.
public static String webViewTitle;
- // `navigatingHistory` is used in `onCreate()` and `onNavigationItemSelected()`.
+ // `navigatingHistory` is used in `onCreate()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, and `applyDomainSettings()`.
private boolean navigatingHistory;
+ // `favoriteIconDefaultBitmap` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyDomainSettings`.
+ private Bitmap favoriteIconDefaultBitmap;
// `drawerLayout` is used in `onCreate()`, `onNewIntent()`, and `onBackPressed()`.
private DrawerLayout drawerLayout;
- // `rootCoordinatorLayout` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `rootCoordinatorLayout` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private CoordinatorLayout rootCoordinatorLayout;
// 'mainWebView' is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `onRestart()`, `onCreateContextMenu()`, `findPreviousOnPage()`, `findNextOnPage()`, `closeFindOnPage()`, and `loadUrlFromTextBox()`.
// `swipeRefreshLayout` is used in `onCreate()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu`, and `onRestart()`.
private SwipeRefreshLayout swipeRefreshLayout;
+ // `urlAppBarRelativeLayout` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyDomainSettings()`.
+ private RelativeLayout urlAppBarRelativeLayout;
+ // `favoriteIconImageView` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyDomainSettings()`
+ private ImageView favoriteIconImageView;
// `cookieManager` is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `loadUrlFromTextBox()`, `onDownloadImage()`, `onDownloadFile()`, and `onRestart()`.
private CookieManager cookieManager;
// `customHeader` is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onCreateContextMenu()`, and `loadUrl()`.
private final Map<String, String> customHeaders = new HashMap<>();
- // `javaScriptEnabled` is also used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `loadUrlFromTextBox()`, and `applySettings()`.
- // It is `Boolean` instead of `boolean` because `applySettings()` needs to know if it is `null`.
+ // `javaScriptEnabled` is also used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `loadUrlFromTextBox()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
+ // It is `Boolean` instead of `boolean` because `applyAppSettings()` needs to know if it is `null`.
private Boolean javaScriptEnabled;
- // `firstPartyCookiesEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onDownloadImage()`, `onDownloadFile()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `firstPartyCookiesEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onDownloadImage()`, `onDownloadFile()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean firstPartyCookiesEnabled;
- // `thirdPartyCookiesEnabled` used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `thirdPartyCookiesEnabled` used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean thirdPartyCookiesEnabled;
- // `domStorageEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `domStorageEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean domStorageEnabled;
- // `saveFormDataEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `saveFormDataEnabled` is used in `onCreate()`, `onCreateOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean saveFormDataEnabled;
- // `swipeToRefreshEnabled` is used in `onPrepareOptionsMenu()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `swipeToRefreshEnabled` is used in `onPrepareOptionsMenu()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean swipeToRefreshEnabled;
- // 'homepage' is used in `onCreate()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // 'homepage' is used in `onCreate()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private String homepage;
- // `javaScriptDisabledSearchURL` is used in `loadURLFromTextBox()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `javaScriptDisabledSearchURL` is used in `loadURLFromTextBox()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private String javaScriptDisabledSearchURL;
- // `javaScriptEnabledSearchURL` is used in `loadURLFromTextBox()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `javaScriptEnabledSearchURL` is used in `loadURLFromTextBox()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private String javaScriptEnabledSearchURL;
- // `adBlockerEnabled` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `adBlockerEnabled` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean adBlockerEnabled;
- // `fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled;
- // `inFullScreenBrowsingMode` is used in `onCreate()`, `onConfigurationChanged()`, and `applySettings()`.
+ // `inFullScreenBrowsingMode` is used in `onCreate()`, `onConfigurationChanged()`, and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean inFullScreenBrowsingMode;
- // `hideSystemBarsOnFullscreen` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `hideSystemBarsOnFullscreen` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean hideSystemBarsOnFullscreen;
- // `translucentNavigationBarOnFullscreen` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `translucentNavigationBarOnFullscreen` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean translucentNavigationBarOnFullscreen;
- // `proxyThroughOrbot` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`
+ // `proxyThroughOrbot` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private boolean proxyThroughOrbot;
- // `currentDomain` is used in `onCreate(), `onNavigationItemSelected()`, and `applyDomainSettings()`.
- private String currentDomain;
+ // `currentDomainName` is used in `onCreate(), `onNavigationItemSelected()`, and `applyDomainSettings()`.
+ private String currentDomainName;
- // `pendingUrl` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`
+ // `pendingUrl` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private static String pendingUrl;
- // `waitingForOrbotData` is used in `onCreate()` and `applySettings()`.
+ // `waitingForOrbotData` is used in `onCreate()` and `applyAppSettings()`.
private String waitingForOrbotHTMLString;
// `findOnPageLinearLayout` is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, and `closeFindOnPage()`.
// Set `waitingForOrbotHTMLString`.
waitingForOrbotHTMLString = "<html><body><br/><center><h1>" + getString(R.string.waiting_for_orbot) + "</h1></center></body></html>";
- // Initialize `currentDomain`, `pendingUrl`, and `orbotStatus`.
- currentDomain = "";
+ // Initialize `currentDomainName`, `pendingUrl`, and `orbotStatus`.
+ currentDomainName = "";
pendingUrl = "";
orbotStatus = "unknown";
findOnPageLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
findOnPageEditText = (EditText) findViewById(;
fullScreenVideoFrameLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
+ urlAppBarRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
+ favoriteIconImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
// Create a double-tap listener to toggle full-screen mode.
final GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
// Update the URL in urlTextBox when the page starts to load.
public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
+ // Reset `webViewTitle`
+ webViewTitle = getString(R.string.no_title);
// Check to see if we are waiting on Orbot.
if (pendingUrl.isEmpty()) { // We are not waiting on Orbot, so we need to process the URL.
// We need to update `formattedUrlString` at the beginning of the load, so that if the user toggles JavaScript during the load the new website is reloaded.
// Display the keyboard.
inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(urlTextBox, 0);
+ // Apply the domain settings.
+ applyDomainSettings(formattedUrlString);
} else { // `WebView` has loaded a webpage.
// Set `formattedUrlString`.
formattedUrlString = url;
// Set the favorite icon when it changes.
public void onReceivedIcon(WebView view, Bitmap icon) {
- // Save a copy of the favorite icon.
- favoriteIcon = icon;
+ // Only update the favorite icon if the website has finished loading.
+ if (progressBar.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
+ // Save a copy of the favorite icon.
+ favoriteIconBitmap = icon;
- // Place the favorite icon in the appBar.
- ImageView imageViewFavoriteIcon = (ImageView) appBar.getCustomView().findViewById(;
- imageViewFavoriteIcon.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(icon, 64, 64, true));
+ // Place the favorite icon in the appBar.
+ favoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(icon, 64, 64, true));
+ }
// Save a copy of the title when it changes.
domStorageEnabled = false;
saveFormDataEnabled = false;
+ // Initialize `webViewTitle`.
+ webViewTitle = getString(R.string.no_title);
// Apply the app settings from the shared preferences.
+ // Initialize `favoriteIconBitmap`. We have to use `ContextCompat` until API >= 21.
+ Drawable favoriteIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(),;
+ BitmapDrawable favoriteIconBitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) favoriteIconDrawable;
+ favoriteIconDefaultBitmap = favoriteIconBitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
+ // If the favorite icon is null, load the default.
+ if (favoriteIconBitmap == null) {
+ favoriteIconBitmap = favoriteIconDefaultBitmap;
// Load `formattedUrlString` if we are not proxying through Orbot and waiting for Orbot to connect.
if (!(proxyThroughOrbot && !orbotStatus.equals("ON"))) {
- // If the favorite icon is null, load the default.
- if (favoriteIcon == null) {
- // We have to use `ContextCompat` until API >= 21.
- Drawable favoriteIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(),;
- BitmapDrawable favoriteIconBitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) favoriteIconDrawable;
- favoriteIcon = favoriteIconBitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
- // Gte the `WebBackForwardList`.
+ // Get the `WebBackForwardList`.
WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = mainWebView.copyBackForwardList();
// Show the `UrlHistoryDialog` `AlertDialog` and name this instance `R.string.history`. `this` is the `Context`.
- // Reset `currentDomain` so that domain settings are reapplied after returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
- currentDomain = "";
+ // Reset `currentDomainName` so that domain settings are reapplied after returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
+ currentDomainName = "";
// Launch `SettingsActivity`.
Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
- // Reset `currentDomain` so that domain settings are reapplied after returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
- currentDomain = "";
+ // Reset `currentDomainName` so that domain settings are reapplied after returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
+ currentDomainName = "";
// Launch `DomainsActivity`.
Intent domainsIntent = new Intent(this, DomainsActivity.class);
Intent placeBookmarkShortcut = new Intent();
placeBookmarkShortcut.putExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT", bookmarkShortcut);
placeBookmarkShortcut.putExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME", shortcutNameEditText.getText().toString());
- placeBookmarkShortcut.putExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON", favoriteIcon);
+ placeBookmarkShortcut.putExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON", favoriteIconBitmap);
// We have to use the deprecated `.getDrawable()` until the minimum API >= 21.
private void applyDomainSettings(String url) {
+ // Reset `navigatingHistory`.
+ navigatingHistory = false;
// Parse the URL into a URI.
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
// Extract the domain from `uri`.
- String hostname = uri.getHost();
+ String hostName = uri.getHost();
+ // Initialize `loadingNewDomainName`.
+ boolean loadingNewDomainName;
+ // If either `hostName` or `currentDomainName` are `null`, run the options for loading a new domain name.
+ // The lint suggestion to simplify the `if` statement is incorrect, because `hostName.equals(currentDomainName)` can produce a `null object reference.`
+ //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
+ if ((hostName == null) || (currentDomainName == null)) {
+ loadingNewDomainName = true;
+ } else { // Determine if `hostName` equals `currentDomainName`.
+ loadingNewDomainName = !hostName.equals(currentDomainName);
+ }
+ // Only apply the domain settings if we are loading a new domain. This allows the user to set temporary settings for JavaScript, cookies, DOM storage, etc.
+ if (loadingNewDomainName) {
+ // Set the new `hostname` as the `currentDomainName`.
+ currentDomainName = hostName;
- // Only apply the domain settings if `hostname` is not the same as `currentDomain`. This allows the user to set temporary settings for JavaScript, Cookies, DOM Storage, etc.
- if (hostname != null && !hostname.equals(currentDomain)) {
- // Set the new `hostname` as the `currentDomain`.
- currentDomain = hostname;
+ // Reset `favoriteIconBitmap` and display it in the `appbar`.
+ favoriteIconBitmap = favoriteIconDefaultBitmap;
+ favoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(favoriteIconBitmap, 64, 64, true));
// Initialize the database handler. `this` specifies the context. The two `nulls` do not specify the database name or a `CursorFactory`.
// The `0` specifies the database version, but that is ignored and set instead using a constant in `DomainsDatabaseHelper`.
String domainNameInDatabase = null;
// Check the hostname.
- if (domainSettingsSet.contains(hostname)) {
+ if (domainSettingsSet.contains(hostName)) {
hostHasDomainSettings = true;
- domainNameInDatabase = hostname;
+ domainNameInDatabase = hostName;
- // Check all the subdomains of `hostname` against wildcard domains in `domainCursor`.
- while (hostname.contains(".") && !hostHasDomainSettings) { // Stop checking if we run out of `.` or if we already know that `hostHasDomainSettings` is `true`.
- if (domainSettingsSet.contains("*." + hostname)) { // Check the host name prepended by `*.`.
- hostHasDomainSettings = true;
- domainNameInDatabase = "*." + hostname;
- }
+ // If `hostName` is not `null`, check all the subdomains of `hostName` against wildcard domains in `domainCursor`.
+ if (hostName != null) {
+ while (hostName.contains(".") && !hostHasDomainSettings) { // Stop checking if we run out of `.` or if we already know that `hostHasDomainSettings` is `true`.
+ if (domainSettingsSet.contains("*." + hostName)) { // Check the host name prepended by `*.`.
+ hostHasDomainSettings = true;
+ domainNameInDatabase = "*." + hostName;
+ }
- // Strip out the lowest subdomain of `host`.
- hostname = hostname.substring(hostname.indexOf(".") + 1);
+ // Strip out the lowest subdomain of `host`.
+ hostName = hostName.substring(hostName.indexOf(".") + 1);
+ }
- RelativeLayout urlAppBarRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
if (hostHasDomainSettings) { // The url we are loading has custom domain settings.
// Get a cursor for the current host and move it to the first position.
Cursor currentHostDomainSettingsCursor = domainsDatabaseHelper.getCursorForDomainName(domainNameInDatabase);
String javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLString = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
String javaScriptEnabledSearchString = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "");
String javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURLString = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
- String homepageString = sharedPreferences.getString("homepage", "");
+ String homepageString = sharedPreferences.getString("homepage", "");
String torHomepageString = sharedPreferences.getString("tor_homepage", "https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion");
String torJavaScriptDisabledSearchString = sharedPreferences.getString("tor_javascript_disabled_search", "https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/html/?q=");
String torJavaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLString = sharedPreferences.getString("tor_javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");