import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
// Create an `AlertDialog` from the `AlertDialog.Builder`
final AlertDialog alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create();
- // We need to show the `AlertDialog` before we can modify items in the layout.
+ // The `AlertDialog` must be shown before items in the layout can be modified.;
// Get handles for the `TextViews`.
+ TextView domainTextView = (TextView) alertDialog.findViewById(;
TextView issuedToCNameTextView = (TextView) alertDialog.findViewById(;
TextView issuedToONameTextView = (TextView) alertDialog.findViewById(;
TextView issuedToUNameTextView = (TextView) alertDialog.findViewById(;
TextView endDateTextView = (TextView) alertDialog.findViewById(;
// Setup the labels.
+ String domainLabel = getString(R.string.domain_label) + " ";
String cNameLabel = getString(R.string.common_name) + " ";
String oNameLabel = getString(R.string.organization) + " ";
String uNameLabel = getString(R.string.organizational_unit) + " ";
String startDateLabel = getString(R.string.start_date) + " ";
String endDateLabel = getString(R.string.end_date) + " ";
+ // Parse `formattedUrlString` to a `URI`.
+ Uri uri = Uri.parse(MainWebViewActivity.formattedUrlString);
+ // Extract the domain name from `uri`.
+ String domainString = uri.getHost();
// Get the SSL certificate.
SslCertificate sslCertificate = MainWebViewActivity.sslCertificate;
Date endDate = sslCertificate.getValidNotAfterDate();
// Create a `SpannableStringBuilder` for each `TextView` that needs multiple colors of text.
+ SpannableStringBuilder domainStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(domainLabel + domainString);
SpannableStringBuilder issuedToCNameStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(cNameLabel + issuedToCNameString);
SpannableStringBuilder issuedToONameStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(oNameLabel + issuedToONameString);
SpannableStringBuilder issuedToUNameStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(uNameLabel + issuedToUNameString);
blueColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(getResources().getColor(R.color.blue_700));
- // Setup the spans to display the certificate information in blue. `SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE` allows the span to grow in either direction.
- issuedToCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedToCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ // Formet the `domainString` and `issuedToCName` colors.
+ if (domainString.equals(issuedToCNameString)) { // `domainString` and `issuedToCNameString` match.
+ // Set the strings to be blue.
+ domainStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, domainLabel.length(), domainStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ issuedToCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedToCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ } else if(issuedToCNameString.startsWith("*.")){ // `issuedToCNameString` begins with a wildcard.
+ // Remove the initial `*.`.
+ String baseCertificateDomain = issuedToCNameString.substring(2);
+ // Setup a copy of `domainString` to test subdomains.
+ String domainStringSubdomain = domainString;
+ // Initialize `domainNamesMatch`.
+ boolean domainNamesMatch = false;
+ // Check all the subdomains in `domainStringSubdomain` against `baseCertificateDomain`.
+ while (!domainNamesMatch && domainStringSubdomain.contains(".")) { // Stop checking if we know that `domainNamesMatch` is `true` or if we run out of `.`.
+ // Test the `domainStringSubdomain` against `baseCertificateDomain`.
+ if (domainStringSubdomain.equals(baseCertificateDomain)) {
+ domainNamesMatch = true;
+ }
+ // Strip out the lowest subdomain of `certificateCommonNameSubdomain`.
+ domainStringSubdomain = domainStringSubdomain.substring(domainStringSubdomain.indexOf(".") + 1);
+ }
+ // Format the domain and issued to Common Name according to `domainNamesMatch`.
+ if (domainNamesMatch) { // `domainString` is a subdomain of the wildcard `issuedToCNameString`.
+ // Set the strings to be blue.
+ domainStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, domainLabel.length(), domainStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ issuedToCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedToCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ } else { // `domainString` is not a subdomain of the wildcard `issuedToCNameString`.
+ // Set the string to be red.
+ domainStringBuilder.setSpan(redColorSpan, domainLabel.length(), domainStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ issuedToCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(redColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedToCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ }
+ } else { // The strings do not match and `issuedToCNameString` does not begin with a wildcard.
+ // Set the strings to be red.
+ domainStringBuilder.setSpan(redColorSpan, domainLabel.length(), domainStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ issuedToCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(redColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedToCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
+ }
+ // Setup the issued to and issued by spans to display the certificate information in blue. `SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE` allows the span to grow in either direction.
issuedToONameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, oNameLabel.length(), issuedToONameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
issuedToUNameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, uNameLabel.length(), issuedToUNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
issuedByCNameStringBuilder.setSpan(blueColorSpan, cNameLabel.length(), issuedByCNameStringBuilder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
// Display the strings.
+ domainTextView.setText(domainStringBuilder);