override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
- // Get the WebView fragment ID.
- val webViewFragmentId = requireArguments().getLong(WEBVIEW_FRAGMENT_ID)
+ // Try to create the dialog. This will fail if the app was restarted while the dialog is shown because the WebView view pager will not have been populated yet.
+ try {
+ // Get the WebView fragment ID.
+ val webViewFragmentId = requireArguments().getLong(WEBVIEW_FRAGMENT_ID)
- // Get the current position of this WebView fragment.
- val webViewPosition = MainWebViewActivity.webViewStateAdapter!!.getPositionForId(webViewFragmentId)
+ // Get the current position of this WebView fragment.
+ val webViewPosition = MainWebViewActivity.webViewStateAdapter!!.getPositionForId(webViewFragmentId)
- // Get the WebView tab fragment.
- val webViewTabFragment = MainWebViewActivity.webViewStateAdapter!!.getPageFragment(webViewPosition)
+ // Get the WebView tab fragment.
+ val webViewTabFragment = MainWebViewActivity.webViewStateAdapter!!.getPageFragment(webViewPosition)
- // Get the fragment view.
- val fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.requireView()
+ // Get the fragment view.
+ val fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.requireView()
- // Get a handle for the current WebView.
- val nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById<NestedScrollWebView>(R.id.nestedscroll_webview)!!
+ // Get a handle for the current WebView.
+ val nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById<NestedScrollWebView>(R.id.nestedscroll_webview)!!
- // Use an alert dialog builder to create the alert dialog.
- val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(), R.style.PrivacyBrowserAlertDialog)
+ // Use an alert dialog builder to create the alert dialog.
+ val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(), R.style.PrivacyBrowserAlertDialog)
- // Get the favorite icon.
- val favoriteIconBitmap = nestedScrollWebView.getFavoriteIcon()
+ // Get the favorite icon.
+ val favoriteIconBitmap = nestedScrollWebView.getFavoriteIcon()
- // Get the default favorite icon drawable. `ContextCompat` must be used until API >= 21.
- val defaultFavoriteIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.world)
+ // Get the default favorite icon drawable. `ContextCompat` must be used until API >= 21.
+ val defaultFavoriteIconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(requireContext(), R.drawable.world)
- // Cast the favorite icon drawable to a bitmap drawable.
- val defaultFavoriteIconBitmapDrawable = (defaultFavoriteIconDrawable as BitmapDrawable)
+ // Cast the favorite icon drawable to a bitmap drawable.
+ val defaultFavoriteIconBitmapDrawable = (defaultFavoriteIconDrawable as BitmapDrawable)
- // Store the default icon bitmap.
- val defaultFavoriteIconBitmap = defaultFavoriteIconBitmapDrawable.bitmap
+ // Store the default icon bitmap.
+ val defaultFavoriteIconBitmap = defaultFavoriteIconBitmapDrawable.bitmap
- // Set the favorite icon as the dialog icon if it exists.
- if (favoriteIconBitmap.sameAs(defaultFavoriteIconBitmap)) { // There is no website favorite icon.
- // Set the icon.
- dialogBuilder.setIcon(R.drawable.ssl_certificate)
- } else { // There is a favorite icon.
- // Create a drawable version of the favorite icon.
- val favoriteIconDrawable: Drawable = BitmapDrawable(resources, favoriteIconBitmap)
+ // Set the favorite icon as the dialog icon if it exists.
+ if (favoriteIconBitmap.sameAs(defaultFavoriteIconBitmap)) { // There is no website favorite icon.
+ // Set the icon.
+ dialogBuilder.setIcon(R.drawable.ssl_certificate)
+ } else { // There is a favorite icon.
+ // Create a drawable version of the favorite icon.
+ val favoriteIconDrawable: Drawable = BitmapDrawable(resources, favoriteIconBitmap)
- // Set the icon.
- dialogBuilder.setIcon(favoriteIconDrawable)
- }
+ // Set the icon.
+ dialogBuilder.setIcon(favoriteIconDrawable)
+ }
- // Set the title.
- dialogBuilder.setTitle(R.string.pinned_mismatch)
+ // Set the title.
+ dialogBuilder.setTitle(R.string.pinned_mismatch)
- // Set the layout.
- dialogBuilder.setView(R.layout.pinned_mismatch_linearlayout)
+ // Set the layout.
+ dialogBuilder.setView(R.layout.pinned_mismatch_linearlayout)
- // Set the update button listener.
- dialogBuilder.setNeutralButton(R.string.update) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
- // Get the current SSL certificate.
- val currentSslCertificate = nestedScrollWebView.certificate!!
+ // Set the update button listener.
+ dialogBuilder.setNeutralButton(R.string.update) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
+ // Get the current SSL certificate.
+ val currentSslCertificate = nestedScrollWebView.certificate!!
- // Get the dates from the certificate.
- val currentSslStartDate = currentSslCertificate.validNotBeforeDate
- val currentSslEndDate = currentSslCertificate.validNotAfterDate
+ // Get the dates from the certificate.
+ val currentSslStartDate = currentSslCertificate.validNotBeforeDate
+ val currentSslEndDate = currentSslCertificate.validNotAfterDate
- // Convert the dates into longs. If the date is null, a long value of `0` will be stored in the domains database entry.
- val currentSslStartDateLong: Long = currentSslStartDate?.time ?: 0
- val currentSslEndDateLong: Long = currentSslEndDate?.time ?: 0
+ // Convert the dates into longs. If the date is null, a long value of `0` will be stored in the domains database entry.
+ val currentSslStartDateLong: Long = currentSslStartDate?.time ?: 0
+ val currentSslEndDateLong: Long = currentSslEndDate?.time ?: 0
- // Initialize the database handler.
- val domainsDatabaseHelper = DomainsDatabaseHelper(requireContext())
+ // Initialize the database handler.
+ val domainsDatabaseHelper = DomainsDatabaseHelper(requireContext())
- // Update the SSL certificate if it is pinned.
- if (nestedScrollWebView.hasPinnedSslCertificate()) {
- // Update the pinned SSL certificate in the domain database.
- domainsDatabaseHelper.updatePinnedSslCertificate(nestedScrollWebView.domainSettingsDatabaseId, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.oName,
+ // Update the SSL certificate if it is pinned.
+ if (nestedScrollWebView.hasPinnedSslCertificate()) {
+ // Update the pinned SSL certificate in the domain database.
+ domainsDatabaseHelper.updatePinnedSslCertificate(nestedScrollWebView.domainSettingsDatabaseId, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.oName,
currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.uName, currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.oName, currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.uName, currentSslStartDateLong,
- // Update the pinned SSL certificate in the nested scroll WebView.
- nestedScrollWebView.setPinnedSslCertificate(currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.oName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.uName,
+ // Update the pinned SSL certificate in the nested scroll WebView.
+ nestedScrollWebView.setPinnedSslCertificate(currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.oName, currentSslCertificate.issuedTo.uName,
currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.cName, currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.oName, currentSslCertificate.issuedBy.uName, currentSslStartDate, currentSslEndDate)
- }
+ }
- // Update the IP addresses if they are pinned.
- if (nestedScrollWebView.pinnedIpAddresses != "") {
- // Update the pinned IP addresses in the domain database.
- domainsDatabaseHelper.updatePinnedIpAddresses(nestedScrollWebView.domainSettingsDatabaseId, nestedScrollWebView. currentIpAddresses)
+ // Update the IP addresses if they are pinned.
+ if (nestedScrollWebView.pinnedIpAddresses != "") {
+ // Update the pinned IP addresses in the domain database.
+ domainsDatabaseHelper.updatePinnedIpAddresses(nestedScrollWebView.domainSettingsDatabaseId, nestedScrollWebView.currentIpAddresses)
- // Update the pinned IP addresses in the nested scroll WebView.
- nestedScrollWebView.pinnedIpAddresses = nestedScrollWebView.currentIpAddresses
+ // Update the pinned IP addresses in the nested scroll WebView.
+ nestedScrollWebView.pinnedIpAddresses = nestedScrollWebView.currentIpAddresses
+ }
- }
- // Set the back button listener.
- dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton(R.string.back) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
- if (nestedScrollWebView.canGoBack()) { // There is a back page in the history.
- // Invoke the navigate history listener in the calling activity. These commands cannot be run here because they need access to `applyDomainSettings()`.
- pinnedMismatchListener.pinnedErrorGoBack()
- } else { // There are no pages to go back to.
- // Load a blank page
- nestedScrollWebView.loadUrl("")
+ // Set the back button listener.
+ dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton(R.string.back) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
+ if (nestedScrollWebView.canGoBack()) { // There is a back page in the history.
+ // Invoke the navigate history listener in the calling activity. These commands cannot be run here because they need access to `applyDomainSettings()`.
+ pinnedMismatchListener.pinnedErrorGoBack()
+ } else { // There are no pages to go back to.
+ // Load a blank page
+ nestedScrollWebView.loadUrl("")
+ }
- }
- // Set the proceed button listener.
- dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(R.string.proceed) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
- // Do not check the pinned information for this domain again until the domain changes.
- nestedScrollWebView.ignorePinnedDomainInformation = true
- }
+ // Set the proceed button listener.
+ dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton(R.string.proceed) { _: DialogInterface?, _: Int ->
+ // Do not check the pinned information for this domain again until the domain changes.
+ nestedScrollWebView.ignorePinnedDomainInformation = true
+ }
- // Create an alert dialog from the alert dialog builder.
- val alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create()
+ // Create an alert dialog from the alert dialog builder.
+ val alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create()
- // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
- val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(requireContext())
+ // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
+ val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(requireContext())
- // Get the screenshot preference.
- val allowScreenshots = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.allow_screenshots_key), false)
+ // Get the screenshot preference.
+ val allowScreenshots = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.allow_screenshots_key), false)
- // Disable screenshots if not allowed.
- if (!allowScreenshots) {
- // Disable screenshots.
- alertDialog.window!!.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)
- }
+ // Disable screenshots if not allowed.
+ if (!allowScreenshots) {
+ // Disable screenshots.
+ alertDialog.window!!.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)
+ }
- // The alert dialog must be shown before items in the layout can be modified.
- alertDialog.show()
+ // The alert dialog must be shown before items in the layout can be modified.
+ alertDialog.show()
- // Get handles for the views.
- val viewPager = alertDialog.findViewById<ViewPager>(R.id.pinned_ssl_certificate_mismatch_viewpager)!!
- val tabLayout = alertDialog.findViewById<TabLayout>(R.id.pinned_ssl_certificate_mismatch_tablayout)!!
+ // Get handles for the views.
+ val viewPager = alertDialog.findViewById<ViewPager>(R.id.pinned_ssl_certificate_mismatch_viewpager)!!
+ val tabLayout = alertDialog.findViewById<TabLayout>(R.id.pinned_ssl_certificate_mismatch_tablayout)!!
- // Initialize the pinned mismatch pager adapter.
- val pinnedMismatchPagerAdapter = PinnedMismatchPagerAdapter(requireContext(), layoutInflater, webViewFragmentId)
+ // Initialize the pinned mismatch pager adapter.
+ val pinnedMismatchPagerAdapter = PinnedMismatchPagerAdapter(requireContext(), layoutInflater, webViewFragmentId)
- // Set the view pager adapter.
- viewPager.adapter = pinnedMismatchPagerAdapter
+ // Set the view pager adapter.
+ viewPager.adapter = pinnedMismatchPagerAdapter
- // Connect the tab layout to the view pager.
- tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(viewPager)
+ // Connect the tab layout to the view pager.
+ tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(viewPager)
- // Return the alert dialog.
- return alertDialog
+ // Return the alert dialog.
+ return alertDialog
+ } catch (exception: Exception) { // The app was restarted while the dialog was displayed.
+ // Dismiss this new instance of the dialog. Amazingly, the old instance will be restored by Android and, even more amazingly, will be fully functional.
+ dismiss()
+ // Use an alert dialog builder to create an empty alert dialog.
+ val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(), R.style.PrivacyBrowserAlertDialog)
+ // Return the empty alert dialog.
+ return dialogBuilder.create()
+ }