// `reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart` is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `onRestart()`, and `onAddDomain()`, .
private boolean reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart;
- // `returnFromSettings` is used in `onNavigationItemSelected()` and `onRestart()`.
- private boolean returnFromSettings;
+ // `reapplyAppSettingsOnRestart` is used in `onNavigationItemSelected()` and `onRestart()`.
+ private boolean reapplyAppSettingsOnRestert;
// `currentDomainName` is used in `onCreate()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `onAddDomain()`, and `applyDomainSettings()`.
private String currentDomainName;
return true;
} else { // Load the URL in Privacy Browser.
// Apply the domain settings for the new URL.
- applyDomainSettings(url);
+ applyDomainSettings(url, true);
// Returning `false` causes the current `WebView` to handle the URL and prevents it from adding redirects to the history list.
return false;
// Apply any custom domain settings if the URL was loaded by navigating history.
if (navigatingHistory) {
- applyDomainSettings(url);
+ applyDomainSettings(url, true);
// Set `urlIsLoading` to `true`, so that redirects while loading do not trigger changes in the user agent, which forces another reload of the existing page.
inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(urlTextBox, 0);
// Apply the domain settings. This clears any settings from the previous domain.
- applyDomainSettings(formattedUrlString);
+ applyDomainSettings(formattedUrlString, true);
} else { // `WebView` has loaded a webpage.
// Set `formattedUrlString`.
formattedUrlString = url;
// Apply the app settings if returning from the Settings activity..
- if (returnFromSettings) {
- // Reset the return from settings flag.
- returnFromSettings = false;
+ if (reapplyAppSettingsOnRestert) {
// Apply the app settings.
- // Set the display webpage images mode.
- setDisplayWebpageImages();
- }
+ // Reload the webpage if displaying of images has been disabled in the Settings activity.
+ if (reloadOnRestart) {
+ // Reload `mainWebView`.
+ mainWebView.reload();
- // Reload the webpage if displaying of images has been disabled in the Settings activity.
- if (reloadOnRestart) {
- // Reload `mainWebView`.
- mainWebView.reload();
+ // Reset `reloadOnRestartBoolean`.
+ reloadOnRestart = false;
+ }
- // Reset `reloadOnRestartBoolean`.
- reloadOnRestart = false;
+ // Reset the return from settings flag.
+ reapplyAppSettingsOnRestert = false;
// Apply the domain settings if returning from the Domains activity.
if (reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart) {
+ // Reapply the domain settings.
+ applyDomainSettings(formattedUrlString, false);
// Reset `reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart`.
reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = false;
- // Reapply the domain settings.
- applyDomainSettings(formattedUrlString);
// Load the URL on restart to apply changes to night mode.
restartFromBookmarksActivity = false;
- // Update the privacy icon. `true` runs `invalidateOptionsMenu` as the last step.
+ // Update the privacy icon. `true` runs `invalidateOptionsMenu` as the last step. This can be important if the screen was rotated.
case R.id.domains:
- // Reapply the domain settings on returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
+ // Set the flag to reapply the domain settings on restart when returning from Domain Settings.
reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true;
currentDomainName = "";
case R.id.settings:
- // Reapply the domain settings on returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
+ // Set the flag to reapply app settings on restart when returning from Settings.
+ reapplyAppSettingsOnRestert = true;
+ // Set the flag to reapply the domain settings on restart when returning from Settings.
reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true;
currentDomainName = "";
- // Mark a flag to reapply app settings on restart only when returning from Settings.
- returnFromSettings = true;
// Launch `SettingsActivity`.
Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
private void loadUrl(String url) {
// Apply any custom domain settings.
- applyDomainSettings(url);
+ applyDomainSettings(url, true);
// Load the URL.
mainWebView.loadUrl(url, customHeaders);
- // We have to use the deprecated `.getDrawable()` until the minimum API >= 21.
+ //
+ // The deprecated `.getDrawable()` must be used until the minimum API >= 21.
- private void applyDomainSettings(String url) {
+ private void applyDomainSettings(String url, boolean resetFavoriteIcon) {
// Reset `navigatingHistory`.
navigatingHistory = false;
// Reset `ignorePinnedSslCertificate`.
ignorePinnedSslCertificate = false;
- // Reset `favoriteIconBitmap` and display it in the `appbar`.
- favoriteIconBitmap = favoriteIconDefaultBitmap;
- favoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(favoriteIconBitmap, 64, 64, true));
+ // Reset the favorite icon if specified.
+ if (resetFavoriteIcon) {
+ favoriteIconBitmap = favoriteIconDefaultBitmap;
+ favoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(favoriteIconBitmap, 64, 64, true));
+ }
// Initialize the database handler. `this` specifies the context. The two `nulls` do not specify the database name or a `CursorFactory`.
// The `0` specifies the database version, but that is ignored and set instead using a constant in `DomainsDatabaseHelper`.