private final String userAgent;
private final boolean cookiesEnabled;
private Snackbar savingFileSnackbar;
+ private long fileSize;
+ private String formattedFileSize;
+ private String urlString = "";
// The public constructor.
public SaveUrl(Context context, Activity activity, String filePathString, String userAgent, boolean cookiesEnabled) {
NoSwipeViewPager noSwipeViewPager = activity.findViewById(;
// Create a saving file snackbar.
- savingFileSnackbar = Snackbar.make(noSwipeViewPager, activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " 0% - " + filePathString, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);
+ savingFileSnackbar = Snackbar.make(noSwipeViewPager, activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " 0% - " + urlString, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);
// Display the saving file snackbar.;
// Define a save disposition string.
String saveDisposition = SUCCESS;
+ // Get the URL string.
+ urlString = urlToSave[0];
try {
// Open an output stream.
OutputStream outputStream = activity.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(Uri.parse(filePathString));
// Save the URL.
- if (urlToSave[0].startsWith("data:")) { // The URL contains the entire data of an image.
+ if (urlString.startsWith("data:")) { // The URL contains the entire data of an image.
// Get the Base64 data, which begins after a `,`.
- String base64DataString = urlToSave[0].substring(urlToSave[0].indexOf(",") + 1);
+ String base64DataString = urlString.substring(urlString.indexOf(",") + 1);
// Decode the Base64 string to a byte array.
byte[] base64DecodedDataByteArray = Base64.decode(base64DataString, Base64.DEFAULT);
} else { // The URL points to the data location on the internet.
// Get the URL from the calling activity.
- URL url = new URL(urlToSave[0]);
+ URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Instantiate the proxy helper.
ProxyHelper proxyHelper = new ProxyHelper();
// Get the content length header, which causes the connection to the server to be made.
String contentLengthString = httpUrlConnection.getHeaderField("Content-Length");
- // Define the file size long.
- long fileSize;
// Make sure the content length isn't null.
if (contentLengthString != null) { // The content length isn't null.
// Convert the content length to an long.
fileSize = Long.parseLong(contentLengthString);
+ // Format the file size for display.
+ formattedFileSize = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(fileSize);
} else { // The content length is null.
// Set the file size to be `-1`.
fileSize = -1;
// Write the contents of the conversion buffer to the file output stream.
outputStream.write(conversionBufferByteArray, 0, bufferLength);
- // Update the file download progress snackbar.
- if (fileSize == -1) { // The file size is unknown.
- // Negatively update the downloaded kilobytes counter.
- downloadedKilobytesCounter = downloadedKilobytesCounter - bufferLength;
- publishProgress(downloadedKilobytesCounter);
- } else { // The file size is known.
- // Update the downloaded kilobytes counter.
- downloadedKilobytesCounter = downloadedKilobytesCounter + bufferLength;
+ // Update the downloaded kilobytes counter.
+ downloadedKilobytesCounter = downloadedKilobytesCounter + bufferLength;
- // Calculate the download percentage.
- long downloadPercentage = (downloadedKilobytesCounter * 100) / fileSize;
- // Update the download percentage.
- publishProgress(downloadPercentage);
- }
+ // Update the file download progress snackbar.
+ publishProgress(downloadedKilobytesCounter);
// Close the input stream.
// `onProgressUpdate()` operates on the UI thread.
- protected void onProgressUpdate(Long... downloadPercentage) {
+ protected void onProgressUpdate(Long... numberOfBytesDownloaded) {
// Get a handle for the activity.
Activity activity = activityWeakReference.get();
- // Check to see if a download percentage has been calculated.
- if (downloadPercentage[0] < 0) { // There is no download percentage. The negative number represents the raw downloaded kilobytes.
- // Calculate the number of bytes downloaded. When the `downloadPercentage` is negative, it is actually the raw number of kilobytes downloaded.
- long numberOfBytesDownloaded = - downloadPercentage[0];
- // Format the number of bytes downloaded.
- String formattedNumberOfBytesDownloaded = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(numberOfBytesDownloaded);
+ // Format the number of bytes downloaded.
+ String formattedNumberOfBytesDownloaded = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(numberOfBytesDownloaded[0]);
+ // Check to see if the file size is known.
+ if (fileSize == -1) { // The size of the download file is not known.
// Update the snackbar.
- savingFileSnackbar.setText(activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " " + formattedNumberOfBytesDownloaded + " " + activity.getString(R.string.bytes) + " - " + filePathString);
- } else { // There is a download percentage.
+ savingFileSnackbar.setText(activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " " + formattedNumberOfBytesDownloaded + " " + activity.getString(R.string.bytes) + " - " + urlString);
+ } else { // The size of the download file is known.
+ // Calculate the download percentage.
+ long downloadPercentage = (numberOfBytesDownloaded[0] * 100) / fileSize;
// Update the snackbar.
- savingFileSnackbar.setText(activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " " + downloadPercentage[0] + "% - " + filePathString);
+ savingFileSnackbar.setText(activity.getString(R.string.saving_file) + " " + downloadPercentage + "% - " + formattedNumberOfBytesDownloaded + " " + activity.getString(R.string.bytes) + " / " + formattedFileSize + " " +
+ activity.getString(R.string.bytes) + " - " + urlString);
// Display a save disposition snackbar.
if (saveDisposition.equals(SUCCESS)) {
// Display the file saved snackbar.
- Snackbar.make(noSwipeViewPager, activity.getString(R.string.file_saved) + " " + filePathString, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
+ Snackbar.make(noSwipeViewPager, activity.getString(R.string.file_saved) + " " + urlString, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
// Display the file saving error.
Snackbar.make(noSwipeViewPager, activity.getString(R.string.error_saving_file) + " " + saveDisposition, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();