+import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
import android.view.ActionMode;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
// `contextualActionMode` is used in `onCreate()` and `onEditBookmarkSave()`.
private ActionMode contextualActionMode;
+ // `selectedBookmarkPosition` is used in `onCreate()` and `onEditBookarkSave()`.
+ private int selectedBookmarkPosition;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// `MultiChoiceModeListener` handles long clicks.
bookmarksListView.setMultiChoiceModeListener(new AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener() {
+ // `moveBookmarkUpMenuItem` is used in `onCreateActionMode()` and `onItemCheckedStateChanged`.
+ MenuItem moveBookmarkUpMenuItem;
+ // `moveBookmarkDownMenuItem` is used in `onCreateActionMode()` and `onItemCheckedStateChanged`.
+ MenuItem moveBookmarkDownMenuItem;
// `editBookmarkMenuItem` is used in `onCreateActionMode()` and `onItemCheckedStateChanged`.
MenuItem editBookmarkMenuItem;
// `selectAllBookmarks` is used in `onCreateActionMode()` and `onItemCheckedStateChanges`.
- MenuItem selectAllBookmarks;
+ MenuItem selectAllBookmarksMenuItem;
public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
- // Get a handle for `` and ``.
+ // Get a handle for MenuItems we need to selectively disable.
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem = menu.findItem(;
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem = menu.findItem(;
editBookmarkMenuItem = menu.findItem(;
- selectAllBookmarks = menu.findItem(;
+ selectAllBookmarksMenuItem = menu.findItem(;
return true;
// List the number of selected bookmarks in the subtitle.
mode.setSubtitle(numberOfSelectedBookmarks + " " + getString(R.string.selected));
- // Show the `Edit` option only if 1 bookmark is selected.
- if (numberOfSelectedBookmarks < 2) {
+ if (numberOfSelectedBookmarks == 1) {
+ // Show the `Move Up`, `Move Down`, and `Edit` option only if 1 bookmark is selected.
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setVisible(true);
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setVisible(true);
- } else {
+ // Get the database IDs for the bookmarks.
+ int selectedBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) selectedBookmarksLongArray[0];
+ int firstBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(0);
+ // bookmarksListView is 0 indexed.
+ int lastBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(bookmarksListView.getCount() - 1);
+ // Disable `moveBookmarkUpMenuItem` if the selected bookmark is at the top of the ListView.
+ if (selectedBookmarkDatabaseId == firstBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setEnabled(false);
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.move_bookmark_up_disabled);
+ } else { // Otherwise enable `moveBookmarkUpMenuItem`.
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setEnabled(true);
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.move_bookmark_up_enabled);
+ }
+ // Disable `moveBookmarkDownMenuItem` if the selected bookmark is at the bottom of the ListView.
+ if (selectedBookmarkDatabaseId == lastBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setEnabled(false);
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.move_bookmark_down_disabled);
+ } else { // Otherwise enable `moveBookmarkDownMenuItem`.
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setEnabled(true);
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.move_bookmark_down_enabled);
+ }
+ } else { // Hide the MenuItems because more than one bookmark is selected.
+ moveBookmarkUpMenuItem.setVisible(false);
+ moveBookmarkDownMenuItem.setVisible(false);
// Do not show `Select All` if all the bookmarks are already checked.
if (bookmarksListView.getCheckedItemIds().length == bookmarksListView.getCount()) {
- selectAllBookmarks.setVisible(false);
+ selectAllBookmarksMenuItem.setVisible(false);
} else {
- selectAllBookmarks.setVisible(true);
+ selectAllBookmarksMenuItem.setVisible(true);
public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
int menuItemId = item.getItemId();
+ // `numberOfBookmarks` is used in ``, ``, and ``.
+ int numberOfBookmarks;
+ // `selectedBookmarkLongArray` is used in `` and ``.
+ long[]selectedBookmarkLongArray;
+ // `selectedBookmarkDatabaseId` is used in `` and ``.
+ int selectedBookmarkDatabaseId;
+ // `selectedBookmarkNewPosition` is used in `` and ``.
+ int selectedBookmarkNewPosition;
switch (menuItemId) {
+ case
+ // Get the selected bookmark database ID.
+ selectedBookmarkLongArray = bookmarksListView.getCheckedItemIds();
+ selectedBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) selectedBookmarkLongArray[0];
+ // Initialize `selectedBookmarkNewPosition`.
+ selectedBookmarkNewPosition = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < bookmarksListView.getCount(); i++) {
+ int databaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(i);
+ int nextBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(i + 1);
+ if (databaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId || nextBookmarkDatabaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ if (databaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ // Move the selected bookmark up one and store the new bookmark position.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i - 1);
+ selectedBookmarkNewPosition = i - 1;
+ } else { // Move the bookmark above the selected bookmark down one.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i + 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Reset the rest of the bookmarks' DISPLAY_ORDER to match the position in the ListView.
+ // This isn't necessary, but it clears out any stray values that might have crept into the database.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Refresh the ListView.
+ updateBookmarksListView();
+ // Select the previously selected bookmark in the new location.
+ bookmarksListView.setItemChecked(selectedBookmarkNewPosition, true);
+ bookmarksListView.setSelection(selectedBookmarkNewPosition - 5);
+ break;
+ case
+ // Get the selected bookmark database ID.
+ selectedBookmarkLongArray = bookmarksListView.getCheckedItemIds();
+ selectedBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) selectedBookmarkLongArray[0];
+ // Initialize `selectedBookmarkNewPosition`.
+ selectedBookmarkNewPosition = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i <bookmarksListView.getCount(); i++) {
+ int databaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(i);
+ int previousBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(i - 1);
+ if (databaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId || previousBookmarkDatabaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ if (databaseId == selectedBookmarkDatabaseId) {
+ // Move the selected bookmark down one and store the new bookmark position.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i + 1);
+ selectedBookmarkNewPosition = i + 1;
+ } else { // Move the bookmark below the selected bookmark up one.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i - 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Reset the rest of the bookmark' DISPLAY_ORDER to match the position in the ListView.
+ // This isn't necessary, but it clears out any stray values that might have crept into the database.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(databaseId, i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Refresh the ListView.
+ updateBookmarksListView();
+ // Select the previously selected bookmark in the new location.
+ bookmarksListView.setItemChecked(selectedBookmarkNewPosition, true);
+ bookmarksListView.setSelection(selectedBookmarkNewPosition - 5);
+ break;
+ // Get a handle for `selectedBookmarkPosition` so we can scroll to it after refreshing the ListView.
+ SparseBooleanArray bookmarkPositionSparseBooleanArray = bookmarksListView.getCheckedItemPositions();
+ selectedBookmarkPosition = bookmarkPositionSparseBooleanArray.keyAt(0);
+ // Get a handle for `contextualActionMode` so we can close it when `editBookmarkDialog` is finished.
+ contextualActionMode = mode;
// Show the `EditBookmark` `AlertDialog` and name the instance `@string/edit_bookmark`.
DialogFragment editBookmarkDialog = new EditBookmark();, "@string/edit_bookmark");
- contextualActionMode = mode;
- int numberOfBookmarks = bookmarksListView.getCount();
+ numberOfBookmarks = bookmarksListView.getCount();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBookmarks; i++) {
bookmarksListView.setItemChecked(i, true);
MainWebViewActivity.favoriteIcon.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream);
byte[] favoriteIconByteArray = favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
+ // Display the new bookmark below the current items in the (0 indexed) list.
+ int newBookmarkDisplayOrder = bookmarksListView.getCount();
// Create the bookmark.
- bookmarksDatabaseHandler.createBookmark(bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString, favoriteIconByteArray);
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.createBookmark(bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString, newBookmarkDisplayOrder, favoriteIconByteArray);
- // Refresh the ListView.
+ // Refresh the ListView. `setSelection` scrolls to the bottom of the list.
+ bookmarksListView.setSelection(bookmarksListView.getCount());
int selectedBookmarkDatabaseId = (int) selectedBookmarksLongArray[0];
if (useNewFavoriteIconBitmap.isChecked()) {
+ // Get the new favorite icon from the Dialog and convert it into a Bitmap.
ImageView newFavoriteIconImageView = (ImageView) editBookmarkDialogFragment.getDialog().findViewById(;
Drawable favoriteIconDrawable = newFavoriteIconImageView.getDrawable();
Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) favoriteIconDrawable).getBitmap();
+ // Convert the new `favoriteIconBitmap` into a Byte Array.
ByteArrayOutputStream favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
favoriteIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream);
favoriteIconByteArray = favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
- bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmark(selectedBookmarkDatabaseId, bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString, favoriteIconByteArray);
- } else {
- // Update the bookmark.
+ // Update the bookmark and the favorite icon.
+ bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmark(selectedBookmarkDatabaseId, bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString, favoriteIconByteArray);
+ } else { // Update the bookmark without changing the favorite icon.
bookmarksDatabaseHandler.updateBookmark(selectedBookmarkDatabaseId, bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString);
+ // Close the contextual action mode.
- // Refresh the `ListView`.
+ // Refresh the `ListView`. `setSelection` scrolls to that position.
+ bookmarksListView.setSelection(selectedBookmarkPosition);
private void updateBookmarksListView() {
// Code for upgrading the database will be added here when the schema version > 1.
- public void createBookmark(String bookmarkName, String bookmarkURL, byte[] favoriteIcon) {
+ public void createBookmark(String bookmarkName, String bookmarkURL, int displayOrder, byte[] favoriteIcon) {
ContentValues bookmarkContentValues = new ContentValues();
// ID is created automatically.
+ bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder);
bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName);
bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkURL);
bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER, "");
// Get a readable database handle.
SQLiteDatabase bookmarksDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
- // Prepare the SQL statement to get the cursor for `databaseId`.
+ // Prepare the SQL statement to get the cursor for `databaseId`
final String GET_ONE_BOOKMARK = "Select * FROM " + BOOKMARKS_TABLE +
" WHERE " + _ID + " = " + databaseId;
// Prepare the SQL statement to select all items except those with the specified IDs.
- " WHERE " + _ID + " NOT IN (" + doNotGetIdsString + ")";
+ " WHERE " + _ID + " NOT IN (" + doNotGetIdsString + ") ORDER BY " + DISPLAY_ORDER + " ASC";
// Return the results as a `Cursor`. The second argument is `null` because there are no selectionArgs.
// We can't close the `Cursor` because we need to use it in the parent activity.
SQLiteDatabase bookmarksDatabase = this.getReadableDatabase();
// Get everything in the BOOKMARKS_TABLE.
- final String GET_ALL_BOOKMARKS = "Select * FROM " + BOOKMARKS_TABLE;
// Return the results as a Cursor. The second argument is `null` because there are no selectionArgs.
// We can't close the Cursor because we need to use it in the parent activity.
+ public void updateBookmarkDisplayOrder(int databaseId, int displayOrder) {
+ // Store the updated values in `bookmarkContentValues`.
+ ContentValues bookmarkContentValues = new ContentValues();
+ bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder);
+ // Get a writable database handle.
+ SQLiteDatabase bookmarksDatabase = this.getWritableDatabase();
+ // Update the database. The last argument is `null` because there are no `whereArgs`.
+ bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, _ID + " = " + databaseId, null);
+ // Close the database handle.
+ bookmarksDatabase.close();
+ }
public void deleteBookmark(int databaseId) {
// Get a writable database handle.
SQLiteDatabase bookmarksDatabase = this.getWritableDatabase();