package com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
// `ShortcutInfoCompat`, `ShortcutManagerCompat`, and `IconCompat` can be switched to the non-compat version once API >= 26.
// Initialize the block lists.
List<String> mainWhiteList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> multiEntryWhiteList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String[]> domainWhiteList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String[]> thirdPartyDomainWhiteList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> mainBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> initialBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> finalBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String> thirdPartyBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String> thirdPartyInitialBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> multiEntryBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> multiEntryInitialBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> multiEntryFinalBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> domainBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> domainInitialBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> domainFinalBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
- List<String[]> domainMultiEntryBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String[]> domainRegularExpressionBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String[]> thirdPartyMultiEntryBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String[]> thirdPartyMultiEntryInitialBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String[]> thirdPartyDomainBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> regularExpressionBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
+ List<String> thirdPartyRegularExpressionBlockList = new LinkedList<>();
// Populate the block lists.
try {
// Parse EasyList.
while ((blockListEntry = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
+ // Remove any `^` from the block list entry. Privacy Browser does not process them in the interest of efficiency.
+ blockListEntry = blockListEntry.replace("^", "");
//noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
if (blockListEntry.contains("##") || blockListEntry.contains("#?#") || blockListEntry.contains("#@#") || blockListEntry.startsWith("[")) {
// Entries that contain `##`, `#?#`, and `#@#` are for hiding elements in the main page's HTML. Entries that start with `[` describe the AdBlock compatibility level.
//Log.i("BlackLists", "Not added: " + adBlockerEntry);
- } else if (blockListEntry.startsWith("@@")) { // Entries that begin with `@@` are excludes (whitelists).
- // mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry.substring(2));
+ } else if (blockListEntry.startsWith("@@")) { // Entries that begin with `@@` are whitelists.
+ // Remove the `@@`
+ blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(2);
+ // Strip out an initial `||` Privacy Browser doesn't differentiate against items that only match against the end of the domain name.
+ if (blockListEntry.startsWith("||")) {
+ blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(2);
+ }
+ // TODO
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(2, blockListEntry.length()));
+ // mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry);
+ // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry);
} else if (blockListEntry.endsWith("|")){ // Entries that end with `|` match against the end of the URL.
// Strip out the final "|"
blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1);
blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(2);
- if (blockListEntry.contains("*")) {
+ if (blockListEntry.contains("*")) { // Process a double final entry.
int wildcardIndex = blockListEntry.indexOf("*");
String firstEntry = blockListEntry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
String secondEntry = blockListEntry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
- if (firstEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(0, firstEntry.length() - 1);
- String firstEntry1 = firstEntryBase + ":";
- String firstEntry2 = firstEntryBase + "/";
- String firstEntry3 = firstEntryBase + "?";
- String firstEntry4 = firstEntryBase + "=";
- String firstEntry5 = firstEntryBase + "&";
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else {
- String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry);
+ String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
- }
- } else {
+ multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry).
+ } else { // Process a standard final entry.
//Log.i("BlockLists", "Final block list added: " + blockListEntry);
blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(2);
- if (blockListEntry.contains("third-party")) {
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Not added: " + blockListEntry);
+ if (blockListEntry.contains("third-party")) { // Process third party blocklist entries.
+ //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
+ if (blockListEntry.contains("~third-party")) { // Process third-party white list entries.
+ // Do not process these white list entries. They are designed to combine with block filters that Privacy Browser doesn't use, like `subdocument` and `xmlhttprequest`.
+ // Log.i("BlockLists", "Not added: " + blockListEntry);
+ } else if (blockListEntry.contains("domain=")) { // Process third-party domain block list entries.
+ if (blockListEntry.startsWith("|")) { // Third-party domain initial block list entries.
+ } else if (blockListEntry.contains("\\")) { // Third-party domain regular expressions.
+ } else { // Third-party domain entries.
+ // Parse the entry
+ String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
+ String filters = blockListEntry.substring(blockListEntry.indexOf("$") + 1);
+ String domains = filters.substring(filters.indexOf("domain=") + 7);
+ // Strip any trailing "*" on the entries.
+ if (entry.endsWith("*")) {
+ entry = entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 1);
+ }
+ if (entry.contains("*")) { // Third-party domain multi-entry.
+ } else { // Third-party domain single entry.
+ boolean whiteListDomain = false;
+ // Process each domain.
+ do {
+ String domain;
+ if (domains.contains("|")) {
+ // Get the first domain
+ domain = domains.substring(0, domains.indexOf("|"));
+ // Remove the first domain from the list.
+ domains = domains.substring(domains.indexOf("|") + 1);
+ } else {
+ domain = domains;
+ }
+ // Differentiate between block list domains and white list domains.
+ if (domain.startsWith("~")) { // White list third-party domain entry.
+ // Strip the initial `~`.
+ domain = domain.substring(1);
+ // Set the white list domain flag and store the domain.
+ whiteListDomain = true;
+ // Create the domain entry.
+ String[] domainEntry = {domain, entry};
+ // Add the entry to the third-party domain white list.
+ thirdPartyDomainWhiteList.add(domainEntry);
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party domain white list added: " + domain + " , " + entry);
+ } else { // Block list third-party domain entry.
+ String[] domainEntry = {domain, entry};
+ thirdPartyDomainBlockList.add(domainEntry);
+ // Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party domain block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry);
+ }
+ } while (domains.contains("|"));
+ // Add a third-party block list entry if a white list domain was processed.
+ if (whiteListDomain) {
+ // Add an entry to the third-party block list.
+ thirdPartyBlockList.add(entry);
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party block list added: " + entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (blockListEntry.startsWith("|")) { // Third-party initial block list entries.
+ // Strip the initial `|`.
+ blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(1);
+ // Get the entry.
+ String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
+ if (entry.contains("*")) { // Process a third-party multi-entry initial block list.
+ int wildcardIndex = entry.indexOf("*");
+ String firstEntry = entry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
+ String secondEntry = entry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
+ String[] thirdPartyDoubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
+ thirdPartyMultiEntryInitialBlockList.add(thirdPartyDoubleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party multi-entry initial block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
+ } else {
+ thirdPartyInitialBlockList.add(entry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party initial block list added: " + entry);
+ }
+ } else if (blockListEntry.contains("*")) { // Process third-party multi-entry or regular expression blocklist entries.
+ // Get the entry.
+ String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
+ if (entry.endsWith("*")) {
+ // Strip the final `*`.
+ entry = entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 1);
+ // Add the entry to the block list.
+ thirdPartyBlockList.add(entry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third party block list added: " + entry);
+ } else if (entry.contains("\\")) { // Process a third-party regular expression.
+ // Add the entry to the third-party regular expression block list.
+ thirdPartyRegularExpressionBlockList.add(entry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party regular expression block list added: " + entry);
+ } else { // There are two or more entries.
+ int wildcardIndex = entry.indexOf("*");
+ String firstEntry = entry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
+ String secondEntry = entry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
+ if (secondEntry.contains("*")) { // there are three or more entries.
+ int secondWildcardIndex = secondEntry.indexOf("*");
+ String realSecondEntry = secondEntry.substring(0, secondWildcardIndex);
+ String thirdEntry = secondEntry.substring(secondWildcardIndex + 1);
+ if (thirdEntry.contains("*")) { // Process a third-party quadruple entry.
+ int thirdWildcardIndex = thirdEntry.indexOf("*");
+ String realThirdEntry = thirdEntry.substring(0, thirdWildcardIndex);
+ String fourthEntry = thirdEntry.substring(thirdWildcardIndex + 1);
+ String[] thirdPartyQuadrupleEntry = {firstEntry, realSecondEntry, realThirdEntry, fourthEntry};
+ thirdPartyMultiEntryBlockList.add(thirdPartyQuadrupleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party multi-entry block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + realSecondEntry + " , " + realThirdEntry + " , " + fourthEntry);
+ } else { // Process a third-party triple entry.
+ String[] thirdPartyTripleEntry = {firstEntry, realSecondEntry, thirdEntry};
+ thirdPartyMultiEntryBlockList.add(thirdPartyTripleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party multi-entry block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + realSecondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
+ }
+ } else { // Process a third-party double entry.
+ String[] thirdPartyDoubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
+ thirdPartyMultiEntryBlockList.add(thirdPartyDoubleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third-party multi-entry block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Process standard third party entries.
+ // Get the entry.
+ String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
+ // Add the entry to the block list.
+ thirdPartyBlockList.add(entry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Third party block list added: " + entry);
+ }
} else if (blockListEntry.substring(blockListEntry.indexOf("$")).contains("domain")) {
if (blockListEntry.contains("~")) { // Whitelist.
+ // Separate the filters.
+ String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
+ String filters = blockListEntry.substring(blockListEntry.indexOf("$") + 1);
+ String domains = filters.substring(filters.indexOf("domain=") + 7);
- } else {
+ // Strip any final `*` from the entry. They are redundant.
+ if (entry.endsWith("*")) {
+ entry = entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 1);
+ }
+ // Process each domain.
+ do {
+ String domain;
+ if (domains.contains("|")) {
+ // Get the first domain
+ domain = domains.substring(0, domains.indexOf("|"));
+ // Remove the first domain from the list.
+ domains = domains.substring(domains.indexOf("|") + 1);
+ } else {
+ domain = domains;
+ }
+ // Strip the initial `~`.
+ domain = domain.substring(1);
+ if (entry.contains("*")) { // Process a double entry.
+ int wildcardIndex = entry.indexOf("*");
+ String firstEntry = entry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
+ String secondEntry = entry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
+ String[] domainDoubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
+ domainWhiteList.add(domainDoubleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain white list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
+ } else { // Process a single entry.
+ String[] domainEntry = {domain, entry};
+ domainWhiteList.add(domainEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain white list added: " + domain + " , " + entry);
+ }
+ } while (domains.contains("|"));
+ } else { // The block list entry contains a domain, but not a third party designation and isn't a whitelist.
// Separate the filters.
String entry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
String filters = blockListEntry.substring(blockListEntry.indexOf("$") + 1);
String firstEntry = entry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
String secondEntry = entry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
- if (firstEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(0, firstEntry.length() - 1);
- String firstEntry1 = firstEntryBase + ":";
- String firstEntry2 = firstEntryBase + "/";
- String firstEntry3 = firstEntryBase + "?";
- String firstEntry4 = firstEntryBase + "=";
- String firstEntry5 = firstEntryBase + "&";
- String[] domainDoubleEntry1 = {domain, firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] domainDoubleEntry2 = {domain, firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] domainDoubleEntry3 = {domain, firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] domainDoubleEntry4 = {domain, firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] domainDoubleEntry5 = {domain, firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry1);
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry2);
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry3);
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry4);
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else {
- String[] domainDoubleEntry = {domain, firstEntry, secondEntry};
- domainMultiEntryBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
- }
- } else if (entry.endsWith("^")) {
- String entryBase = entry.substring(0, entry.length() - 1);
+ String[] domainDoubleEntry = {domain, firstEntry, secondEntry};
- String entry1 = entryBase + ":";
- String entry2 = entryBase + "/";
- String entry3 = entryBase + "?";
- String entry4 = entryBase + "=";
- String entry5 = entryBase + "&";
- String[] domainEntry1 = {domain, entry1};
- String[] domainEntry2 = {domain, entry2};
- String[] domainEntry3 = {domain, entry3};
- String[] domainEntry4 = {domain, entry4};
- String[] domainEntry5 = {domain, entry5};
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry1);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry2);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry3);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry4);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry5);
- } else if (entry.startsWith("^")) {
- String entryBase = entry.substring(1);
+ domainBlockList.add(domainDoubleEntry);
- String entry1 = ":" + entryBase;
- String entry2 = ":" + entryBase;
- String entry3 = ":" + entryBase;
- String entry4 = ":" + entryBase;
- String entry5 = ":" + entryBase;
- String[] domainEntry1 = {domain, entry1};
- String[] domainEntry2 = {domain, entry2};
- String[] domainEntry3 = {domain, entry3};
- String[] domainEntry4 = {domain, entry4};
- String[] domainEntry5 = {domain, entry5};
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry1);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry2);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry3);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry4);
- domainBlockList.add(domainEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain ^ block list added: " + domain + " , " + entry5);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain double entry block list added: " + domain + " , " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
} else if (entry.startsWith("|")) {
// Remove the initial `|`;
String entryBase = entry.substring(1);
- Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain final block list added: " + domain + " , " + entryBase);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Domain final block list added: " + domain + " , " + entryBase);
} else if (entry.contains("\\")) {
String[] domainEntry = {domain, entry};
String firstEntry = blockListEntry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
String secondEntry = blockListEntry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
- if (firstEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(0, firstEntry.length() - 1);
- String firstEntry1 = firstEntryBase + ":";
- String firstEntry2 = firstEntryBase + "/";
- String firstEntry3 = firstEntryBase + "?";
- String firstEntry4 = firstEntryBase + "=";
- String firstEntry5 = firstEntryBase + "&";
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else {
- String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
- multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry);
+ String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
- }
+ multiEntryWhiteList.add(doubleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry white list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
} else {
- if (blockListEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String blockListEntryBase = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1);
- String blockListEntry1 = blockListEntryBase + ":";
- String blockListEntry2 = blockListEntryBase + "/";
- String blockListEntry3 = blockListEntryBase + "?";
- String blockListEntry4 = blockListEntryBase + "=";
- String blockListEntry5 = blockListEntryBase + "&";
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry1);
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry2);
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry3);
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry4);
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry5);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry1);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry2);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry3);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry4);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry5);
- } else {
- mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry);
+ mainWhiteList.add(blockListEntry);
- // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry);
- }
+ // Log.i("BlockLists", "Main white list added: " + blockListEntry);
} else if (blockListEntry.contains("\\")) { // Regular expressions.
// Remove the filter options.
// Remove the filter options.
blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.indexOf("$"));
- // Strip any trailing `*` or `^`. Many of these entries have `^$`, which seem redundant for the purposes of Privacy Browser.
- if (blockListEntry.endsWith("*") || blockListEntry.endsWith("^")) {
+ // Strip any trailing `*`. These are redundant.
+ if (blockListEntry.endsWith("*")) {
blockListEntry = blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1);
String thirdEntry = secondEntry.substring(wildcardIndex + 1);
secondEntry = secondEntry.substring(0, wildcardIndex);
- if (firstEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(0, firstEntry.length() - 1);
- String firstEntry1 = firstEntryBase + ":";
- String firstEntry2 = firstEntryBase + "/";
- String firstEntry3 = firstEntryBase + "?";
- String firstEntry4 = firstEntryBase + "=";
- String firstEntry5 = firstEntryBase + "&";
- if (thirdEntry.endsWith("|")) {
- thirdEntry = thirdEntry.substring(0, thirdEntry.length() - 1);
- String[] tripleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry1);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry2);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry3);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry4);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- } else {
- String[] tripleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- String[] tripleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(tripleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(tripleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(tripleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(tripleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(tripleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry tripple block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry tripple block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry tripple block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry tripple block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry tripple block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
- }
+ if (thirdEntry.endsWith("|")) {
+ thirdEntry = thirdEntry.substring(0, thirdEntry.length() - 1);
+ String[] tripleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
+ multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(tripleEntry);
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final tripple block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry + " , " + thirdEntry);
} else {
String[] tripleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry, thirdEntry};
//Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry initial block list added: " + firstEntry.substring(1) + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else if (firstEntry.startsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(1);
- String firstEntry1 = ":" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry2 = "/" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry3 = "?" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry4 = "=" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry5 = "&" + firstEntryBase;
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else if (firstEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(0, firstEntry.length() - 1);
- String firstEntry1 = firstEntryBase + ":";
- String firstEntry2 = firstEntryBase + "/";
- String firstEntry3 = firstEntryBase + "?";
- String firstEntry4 = firstEntryBase + "=";
- String firstEntry5 = firstEntryBase + "&";
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else if (secondEntry.startsWith("^")) {
- String secondEntryBase = secondEntry.substring(1);
- String secondEntry1 = ":" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry2 = "/" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry3 = "?" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry4 = "=" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry5 = "&" + secondEntryBase;
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry, secondEntry1};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry, secondEntry2};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry, secondEntry3};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry, secondEntry4};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry, secondEntry5};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry5);
- } else if (secondEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String secondEntryBase = secondEntry.substring(0, secondEntry.length() - 1);
- String secondEntry1 = secondEntryBase + ":";
- String secondEntry2 = secondEntryBase + "/";
- String secondEntry3 = secondEntryBase + "?";
- String secondEntry4 = secondEntryBase + "=";
- String secondEntry5 = secondEntryBase + "&";
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry, secondEntry1};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry, secondEntry2};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry, secondEntry3};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry, secondEntry4};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry, secondEntry5};
- String[] doubleEntryFinal = {firstEntry, secondEntryBase};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntryFinal);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntryBase);
} else {
String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
//Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry initial block list added: " + firstEntry.substring(1) + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else if (firstEntry.startsWith("^")) {
- String firstEntryBase = firstEntry.substring(1);
- String firstEntry1 = ":" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry2 = "/" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry3 = "?" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry4 = "=" + firstEntryBase;
- String firstEntry5 = "&" + firstEntryBase;
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry1, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry2, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry3, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry4, secondEntry};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry5, secondEntry};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry1 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry2 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry3 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry4 + " , " + secondEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry5 + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else if (secondEntry.startsWith("^")) {
- String secondEntryBase = secondEntry.substring(1);
- String secondEntry1 = ":" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry2 = "/" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry3 = "?" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry4 = "=" + secondEntryBase;
- String secondEntry5 = "&" + secondEntryBase;
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry, secondEntry1};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry, secondEntry2};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry, secondEntry3};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry, secondEntry4};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry, secondEntry5};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry5);
- } else if (secondEntry.endsWith("^")) {
- String secondEntryBase = secondEntry.substring(0, secondEntry.length() - 1);
- String secondEntry1 = secondEntryBase + ":";
- String secondEntry2 = secondEntryBase + "/";
- String secondEntry3 = secondEntryBase + "?";
- String secondEntry4 = secondEntryBase + "=";
- String secondEntry5 = secondEntryBase + "&";
- String[] doubleEntry1 = {firstEntry, secondEntry1};
- String[] doubleEntry2 = {firstEntry, secondEntry2};
- String[] doubleEntry3 = {firstEntry, secondEntry3};
- String[] doubleEntry4 = {firstEntry, secondEntry4};
- String[] doubleEntry5 = {firstEntry, secondEntry5};
- String[] doubleEntryFinal = {firstEntry, secondEntryBase};
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry1);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry2);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry3);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry4);
- multiEntryBlockList.add(doubleEntry5);
- multiEntryFinalBlockList.add(doubleEntryFinal);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry1);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry2);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry3);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry4);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry ^ block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry5);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry final block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntryBase);
} else {
String[] doubleEntry = {firstEntry, secondEntry};
//Log.i("BlockLists", "Multi entry block list added: " + firstEntry + " , " + secondEntry);
- } else {
- if (blockListEntry.endsWith("^")) { // `^` matches against `:`, `/`, `?`, `=`, `&`, and the end of the URL.
- // Add all the variations to the main block list.
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + ":");
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "/");
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "?");
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "=");
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "&");
- // Add the base block entry to the final block list.
- finalBlockList.add(blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1));
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + ":");
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "/");
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "?");
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "=");
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1) + "&");
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Final block list added: " + blockListEntry.substring(0, blockListEntry.length() - 1));
- } else { // This is a basic entry.
- // Add the modified block list entry to the main block list.
- mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry);
+ } else { // This is a basic entry.
+ // Add the modified block list entry to the main block list.
+ mainBlockList.add(blockListEntry);
- //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry);
- }
+ //Log.i("BlockLists", "Main block list added: " + blockListEntry);
if (adBlockerEnabled) { // Check the block lists.
Log.i("BlockLists", "Begin check for " + url);
- Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
- String domain = uri.getHost();
+ Uri currentUri = Uri.parse(formattedUrlString);
+ String currentDomain = currentUri.getHost();
+ Uri requestUri = Uri.parse(url);
+ String requestDomain = requestUri.getHost();
+ boolean thirdPartyRequest = !requestDomain.equals(currentDomain);
+ WebResourceResponse emptyWebResourceResponse = new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
for (String whiteListEntry : mainWhiteList) {
if (url.contains(whiteListEntry)) {
+ for (String[] whiteListEntry : domainWhiteList) {
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(whiteListEntry[0]) && url.contains(whiteListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request allowed by domain white list: " + whiteListEntry[0] + " , " + whiteListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ // `Return null` loads the requested resource.
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only check the third-party white lists if this is a third-party request.
+ if (thirdPartyRequest) {
+ for (String[] whiteListEntry : thirdPartyDomainWhiteList) {
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(whiteListEntry[0]) && url.contains(whiteListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request allowed by third-party domain white list: " + whiteListEntry[0] + " , " + whiteListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ // `Return null` loads the requested resource.
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
for (String blockListEntry : mainBlockList) {
if (url.contains(blockListEntry)) {
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by main block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by initial block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by final block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by multi entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
} else { // There are three entries.
if (url.contains(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2])) {
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by multi entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by multi entry initial block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by multi entry final block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
for (String[] blockListEntry : domainBlockList) {
- if (domain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1])) {
- Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ if (blockListEntry.length == 2) { // There is one entry.
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
- // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ } else { // There are two entries.
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
for (String[] blockListEntry : domainInitialBlockList) {
- if (domain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.startsWith(blockListEntry[1])) {
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.startsWith(blockListEntry[1])) {
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain initial block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
for (String[] blockListEntry : domainFinalBlockList) {
- if (domain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.endsWith(blockListEntry[2])) {
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.endsWith(blockListEntry[2])) {
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain final block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
- for (String[] blockListEntry : domainMultiEntryBlockList) {
- if (domain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2])) {
- Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain multi entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] + " | " + url);
+ for (String[] blockListEntry : domainRegularExpressionBlockList) {
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && Pattern.matches(blockListEntry[1], url)) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain regular expression block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
- for (String[] blockListEntry : domainRegularExpressionBlockList) {
- if (domain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && Pattern.matches(blockListEntry[1], url)) {
- Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by domain regular expression block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ // Only check the third-party block lists if this is a third-party request.
+ if (thirdPartyRequest) {
+ for (String blockListEntry : thirdPartyBlockList) {
+ if (url.contains(blockListEntry)) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
- // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String blockListEntry : thirdPartyInitialBlockList) {
+ if (url.startsWith(blockListEntry)) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party initial block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String[] blockListEntry : thirdPartyMultiEntryBlockList) {
+ switch (blockListEntry.length) {
+ case 2: // There are two entries.
+ if (url.contains(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party multi-entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: // There are three entries.
+ if (url.contains(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party multi-entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] +
+ " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: // There are four entries.
+ if (url.contains(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[3])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party multi-entry block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] +
+ " , " + blockListEntry[3] + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String[] blockListEntry : thirdPartyMultiEntryInitialBlockList) {
+ if (url.startsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party multi-entry initial block list");
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String[] blockListEntry : thirdPartyDomainBlockList) {
+ if (blockListEntry.length == 2) { // There is one entry.
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party domain block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ } else { // There are two entries.
+ if (requestDomain.endsWith(blockListEntry[0]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[1]) && url.contains(blockListEntry[2])) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party domain block list: " + blockListEntry[0] + " , " + blockListEntry[1] + " , " + blockListEntry[2] + " | " +
+ url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (String blockListEntry : thirdPartyRegularExpressionBlockList) {
+ if (Pattern.matches(blockListEntry, url)) {
+ Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by third-party regular expression block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
+ // Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
+ }
Log.i("BlockLists", "Request blocked by regular expression block list: " + blockListEntry + " | " + url);
// Return an empty `WebResourceResponse`.
- return new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
+ return emptyWebResourceResponse;
formattedUrlString = searchURL + encodedUrlString;
+ // Clear the focus from the URL text box. Otherwise, proximate typing in the box will retain the colorized formatting instead of being reset during refocus.
+ urlTextBox.clearFocus();