- <h3><svg class="header"><use href="../shared_images/bookmarks.svg#icon"/></svg> Bookmarks</h3>
+ <h3><svg class="header"><use href="../shared_images/bookmarks.svg#icon"/></svg> Marcadores</h3>
- <p>The bookmark drawer may be opened by swiping from the right edge of the screen.
- If Android's gesture navigation is enabled,
- the drawer may be opened by long-pressing on the edge of the screen <a href="https://redmine.stoutner.com/boards/1/topics/243">until the drawer peaks out</a> and then swiping it open.
- Sometimes it can be difficult to get the bookmarks drawer to reliably peak on devices with curved edges, so it is also possible to open the bookmarks drawer from the options menu.</p>
+ <p>El cajón de marcadores puede abrirse deslizando el dedo desde el borde derecho de la pantalla.
+ Si la navegación por gestos de Android está activada,
+ el cajón puede abrirse pulsando prolongadamente en el borde de la pantalla <a href="https://redmine.stoutner.com/boards/1/topics/243">hasta que el cajón asome</a> y luego deslizar para abrirlo.
+ A veces puede ser difícil conseguir que el cajón de marcadores llegue a su punto máximo de forma fiable en dispositivos con bordes curvos,
+ por lo que también es posible abrir el cajón de marcadores desde el menú de opciones.</p>
- <p>Tapping on a bookmark opens it in the current tab and long-pressing on a bookmark opens it in a new tab.
- Tapping the top floating action button in the bookmarks drawer opens the bookmarks activity, where bookmarks can be edited and reorganized.</p>
+ <p>Al tocar un marcador se abre en la pestaña actual y al pulsar prolongadamente sobre un marcador se abre en una nueva pestaña.
+ Al tocar el botón de acción superior flotante en el cajón de marcadores se abre la actividad de marcadores, donde se pueden editar y reorganizar los marcadores.</p>
- <h3><svg class="header"><use href="../shared_images/bookmarks.svg#icon"/></svg> Bookmarks</h3>
+ <h3><svg class="header"><use href="../shared_images/bookmarks.svg#icon"/></svg> Закладки</h3>
- <p>The bookmark drawer may be opened by swiping from the right edge of the screen.
- If Android's gesture navigation is enabled,
- the drawer may be opened by long-pressing on the edge of the screen <a href="https://redmine.stoutner.com/boards/1/topics/243">until the drawer peaks out</a> and then swiping it open.
- Sometimes it can be difficult to get the bookmarks drawer to reliably peak on devices with curved edges, so it is also possible to open the bookmarks drawer from the options menu.</p>
+ <p>Панель закладок можно открыть, проведя пальцем от правого края экрана.
+ Если в Android включена навигация жестами,
+ панель можно открыть длительным нажатием на край экрана <a href="https://redmine.stoutner.com/boards/1/topics/243">до ее появления</a>, а затем смахнув.
+ На устройствах с изогнутыми краями иногда бывает непросто добиться появления панели закладок, поэтому можно открыть ее из меню параметров.</p>
- <p>Tapping on a bookmark opens it in the current tab and long-pressing on a bookmark opens it in a new tab.
- Tapping the top floating action button in the bookmarks drawer opens the bookmarks activity, where bookmarks can be edited and reorganized.</p>
+ <p>При нажатии на закладку она открывается на текущей вкладке, а при длительном нажатии - на новой вкладке.
+ При нажатии верхней кнопки действия в панели закладок открывается страница действий с закладками, где их можно редактировать и упорядочивать.</p>
Snackbar.make(aboutVersionLayout, getString(R.string.saved, fileNameString), Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} catch (exception: Exception) {
// Display a snackbar with the error message.
- Snackbar.make(aboutVersionLayout, getString(R.string.error_saving_file) + " " + exception.toString(), Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show()
+ Snackbar.make(aboutVersionLayout, getString(R.string.error_saving_file, exception.toString()), Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show()
certificateSignatureAlgorithmTextView = aboutVersionLayout.findViewById(R.id.certificate_signature_algorithm)
// Setup the labels.
- val version = getString(R.string.version) + " " + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME + " (" + getString(R.string.version_code) + " " + BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE + ")"
+ val version = getString(R.string.version_code, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE)
val brandLabel = getString(R.string.brand) + " "
val manufacturerLabel = getString(R.string.manufacturer) + " "
val modelLabel = getString(R.string.model) + " "
val device = Build.DEVICE
val bootloader = Build.BOOTLOADER
val radio = Build.getRadioVersion()
- val android = Build.VERSION.RELEASE + " (" + getString(R.string.api) + " " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT + ")"
+ val android = getString(R.string.api, Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)
val build = Build.DISPLAY
val kernel = System.getProperty("os.version")
val i2p: String = try {
// Check to see if the F-Droid flavor is installed. The newer `getPackageInfo()` may be used once the minimum API >= 33.
- requireContext().packageManager.getPackageInfo("net.i2p.android.router", 0).versionName + " " + requireContext().getString(R.string.fdroid_flavor)
+ requireContext().getString(R.string.fdroid_flavor, requireContext().packageManager.getPackageInfo("net.i2p.android.router", 0).versionName)
} catch (exception: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { // The F-Droid flavor is not installed.
try {
// Check to see if the F-Droid flavor is installed. The newer `getPackageInfo()` may be used once the minimum API >= 33.
- requireContext().packageManager.getPackageInfo("net.i2p.android", 0).versionName + " " + requireContext().getString(R.string.google_play_flavor)
+ requireContext().getString(R.string.google_play_flavor, requireContext().packageManager.getPackageInfo("net.i2p.android", 0).versionName)
} catch (exception: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { // The Google Play flavor is not installed either.
// Store an empty string.
<string name="file_is_mht">Die Datei ist ein MHT-Web-Archiv.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Manchmal müssen MIME-gekapselte HTML-Web-Archive (MHT) manuell festgelegt werden, um korrekt geöffnet zu werden.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">URL speichern</string>
<string name="save_archive">Archiv speichern</string>
<string name="save_text">Text speichern</string>
<string name="file_saved">Datei gespeichert:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Bild wird bearbeitet… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Bild gespeichert:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Fehler beim Speichern der Datei:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Fehler beim Speichern der Datei: \u0020 %1$sFf</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Anfragekopfzeilen</string>
<string name="import_failed">Import fehlgeschlagen:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">kopieren</string>
<string name="clear">leeren</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat kopiert.</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Warte auf die Verbindung zum Orbot-Proxy.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">Die benutzerdefinierte Proxy-URL ist ungültig.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">Über Privacy Browser</string>
<string name="version">Version</string>
- <string name="version_code">Versions-Code</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Version %1$s (Versions-Code %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Hardware</string>
<string name="brand">Marke:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Hersteller:</string>
<string name="radio">Radio:</string>
<string name="software">Software</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Sicherheits-Patch:</string>
<string name="build">Build:</string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel:</string>
<string name="webview_version">WebView-Version:</string>
<string name="orbot">Orbot:</string>
<string name="i2p">I2P:</string>
- <string name="fdroid_flavor">(F-Droid-Version)</string>
- <string name="google_play_flavor">(Google-Play-Version)</string>
+ <string name="fdroid_flavor">%1$s (F-Droid-Version)</string>
+ <string name="google_play_flavor">%1$s (Google-Play-Version)</string>
<string name="openkeychain">OpenKeychain:</string>
<string name="memory_usage">Speicher-Nutzung</string>
<string name="app_consumed_memory">von der App genutzter Speicher:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">El archivo es un archivo de web MHT.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">A veces se necesita especificar manualmente los archivos web MIME Encapsulated HTML (MHT) para que se abran correctamente.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">Guardar URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Guardar archivo</string>
<string name="save_text">Guardar texto</string>
<string name="file_saved">Archivo guardado:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Procesando imagen… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Imagen guardada:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Error guardando archivo:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Error guardando archivo: \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Cabeceras de solicitud</string>
<string name="import_failed">Importación fallida:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Copiar</string>
<string name="clear">Borrar</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat copiado.</string>
<string name="ssl_certificates">Certificados SSL</string>
<string name="proxies">Proxis</string>
<string name="tracking_ids">Rastreo de IDs</string>
+ <string name="gui">Interfaz</string>
<!-- Proxy. -->
<string name="orbot_not_installed_title">Orbot No Instalado</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Esperando a que Orbot se conecte.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">La URL del proxy personalizado no es válida.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">Acerca de Navegador Privado</string>
<string name="version">Versión</string>
- <string name="version_code">código de versión</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Versión %1$s (código de versión %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Hardware</string>
<string name="brand">Marca:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Fabricante:</string>
<string name="radio">Radio:</string>
<string name="software">Software</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Parche de seguridad:</string>
<string name="build">Versión de compilación:</string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel:</string>
<string name="webview_version">Versión de WebView:</string>
<string name="orbot">Orbot:</string>
<string name="i2p">I2P:</string>
- <string name="fdroid_flavor">(variante de F-Droid)</string>
- <string name="google_play_flavor">(variante de Google Play)</string>
+ <string name="fdroid_flavor">%1$s (variante de F-Droid)</string>
+ <string name="google_play_flavor">%1$s (variante de Google Play)</string>
<string name="openkeychain">OpenKeychain:</string>
<string name="memory_usage">Uso de memoria</string>
<string name="app_consumed_memory">Memoria conumida de la app:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">Le fichier est une archive web MHT.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Parfois, les archives web MHT (MIME Encapsulated HTML) doivent être spécifiées manuellement pour être ouvertes correctement.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">Enregistrer l\'URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Enregistrer l\'archive</string>
<string name="save_text">Sauvegarder le texte</string>
<string name="file_saved">Fichier enregistré :</string>
<string name="processing_image">Traitement de l\'image… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Image sauvegardée :</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Erreur lors de l\'enregistrement du fichier :</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Erreur lors de l\'enregistrement du fichier : \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">En-tête de la requête</string>
<string name="import_failed">L\'import a échoué :</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Copie</string>
<string name="clear">Vider</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Journal système copié.</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">En attente de la connexion d\'Orbot.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">L\'URL du proxy personnalisé n\'est pas valide.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">À propos</string>
<string name="version">Version</string>
- <string name="version_code">Code de la version</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Version %1$s (Code de la version %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Matériel</string>
<string name="brand">Marque :</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Constructeur :</string>
<string name="radio">Radio :</string>
<string name="software">Logiciel</string>
<string name="android">Android :</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">MAJ de sécurité :</string>
<string name="build">Version :</string>
<string name="kernel">Noyau:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">Questo file è un archivio web MHT.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Talvolta gli archivi web del tipo MIME Encapsulated HTML (MHT) devono essere specificati manualmente per essere aperti correttamente.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">Salva URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Salva Archivio</string>
<string name="save_text">Salva Testo</string>
<string name="file_saved">File salvato:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Creazione immagine… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Immagine salvata:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Errore salvataggio file:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Errore salvataggio file: \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Richiesta Intestazioni</string>
<string name="import_failed">Importazione fallita:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Copia</string>
<string name="clear">Cancella</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat copiato.</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">In attesa della connessione di Orbot.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">La URL del proxy personalizzato non è valida.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">Informazioni su Privacy Browser</string>
<string name="version">Versione</string>
- <string name="version_code">codice versione</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Versione %1$s (codice versione %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Hardware</string>
<string name="brand">Brand:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Costruttore:</string>
<string name="radio">Radio:</string>
<string name="software">Software</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Patch si sicurezza:</string>
<string name="build">Build:</string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel:</string>
<string name="webview_version">Versione di WebView:</string>
<string name="orbot">Orbot:</string>
<string name="i2p">I2P:</string>
- <string name="fdroid_flavor">(Versione F-Droid)</string>
- <string name="google_play_flavor">(Versione Google Play)</string>
+ <string name="fdroid_flavor">%1$s (Versione F-Droid)</string>
+ <string name="google_play_flavor">%1$s (Versione Google Play)</string>
<string name="openkeychain">OpenKeychain:</string>
<string name="memory_usage">Utilizzo della Memoria</string>
<string name="app_consumed_memory">Memoria utilizzata dalla App:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">Este é um arquivo MHT da web.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Às vezes, os arquivos da web MIME Encapsulated HTML (MHT) precisam ser especificados manualmente para serem abertos corretamente.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">Salvar URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Salvar Arquivo</string>
<string name="save_text">Salvar Texto</string>
<string name="file_saved">Arquivo Salvo:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Processando imagem… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Image saved:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Erro ao salvar o arquivo:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Erro ao salvar o arquivo: \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Solicitar cabeçalhos</string>
<string name="import_failed">A importação falhou:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Cópia</string>
<string name="clear">Limpar</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat copiado.</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Esperando que o Orbot se conecte.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">O URL do proxy personalizado é inválido.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">Sobre o Privacy Browser</string>
<string name="version">Versão</string>
- <string name="version_code">Código da Versão</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Versão %1$s (Código da Versão %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Hardware</string>
<string name="brand">Marca:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Fabricante:</string>
<string name="radio">Rádio:</string>
<string name="software">Software</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Patch de segurança:</string>
<string name="build">Build:</string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">Файл представляет собой веб-архив MHT.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Иногда для корректного открытия веб-архивов MIME Encapsulated HTML (MHT) необходимо указать вручную.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_url">Сохранить URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Сохранить архив</string>
<string name="save_text">Сохранить текст</string>
<string name="file_saved">Файл сохранен:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Обработка изображения… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Изображение сохранено:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Ошибка сохранения файла:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Ошибка сохранения файла: \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Заголовки запроса</string>
<string name="import_failed">Сбой при импорте:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Копировать</string>
<string name="clear">Очистить</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat скопирован.</string>
<string name="ssl_certificates">Сертификаты SSL</string>
<string name="proxies">Прокси</string>
<string name="tracking_ids">Идентификаторы отслеживания</string>
+ <string name="gui">Интерфейс</string>
<!-- Proxy. -->
<string name="orbot_not_installed_title">Orbot не установлен</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Ожидание подключения Orbot.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">URL пользовательского прокси недействителен.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">О Privacy Browser</string>
<string name="version">Версия</string>
- <string name="version_code">код веÑ\80Ñ\81ии</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Ð\92еÑ\80Ñ\81иÑ\8f %1$s (код веÑ\80Ñ\81ии %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Оборудование</string>
<string name="brand">Бренд:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Производитель:</string>
<string name="radio">Радио:</string>
<string name="software">Программное обеспечение</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Патч безопасности:</string>
<string name="build">Сборка:</string>
<string name="kernel">Ядро:</string>
<string name="webview_version">Версия WebView:</string>
<string name="orbot">Orbot:</string>
<string name="i2p">I2P:</string>
- <string name="fdroid_flavor">(F-Droid-версия)</string>
- <string name="google_play_flavor">(Google Play-версия)</string>
+ <string name="fdroid_flavor">%1$s (F-Droid-версия)</string>
+ <string name="google_play_flavor">%1$s (Google Play-версия)</string>
<string name="openkeychain">OpenKeychain:</string>
<string name="memory_usage">Использование памяти</string>
<string name="app_consumed_memory">Потребляемая приложением память:</string>
<string name="previous">Önceki</string>
<string name="next">Sonraki</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_image">Resmi kaydet</string>
<string name="file_name">Dosya adı</string>
<string name="unknown_size">Bilinmeyen boyut</string>
<string name="import_failed">İçe aktarım başarısız:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Kopyala</string>
<string name="clear">Temizle</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat kopyalandı.</string>
<!-- Orbot. -->
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Orbot\'un bağlanması bekleniyor.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">Privacy Browser Hakkında</string>
<string name="version">Versiyon</string>
- <string name="version_code">versiyon kodu</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Versiyon %1$s (versiyon kodu %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Donanım</string>
<string name="brand">Marka:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Üretici:</string>
<string name="radio">Donanım Yazılımı:</string>
<string name="software">Yazılım</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Güvenlik Yaması:</string>
<string name="build">Derleme:</string>
<string name="webview_provider">WebView Sağlayıcısı:</string>
<string name="file_is_mht">The file is an MHT web archive.</string>
<string name="mht_checkbox_explanation">Sometimes MIME Encapsulated HTML (MHT) web archives need to be manually specified to be opened correctly.</string>
- <!-- Save Dialog. -->
+ <!-- Save Dialog. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="save_dialog" translatable="false">Save Dialog</string> <!-- This string is used to tag the save dialog. It is never displayed to the user. -->
<string name="save_url">Save URL</string>
<string name="save_archive">Save Archive</string>
<string name="file_saved">File saved:</string>
<string name="processing_image">Processing image… :</string>
<string name="image_saved">Image saved:</string>
- <string name="error_saving_file">Error saving file:</string>
+ <string name="error_saving_file">Error saving file: \u0020 %1$s</string>
<!-- View Source. -->
<string name="request_headers">Request Headers</string>
<string name="import_failed">Import failed:</string>
<!-- Logcat. Android removes double spaces, but extra spaces can be manually specified with the Unicode `\u0020` formatting.
- The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation.-->
+ The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="copy_string">Copy</string>
<string name="clear">Clear</string>
<string name="logcat_copied">Logcat copied.</string>
<string name="waiting_for_orbot">Waiting for Orbot to connect.</string>
<string name="custom_proxy_invalid">The custom proxy URL is invalid.</string>
- <!-- About Activity. The `%1$s` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. -->
+ <!-- About Activity. The `%*$*` code inserts variables into the displayed text and should be preserved in translation. <https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/java/util/Formatter> -->
<string name="about_privacy_browser">About Privacy Browser</string>
<string name="version">Version</string>
- <string name="version_code">version code</string>
+ <string name="version_code">Version %1$s (version code %2$d)</string>
<string name="hardware">Hardware</string>
<string name="brand">Brand:</string>
<string name="manufacturer">Manufacturer:</string>
<string name="radio">Radio:</string>
<string name="software">Software</string>
<string name="android">Android:</string>
- <string name="api">API</string>
+ <string name="api">%1$s (API %2$d)</string>
<string name="security_patch">Security Patch:</string>
<string name="build">Build:</string>
<string name="kernel">Kernel:</string>
<string name="webview_version">WebView Version:</string>
<string name="orbot">Orbot:</string>
<string name="i2p">I2P:</string>
- <string name="fdroid_flavor">(F-Droid flavor)</string>
- <string name="google_play_flavor">(Google Play flavor)</string>
+ <string name="fdroid_flavor">%1$s (F-Droid flavor)</string>
+ <string name="google_play_flavor">%1$s (Google Play flavor)</string>
<string name="openkeychain">OpenKeychain:</string>
<string name="memory_usage">Memory Usage</string>
<string name="app_consumed_memory">App Consumed Memory:</string>