- Copyright 2016 Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.\r
- Translation 2016 Aaron Gerlach <aaron@gerlach.com>. Copyright assigned to Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.\r
- Diese Datei ist Teil von Privacy Browser <https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser>.\r
- Privacy Browser ist eine kostenlose Software: Sie können sie\r
- unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License weiterverteilen\r
- mit Berufung auf die veröffentlichte Fassung der Free Software\r
- Foundation, entweder Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer\r
- Möglichkeit) jede neuere Version.\r
- Privacy Browser wird in der Hoffnung vertrieben nützlich zu sein,\r
- jedoch OHNE JEGLICHE GARANTIE; auch ohne die implizierte\r
- BESTIMMTE ANWENDUNGEN. Nutzen Sie die GNU General Public\r
- License für mehr Details.\r
- Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit\r
- Privacy Browser erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, besuchen Sie\r
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -->\r
- <style>\r
- h3 {\r
- color: 0D4781;\r
- }\r
- strong {\r
- color: B71C1C;\r
- }\r
- item {\r
- color: 1976D2;\r
- font-weight: bold;\r
- }\r
- </style>\r
-<h3>Privacy Browser Free</h3>\r
-<p><strong>Privacy Browser Free sammelt keinerlei Benutzerinformationen</strong>.</p>\r
-<p>Privacy Browser Free zeigt eine Bannerwerbung am unteren Rand des Bildschirms über Googles AdMob-Netzwerk,\r
- welches seine eigene <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Datenschutzrichtlinien</a> hat.\r
- Beachten Sie, dass - solange Sie nicht <a href="http://www.techrepublic.com/article/pro-tip-how-to-opt-out-of-interest-based-ads-on-your-android-phone/">interessenbezogene Werbungen deaktiviert haben</a> -\r
- der Werbebetreibende eine Kopie Ihrer einmaligen, gerätebezogenen Werbe-ID bekommt, was es ihm ermöglicht, Ihr Gerätenutzung in verschiedenen Anwendungen nachzuverfolgen.\r
- AdMob sendet <em>anonymisierte Zusammenfassungen</em> der folgenden Informationen an Entwickler.\r
- <strong>Stoutner kann diese Informationen zu jedem Zweck nutzen</strong>.</p>\r
- <li><item>Anzeigen insgesamt</item></li>\r
- <li><item>Klicks insgesamt</item></li>\r
- <li><item>Plattformen</item> (z. B. High-End Mobiltelefone, Tablets)</li>\r
- <li><item>Aktivität nach Land</item></li>\r
-<h3>Google Play-Bewertungen</h3>\r
-<p>Google Play hat seine eigenen <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a>.\r
- Google stellt den Entwicklern <em>anonymisierte Statistiken</em> der folgenden Informationen zu den Bewertungen.\r
- <strong>Stoutner kann diese Informationen für jeden Zweck benutzen</strong>.</p>\r
- <li><item>Land</item></li>\r
- <li><item>Sprache</item></li>\r
- <li><item>App-Version</item></li>\r
- <li><item>Android-Version</item></li>\r
- <li><item>Gerät</item> (z. B. Google Nexus 5X, Samsung Galaxy Note3)</li>\r
- <li><item>Tablets</item> (z. B. Tablets 10" und größer)</li>\r
-<h3>Google Play Rezensionen</h3>\r
-<p>Google Play hat seine eigenen <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a>.\r
- Zusätzlich zum Namen des Verfassers, der Bewertung und der Rezension (welche alle öffentlich sind)\r
- stellt Google einige oder alle der folgenden Informationen dem Entwickler zur Verfügung.\r
- <strong>Stoutner kann diese Informationen zu jedem Zweck nutzen</strong>.</p>\r
- <li><item>Version-Code</item> (z. B. 7)</li>\r
- <li><item>Version-Name</item> (z. B. 1.6)</li>\r
- <li><item>Android Version</item> (z. B. Android 5.1)</li>\r
- <li><item>Gerät</item> (z. B. Galaxy S6 Edge+ [zenlte])</li>\r
- <li><item>Hersteller</item> (z. B. Samsung)</li>\r
- <li><item>Gerätetyp</item> (z. B. Telefon)</li>\r
- <li><item>CPU-Hersteller</item> (z. B. Samsung)</li>\r
- <li><item>CPU-Modell</item> (z. B. Exynos 7420)</li>\r
- <li><item>Bildschirmdichte</item> (z. B. 560 dpi)</li>\r
- <li><item>Bildschirmgröße</item> (z. B. 2560 x 1440)</li>\r
- <li><item>RAM</item> (z. B. 4096 MB)</li>\r
- <li><item>Native Plattform</item> (z. B. armeabi-v7a,armeabi,arm64v8a)</li>\r
- <li><item>OpenGL ES Version</item> (z. B. 3.1)</li>\r
- <li><item>Gerätesprache</item> (z. B. Englisch)</li>\r
-<hr />\r
-<p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.2.1, 2. November 2016</em></p>\r
+ Copyright 2016-2017 Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.
+ This file is part of Privacy Browser <https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser>.
+ Privacy Browser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Privacy Browser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Privacy Browser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -->
+ <head>
+ <style>
+ h3 {
+ color: 0D4781;
+ }
+ strong.red {
+ color: B71C1C;
+ }
+ strong.blue {
+ color: 1565C0;
+ }
+ item {
+ color: 1976D2;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h3>Privacy Browser Free</h3>
+ <p><strong class="red">Privacy Browser Free does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
+ <h3>Google Play</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Google provides <em>anonymized summary installation information</em> to developers, including the number of installs organized by the following categories.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Samsung Galaxy S6 [zeroflte])</li>
+ <li><item>Tablets</item> (eg. Tablets 10" and above)</li>
+ <li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
+ <li><item>Language</item> (eg. English [United States])</li>
+ <li><item>App version</item> (eg. 14)</li>
+ <li><item>Carrier</item> (eg. T-Mobile - US)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Google Play Ratings</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Google provides developers with <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information related to user ratings.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
+ <li><item>Language</item> (eg. English)</li>
+ <li><item>App version</item> (eg. 14)</li>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Google Nexus 5X [bullhead])</li>
+ <li><item>Tablets</item> (eg. Tablets 10" and above)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Google Play Reviews</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ In addition to the name of the reviewer, the rating, and the text of the review (which are all available publicly), Google provides some or all of the following information to the developer.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><item>Version code</item> (eg. 7)</li>
+ <li><item>Version name</item> (eg. 1.6)</li>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 5.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Galaxy S6 Edge+ [zenlte])</li>
+ <li><item>Manufacturer</item> (eg. Samsung)</li>
+ <li><item>Device type</item> (eg. Phone)</li>
+ <li><item>CPU make</item> (eg. Samsung)</li>
+ <li><item>CPU model</item> (eg. Exynos 7420)</li>
+ <li><item>Screen density</item> (eg. 560 dpi)</li>
+ <li><item>Screen size</item> (eg. 2560 x 1440)</li>
+ <li><item>RAM</item> (eg. 4096 MB)</li>
+ <li><item>Native platform</item> (eg. armeabi-v7a,armeabi,arm64v8a)</li>
+ <li><item>OpenGL ES version</item> (eg. 3.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device language</item> (eg. English)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Advertisements</h3>
+ <p>Privacy Browser Free displays a banner ad across the bottom of the screen using Google's AdMob network, which has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Note that unless you have <a href="http://www.techrepublic.com/article/pro-tip-how-to-opt-out-of-interest-based-ads-on-your-android-phone/">opted out of interest-based ads</a>,
+ the advertiser will receive a copy of your unique device advertising ID, which allows them to track your device across apps.
+ AdMob reports <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information to developers.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><item>Total impressions</item></li>
+ <li><item>Total clicks</item></li>
+ <li><item>Platforms</item> (eg. high-end mobile devices, tablets)</li>
+ <li><item>Activity by country</item></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Direct Communications</h3>
+ <p>Users may choose to send direct communications to Stoutner, like email messages and comments on <a href="https://www.stoutner.com/">stoutner.com</a>.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <hr />
+ <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.4, 20 April 2017</em></p>
+ </body>
\ No newline at end of file
color: 0D4781;
- strong {
+ strong.red {
color: B71C1C;
+ strong.blue {
+ color: 1565C0;
+ }
item {
color: 1976D2;
font-weight: bold;
<h3>Privacy Browser Free</h3>
- <p><strong>Privacy Browser Free does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
+ <p><strong class="red">Privacy Browser Free does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
<h3>Google Play</h3>
<p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
Google provides <em>anonymized summary installation information</em> to developers, including the number of installs organized by the following categories.
- <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make users uncomfortable.</p>
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
<li><item>Device</item> (eg. Samsung Galaxy S6 [zeroflte])</li>
<h3>Google Play Ratings</h3>
- <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>. Google provides developers with <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information related to user ratings.
- <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make users uncomfortable.</p>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Google provides developers with <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information related to user ratings.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
<li><item>Language</item> (eg. English)</li>
<h3>Google Play Reviews</h3>
<p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
In addition to the name of the reviewer, the rating, and the text of the review (which are all available publicly), Google provides some or all of the following information to the developer.
- <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make the reviewer uncomfortable.</p>
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Version code</item> (eg. 7)</li>
<li><item>Version name</item> (eg. 1.6)</li>
<p>Privacy Browser Free displays a banner ad across the bottom of the screen using Google's AdMob network, which has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
Note that unless you have <a href="http://www.techrepublic.com/article/pro-tip-how-to-opt-out-of-interest-based-ads-on-your-android-phone/">opted out of interest-based ads</a>,
the advertiser will receive a copy of your unique device advertising ID, which allows them to track your device across apps.
- AdMob reports <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information to developers. <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>.
- Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make users uncomfortable.</p>
+ AdMob reports <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information to developers.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Total impressions</item></li>
<li><item>Total clicks</item></li>
<h3>Direct Communications</h3>
<p>Users may choose to send direct communications to Stoutner, like email messages and comments on <a href="https://www.stoutner.com/">stoutner.com</a>.
- <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make the author uncomfortable.</p>
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<hr />
- <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.3, 14 November 2016</em></p>
+ <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.4, 20 April 2017</em></p>
\ No newline at end of file
Copyright 2016-2017 Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.
- Translation 2016 Aaron Gerlach <aaron@gerlach.com>. Copyright assigned to Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.
+ This file is part of Privacy Browser <https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser>.
- Diese Datei ist Teil von Privacy Browser <https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser>.
+ Privacy Browser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
- Privacy Browser ist eine kostenlose Software: Sie können sie
- unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License weiterverteilen
- mit Berufung auf die veröffentlichte Fassung der Free Software
- Foundation, entweder Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer
- Möglichkeit) jede neuere Version.
+ Privacy Browser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
- Privacy Browser wird in der Hoffnung vertrieben nützlich zu sein,
- jedoch OHNE JEGLICHE GARANTIE; auch ohne die implizierte
- BESTIMMTE ANWENDUNGEN. Nutzen Sie die GNU General Public
- License für mehr Details.
- Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit
- Privacy Browser erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, besuchen Sie
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -->
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Privacy Browser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -->
color: 0D4781;
- strong {
+ strong.red {
color: B71C1C;
+ strong.blue {
+ color: 1565C0;
+ }
item {
color: 1976D2;
font-weight: bold;
<h3>Privacy Browser</h3>
- <p><strong>Privacy Browser sammelt keinerlei Benutzerinformationen</strong>.</p>
+ <p><strong class="red">Privacy Browser does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
- <h3>Google Play-Bewertungen</h3>
- <p>Google Play hat seine eigenen <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a>.
- Google stellt den Entwicklern <em>anonymisierte Statistiken</em> der folgenden Informationen zu den Bewertungen.
- <strong>Stoutner kann diese Informationen für jeden Zweck benutzen</strong>.</p>
+ <h3>Google Play</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Google provides <em>anonymized summary installation information</em> to developers, including the number of installs organized by the following categories.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
- <li><item>Land</item></li>
- <li><item>Sprache</item></li>
- <li><item>App-Version</item></li>
- <li><item>Android-Version</item></li>
- <li><item>Gerät</item> (z. B. Google Nexus 5X, Samsung Galaxy Note3)</li>
- <li><item>Tablets</item> (z. B. Tablets 10" und größer)</li>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Samsung Galaxy S6 [zeroflte])</li>
+ <li><item>Tablets</item> (eg. Tablets 10" and above)</li>
+ <li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
+ <li><item>Language</item> (eg. English [United States])</li>
+ <li><item>App version</item> (eg. 14)</li>
+ <li><item>Carrier</item> (eg. T-Mobile - US)</li>
- <h3>Google Play Rezensionen</h3>
- <p>Google Play hat seine eigenen <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">Datenschutzbestimmungen</a>.
- Zusätzlich zum Namen des Verfassers, der Bewertung und der Rezension (welche alle öffentlich sind)
- stellt Google einige oder alle der folgenden Informationen dem Entwickler zur Verfügung.
- <strong>Stoutner kann diese Informationen zu jedem Zweck nutzen</strong>.</p>
+ <h3>Google Play Ratings</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ Google provides developers with <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information related to user ratings.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
- <li><item>Version-Code</item> (z. B. 7)</li>
- <li><item>Version-Name</item> (z. B. 1.6)</li>
- <li><item>Android Version</item> (z. B. Android 5.1)</li>
- <li><item>Gerät</item> (z. B. Galaxy S6 Edge+ [zenlte])</li>
- <li><item>Hersteller</item> (z. B. Samsung)</li>
- <li><item>Gerätetyp</item> (z. B. Telefon)</li>
- <li><item>CPU-Hersteller</item> (z. B. Samsung)</li>
- <li><item>CPU-Modell</item> (z. B. Exynos 7420)</li>
- <li><item>Bildschirmdichte</item> (z. B. 560 dpi)</li>
- <li><item>Bildschirmgröße</item> (z. B. 2560 x 1440)</li>
- <li><item>RAM</item> (z. B. 4096 MB)</li>
- <li><item>Native Plattform</item> (z. B. armeabi-v7a,armeabi,arm64v8a)</li>
- <li><item>OpenGL ES Version</item> (z. B. 3.1)</li>
- <li><item>Gerätesprache</item> (z. B. Englisch)</li>
+ <li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
+ <li><item>Language</item> (eg. English)</li>
+ <li><item>App version</item> (eg. 14)</li>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Google Nexus 5X [bullhead])</li>
+ <li><item>Tablets</item> (eg. Tablets 10" and above)</li>
+ <h3>Google Play Reviews</h3>
+ <p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
+ In addition to the name of the reviewer, the rating, and the text of the review (which are all available publicly), Google provides some or all of the following information to the developer.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><item>Version code</item> (eg. 7)</li>
+ <li><item>Version name</item> (eg. 1.6)</li>
+ <li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 5.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device</item> (eg. Galaxy S6 Edge+ [zenlte])</li>
+ <li><item>Manufacturer</item> (eg. Samsung)</li>
+ <li><item>Device type</item> (eg. Phone)</li>
+ <li><item>CPU make</item> (eg. Samsung)</li>
+ <li><item>CPU model</item> (eg. Exynos 7420)</li>
+ <li><item>Screen density</item> (eg. 560 dpi)</li>
+ <li><item>Screen size</item> (eg. 2560 x 1440)</li>
+ <li><item>RAM</item> (eg. 4096 MB)</li>
+ <li><item>Native platform</item> (eg. armeabi-v7a,armeabi,arm64v8a)</li>
+ <li><item>OpenGL ES version</item> (eg. 3.1)</li>
+ <li><item>Device language</item> (eg. English)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Direct Communications</h3>
+ <p>Users may choose to send direct communications to Stoutner, like email messages and comments on <a href="https://www.stoutner.com/">stoutner.com</a>.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<hr />
- <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.2, 3. Juni 2016</em></p>
+ <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.4, 20 April 2017</em></p>
\ No newline at end of file
color: 0D4781;
- strong {
+ strong.red {
color: B71C1C;
+ strong.blue {
+ color: 1565C0;
+ }
item {
color: 1976D2;
font-weight: bold;
<h3>Privacy Browser</h3>
- <p><strong>Privacy Browser does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
+ <p><strong class="red">Privacy Browser does not collect any user information</strong>.</p>
<h3>Google Play</h3>
<p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
- Google provides <em>anonymized summary installation information</em> to developers, including the number of
- installs organized by the following categories. <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>.
- Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that would make users uncomfortable.</p>
+ Google provides <em>anonymized summary installation information</em> to developers, including the number of installs organized by the following categories.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Android version</item> (eg. Android 7.1)</li>
<li><item>Device</item> (eg. Samsung Galaxy S6 [zeroflte])</li>
<h3>Google Play Ratings</h3>
<p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
Google provides developers with <em>anonymized summaries</em> of the following information related to user ratings.
- <strong>Stoutner may use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made
- to not use this information in a way that would make users uncomfortable.</p>
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Country</item> (eg. United States)</li>
<li><item>Language</item> (eg. English)</li>
<h3>Google Play Reviews</h3>
<p>Google Play has its <a href="https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/">own privacy policy</a>.
- In addition to the name of the reviewer, the rating, and the text of the review (which are all available publicly),
- Google provides some or all of the following information to the developer. <strong>Stoutner may
- use this information for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this
- information in a way that would make the reviewer uncomfortable.</p>
+ In addition to the name of the reviewer, the rating, and the text of the review (which are all available publicly), Google provides some or all of the following information to the developer.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<li><item>Version code</item> (eg. 7)</li>
<li><item>Version name</item> (eg. 1.6)</li>
<h3>Direct Communications</h3>
- <p>Users may choose to send direct communications to Stoutner, like email messages and comments on
- <a href="https://www.stoutner.com/">stoutner.com</a>. <strong>Stoutner may use this information
- for any purpose</strong>. Reasonable effort is made to not use this information in a way that
- would make the author uncomfortable.</p>
+ <p>Users may choose to send direct communications to Stoutner, like email messages and comments on <a href="https://www.stoutner.com/">stoutner.com</a>.
+ <strong class="red">Stoutner may use this information in any way that assists in the development of Privacy Browser, including sharing the information with a third party</strong>.
+ <strong class="blue">Reasonable effort is made to not use it in a way that would make users uncomfortable</strong>.</p>
<hr />
- <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.3, 14 November 2016</em></p>
+ <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Revision 1.4, 20 April 2017</em></p>
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