import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.res.Configuration
import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.R
import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity
import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView
import java.text.DateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
+import java.util.Date
// Define the class constants.
private const val WEBVIEW_FRAGMENT_ID = "webview_fragment_id"
+private const val HAS_SSL_CERTIFICATE = "has_ssl_certificate"
+private const val FAVORITE_ICON = "favorite_icon"
+private const val DOMAIN = "domain"
+private const val IP_ADDRESSES = "ip_addresses"
+private const val ISSUED_TO_CNAME = "issued_to_cname"
+private const val ISSUED_TO_ONAME = "issued_to_oname"
+private const val ISSUED_TO_UNAME = "issued_to_uname"
+private const val ISSUED_BY_CNAME = "issued_by_cname"
+private const val ISSUED_BY_ONAME = "issued_by_oname"
+private const val ISSUED_BY_UNAME = "issued_by_uname"
+private const val START_DATE = "start_date"
+private const val END_DATE = "end_date"
class ViewSslCertificateDialog : DialogFragment() {
+ // Define the class variables.
+ private var hasSslCertificate: Boolean = false
+ // Declare the class variables.
+ private lateinit var favoriteIconDrawable: Drawable
+ private lateinit var domainString: String
+ private lateinit var ipAddresses: String
+ private lateinit var issuedToCName: String
+ private lateinit var issuedToOName: String
+ private lateinit var issuedToUName: String
+ private lateinit var issuedByCName: String
+ private lateinit var issuedByOName: String
+ private lateinit var issuedByUName: String
+ private lateinit var startDate: Date
+ private lateinit var endDate: Date
+ // Declare the class views.
+ private lateinit var nestedScrollWebView: NestedScrollWebView
companion object {
// `@JvmStatic` will no longer be required once all the code has transitioned to Kotlin.
// `@SuppressLint("InflateParams")` removes the warning about using `null` as the parent view group when inflating the alert dialog.
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
- // Get the current position of this WebView fragment.
- val webViewPosition = MainWebViewActivity.webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(requireArguments().getLong(WEBVIEW_FRAGMENT_ID))
+ // Use a builder to create the alert dialog.
+ val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(),
- // Get the WebView tab fragment.
- val webViewTabFragment = MainWebViewActivity.webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(webViewPosition)
+ // Populate the class variables.
+ if (savedInstanceState == null) { // The dialog is starting for the first time.
+ // Get the current position of this WebView fragment.
+ val webViewPosition = MainWebViewActivity.webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(requireArguments().getLong(WEBVIEW_FRAGMENT_ID))
- // Get the fragment view.
- val fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.requireView()
+ // Get the WebView tab fragment.
+ val webViewTabFragment = MainWebViewActivity.webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(webViewPosition)
- // Get a handle for the current nested scroll WebView.
- val nestedScrollWebView: NestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(
+ // Get the fragment view.
+ val fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.requireView()
- // Use a builder to create the alert dialog.
- val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext(),
+ // Get a handle for the current nested scroll WebView.
+ nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(
+ // Get the SSL certificate.
+ val sslCertificate = nestedScrollWebView.certificate
+ // Store the status of the SSL certificate.
+ hasSslCertificate = sslCertificate != null
- // Create a drawable version of the favorite icon.
- val favoriteIconDrawable: Drawable = BitmapDrawable(resources, nestedScrollWebView.favoriteOrDefaultIcon)
+ // Create a drawable version of the favorite icon.
+ favoriteIconDrawable = BitmapDrawable(resources, nestedScrollWebView.favoriteOrDefaultIcon)
+ // Populate the certificate class variables if the webpage has an SSL certificate.
+ if (hasSslCertificate) {
+ // Convert the URL to a URI.
+ val uri = Uri.parse(nestedScrollWebView.url)
+ // Extract the domain name from the URI.
+ domainString =!!
+ // Get the ip addresses from the nested scroll WebView.
+ ipAddresses = nestedScrollWebView.currentIpAddresses
+ // Get the strings from the SSL certificate.
+ issuedToCName = sslCertificate!!.issuedTo.cName
+ issuedToOName = sslCertificate.issuedTo.oName
+ issuedToUName = sslCertificate.issuedTo.uName
+ issuedByCName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.cName
+ issuedByOName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.oName
+ issuedByUName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.uName
+ startDate = sslCertificate.validNotBeforeDate
+ endDate = sslCertificate.validNotAfterDate
+ }
+ } else { // The dialog has been restarted.
+ // Get the data from the saved instance state.
+ hasSslCertificate = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(HAS_SSL_CERTIFICATE)
+ val favoriteIconByteArray = savedInstanceState.getByteArray(FAVORITE_ICON)!!
+ // Convert the favorite icon byte array to a bitmap.
+ val favoriteIconBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(favoriteIconByteArray, 0, favoriteIconByteArray.size)
+ // Create a drawable version of the favorite icon.
+ favoriteIconDrawable = BitmapDrawable(resources, favoriteIconBitmap)
+ // Populate the certificate class variables if the webpage has an SSL certificate.
+ if (hasSslCertificate) {
+ // Populate the certificate class variables from the saved instance state.
+ domainString = savedInstanceState.getString(DOMAIN)!!
+ ipAddresses = savedInstanceState.getString(IP_ADDRESSES)!!
+ issuedToCName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_TO_CNAME)!!
+ issuedToOName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_TO_ONAME)!!
+ issuedToUName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_TO_UNAME)!!
+ issuedByCName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_BY_CNAME)!!
+ issuedByOName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_BY_ONAME)!!
+ issuedByUName = savedInstanceState.getString(ISSUED_BY_UNAME)!!
+ startDate = Date(savedInstanceState.getLong(START_DATE))
+ endDate = Date(savedInstanceState.getLong(END_DATE))
+ }
+ }
// Set the icon.
// Set the close button listener. Using `null` as the listener closes the dialog without doing anything else.
dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton(R.string.close, null)
- // Get the SSL certificate.
- val sslCertificate = nestedScrollWebView.certificate
// Get a handle for the shared preferences.
val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
val allowScreenshots = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.allow_screenshots_key), false)
// Check to see if the website is encrypted.
- if (sslCertificate == null) { // The website is not encrypted.
- // Set the title.
- dialogBuilder.setTitle(R.string.unencrypted_website)
- // Set the Layout. The parent view is `null` because it will be assigned by the alert dialog.
- dialogBuilder.setView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.unencrypted_website_dialog, null))
- // Create an alert dialog from the builder.
- val alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create()
- // Disable screenshots if not allowed.
- if (!allowScreenshots) {
- // Disable screenshots.
- alertDialog.window!!.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)
- }
- // Return the alert dialog.
- return alertDialog
- } else { // The website is encrypted.
+ if (hasSslCertificate) { // The website is encrypted.
// Set the title.
val startDateLabel = getString(R.string.start_date) + " "
val endDateLabel = getString(R.string.end_date) + " "
- // Convert the URL to a URI.
- val uri = Uri.parse(nestedScrollWebView.url)
- // Extract the domain name from the URI.
- val domainString =
- // Get the strings from the SSL certificate.
- val issuedToCName = sslCertificate.issuedTo.cName
- val issuedToOName = sslCertificate.issuedTo.oName
- val issuedToUName = sslCertificate.issuedTo.uName
- val issuedByCName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.cName
- val issuedByOName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.oName
- val issuedByUName = sslCertificate.issuedBy.uName
- val startDate = sslCertificate.validNotBeforeDate
- val endDate = sslCertificate.validNotAfterDate
// Create spannable string builders for each text view that needs multiple colors of text.
val domainStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(domainLabel + domainString)
- val ipAddressesStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(ipAddressesLabel + nestedScrollWebView.currentIpAddresses)
+ val ipAddressesStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(ipAddressesLabel + ipAddresses)
val issuedToCNameStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(cNameLabel + issuedToCName)
val issuedToONameStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(oNameLabel + issuedToOName)
val issuedToUNameStringBuilder = SpannableStringBuilder(uNameLabel + issuedToUName)
val baseCertificateDomain = issuedToCName.substring(2)
// Setup a copy of the domain string to test subdomains.
- var domainStringSubdomain = domainString!!
+ var domainStringSubdomain = domainString
// Define a domain names match variable.
var domainNamesMatch = false
// Return the alert dialog.
return alertDialog
+ } else { // The website is not encrypted.
+ // Set the title.
+ dialogBuilder.setTitle(R.string.unencrypted_website)
+ // Set the Layout. The parent view is `null` because it will be assigned by the alert dialog.
+ dialogBuilder.setView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.unencrypted_website_dialog, null))
+ // Create an alert dialog from the builder.
+ val alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create()
+ // Disable screenshots if not allowed.
+ if (!allowScreenshots) {
+ // Disable screenshots.
+ alertDialog.window!!.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)
+ }
+ // Return the alert dialog.
+ return alertDialog
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
+ // Run the default commands.
+ super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState)
+ // Get the favorite icon bitmap drawable.
+ val favoriteIconBitmapDrawable = favoriteIconDrawable as BitmapDrawable
+ // Get the favorite icon bitmap.
+ val favoriteIconBitmap = favoriteIconBitmapDrawable.bitmap
+ // Create a favorite icon byte array output stream.
+ val favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ // Convert the bitmap to a PNG and place it in the byte array output stream. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
+ favoriteIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream)
+ // Convert the favorite icon byte array output stream to a byte array.
+ val favoriteIconByteArray = favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()
+ // Save the common class variables.
+ savedInstanceState.putBoolean(HAS_SSL_CERTIFICATE, hasSslCertificate)
+ savedInstanceState.putByteArray(FAVORITE_ICON, favoriteIconByteArray)
+ // Save the SSL certificate strings if they exist.
+ if (hasSslCertificate) {
+ savedInstanceState.putString(DOMAIN, domainString)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(IP_ADDRESSES, ipAddresses)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_TO_CNAME, issuedToCName)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_TO_ONAME, issuedToOName)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_TO_UNAME, issuedToUName)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_BY_CNAME, issuedByCName)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_BY_ONAME, issuedByOName)
+ savedInstanceState.putString(ISSUED_BY_UNAME, issuedByUName)
+ savedInstanceState.putLong(START_DATE, startDate.time)
+ savedInstanceState.putLong(END_DATE, endDate.time)
\ No newline at end of file