private lateinit var optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnAndroidMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnLinuxMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnWindowsMenuItem: MenuItem
- private lateinit var optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var optionsUserAgentMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var optionsUserAgentPrivacyBrowserMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var optionsUserAgentSafariOnIosMenuItem: MenuItem
private lateinit var urlEditText: EditText
private lateinit var urlRelativeLayout: RelativeLayout
private lateinit var userAgentDataArray: Array<String>
- private lateinit var userAgentNamesArray: ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>
+ private lateinit var userAgentNamesArray: Array<String>
+ private lateinit var userAgentDataArrayAdapter: ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>
+ private lateinit var userAgentNamesArrayAdapter: ArrayAdapter<CharSequence>
// Define the class variables.
private var actionBarDrawerToggle: ActionBarDrawerToggle? = null
optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsUserAgentChromeOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsUserAgentEdgeOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(
- optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsUserAgentSafariOnMacosMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsUserAgentCustomMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsSwipeToRefreshMenuItem = menu.findItem(
optionsUserAgentEdgeOnWindowsMenuItem.isChecked = true
- resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10] -> { // Internet Explorer on Windows.
- // Update the user agent menu item title.
- optionsUserAgentMenuItem.title = getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_internet_explorer_on_windows)
- // Select the Internet on Windows radio box.
- optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem.isChecked = true
- }
- resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[11] -> { // Safari on macOS.
+ resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10] -> { // Safari on macOS.
// Update the user agent menu item title.
optionsUserAgentMenuItem.title = getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_safari_on_macos)
- -> { // User Agent - Internet Explorer on Windows.
- // Update the user agent.
- currentWebView!!.settings.userAgentString = resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10]
- // Reload the current WebView.
- currentWebView!!.reload()
- // Consume the event.
- true
- }
- -> { // User Agent - Safari on macOS.
// Update the user agent.
- currentWebView!!.settings.userAgentString = resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[11]
+ currentWebView!!.settings.userAgentString = resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10]
// Reload the current WebView.
} -> { // Add or edit domain.
- // Reapply the domain settings on returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
+ // Reapply the domain settings on returning to the main WebView activity.
reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true
// Check if domain settings are currently applied.
// Get the current domain from the URI. Use an empty string if it is null.
val currentDomain = ""
+ // Get the current settings status.
+ val javaScriptInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.settings.javaScriptEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.javascript_key), false))
+ val cookiesInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.acceptCookies, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.cookies_key), false))
+ val domStorageInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.settings.domStorageEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.dom_storage_key), false))
+ val easyListInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.easyListEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.easylist_key), true))
+ val easyPrivacyInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.easyPrivacyEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.easyprivacy_key), true))
+ val fanboysAnnoyanceListInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.fanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.fanboys_annoyance_list_key), true))
+ val fanboysSocialBlockingListInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.fanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.fanboys_social_blocking_list_key), true))
+ val ultraListInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.ultraListEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.ultralist_key), true))
+ val ultraPrivacyInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.ultraPrivacyEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.ultraprivacy_key), true))
+ val blockAllThirdPartyRequestsInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.blockAllThirdPartyRequests, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.block_all_third_party_requests_key), true))
+ val swipeToRefreshInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.swipeToRefresh, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.swipe_to_refresh_key), true))
+ val wideViewportInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.settings.useWideViewPort, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.wide_viewport_key), true))
+ val displayImagesInt = calculateSettingsInt(currentWebView!!.settings.loadsImagesAutomatically, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.display_webpage_images_key), true))
+ // Initialize the form data int.
+ var formDataInt = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+ // Set the form data int, which can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
+ // Get the form data status.
+ val formDataEnabled = currentWebView!!.settings.saveFormData
+ // Calculate the form data Int.
+ formDataInt = calculateSettingsInt(formDataEnabled, sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.save_form_data_key), false))
+ }
+ // Get the current user agent string.
+ val currentUserAgentString = currentWebView!!.settings.userAgentString
+ // Get the user agent string array position.
+ val userAgentStringArrayPosition = userAgentDataArrayAdapter.getPosition(currentUserAgentString)
+ // Set the user agent name.
+ val userAgentName = if ((userAgentStringArrayPosition >= 0) && (defaultUserAgentName == userAgentNamesArray[userAgentStringArrayPosition])) { // The system default user agent is in use.
+ getString(R.string.system_default_user_agent)
+ } else { // An on-the-fly user agent is being used (or the WebView default user agent is applied).
+ when (userAgentStringArrayPosition) {
+ UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT -> { // The user agent is unrecognized.
+ if (currentUserAgentString == webViewDefaultUserAgent) { // The WebView default user agent is being used.
+ if (defaultUserAgentName == getString(R.string.webview_default)) { // The WebView default user agent is the system default.
+ // Set the user agent name to be the system default.
+ getString(R.string.system_default_user_agent)
+ } else { // The WebView default user agent is set as an on-the-fly setting.
+ // Set the default user agent name.
+ getString(R.string.webview_default)
+ }
+ } else { // A custom user agent is being used.
+ if (defaultUserAgentName == getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_non_translatable)) { // The system custom user agent is in use.
+ // Set the user agent name to be the system default.
+ getString(R.string.system_default_user_agent)
+ } else { // An on-the-fly custom user agent is in use.
+ // Store the user agent as currently applied.
+ currentUserAgentString
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else -> // Store the standard user agent name.
+ userAgentNamesArray[userAgentStringArrayPosition]
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the current text zoom integer.
+ val textZoomInt = currentWebView!!.settings.textZoom
+ // Set the font size integer.
+ val fontSizeInt = if (textZoomInt == defaultFontSizeString.toInt()) // The current system default is used, which is encoded as a zoom of `0`.
+ 0
+ else // A custom font size is used.
+ textZoomInt
+ // Get the current WebView dark theme status.
+ val webViewDarkThemeCurrentlyEnabled = if (WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) // Algorithmic darkening is supported.
+ WebSettingsCompat.isAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(currentWebView!!.settings)
+ else // Algorithmic darkening is not supported.
+ false
+ // Get the default WebView dark theme setting.
+ val defaultWebViewDarkThemeEnabled = if (WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // Algorithmic darkening is supported.
+ when (defaultWebViewTheme) {
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1] -> // The dark theme is disabled by default.
+ false
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2] -> // The dark theme is enabled by default.
+ true
+ else -> { // The system default theme is selected.
+ // Get the current app theme status.
+ val currentAppThemeStatus = resources.configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK
+ // Check if the current app theme is dark.
+ currentAppThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Algorithmic darkening is not supported.
+ false
+ }
+ // Set the WebView theme int.
+ val webViewThemeInt = if (webViewDarkThemeCurrentlyEnabled == defaultWebViewDarkThemeEnabled) // The current WebView theme matches the default.
+ else if (webViewDarkThemeCurrentlyEnabled) // The current WebView theme is dark and that is not the default.
+ else // The current WebView theme is light and that is not the default.
// Create the domain and store the database ID.
- val newDomainDatabaseId = domainsDatabaseHelper!!.addDomain(currentDomain)
+ val newDomainDatabaseId = domainsDatabaseHelper!!.addDomain(currentDomain, javaScriptInt, cookiesInt, domStorageInt, formDataInt, userAgentName, easyListInt, easyPrivacyInt,
+ fanboysAnnoyanceListInt, fanboysSocialBlockingListInt, ultraListInt, ultraPrivacyInt, blockAllThirdPartyRequestsInt, fontSizeInt,
+ swipeToRefreshInt, webViewThemeInt, wideViewportInt, displayImagesInt)
// Create an intent to launch the domains activity.
val domainsIntent = Intent(this,
// Get the WebView theme entry values string array. This is done here so that expensive resource requests are not made each time a domain is loaded.
webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray = resources.getStringArray(R.array.webview_theme_entry_values)
- // Get the user agent array adapter and string array. These are done here so that expensive resource requests are not made each time a domain is loaded.
- userAgentNamesArray = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.user_agent_names, R.layout.spinner_item)
+ // Get the user agent string arrays. These are done here so that expensive resource requests are not made each time a domain is loaded.
userAgentDataArray = resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)
+ userAgentNamesArray = resources.getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_names)
+ // Get the user agent array adapters. These are done here so that expensive resource requests are not made each time a domain is loaded.
+ userAgentDataArrayAdapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.user_agent_data, R.layout.spinner_item)
+ userAgentNamesArrayAdapter = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.user_agent_names, R.layout.spinner_item)
// Store the values from the shared preferences in variables.
incognitoModeEnabled = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.incognito_mode_key), false)
// Set the user agent.
if (userAgentName == getString(R.string.system_default_user_agent)) { // Use the system default user agent.
// Set the user agent according to the system default.
- when (val defaultUserAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName)) {
- // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
- UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = defaultUserAgentName
+ when (val defaultUserAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArrayAdapter.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName)) {
+ UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT -> // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = defaultUserAgentName
- // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
- SETTINGS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = ""
+ SETTINGS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT -> // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = ""
- // Set the default custom user agent.
- SETTINGS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString =
- sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value))
+ SETTINGS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT -> // Set the default custom user agent.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value))
- // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
- else -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = userAgentDataArray[defaultUserAgentArrayPosition]
+ else -> // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = userAgentDataArray[defaultUserAgentArrayPosition]
} else { // Set the user agent according to the stored name.
// Set the user agent.
- when (val userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(userAgentName)) {
+ when (val userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArrayAdapter.getPosition(userAgentName)) {
// This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = userAgentName
if (WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) {
// Set the WebView theme.
when (webViewThemeInt) {
- // Set the WebView theme.
+ SYSTEM_DEFAULT -> // Set the WebView theme.
when (defaultWebViewTheme) {
- // The light theme is selected. Turn off algorithmic darkening.
- webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1] -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1] -> // The light theme is selected. Turn off algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
- // The dark theme is selected. Turn on algorithmic darkening.
- webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2] -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2] -> // The dark theme is selected. Turn on algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
- // The system default theme is selected.
- else -> {
+ else -> { // The system default theme is selected.
// Get the current system theme status.
val currentThemeStatus = resources.configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK
- // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
- LIGHT_THEME -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
+ LIGHT_THEME -> // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
- // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
- DARK_THEME -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
+ DARK_THEME -> // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
nestedScrollWebView.domainSettingsDatabaseId = -1
// Set the user agent.
- when (val userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName)) {
- // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
- UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = defaultUserAgentName
+ when (val userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArrayAdapter.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName)) {
+ UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT -> // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = defaultUserAgentName
- // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
- SETTINGS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = ""
+ SETTINGS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT -> // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = ""
- // Set the default custom user agent.
- SETTINGS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString =
- sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value))
+ SETTINGS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT -> // Set the default custom user agent.
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value))
- // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
- else -> nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = userAgentDataArray[userAgentArrayPosition]
+ else -> // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
+ nestedScrollWebView.settings.userAgentString = userAgentDataArray[userAgentArrayPosition]
// Set the WebView theme if algorithmic darkening is supported.
if (WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) {
// Set the WebView theme.
when (defaultWebViewTheme) {
- // The light theme is selected. Turn off algorithmic darkening.
- webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1] -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1] -> // The light theme is selected. Turn off algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, false)
- // The dark theme is selected. Turn on algorithmic darkening.
- webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2] -> WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
+ webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2] -> // The dark theme is selected. Turn on algorithmic darkening.
+ WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.settings, true)
- // The system default theme is selected. Get the current system theme status.
- else -> {
+ else -> { // The system default theme is selected. Get the current system theme status.
// Get the current theme status.
val currentThemeStatus = resources.configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK
+ private fun calculateSettingsInt(settingCurrentlyEnabled: Boolean, settingEnabledByDefault: Boolean): Int {
+ return if (settingCurrentlyEnabled == settingEnabledByDefault) // The current system default is used.
+ else if (settingCurrentlyEnabled) // The setting is enabled, which is different from the system default.
+ else // The setting is disabled, which is different from the system default.
+ }
private fun clearAndExit() {
// Close the bookmarks cursor if it exists.
return domainsDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $DOMAINS_TABLE WHERE $DOMAIN_NAME = $sqlEscapedDomainName", null)
+ fun addDomain(contentValues: ContentValues) {
+ // Get a writable database handle.
+ val domainsDatabase = this.writableDatabase
+ // Add the new domain.
+ domainsDatabase.insert(DOMAINS_TABLE, null, contentValues)
+ // Close the database handle.
+ domainsDatabase.close()
+ }
fun addDomain(domainName: String): Int {
// Instantiate a content values.
val domainContentValues = ContentValues()
return newDomainDatabaseId
- fun addDomain(contentValues: ContentValues) {
+ fun addDomain(domainName: String, javaScriptInt: Int, cookiesInt: Int, domStorageInt: Int, formDataInt: Int, userAgentName: String, easyListInt: Int, easyPrivacyInt: Int, fanboysAnnoyanceListInt: Int,
+ fanboysSocialBlockingListInt: Int, ultraListInt: Int, ultraPrivacyInt: Int, blockAllThirdPartyRequestsInt: Int, fontSizeInt: Int, swipeToRefreshInt: Int, webViewThemeInt: Int,
+ wideViewportInt: Int, displayImagesInt: Int): Int {
+ // Instantiate a content values.
+ val domainContentValues = ContentValues()
+ // Create entries for the database fields. The ID is created automatically. The pinned SSL certificate information is not created unless added by the user.
+ domainContentValues.put(DOMAIN_NAME, domainName)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT, javaScriptInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(COOKIES, cookiesInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_DOM_STORAGE, domStorageInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_FORM_DATA, formDataInt) // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
+ domainContentValues.put(USER_AGENT, userAgentName)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_EASYLIST, easyListInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_EASYPRIVACY, easyPrivacyInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_FANBOYS_ANNOYANCE_LIST, fanboysAnnoyanceListInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_FANBOYS_SOCIAL_BLOCKING_LIST, fanboysSocialBlockingListInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ULTRALIST, ultraListInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(ENABLE_ULTRAPRIVACY, ultraPrivacyInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(BLOCK_ALL_THIRD_PARTY_REQUESTS, blockAllThirdPartyRequestsInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(FONT_SIZE, fontSizeInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(SWIPE_TO_REFRESH, swipeToRefreshInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(WEBVIEW_THEME, webViewThemeInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(WIDE_VIEWPORT, wideViewportInt)
+ domainContentValues.put(DISPLAY_IMAGES, displayImagesInt)
// Get a writable database handle.
val domainsDatabase = this.writableDatabase
- // Add the new domain.
- domainsDatabase.insert(DOMAINS_TABLE, null, contentValues)
+ // Insert a new row and store the resulting database ID.
+ val newDomainDatabaseId = domainsDatabase.insert(DOMAINS_TABLE, null, domainContentValues).toInt()
// Close the database handle.
+ // Return the new domain database ID.
+ return newDomainDatabaseId
fun updateDomain(databaseId: Int, domainName: String, javaScript: Int, cookies: Int, domStorage: Int, formData: Int, userAgent: String, easyList: Int, easyPrivacy: Int, fanboysAnnoyance: Int,