/* * Copyright © 2016-2021 Soren Stoutner . * * This file is part of Privacy Browser . * * Privacy Browser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Privacy Browser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Privacy Browser. If not, see . */ package com.stoutner.privacybrowser.fragments import android.content.Intent import android.content.res.Configuration import android.net.Uri import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse import android.webkit.WebView import android.webkit.WebViewClient import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment import androidx.webkit.WebSettingsCompat import androidx.webkit.WebViewAssetLoader import androidx.webkit.WebViewAssetLoader.AssetsPathHandler import androidx.webkit.WebViewFeature import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.R // Define the class constants. private const val TAB_NUMBER = "tab_number" private const val SCROLL_X = "scroll_x" private const val SCROLL_Y = "scroll_y" class AboutWebViewFragment : Fragment() { // Define the class variables. private var tabNumber = 0 // Declare the class views. private lateinit var webViewLayout: View companion object { fun createTab(tabNumber: Int): AboutWebViewFragment { // Create an arguments bundle. val argumentsBundle = Bundle() // Store the arguments in the bundle. argumentsBundle.putInt(TAB_NUMBER, tabNumber) // Create a new instance of the tab fragment. val aboutWebViewFragment = AboutWebViewFragment() // Add the arguments bundle to the fragment. aboutWebViewFragment.arguments = argumentsBundle // Return the new fragment. return aboutWebViewFragment } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { // Run the default commands. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Store the tab number in a class variable. tabNumber = requireArguments().getInt(TAB_NUMBER) } override fun onCreateView(layoutInflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View { // Inflate the layout. False does not attach the inflated layout as a child of container. The fragment will take care of attaching the root automatically. webViewLayout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.bare_webview, container, false) // Get a handle for tab WebView. val tabWebView = webViewLayout as WebView // Create a WebView asset loader. val webViewAssetLoader = WebViewAssetLoader.Builder().addPathHandler("/assets/", AssetsPathHandler(requireContext())).build() // Set a WebView client. tabWebView.webViewClient = object : WebViewClient() { // `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` allows the sending of external links back to the main Privacy Browser WebView. The deprecated `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` must be used until API >= 24. override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, url: String): Boolean { // Create an intent to view the URL. val urlIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) // Add the URL to the intent. urlIntent.data = Uri.parse(url) // Make it so. startActivity(urlIntent) return true } override fun shouldInterceptRequest(webView: WebView, url: String): WebResourceResponse? { // Have the WebView asset loader process the request. This allows the loading of SVG files, which otherwise is prevented by the CORS policy. return webViewAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(Uri.parse(url)) } } // Get the current theme status. val currentThemeStatus = resources.configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK // Check to see if the app is in night mode. if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The app is in night mode. // Apply the dark WebView theme. WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(tabWebView.settings, WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON) } // Load the indicated tab. The tab numbers start at 0, with the WebView tabs starting at 1. when (tabNumber) { 1 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_permissions.html") 2 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_privacy_policy.html") 3 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_changelog.html") 4 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_licenses.html") 5 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_contributors.html") 6 -> tabWebView.loadUrl("https://appassets.androidplatform.net/assets/" + getString(R.string.android_asset_path) + "/about_links.html") } // Scroll the tab if the saved instance state is not null. if (savedInstanceState != null) { tabWebView.post { tabWebView.scrollX = savedInstanceState.getInt(SCROLL_X) tabWebView.scrollY = savedInstanceState.getInt(SCROLL_Y) } } // Return the formatted WebView layout. return webViewLayout } override fun onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { // Run the default commands. super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState) // Get a handle for the tab WebView. A class variable cannot be used because it gets out of sync when restarting. val tabWebView = webViewLayout as WebView? // Save the scroll positions if the layout is not null, which can happen if a tab is not currently selected. if (tabWebView != null) { savedInstanceState.putInt(SCROLL_X, tabWebView.scrollX) savedInstanceState.putInt(SCROLL_Y, tabWebView.scrollY) } } }