/* * Copyright 2016-2023 Soren Stoutner . * * This file is part of Privacy Browser Android . * * Privacy Browser Android is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Privacy Browser Android is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Privacy Browser Android. If not, see . */ package com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers import android.content.ContentValues import android.content.Context import android.database.Cursor import android.database.DatabaseUtils import android.database.MatrixCursor import android.database.MergeCursor import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.HOME_FOLDER_ID import java.util.Date // Define the class constants. private const val SCHEMA_VERSION = 2 // Define the public database constants. const val BOOKMARKS_DATABASE = "bookmarks.db" const val BOOKMARKS_TABLE = "bookmarks" // Define the public schema constants. const val BOOKMARK_NAME = "bookmarkname" const val BOOKMARK_URL = "bookmarkurl" const val DISPLAY_ORDER = "displayorder" const val FAVORITE_ICON = "favoriteicon" const val FOLDER_ID = "folder_id" const val IS_FOLDER = "isfolder" const val PARENT_FOLDER_ID = "parent_folder_id" // Define the public table creation constant. const val CREATE_BOOKMARKS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE $BOOKMARKS_TABLE (" + "$ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + "$BOOKMARK_NAME TEXT, " + "$BOOKMARK_URL TEXT, " + "$PARENT_FOLDER_ID INTEGER, " + "$DISPLAY_ORDER INTEGER, " + "$IS_FOLDER BOOLEAN, " + "$FOLDER_ID INTEGER, " + "$FAVORITE_ICON BLOB)" class BookmarksDatabaseHelper(context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(context, BOOKMARKS_DATABASE, null, SCHEMA_VERSION) { override fun onCreate(bookmarksDatabase: SQLiteDatabase) { // Create the bookmarks table. bookmarksDatabase.execSQL(CREATE_BOOKMARKS_TABLE) } override fun onUpgrade(bookmarksDatabase: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) { // Upgrade from schema version 1, first used in Privacy Browser 1.8, to schema version 2, first used in Privacy Browser 3.15. if (oldVersion < 2) { // Add the folder ID column. bookmarksDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE $BOOKMARKS_TABLE ADD COLUMN $FOLDER_ID INTEGER") // Get a cursor with all the folders. val foldersCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $IS_FOLDER = 1", null) // Get the folders cursor ID column index. val foldersCursorIdColumnIndex = foldersCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ID) // Add a folder ID to each folder. while(foldersCursor.moveToNext()) { // Get the current folder database ID. val databaseId = foldersCursor.getInt(foldersCursorIdColumnIndex) // Generate a folder ID. val folderId = Date().time // Create a folder content values. val folderContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new folder ID in the content values. folderContentValues.put(FOLDER_ID, folderId) // Update the folder with the new folder ID. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, folderContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Wait 2 milliseconds to ensure that the next folder ID is unique. Thread.sleep(2) } // Close the folders cursor. foldersCursor.close() // Add the parent folder ID column. bookmarksDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE $BOOKMARKS_TABLE ADD COLUMN $PARENT_FOLDER_ID INTEGER") // Get a cursor with all the bookmarks. val bookmarksCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $ID, parentfolder FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE", null) // Get the bookmarks cursor ID column index. val bookmarksCursorIdColumnIndex = bookmarksCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ID) val bookmarksCursorParentFolderColumnIndex = bookmarksCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("parentfolder") // Populate the parent folder ID for each bookmark. while(bookmarksCursor.moveToNext()) { // Get the information from the cursor. val databaseId = bookmarksCursor.getInt(bookmarksCursorIdColumnIndex) val oldParentFolderString = bookmarksCursor.getString(bookmarksCursorParentFolderColumnIndex) // Initialize the new parent folder ID. var newParentFolderId = HOME_FOLDER_ID // Get the parent folder ID if the bookmark is not in the home folder. if (oldParentFolderString.isNotEmpty()) { // SQL escape the old parent folder string. val sqlEscapedFolderName = DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(oldParentFolderString) // Get the parent folder cursor. val parentFolderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $FOLDER_ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $BOOKMARK_NAME = $sqlEscapedFolderName AND $IS_FOLDER = 1", null) // Get the new parent folder ID if it exists. if (parentFolderCursor.count > 0) { // Move to the first entry. parentFolderCursor.moveToFirst() // Get the new parent folder ID. newParentFolderId = parentFolderCursor.getLong(parentFolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(FOLDER_ID)) } // Close the parent folder cursor. parentFolderCursor.close() } // Create a bookmark content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new parent folder ID in the content values. bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, newParentFolderId) // Update the folder with the new folder ID. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) } // Close the bookmarks cursor. bookmarksCursor.close() // This upgrade removed the old `parentfolder` string column. // SQLite amazingly only added a command to drop a column in version 3.35.0. // It will be a while before that is supported in Android. // Although a new table could be created and all the data copied to it, I think I will just leave the old parent folder column. It will be wiped out the next time an import is run. } } // Get a cursor for all bookmarks and folders. val allBookmarks: Cursor get() { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with the entire contents of the bookmarks table. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE", null) } // Get a cursor for all bookmarks and folders ordered by display order. val allBookmarksByDisplayOrder: Cursor get() { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with the entire contents of the bookmarks table ordered by the display order. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) } // Create a bookmark. fun createBookmark(bookmarkName: String, bookmarkUrl: String, parentFolderId: Long, displayOrder: Int, favoriteIcon: ByteArray) { // Store the bookmark data in a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // The ID is created automatically. bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName) bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkUrl) bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) bookmarkContentValues.put(IS_FOLDER, false) bookmarkContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, favoriteIcon) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Insert a new row. bookmarksDatabase.insert(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, null, bookmarkContentValues) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Create a bookmark from content values. fun createBookmark(contentValues: ContentValues) { // Get a writable database. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Insert a new row. bookmarksDatabase.insert(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, null, contentValues) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Create a folder. fun createFolder(folderName: String, parentFolderId: Long, favoriteIcon: ByteArray) { // Create a bookmark folder content values. val bookmarkFolderContentValues = ContentValues() // The ID is created automatically. Folders are always created at the top of the list. bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, folderName) bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, 0) bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(IS_FOLDER, true) bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(FOLDER_ID, generateFolderId()) bookmarkFolderContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, favoriteIcon) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Insert the new folder. bookmarksDatabase.insert(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, null, bookmarkFolderContentValues) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Delete one bookmark. fun deleteBookmark(databaseId: Int) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Deletes the row with the given database ID. bookmarksDatabase.delete(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Get a cursor for the bookmark with the specified database ID. fun getBookmark(databaseId: Int): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return the cursor for the database ID. The cursor can't be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID = $databaseId", null) } // Get a cursor for all bookmarks and folders by display order except those with the specified IDs. fun getAllBookmarksByDisplayOrderExcept(exceptIdLongArray: LongArray): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Prepare a string builder to contain the comma-separated list of IDs not to get. val idsNotToGetStringBuilder = StringBuilder() // Extract the array of IDs not to get to the string builder. for (databaseIdLong in exceptIdLongArray) { // Check to see if there is already a number in the builder. if (idsNotToGetStringBuilder.isNotEmpty()) { // This is not the first number, so place a `,` before the new number. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(",") } // Add the new number to the builder. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(databaseIdLong) } // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks except those specified ordered by display order. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID NOT IN ($idsNotToGetStringBuilder) ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) } // Get a cursor for all bookmarks and folders except those with the specified IDs. fun getAllBookmarksExcept(exceptIdLongArray: LongArray): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Prepare a string builder to contain the comma-separated list of IDs not to get. val idsNotToGetStringBuilder = StringBuilder() // Extract the array of IDs not to get to the string builder. for (databaseIdLong in exceptIdLongArray) { // Check to see if there is already a number in the builder. if (idsNotToGetStringBuilder.isNotEmpty()) { // This is not the first number, so place a `,` before the new number. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(",") } // Add the new number to the builder. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(databaseIdLong) } // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks except those specified. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID NOT IN ($idsNotToGetStringBuilder)", null) } // Get a cursor with just database ID of bookmarks and folders in the specified folder. This is useful for deleting folders with bookmarks that have favorite icons too large to fit in a cursor. fun getBookmarkIds(parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with all the database IDs. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId", null) } // Get a cursor for bookmarks and folders in the specified folder. fun getBookmarks(parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks in a specified folder. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId", null) } // Get a cursor for bookmarks and folders in the specified folder ordered by display order. fun getBookmarksByDisplayOrder(parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks in the specified folder ordered by display order. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) } // Get a cursor for bookmarks and folders in the specified folder by display order except those with the specified IDs. fun getBookmarksByDisplayOrderExcept(exceptIdLongArray: LongArray, parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Prepare a string builder to contain the comma-separated list of IDs not to get. val idsNotToGetStringBuilder = StringBuilder() // Extract the array of IDs not to get to the string builder. for (databaseIdLong in exceptIdLongArray) { // Check to see if there is already a number in the builder. if (idsNotToGetStringBuilder.isNotEmpty()) { // This is not the first number, so place a `,` before the new number. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(",") } // Add the new number to the builder. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(databaseIdLong) } // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks in the specified folder except for those database IDs specified ordered by display order. // The cursor cannot be closed because it will be used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId AND $ID NOT IN ($idsNotToGetStringBuilder) ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) } // Get a cursor for bookmarks and folders in the specified folder except those with the specified IDs. fun getBookmarksExcept(exceptIdLongArray: LongArray, parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Prepare a string builder to contain the comma-separated list of IDs not to get. val idsNotToGetStringBuilder = StringBuilder() // Extract the array of IDs not to get to the string builder. for (databaseIdLong in exceptIdLongArray) { // Check to see if there is already a number in the builder. if (idsNotToGetStringBuilder.isNotEmpty()) { // This is not the first number, so place a `,` before the new number. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(",") } // Add the new number to the builder. idsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(databaseIdLong) } // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks in the specified folder except for those database IDs specified. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId AND $ID NOT IN ($idsNotToGetStringBuilder)", null) } fun getFolderBookmarks(parentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return a cursor with all the bookmarks in the folder. The cursor cannot be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $parentFolderId AND $IS_FOLDER = 0 ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) } // Get the database ID for the specified folder name. fun getFolderDatabaseId(folderId: Long): Int { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Initialize the database ID. var databaseId = 0 // Get the cursor for the folder with the specified name. val folderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $FOLDER_ID = $folderId", null) // Get the database ID if it exists. if (folderCursor.count > 0) { // Move to the first record. folderCursor.moveToFirst() // Get the database ID. databaseId = folderCursor.getInt(folderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ID)) } // Close the cursor and the database handle. folderCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the database ID. return databaseId } // Get the folder ID for the specified folder database ID. fun getFolderId(folderDatabaseId: Int): Long { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Get the cursor for the folder with the specified database ID. val folderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $FOLDER_ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID = $folderDatabaseId", null) // Move to the first record. folderCursor.moveToFirst() // Get the folder ID. val folderId = folderCursor.getLong(folderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(FOLDER_ID)) // Close the cursor and the database handle. folderCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the folder ID. return folderId } // Get the folder name for the specified folder ID. fun getFolderName(folderId: Long): String { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Initialize the folder name. var folderName = "" // Get the cursor for the folder with the specified folder ID. val folderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $BOOKMARK_NAME FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $FOLDER_ID = $folderId", null) // Get the folder name if it exists. if (folderCursor.count > 0) { // Move to the first record. folderCursor.moveToFirst() // Get the folder name. folderName = folderCursor.getString(folderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BOOKMARK_NAME)) } // Close the cursor and the database handle. folderCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the folder name. return folderName } // Get a cursor of all the folders except those specified. fun getFoldersExcept(exceptFolderIdLongList: List): Cursor { // Prepare a string builder to contain the comma-separated list of IDs not to get. val folderIdsNotToGetStringBuilder = StringBuilder() // Extract the array of IDs not to get to the string builder. for (folderId in exceptFolderIdLongList) { // Check to see if there is already a number in the builder. if (folderIdsNotToGetStringBuilder.isNotEmpty()) { // This is not the first number, so place a `,` before the new number. folderIdsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(",") } // Add the new number to the builder. folderIdsNotToGetStringBuilder.append(folderId) } // Get an array list with all of the requested subfolders. val subfoldersCursorArrayList = getSubfoldersExcept(HOME_FOLDER_ID, folderIdsNotToGetStringBuilder.toString()) // Return a cursor. return if (subfoldersCursorArrayList.isEmpty()) { // There are no folders. Return an empty cursor. // A matrix cursor requires the definition of at least one column. MatrixCursor(arrayOf(ID)) } else { // There is at least one folder. // Use a merge cursor to return the folders. MergeCursor(subfoldersCursorArrayList.toTypedArray()) } } // Determine if any folders exist beside the specified database IDs. The array of database IDs can include both bookmarks and folders. fun hasFoldersExceptDatabaseId(exceptDatabaseIdLongArray: LongArray): Boolean { // Create a folder ID long list. val folderIdLongList = mutableListOf() // Populate the list. for (databaseId in exceptDatabaseIdLongArray) { // Convert the database ID to an Int. val databaseIdInt = databaseId.toInt() // Only process database IDs that are folders. if (isFolder(databaseIdInt)) { // Add the folder ID to the list. folderIdLongList.add(getFolderId(databaseIdInt)) } } // Get a lit of all the folders except those specified and their subfolders. val foldersCursor = getFoldersExcept(folderIdLongList) // Determine if any other folders exists. val hasFolder = (foldersCursor.count > 0) // Close the cursor. foldersCursor.close() // Return the folder status. return hasFolder } // Get the name of the parent folder fun getParentFolderId(currentFolderId: Long): Long { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Get a cursor for the current folder. val bookmarkCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $PARENT_FOLDER_ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $FOLDER_ID = $currentFolderId", null) // Move to the first record. bookmarkCursor.moveToFirst() // Store the parent folder ID. val parentFolderId = bookmarkCursor.getLong(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(PARENT_FOLDER_ID)) // Close the cursor and the database. bookmarkCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the parent folder string ID. return parentFolderId } // Get the name of the parent folder. fun getParentFolderId(databaseId: Int): Long { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Get a cursor for the specified database ID. val bookmarkCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $PARENT_FOLDER_ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID = $databaseId", null) // Move to the first record. bookmarkCursor.moveToFirst() // Store the name of the parent folder. val parentFolderId = bookmarkCursor.getLong(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(PARENT_FOLDER_ID)) // Close the cursor and the database. bookmarkCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the parent folder string. return parentFolderId } // Get a cursor with the names and folder IDs of all the subfolders of the specified folder. fun getSubfolderNamesAndFolderIds(currentFolderId: Long): Cursor { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Return the cursor with the subfolders. The cursor can't be closed because it is used in the parent activity. return bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $BOOKMARK_NAME, $FOLDER_ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $currentFolderId AND $IS_FOLDER = 1", null) } fun getSubfolderSpacer(folderId: Long): String { // Create a spacer string var spacerString = "" // Get the parent folder ID. val parentFolderId = getParentFolderId(folderId) // Check to see if the parent folder is not in the home folder. if (parentFolderId != HOME_FOLDER_ID) { // Add two spaces to the spacer string. spacerString += " " // Check the parent folder recursively. spacerString += getSubfolderSpacer(parentFolderId) } // Return the spacer string. return spacerString } private fun getSubfoldersExcept(folderId: Long, exceptFolderIdString: String): ArrayList { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Create a cursor array list. val cursorArrayList = ArrayList() // Create a matrix cursor column names. val matrixCursorColumnNames = arrayOf(ID, BOOKMARK_NAME, FAVORITE_ICON, PARENT_FOLDER_ID, FOLDER_ID) // Get a cursor with the subfolders. val subfolderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $IS_FOLDER = 1 AND $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $folderId AND $FOLDER_ID NOT IN ($exceptFolderIdString) ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) // Get the subfolder cursor column indexes. val idColumnIndex = subfolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ID) val nameColumnIndex = subfolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BOOKMARK_NAME) val favoriteIconColumnIndex = subfolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(FAVORITE_ICON) val parentFolderIdColumnIndex = subfolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(PARENT_FOLDER_ID) val folderIdColumnIndex = subfolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(FOLDER_ID) while (subfolderCursor.moveToNext()) { // Create an array list. val matrixCursor = MatrixCursor(matrixCursorColumnNames) // Add the subfolder to the matrix cursor. matrixCursor.addRow(arrayOf(subfolderCursor.getInt(idColumnIndex), subfolderCursor.getString(nameColumnIndex), subfolderCursor.getBlob(favoriteIconColumnIndex), subfolderCursor.getLong(parentFolderIdColumnIndex), subfolderCursor.getLong(folderIdColumnIndex))) // Add the matrix cursor to the array list. cursorArrayList.add(matrixCursor) // Get all the sub-subfolders recursively cursorArrayList.addAll(getSubfoldersExcept(subfolderCursor.getLong(folderIdColumnIndex), exceptFolderIdString)) } // Close the subfolder cursor. subfolderCursor.close() // Return the matrix cursor. return cursorArrayList } // Check if a database ID is a folder. fun isFolder(databaseId: Int): Boolean { // Get a readable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Get a cursor with the is folder field for the specified database ID. val folderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $IS_FOLDER FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $ID = $databaseId", null) // Move to the first record. folderCursor.moveToFirst() // Ascertain if this database ID is a folder. val isFolder = (folderCursor.getInt(folderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(IS_FOLDER)) == 1) // Close the cursor and the database handle. folderCursor.close() bookmarksDatabase.close() // Return the folder status. return isFolder } // Move one bookmark or folder to a new folder. fun moveToFolder(databaseId: Int, newFolderId: Long) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Get a cursor for all the bookmarks in the new folder ordered by display order. val newFolderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $DISPLAY_ORDER FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $PARENT_FOLDER_ID = $newFolderId ORDER BY $DISPLAY_ORDER ASC", null) // Set the new display order. val displayOrder: Int = if (newFolderCursor.count > 0) { // There are already bookmarks in the folder. // Move to the last bookmark. newFolderCursor.moveToLast() // Set the display order to be one greater that the last bookmark. newFolderCursor.getInt(newFolderCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DISPLAY_ORDER)) + 1 } else { // There are no bookmarks in the new folder. // Set the display order to be `0`. 0 } // Close the cursor. newFolderCursor.close() // Create a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new values. bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, newFolderId) // Update the database. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the bookmark name and URL. fun updateBookmark(databaseId: Int, bookmarkName: String, bookmarkUrl: String) { // Initialize a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName) bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkUrl) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Update the bookmark. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the bookmark name, URL, parent folder, and display order. fun updateBookmark(databaseId: Int, bookmarkName: String, bookmarkUrl: String, parentFolderId: Long, displayOrder: Int) { // Initialize a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName) bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkUrl) bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Update the bookmark. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the bookmark name, URL, and favorite icon. fun updateBookmark(databaseId: Int, bookmarkName: String, bookmarkUrl: String, favoriteIcon: ByteArray) { // Initialize a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName) bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkUrl) bookmarkContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, favoriteIcon) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Update the bookmark. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the bookmark name, URL, parent folder, display order, and favorite icon. fun updateBookmark(databaseId: Int, bookmarkName: String, bookmarkUrl: String, parentFolderId: Long, displayOrder: Int, favoriteIcon: ByteArray) { // Initialize a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, bookmarkName) bookmarkContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_URL, bookmarkUrl) bookmarkContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) bookmarkContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, favoriteIcon) // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Update the bookmark. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the display order for one bookmark or folder. fun updateDisplayOrder(databaseId: Int, displayOrder: Int) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Create a content values. val bookmarkContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new display order. bookmarkContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) // Update the database. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, bookmarkContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the folder name. fun updateFolder(databaseId: Int, newFolderName: String) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Create a folder content values. val folderContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new folder name. folderContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, newFolderName) // Run the update on the folder. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, folderContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the folder name, parent folder, and display order. fun updateFolder(databaseId: Int, newFolderName: String, parentFolderId: Long, displayOrder: Int) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Create a folder content values. val folderContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the new folder values. folderContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, newFolderName) folderContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) folderContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) // Run the update on the folder. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, folderContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the folder name and icon. fun updateFolder(databaseId: Int, newFolderName: String, folderIcon: ByteArray) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Create a folder content values. val folderContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. folderContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, newFolderName) folderContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, folderIcon) // Run the update on the folder. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, folderContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } // Update the folder name and icon. fun updateFolder(databaseId: Int, newFolderName: String, parentFolderId: Long, displayOrder: Int, folderIcon: ByteArray) { // Get a writable database handle. val bookmarksDatabase = this.writableDatabase // Create a folder content values. val folderContentValues = ContentValues() // Store the updated values. folderContentValues.put(BOOKMARK_NAME, newFolderName) folderContentValues.put(PARENT_FOLDER_ID, parentFolderId) folderContentValues.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, displayOrder) folderContentValues.put(FAVORITE_ICON, folderIcon) // Run the update on the folder. bookmarksDatabase.update(BOOKMARKS_TABLE, folderContentValues, "$ID = $databaseId", null) // Close the database handle. bookmarksDatabase.close() } private fun generateFolderId(): Long { // Get the current time in epoch format. val possibleFolderId = Date().time // Get a readable database. val bookmarksDatabase = this.readableDatabase // Get a cursor with any folders that already have this folder ID. val existingFolderCursor = bookmarksDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT $ID FROM $BOOKMARKS_TABLE WHERE $FOLDER_ID = $possibleFolderId", null) // Check if the folder ID is unique. val folderIdIsUnique = (existingFolderCursor.count == 0) // Close the cursor. existingFolderCursor.close() // Either return the folder ID or test a new one. return if (folderIdIsUnique) possibleFolderId else generateFolderId() } }