Privacy Browser"> SorenStoutner">"> Translatable Entity"> ]> The &privacybrowser; Handbook &Soren.Stoutner; &Soren.Stoutner.mail; 2016-2017, 2021-2023 &Soren.Stoutner; &FDLNotice; 2023-02-22 &privacybrowser; version 0.1 &privacybrowser; is a web browser that respects your privacy. KDE privacy browser Introduction &privacybrowser; is currently in an early alpha state. Most of the features are not yet implemented, but I thought it would be useful to publish it so that users can track the progress and submit feedback. To distinguish between the Android and the PC version, the website, issue tracker, and code base refer to this version as Privacy Browser PC. There is a list of feature requests and known bugs at Users should anticipate that all the current features of Privacy Browser Android will also be implemented in Privacy Browser PC. There is no need at this point to create features requests for these as they will be added as I start working on each feature and have a better idea of how they will be implemented. However, each feature that has already been implemented should be bug free. If you discover a bug that is not already documented at please add it. The best place to discuss the development of Privacy Browser is on the forum. I also frequently post on my Mastodon account regarding the development status. Using &privacybrowser; Here's a screenshot of &privacybrowser; Screenshot More &privacybrowser; features It slices! It dices! and it comes with a free toaster! The Squiggle Tool Squiggle is used to draw squiggly lines all over the &privacybrowser; main window. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Command Reference The main &privacybrowser; window The File Menu &Ctrl;N File New Creates a new document &Ctrl;S File Save Saves the document &Ctrl;Q File Quit Quits &privacybrowser; The Settings and Help Menu &privacybrowser; has the common &kde; Settings and Help menu items, for more information read the sections about the Settings Menu and Help Menu of the &kde; Fundamentals. The Help Menu &privacybrowser; has the common &kde; Help menu item, for more information read the section about the Help Menu of the &kde; Fundamentals. Menu Items Apart from the common &kde; menus described in the Menu chapter of the &kde; Fundamentals documentation &privacybrowser; has these application specific menu entries: The Help Menu &privacybrowser; has a default &kde; Help menu as described in the &kde; Fundamentals with two additional entries: Questions and Answers My Mouse doesn't work. How do I quit &privacybrowser;? You silly goose! Check out the Commands Section for the answer. Why can I not twiddle my documents? You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib installed. Credits and License Program copyright 2016-2017,2021-2023 Soren Stoutner Translators: Translations will be added in a future release. &underGPL; Documentation copyright 2023 Soren Stoutner &underFDL;