[Adblock Plus 2.0] ! Version: 4 ! Title: UltraPrivacy ! Last modified: 5 Jul 2024 19:10 UTC ! Expires: 90 days (update frequency) ! Homepage: https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser-android/filter-lists/ultraprivacy/ ! Licence: GPLv3+ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ! ! I can't imagine that anything that includes `analytics` is good for your privacy. analytics ! Block Google Tag Services. googletagservices ! There shall be no connecting to Facebook on the backend. connect.facebook ! Block all HTTP pings. Currently this can only be processed by Privacy Browser PC, but Privacy Browser Android will also gain this functionality in the 4.x series. $ping ! Block all third-party fonts. Currently this can only be processed by Privacy Browser PC, but Privacy Browser Android will also gain this functionality in the 4.x series. $font,third-party