2 * Copyright 2015-2022 Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.
4 * Download cookie code contributed 2017 Hendrik Knackstedt. Copyright assigned to Soren Stoutner <soren@stoutner.com>.
6 * This file is part of Privacy Browser Android <https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser-android>.
8 * Privacy Browser Android is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
13 * Privacy Browser Android is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 * along with Privacy Browser Android. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 package com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities;
24 import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
25 import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
26 import android.app.Activity;
27 import android.app.Dialog;
28 import android.app.DownloadManager;
29 import android.app.SearchManager;
30 import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
31 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
32 import android.content.ClipData;
33 import android.content.ClipboardManager;
34 import android.content.Context;
35 import android.content.Intent;
36 import android.content.IntentFilter;
37 import android.content.SharedPreferences;
38 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
39 import android.content.res.Configuration;
40 import android.database.Cursor;
41 import android.graphics.Bitmap;
42 import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
43 import android.graphics.Typeface;
44 import android.graphics.drawable.BitmapDrawable;
45 import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
46 import android.net.Uri;
47 import android.net.http.SslCertificate;
48 import android.net.http.SslError;
49 import android.os.AsyncTask;
50 import android.os.Build;
51 import android.os.Bundle;
52 import android.os.Environment;
53 import android.os.Handler;
54 import android.os.Message;
55 import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
56 import android.print.PrintDocumentAdapter;
57 import android.print.PrintManager;
58 import android.provider.DocumentsContract;
59 import android.provider.OpenableColumns;
60 import android.text.Editable;
61 import android.text.Spanned;
62 import android.text.TextWatcher;
63 import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan;
64 import android.util.Patterns;
65 import android.util.TypedValue;
66 import android.view.ContextMenu;
67 import android.view.GestureDetector;
68 import android.view.KeyEvent;
69 import android.view.Menu;
70 import android.view.MenuItem;
71 import android.view.MotionEvent;
72 import android.view.View;
73 import android.view.ViewGroup;
74 import android.view.WindowManager;
75 import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
76 import android.webkit.CookieManager;
77 import android.webkit.HttpAuthHandler;
78 import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;
79 import android.webkit.ValueCallback;
80 import android.webkit.WebBackForwardList;
81 import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
82 import android.webkit.WebResourceRequest;
83 import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse;
84 import android.webkit.WebSettings;
85 import android.webkit.WebStorage;
86 import android.webkit.WebView;
87 import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
88 import android.webkit.WebViewDatabase;
89 import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
90 import android.widget.CheckBox;
91 import android.widget.CursorAdapter;
92 import android.widget.EditText;
93 import android.widget.FrameLayout;
94 import android.widget.ImageView;
95 import android.widget.LinearLayout;
96 import android.widget.ListView;
97 import android.widget.ProgressBar;
98 import android.widget.RadioButton;
99 import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
100 import android.widget.TextView;
102 import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultCallback;
103 import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultLauncher;
104 import androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts;
105 import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
106 import androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBar;
107 import androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle;
108 import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
109 import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate;
110 import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;
111 import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
112 import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat;
113 import androidx.core.view.GravityCompat;
114 import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout;
115 import androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment;
116 import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
117 import androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout;
118 import androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager;
119 import androidx.webkit.WebSettingsCompat;
120 import androidx.webkit.WebViewFeature;
122 import com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout;
123 import com.google.android.material.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton;
124 import com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView;
125 import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar;
126 import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout;
128 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.R;
129 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.adapters.WebViewPagerAdapter;
130 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.asynctasks.GetHostIpAddresses;
131 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.asynctasks.PopulateBlocklists;
132 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.asynctasks.PrepareSaveDialog;
133 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.asynctasks.SaveUrl;
134 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.asynctasks.SaveWebpageImage;
135 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dataclasses.PendingDialog;
136 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.CreateBookmarkDialog;
137 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.CreateBookmarkFolderDialog;
138 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.CreateHomeScreenShortcutDialog;
139 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.EditBookmarkFolderDialog;
140 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.FontSizeDialog;
141 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.HttpAuthenticationDialog;
142 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.OpenDialog;
143 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.ProxyNotInstalledDialog;
144 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.PinnedMismatchDialog;
145 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.SaveDialog;
146 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.SslCertificateErrorDialog;
147 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.UrlHistoryDialog;
148 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.ViewSslCertificateDialog;
149 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.dialogs.WaitingForProxyDialog;
150 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.fragments.WebViewTabFragment;
151 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers.BlocklistHelper;
152 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers.BookmarksDatabaseHelper;
153 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers.DomainsDatabaseHelper;
154 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers.ProxyHelper;
155 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.helpers.SanitizeUrlHelper;
156 import com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView;
158 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
159 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
161 import java.io.FileInputStream;
162 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
163 import java.io.IOException;
164 import java.io.InputStream;
165 import java.io.OutputStream;
166 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
168 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
170 import java.net.URLDecoder;
171 import java.net.URLEncoder;
173 import java.text.NumberFormat;
175 import java.util.ArrayList;
176 import java.util.Date;
177 import java.util.HashSet;
178 import java.util.List;
179 import java.util.Objects;
180 import java.util.Set;
181 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
182 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
186 public class MainWebViewActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements CreateBookmarkDialog.CreateBookmarkListener, CreateBookmarkFolderDialog.CreateBookmarkFolderListener,
187 EditBookmarkFolderDialog.EditBookmarkFolderListener, FontSizeDialog.UpdateFontSizeListener, NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener, OpenDialog.OpenListener,
188 PinnedMismatchDialog.PinnedMismatchListener, PopulateBlocklists.PopulateBlocklistsListener, SaveDialog.SaveListener, UrlHistoryDialog.NavigateHistoryListener,
189 WebViewTabFragment.NewTabListener {
191 // Define the public static variables.
192 public static ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
193 public static String orbotStatus = "unknown";
194 public static ArrayList<PendingDialog> pendingDialogsArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
195 public static String proxyMode = ProxyHelper.NONE;
197 // Declare the public static variables.
198 public static String currentBookmarksFolder = "";
199 public static boolean restartFromBookmarksActivity;
200 public static WebViewPagerAdapter webViewPagerAdapter;
202 // Declare the public static views.
203 public static AppBarLayout appBarLayout;
205 // The user agent constants are public static so they can be accessed from `SettingsFragment`, `DomainsActivity`, and `DomainSettingsFragment`.
206 public final static int UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT = -1;
207 public final static int SETTINGS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 1;
208 public final static int SETTINGS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT = 11;
209 public final static int DOMAINS_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 0;
210 public final static int DOMAINS_WEBVIEW_DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = 2;
211 public final static int DOMAINS_CUSTOM_USER_AGENT = 12;
213 // Define the start activity for result request codes. The public static entry is accessed from `OpenDialog()`.
214 private final int BROWSE_FILE_UPLOAD_REQUEST_CODE = 0;
215 public final static int BROWSE_OPEN_REQUEST_CODE = 1;
217 // Define the saved instance state constants.
218 private final String SAVED_STATE_ARRAY_LIST = "saved_state_array_list";
219 private final String SAVED_NESTED_SCROLL_WEBVIEW_STATE_ARRAY_LIST = "saved_nested_scroll_webview_state_array_list";
220 private final String SAVED_TAB_POSITION = "saved_tab_position";
221 private final String PROXY_MODE = "proxy_mode";
223 // Define the saved instance state variables.
224 private ArrayList<Bundle> savedStateArrayList;
225 private ArrayList<Bundle> savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList;
226 private int savedTabPosition;
227 private String savedProxyMode;
229 // Define the class variables.
230 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
231 AsyncTask populateBlocklists;
233 // The current WebView is used in `onCreate()`, `onPrepareOptionsMenu()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onNavigationItemSelected()`, `onRestart()`, `onCreateContextMenu()`, `findPreviousOnPage()`,
234 // `findNextOnPage()`, `closeFindOnPage()`, `loadUrlFromTextBox()`, `onSslMismatchBack()`, `applyProxy()`, and `applyDomainSettings()`.
235 private NestedScrollWebView currentWebView;
237 // The search URL is set in `applyAppSettings()` and used in `onNewIntent()`, `loadUrlFromTextBox()`, `initializeApp()`, and `initializeWebView()`.
238 private String searchURL;
240 // The blocklists are populated in `finishedPopulatingBlocklists()` and accessed from `initializeWebView()`.
241 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> easyList;
242 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> easyPrivacy;
243 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> fanboysAnnoyanceList;
244 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> fanboysSocialList;
245 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> ultraList;
246 private ArrayList<List<String[]>> ultraPrivacy;
248 // The action bar drawer toggle is initialized in `onCreate()` and used in `onResume()`.
249 private ActionBarDrawerToggle actionBarDrawerToggle;
251 // The color spans are used in `onCreate()` and `highlightUrlText()`.
252 private ForegroundColorSpan redColorSpan;
253 private ForegroundColorSpan initialGrayColorSpan;
254 private ForegroundColorSpan finalGrayColorSpan;
256 // `bookmarksCursor` is used in `onDestroy()`, `onOptionsItemSelected()`, `onCreateBookmark()`, `onCreateBookmarkFolder()`, `onSaveEditBookmark()`, `onSaveEditBookmarkFolder()`, and `loadBookmarksFolder()`.
257 private Cursor bookmarksCursor;
259 // `bookmarksCursorAdapter` is used in `onCreateBookmark()`, `onCreateBookmarkFolder()` `onSaveEditBookmark()`, `onSaveEditBookmarkFolder()`, and `loadBookmarksFolder()`.
260 private CursorAdapter bookmarksCursorAdapter;
262 // `oldFolderNameString` is used in `onCreate()` and `onSaveEditBookmarkFolder()`.
263 private String oldFolderNameString;
265 // `fileChooserCallback` is used in `onCreate()` and `onActivityResult()`.
266 private ValueCallback<Uri[]> fileChooserCallback;
268 // The default progress view offsets are set in `onCreate()` and used in `initializeWebView()`.
269 private int appBarHeight;
270 private int defaultProgressViewStartOffset;
271 private int defaultProgressViewEndOffset;
273 // Declare the helpers.
274 private BookmarksDatabaseHelper bookmarksDatabaseHelper;
275 private DomainsDatabaseHelper domainsDatabaseHelper;
276 private ProxyHelper proxyHelper;
277 private SanitizeUrlHelper sanitizeUrlHelper;
279 // Declare the class variables
280 private boolean bottomAppBar;
281 private boolean displayAdditionalAppBarIcons;
282 private boolean displayingFullScreenVideo;
283 private boolean downloadWithExternalApp;
284 private boolean fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled;
285 private boolean hideAppBar;
286 private boolean incognitoModeEnabled;
287 private boolean inFullScreenBrowsingMode;
288 private boolean loadingNewIntent;
289 private BroadcastReceiver orbotStatusBroadcastReceiver;
290 private boolean reapplyAppSettingsOnRestart;
291 private boolean reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart;
292 private boolean sanitizeAmpRedirects;
293 private boolean sanitizeTrackingQueries;
294 private boolean scrollAppBar;
295 private boolean waitingForProxy;
296 private String webViewDefaultUserAgent;
298 // Define the class variables.
299 private ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = new ObjectAnimator();
300 private String saveUrlString = "";
302 // Declare the class views.
303 private FrameLayout rootFrameLayout;
304 private DrawerLayout drawerLayout;
305 private CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout;
306 private Toolbar toolbar;
307 private RelativeLayout urlRelativeLayout;
308 private EditText urlEditText;
309 private ActionBar actionBar;
310 private LinearLayout findOnPageLinearLayout;
311 private LinearLayout tabsLinearLayout;
312 private TabLayout tabLayout;
313 private SwipeRefreshLayout swipeRefreshLayout;
314 private ViewPager webViewPager;
315 private FrameLayout fullScreenVideoFrameLayout;
317 // Declare the class menus.
318 private Menu optionsMenu;
320 // Declare the class menu items.
321 private MenuItem navigationBackMenuItem;
322 private MenuItem navigationForwardMenuItem;
323 private MenuItem navigationHistoryMenuItem;
324 private MenuItem navigationRequestsMenuItem;
325 private MenuItem optionsPrivacyMenuItem;
326 private MenuItem optionsRefreshMenuItem;
327 private MenuItem optionsCookiesMenuItem;
328 private MenuItem optionsDomStorageMenuItem;
329 private MenuItem optionsSaveFormDataMenuItem;
330 private MenuItem optionsClearDataMenuItem;
331 private MenuItem optionsClearCookiesMenuItem;
332 private MenuItem optionsClearDomStorageMenuItem;
333 private MenuItem optionsClearFormDataMenuItem;
334 private MenuItem optionsBlocklistsMenuItem;
335 private MenuItem optionsEasyListMenuItem;
336 private MenuItem optionsEasyPrivacyMenuItem;
337 private MenuItem optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem;
338 private MenuItem optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem;
339 private MenuItem optionsUltraListMenuItem;
340 private MenuItem optionsUltraPrivacyMenuItem;
341 private MenuItem optionsBlockAllThirdPartyRequestsMenuItem;
342 private MenuItem optionsProxyMenuItem;
343 private MenuItem optionsProxyNoneMenuItem;
344 private MenuItem optionsProxyTorMenuItem;
345 private MenuItem optionsProxyI2pMenuItem;
346 private MenuItem optionsProxyCustomMenuItem;
347 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentMenuItem;
348 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentPrivacyBrowserMenuItem;
349 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentWebViewDefaultMenuItem;
350 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnAndroidMenuItem;
351 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentChromeOnAndroidMenuItem;
352 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentSafariOnIosMenuItem;
353 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnLinuxMenuItem;
354 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentChromiumOnLinuxMenuItem;
355 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnWindowsMenuItem;
356 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentChromeOnWindowsMenuItem;
357 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentEdgeOnWindowsMenuItem;
358 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem;
359 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentSafariOnMacosMenuItem;
360 private MenuItem optionsUserAgentCustomMenuItem;
361 private MenuItem optionsSwipeToRefreshMenuItem;
362 private MenuItem optionsWideViewportMenuItem;
363 private MenuItem optionsDisplayImagesMenuItem;
364 private MenuItem optionsDarkWebViewMenuItem;
365 private MenuItem optionsFontSizeMenuItem;
366 private MenuItem optionsAddOrEditDomainMenuItem;
368 // This variable won't be needed once the class is migrated to Kotlin, as can be seen in LogcatActivity or AboutVersionFragment.
369 private Activity resultLauncherActivityHandle;
371 // Define the save URL activity result launcher. It must be defined before `onCreate()` is run or the app will crash.
372 private final ActivityResultLauncher<String> saveUrlActivityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.CreateDocument("text/*"),
373 new ActivityResultCallback<Uri>() {
375 public void onActivityResult(Uri fileUri) {
376 // Only save the URL if the file URI is not null, which happens if the user exited the file picker by pressing back.
377 if (fileUri != null) {
378 new SaveUrl(getApplicationContext(), resultLauncherActivityHandle, fileUri, currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(), currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(saveUrlString);
381 // Reset the save URL string.
386 // Define the save webpage archive activity result launcher. It must be defined before `onCreate()` is run or the app will crash.
387 private final ActivityResultLauncher<String> saveWebpageArchiveActivityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.CreateDocument("multipart/related"),
388 new ActivityResultCallback<Uri>() {
390 public void onActivityResult(Uri fileUri) {
391 // Only save the webpage archive if the file URI is not null, which happens if the user exited the file picker by pressing back.
392 if (fileUri != null) {
394 // Create a temporary MHT file.
395 File temporaryMhtFile = File.createTempFile("temporary_mht_file", ".mht", getCacheDir());
397 // Save the temporary MHT file.
398 currentWebView.saveWebArchive(temporaryMhtFile.toString(), false, callbackValue -> {
399 if (callbackValue != null) { // The temporary MHT file was saved successfully.
401 // Create a temporary MHT file input stream.
402 FileInputStream temporaryMhtFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(temporaryMhtFile);
404 // Get an output stream for the save webpage file path.
405 OutputStream mhtOutputStream = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(fileUri);
407 // Create a transfer byte array.
408 byte[] transferByteArray = new byte[1024];
410 // Create an integer to track the number of bytes read.
413 // Copy the temporary MHT file input stream to the MHT output stream.
414 while ((bytesRead = temporaryMhtFileInputStream.read(transferByteArray)) > 0) {
415 mhtOutputStream.write(transferByteArray, 0, bytesRead);
418 // Close the streams.
419 mhtOutputStream.close();
420 temporaryMhtFileInputStream.close();
422 // Initialize the file name string from the file URI last path segment.
423 String fileNameString = fileUri.getLastPathSegment();
425 // Query the exact file name if the API >= 26.
426 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
427 // Get a cursor from the content resolver.
428 Cursor contentResolverCursor = resultLauncherActivityHandle.getContentResolver().query(fileUri, null, null, null);
430 // Move to the fist row.
431 contentResolverCursor.moveToFirst();
433 // Get the file name from the cursor.
434 fileNameString = contentResolverCursor.getString(contentResolverCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME));
437 contentResolverCursor.close();
440 // Display a snackbar.
441 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.file_saved) + " " + fileNameString, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
442 } catch (Exception exception) {
443 // Display a snackbar with the exception.
444 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error_saving_file) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
446 // Delete the temporary MHT file.
447 //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
448 temporaryMhtFile.delete();
450 } else { // There was an unspecified error while saving the temporary MHT file.
451 // Display an error snackbar.
452 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error_saving_file), Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
455 } catch (IOException ioException) {
456 // Display a snackbar with the IO exception.
457 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error_saving_file) + " " + ioException, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
463 // Define the save webpage image activity result launcher. It must be defined before `onCreate()` is run or the app will crash.
464 private final ActivityResultLauncher<String> saveWebpageImageActivityResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.CreateDocument("image/png"),
465 new ActivityResultCallback<Uri>() {
467 public void onActivityResult(Uri fileUri) {
468 // Only save the webpage image if the file URI is not null, which happens if the user exited the file picker by pressing back.
469 if (fileUri != null) {
470 // Save the webpage image.
471 new SaveWebpageImage(resultLauncherActivityHandle, fileUri, currentWebView).execute();
476 // Remove the warning about needing to override `performClick()` when using an `OnTouchListener` with WebView.
477 @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility")
479 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
480 // Run the default commands.
481 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
483 // Populate the result launcher activity. This will no longer be needed once the activity has transitioned to Kotlin.
484 resultLauncherActivityHandle = this;
486 // Check to see if the activity has been restarted.
487 if (savedInstanceState != null) {
488 // Store the saved instance state variables.
489 savedStateArrayList = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList(SAVED_STATE_ARRAY_LIST);
490 savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList(SAVED_NESTED_SCROLL_WEBVIEW_STATE_ARRAY_LIST);
491 savedTabPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(SAVED_TAB_POSITION);
492 savedProxyMode = savedInstanceState.getString(PROXY_MODE);
495 // Initialize the default preference values the first time the program is run. `false` keeps this command from resetting any current preferences back to default.
496 PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, false);
498 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
499 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
501 // Get the preferences.
502 String appTheme = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.app_theme_key), getString(R.string.app_theme_default_value));
503 boolean allowScreenshots = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.allow_screenshots_key), false);
504 bottomAppBar = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.bottom_app_bar_key), false);
505 displayAdditionalAppBarIcons = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.display_additional_app_bar_icons_key), false);
507 // Get the theme entry values string array.
508 String[] appThemeEntryValuesStringArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.app_theme_entry_values);
510 // Set the app theme according to the preference. A switch statement cannot be used because the theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
511 if (appTheme.equals(appThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
512 // Apply the light theme.
513 AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO);
514 } else if (appTheme.equals(appThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
515 // Apply the dark theme.
516 AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_YES);
517 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
518 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) { // The system default theme is supported.
519 // Follow the system default theme.
520 AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_FOLLOW_SYSTEM);
521 } else { // The system default theme is not supported.
522 // Follow the battery saver mode.
523 AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY);
527 // Disable screenshots if not allowed.
528 if (!allowScreenshots) {
529 getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE);
532 // Enable the drawing of the entire webpage. This makes it possible to save a website image. This must be done before anything else happens with the WebView.
533 WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw();
535 // Set the content view according to the position of the app bar.
536 if (bottomAppBar) setContentView(R.layout.main_framelayout_bottom_appbar);
537 else setContentView(R.layout.main_framelayout_top_appbar);
539 // Get handles for the views.
540 rootFrameLayout = findViewById(R.id.root_framelayout);
541 drawerLayout = findViewById(R.id.drawerlayout);
542 coordinatorLayout = findViewById(R.id.coordinatorlayout);
543 appBarLayout = findViewById(R.id.appbar_layout);
544 toolbar = findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
545 findOnPageLinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_linearlayout);
546 tabsLinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.tabs_linearlayout);
547 tabLayout = findViewById(R.id.tablayout);
548 swipeRefreshLayout = findViewById(R.id.swiperefreshlayout);
549 webViewPager = findViewById(R.id.webviewpager);
550 NavigationView navigationView = findViewById(R.id.navigationview);
551 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout = findViewById(R.id.full_screen_video_framelayout);
553 // Get a handle for the navigation menu.
554 Menu navigationMenu = navigationView.getMenu();
556 // Get handles for the navigation menu items.
557 navigationBackMenuItem = navigationMenu.findItem(R.id.back);
558 navigationForwardMenuItem = navigationMenu.findItem(R.id.forward);
559 navigationHistoryMenuItem = navigationMenu.findItem(R.id.history);
560 navigationRequestsMenuItem = navigationMenu.findItem(R.id.requests);
562 // Listen for touches on the navigation menu.
563 navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener(this);
565 // Get a handle for the app compat delegate.
566 AppCompatDelegate appCompatDelegate = getDelegate();
568 // Set the support action bar.
569 appCompatDelegate.setSupportActionBar(toolbar);
571 // Get a handle for the action bar.
572 actionBar = appCompatDelegate.getSupportActionBar();
574 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the action bar might be null.
575 assert actionBar != null;
577 // Add the custom layout, which shows the URL text bar.
578 actionBar.setCustomView(R.layout.url_app_bar);
579 actionBar.setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM);
581 // Get handles for the views in the URL app bar.
582 urlRelativeLayout = findViewById(R.id.url_relativelayout);
583 urlEditText = findViewById(R.id.url_edittext);
585 // Create the hamburger icon at the start of the AppBar.
586 actionBarDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawerLayout, toolbar, R.string.open_navigation_drawer, R.string.close_navigation_drawer);
588 // Initially disable the sliding drawers. They will be enabled once the blocklists are loaded.
589 drawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED);
591 // Initialize the web view pager adapter.
592 webViewPagerAdapter = new WebViewPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
594 // Set the pager adapter on the web view pager.
595 webViewPager.setAdapter(webViewPagerAdapter);
597 // Store up to 100 tabs in memory.
598 webViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(100);
600 // Instantiate the helpers.
601 bookmarksDatabaseHelper = new BookmarksDatabaseHelper(this);
602 domainsDatabaseHelper = new DomainsDatabaseHelper(this);
603 proxyHelper = new ProxyHelper();
604 sanitizeUrlHelper = new SanitizeUrlHelper();
606 // Initialize the app.
609 // Apply the app settings from the shared preferences.
612 // Populate the blocklists.
613 populateBlocklists = new PopulateBlocklists(this, this).execute();
617 protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
618 // Run the default commands.
619 super.onNewIntent(intent);
621 // Check to see if the app is being restarted from a saved state.
622 if (savedStateArrayList == null || savedStateArrayList.size() == 0) { // The activity is not being restarted from a saved state.
623 // Get the information from the intent.
624 String intentAction = intent.getAction();
625 Uri intentUriData = intent.getData();
626 String intentStringExtra = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
628 // Determine if this is a web search.
629 boolean isWebSearch = ((intentAction != null) && intentAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH));
631 // Only process the URI if it contains data or it is a web search. If the user pressed the desktop icon after the app was already running the URI will be null.
632 if (intentUriData != null || intentStringExtra != null || isWebSearch) {
633 // Exit the full screen video if it is displayed.
634 if (displayingFullScreenVideo) {
635 // Exit full screen video mode.
636 exitFullScreenVideo();
638 // Reload the current WebView. Otherwise, it can display entirely black.
639 currentWebView.reload();
642 // Get the shared preferences.
643 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
645 // Create a URL string.
648 // If the intent action is a web search, perform the search.
649 if (isWebSearch) { // The intent is a web search.
650 // Create an encoded URL string.
651 String encodedUrlString;
653 // Sanitize the search input and convert it to a search.
655 encodedUrlString = URLEncoder.encode(intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY), "UTF-8");
656 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exception) {
657 encodedUrlString = "";
660 // Add the base search URL.
661 url = searchURL + encodedUrlString;
662 } else if (intentUriData != null) { // The intent contains a URL formatted as a URI.
663 // Set the intent data as the URL.
664 url = intentUriData.toString();
665 } else { // The intent contains a string, which might be a URL.
666 // Set the intent string as the URL.
667 url = intentStringExtra;
670 // Add a new tab if specified in the preferences.
671 if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.open_intents_in_new_tab_key), true)) { // Load the URL in a new tab.
672 // Set the loading new intent flag.
673 loadingNewIntent = true;
676 addNewTab(url, true);
677 } else { // Load the URL in the current tab.
679 loadUrl(currentWebView, url);
682 // Close the navigation drawer if it is open.
683 if (drawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.START)) {
684 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START);
687 // Close the bookmarks drawer if it is open.
688 if (drawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.END)) {
689 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
692 } else { // The app has been restarted.
693 // Replace the intent that started the app with this one. This will load the tab after the others have been restored.
699 public void onRestart() {
700 // Run the default commands.
703 // Apply the app settings if returning from the Settings activity.
704 if (reapplyAppSettingsOnRestart) {
705 // Reset the reapply app settings on restart tracker.
706 reapplyAppSettingsOnRestart = false;
708 // Apply the app settings.
712 // Apply the domain settings if returning from the settings or domains activity.
713 if (reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart) {
714 // Reset the reapply domain settings on restart tracker.
715 reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = false;
717 // Reapply the domain settings for each tab.
718 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
719 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
720 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
722 // Get the fragment view.
723 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
725 // Only reload the WebViews if they exist.
726 if (fragmentView != null) {
727 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
728 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
730 // Reset the current domain name so the domain settings will be reapplied.
731 nestedScrollWebView.setCurrentDomainName("");
733 // Reapply the domain settings if the URL is not null, which can happen if an empty tab is active when returning from settings.
734 if (nestedScrollWebView.getUrl() != null) {
735 applyDomainSettings(nestedScrollWebView, nestedScrollWebView.getUrl(), false, true, false);
741 // Update the bookmarks drawer if returning from the Bookmarks activity.
742 if (restartFromBookmarksActivity) {
743 // Close the bookmarks drawer.
744 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
746 // Reload the bookmarks drawer.
747 loadBookmarksFolder();
749 // Reset `restartFromBookmarksActivity`.
750 restartFromBookmarksActivity = false;
753 // Update the privacy icon. `true` runs `invalidateOptionsMenu` as the last step. This can be important if the screen was rotated.
754 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
757 // `onStart()` runs after `onCreate()` or `onRestart()`. This is used instead of `onResume()` so the commands aren't called every time the screen is partially hidden.
759 public void onStart() {
760 // Run the default commands.
763 // Resume any WebViews.
764 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
765 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
766 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
768 // Get the fragment view.
769 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
771 // Only resume the WebViews if they exist (they won't when the app is first created).
772 if (fragmentView != null) {
773 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
774 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
776 // Resume the nested scroll WebView.
777 nestedScrollWebView.onResume();
781 // Resume the nested scroll WebView JavaScript timers. This is a global command that resumes JavaScript timers on all WebViews.
782 if (currentWebView != null) {
783 currentWebView.resumeTimers();
786 // Reapply the proxy settings if the system is using a proxy. This redisplays the appropriate alert dialog.
787 if (!proxyMode.equals(ProxyHelper.NONE)) {
791 // Reapply any system UI flags.
792 if (displayingFullScreenVideo || inFullScreenBrowsingMode) { // The system is displaying a website or a video in full screen mode.
793 /* Hide the system bars.
794 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
795 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
796 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
797 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
803 // Show any pending dialogs.
804 for (int i = 0; i < pendingDialogsArrayList.size(); i++) {
805 // Get the pending dialog from the array list.
806 PendingDialog pendingDialog = pendingDialogsArrayList.get(i);
808 // Show the pending dialog.
809 pendingDialog.dialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), pendingDialog.tag);
812 // Clear the pending dialogs array list.
813 pendingDialogsArrayList.clear();
816 // `onStop()` runs after `onPause()`. It is used instead of `onPause()` so the commands are not called every time the screen is partially hidden.
818 public void onStop() {
819 // Run the default commands.
822 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
823 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
824 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
826 // Get the fragment view.
827 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
829 // Only pause the WebViews if they exist (they won't when the app is first created).
830 if (fragmentView != null) {
831 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
832 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
834 // Pause the nested scroll WebView.
835 nestedScrollWebView.onPause();
839 // Pause the WebView JavaScript timers. This is a global command that pauses JavaScript on all WebViews.
840 if (currentWebView != null) {
841 currentWebView.pauseTimers();
846 public void onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull Bundle savedInstanceState) {
847 // Run the default commands.
848 super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState);
850 // Create the saved state array lists.
851 ArrayList<Bundle> savedStateArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
852 ArrayList<Bundle> savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
854 // Get the URLs from each tab.
855 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
856 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
857 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
859 // Get the fragment view.
860 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
862 if (fragmentView != null) {
863 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
864 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
866 // Create saved state bundle.
867 Bundle savedStateBundle = new Bundle();
869 // Get the current states.
870 nestedScrollWebView.saveState(savedStateBundle);
871 Bundle savedNestedScrollWebViewStateBundle = nestedScrollWebView.saveNestedScrollWebViewState();
873 // Store the saved states in the array lists.
874 savedStateArrayList.add(savedStateBundle);
875 savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList.add(savedNestedScrollWebViewStateBundle);
879 // Get the current tab position.
880 int currentTabPosition = tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition();
882 // Store the saved states in the bundle.
883 savedInstanceState.putParcelableArrayList(SAVED_STATE_ARRAY_LIST, savedStateArrayList);
884 savedInstanceState.putParcelableArrayList(SAVED_NESTED_SCROLL_WEBVIEW_STATE_ARRAY_LIST, savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList);
885 savedInstanceState.putInt(SAVED_TAB_POSITION, currentTabPosition);
886 savedInstanceState.putString(PROXY_MODE, proxyMode);
890 public void onDestroy() {
891 // Unregister the orbot status broadcast receiver if it exists.
892 if (orbotStatusBroadcastReceiver != null) {
893 this.unregisterReceiver(orbotStatusBroadcastReceiver);
896 // Close the bookmarks cursor if it exists.
897 if (bookmarksCursor != null) {
898 bookmarksCursor.close();
901 // Close the bookmarks database if it exists.
902 if (bookmarksDatabaseHelper != null) {
903 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.close();
906 // Stop populating the blocklists if the AsyncTask is running in the background.
907 if (populateBlocklists != null) {
908 populateBlocklists.cancel(true);
911 // Run the default commands.
916 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
917 // Inflate the menu. This adds items to the action bar if it is present.
918 getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.webview_options_menu, menu);
920 // Store a handle for the options menu so it can be used by `onOptionsItemSelected()` and `updatePrivacyIcons()`.
923 // Get handles for the menu items.
924 optionsPrivacyMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.javascript);
925 optionsRefreshMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.refresh);
926 MenuItem bookmarksMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.bookmarks);
927 optionsCookiesMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.cookies);
928 optionsDomStorageMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.dom_storage);
929 optionsSaveFormDataMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.save_form_data); // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
930 optionsClearDataMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.clear_data);
931 optionsClearCookiesMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.clear_cookies);
932 optionsClearDomStorageMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.clear_dom_storage);
933 optionsClearFormDataMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.clear_form_data); // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
934 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.blocklists);
935 optionsEasyListMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.easylist);
936 optionsEasyPrivacyMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.easyprivacy);
937 optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.fanboys_annoyance_list);
938 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.fanboys_social_blocking_list);
939 optionsUltraListMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.ultralist);
940 optionsUltraPrivacyMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.ultraprivacy);
941 optionsBlockAllThirdPartyRequestsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.block_all_third_party_requests);
942 optionsProxyMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.proxy);
943 optionsProxyNoneMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.proxy_none);
944 optionsProxyTorMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.proxy_tor);
945 optionsProxyI2pMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.proxy_i2p);
946 optionsProxyCustomMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.proxy_custom);
947 optionsUserAgentMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent);
948 optionsUserAgentPrivacyBrowserMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_privacy_browser);
949 optionsUserAgentWebViewDefaultMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_webview_default);
950 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnAndroidMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_android);
951 optionsUserAgentChromeOnAndroidMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_chrome_on_android);
952 optionsUserAgentSafariOnIosMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_safari_on_ios);
953 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnLinuxMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_linux);
954 optionsUserAgentChromiumOnLinuxMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_chromium_on_linux);
955 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_windows);
956 optionsUserAgentChromeOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_chrome_on_windows);
957 optionsUserAgentEdgeOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_edge_on_windows);
958 optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_internet_explorer_on_windows);
959 optionsUserAgentSafariOnMacosMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_safari_on_macos);
960 optionsUserAgentCustomMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.user_agent_custom);
961 optionsSwipeToRefreshMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.swipe_to_refresh);
962 optionsWideViewportMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.wide_viewport);
963 optionsDisplayImagesMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.display_images);
964 optionsDarkWebViewMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.dark_webview);
965 optionsFontSizeMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.font_size);
966 optionsAddOrEditDomainMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.add_or_edit_domain);
968 // Set the initial status of the privacy icons. `false` does not call `invalidateOptionsMenu` as the last step.
969 updatePrivacyIcons(false);
971 // Only display the form data menu items if the API < 26.
972 optionsSaveFormDataMenuItem.setVisible(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26);
973 optionsClearFormDataMenuItem.setVisible(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26);
975 // Disable the clear form data menu item if the API >= 26 so that the status of the main Clear Data is calculated correctly.
976 optionsClearFormDataMenuItem.setEnabled(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26);
978 // Set the status of the additional app bar icons. Setting the refresh menu item to `SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS` makes it appear even on small devices like phones.
979 if (displayAdditionalAppBarIcons) {
980 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS);
981 bookmarksMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM);
982 optionsCookiesMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM);
983 } else { //Do not display the additional icons.
984 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER);
985 bookmarksMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER);
986 optionsCookiesMenuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER);
989 // Replace Refresh with Stop if a URL is already loading.
990 if (currentWebView != null && currentWebView.getProgress() != 100) {
992 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setTitle(R.string.stop);
994 // Set the icon if it is displayed in the app bar. Once the minimum API is >= 26, the blue and black icons can be combined with a tint list.
995 if (displayAdditionalAppBarIcons) {
996 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.close_blue);
1005 public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
1006 // Get a handle for the cookie manager.
1007 CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
1009 // Initialize the current user agent string and the font size.
1010 String currentUserAgent = getString(R.string.user_agent_privacy_browser);
1013 // Set items that require the current web view to be populated. It will be null when the program is first opened, as `onPrepareOptionsMenu()` is called before the first WebView is initialized.
1014 if (currentWebView != null) {
1015 // Set the add or edit domain text.
1016 if (currentWebView.getDomainSettingsApplied()) {
1017 optionsAddOrEditDomainMenuItem.setTitle(R.string.edit_domain_settings);
1019 optionsAddOrEditDomainMenuItem.setTitle(R.string.add_domain_settings);
1022 // Get the current user agent from the WebView.
1023 currentUserAgent = currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString();
1025 // Get the current font size from the
1026 fontSize = currentWebView.getSettings().getTextZoom();
1028 // Set the status of the menu item checkboxes.
1029 optionsDomStorageMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getDomStorageEnabled());
1030 optionsSaveFormDataMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getSaveFormData()); // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
1031 optionsEasyListMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getEasyListEnabled());
1032 optionsEasyPrivacyMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getEasyPrivacyEnabled());
1033 optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled());
1034 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled());
1035 optionsUltraListMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getUltraListEnabled());
1036 optionsUltraPrivacyMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getUltraPrivacyEnabled());
1037 optionsBlockAllThirdPartyRequestsMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getBlockAllThirdPartyRequests());
1038 optionsSwipeToRefreshMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSwipeToRefresh());
1039 optionsWideViewportMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getUseWideViewPort());
1040 optionsDisplayImagesMenuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getLoadsImagesAutomatically());
1042 // Initialize the display names for the blocklists with the number of blocked requests.
1043 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
1044 optionsEasyListMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYLIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.easylist));
1045 optionsEasyPrivacyMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYPRIVACY) + " - " + getString(R.string.easyprivacy));
1046 optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_ANNOYANCE_LIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.fanboys_annoyance_list));
1047 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_SOCIAL_BLOCKING_LIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.fanboys_social_blocking_list));
1048 optionsUltraListMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRALIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.ultralist));
1049 optionsUltraPrivacyMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRAPRIVACY) + " - " + getString(R.string.ultraprivacy));
1050 optionsBlockAllThirdPartyRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.THIRD_PARTY_REQUESTS) + " - " + getString(R.string.block_all_third_party_requests));
1052 // Enable DOM Storage if JavaScript is enabled.
1053 optionsDomStorageMenuItem.setEnabled(currentWebView.getSettings().getJavaScriptEnabled());
1055 // Get the current theme status.
1056 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
1058 // Enable dark WebView if the API is < 33 or if night mode is enabled.
1059 optionsDarkWebViewMenuItem.setEnabled((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) || (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES));
1061 // Set the checkbox status for dark WebView if the WebView supports it.
1062 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // The device is running API >= 33 and algorithmic darkening is supported.
1063 optionsDarkWebViewMenuItem.setChecked(WebSettingsCompat.isAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(currentWebView.getSettings()));
1064 } else if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The device is running API < 33 and the WebView supports force dark.
1065 //noinspection deprecation
1066 optionsDarkWebViewMenuItem.setChecked(WebSettingsCompat.getForceDark(currentWebView.getSettings()) == WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
1070 // Set the cookies menu item checked status.
1071 optionsCookiesMenuItem.setChecked(cookieManager.acceptCookie());
1073 // Enable Clear Cookies if there are any.
1074 optionsClearCookiesMenuItem.setEnabled(cookieManager.hasCookies());
1076 // Get the application's private data directory, which will be something like `/data/user/0/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`, which links to `/data/data/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`.
1077 String privateDataDirectoryString = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
1079 // Get a count of the number of files in the Local Storage directory.
1080 File localStorageDirectory = new File (privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Local Storage/");
1081 int localStorageDirectoryNumberOfFiles = 0;
1082 if (localStorageDirectory.exists()) {
1083 // `Objects.requireNonNull` removes a lint warning that `localStorageDirectory.list` might produce a null pointed exception if it is dereferenced.
1084 localStorageDirectoryNumberOfFiles = Objects.requireNonNull(localStorageDirectory.list()).length;
1087 // Get a count of the number of files in the IndexedDB directory.
1088 File indexedDBDirectory = new File (privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/IndexedDB");
1089 int indexedDBDirectoryNumberOfFiles = 0;
1090 if (indexedDBDirectory.exists()) {
1091 // `Objects.requireNonNull` removes a lint warning that `indexedDBDirectory.list` might produce a null pointed exception if it is dereferenced.
1092 indexedDBDirectoryNumberOfFiles = Objects.requireNonNull(indexedDBDirectory.list()).length;
1095 // Enable Clear DOM Storage if there is any.
1096 optionsClearDomStorageMenuItem.setEnabled(localStorageDirectoryNumberOfFiles > 0 || indexedDBDirectoryNumberOfFiles > 0);
1098 // Enable Clear Form Data is there is any. This can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
1099 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
1100 // Get the WebView database.
1101 WebViewDatabase webViewDatabase = WebViewDatabase.getInstance(this);
1103 // Enable the clear form data menu item if there is anything to clear.
1104 optionsClearFormDataMenuItem.setEnabled(webViewDatabase.hasFormData());
1107 // Enable Clear Data if any of the submenu items are enabled.
1108 optionsClearDataMenuItem.setEnabled(optionsClearCookiesMenuItem.isEnabled() || optionsClearDomStorageMenuItem.isEnabled() || optionsClearFormDataMenuItem.isEnabled());
1110 // Disable Fanboy's Social Blocking List menu item if Fanboy's Annoyance List is checked.
1111 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem.setEnabled(!optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem.isChecked());
1113 // Set the proxy title and check the applied proxy.
1114 switch (proxyMode) {
1115 case ProxyHelper.NONE:
1116 // Set the proxy title.
1117 optionsProxyMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.proxy) + " - " + getString(R.string.proxy_none));
1119 // Check the proxy None radio button.
1120 optionsProxyNoneMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1123 case ProxyHelper.TOR:
1124 // Set the proxy title.
1125 optionsProxyMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.proxy) + " - " + getString(R.string.proxy_tor));
1127 // Check the proxy Tor radio button.
1128 optionsProxyTorMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1131 case ProxyHelper.I2P:
1132 // Set the proxy title.
1133 optionsProxyMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.proxy) + " - " + getString(R.string.proxy_i2p));
1135 // Check the proxy I2P radio button.
1136 optionsProxyI2pMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1139 case ProxyHelper.CUSTOM:
1140 // Set the proxy title.
1141 optionsProxyMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.proxy) + " - " + getString(R.string.proxy_custom));
1143 // Check the proxy Custom radio button.
1144 optionsProxyCustomMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1148 // Select the current user agent menu item. A switch statement cannot be used because the user agents are not compile time constants.
1149 if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[0])) { // Privacy Browser.
1150 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1151 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_privacy_browser));
1153 // Select the Privacy Browser radio box.
1154 optionsUserAgentPrivacyBrowserMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1155 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(webViewDefaultUserAgent)) { // WebView Default.
1156 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1157 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_webview_default));
1159 // Select the WebView Default radio box.
1160 optionsUserAgentWebViewDefaultMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1161 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[2])) { // Firefox on Android.
1162 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1163 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_firefox_on_android));
1165 // Select the Firefox on Android radio box.
1166 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnAndroidMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1167 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[3])) { // Chrome on Android.
1168 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1169 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_chrome_on_android));
1171 // Select the Chrome on Android radio box.
1172 optionsUserAgentChromeOnAndroidMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1173 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[4])) { // Safari on iOS.
1174 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1175 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_safari_on_ios));
1177 // Select the Safari on iOS radio box.
1178 optionsUserAgentSafariOnIosMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1179 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[5])) { // Firefox on Linux.
1180 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1181 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_firefox_on_linux));
1183 // Select the Firefox on Linux radio box.
1184 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnLinuxMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1185 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[6])) { // Chromium on Linux.
1186 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1187 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_chromium_on_linux));
1189 // Select the Chromium on Linux radio box.
1190 optionsUserAgentChromiumOnLinuxMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1191 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[7])) { // Firefox on Windows.
1192 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1193 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_firefox_on_windows));
1195 // Select the Firefox on Windows radio box.
1196 optionsUserAgentFirefoxOnWindowsMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1197 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[8])) { // Chrome on Windows.
1198 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1199 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_chrome_on_windows));
1201 // Select the Chrome on Windows radio box.
1202 optionsUserAgentChromeOnWindowsMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1203 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[9])) { // Edge on Windows.
1204 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1205 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_edge_on_windows));
1207 // Select the Edge on Windows radio box.
1208 optionsUserAgentEdgeOnWindowsMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1209 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10])) { // Internet Explorer on Windows.
1210 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1211 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_internet_explorer_on_windows));
1213 // Select the Internet on Windows radio box.
1214 optionsUserAgentInternetExplorerOnWindowsMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1215 } else if (currentUserAgent.equals(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[11])) { // Safari on macOS.
1216 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1217 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_safari_on_macos));
1219 // Select the Safari on macOS radio box.
1220 optionsUserAgentSafariOnMacosMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1221 } else { // Custom user agent.
1222 // Update the user agent menu item title.
1223 optionsUserAgentMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.options_user_agent) + " - " + getString(R.string.user_agent_custom));
1225 // Select the Custom radio box.
1226 optionsUserAgentCustomMenuItem.setChecked(true);
1229 // Set the font size title.
1230 optionsFontSizeMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.font_size) + " - " + fontSize + "%");
1232 // Run all the other default commands.
1233 super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
1235 // Display the menu.
1240 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem menuItem) {
1241 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
1242 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
1244 // Get a handle for the cookie manager.
1245 CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
1247 // Get the selected menu item ID.
1248 int menuItemId = menuItem.getItemId();
1250 // Run the commands that correlate to the selected menu item.
1251 if (menuItemId == R.id.javascript) { // JavaScript.
1252 // Toggle the JavaScript status.
1253 currentWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(!currentWebView.getSettings().getJavaScriptEnabled());
1255 // Update the privacy icon.
1256 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
1258 // Display a `Snackbar`.
1259 if (currentWebView.getSettings().getJavaScriptEnabled()) { // JavaScrip is enabled.
1260 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.javascript_enabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1261 } else if (cookieManager.acceptCookie()) { // JavaScript is disabled, but first-party cookies are enabled.
1262 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.javascript_disabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1263 } else { // Privacy mode.
1264 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.privacy_mode, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1267 // Reload the current WebView.
1268 currentWebView.reload();
1270 // Consume the event.
1272 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.refresh) { // Refresh.
1273 // Run the command that correlates to the current status of the menu item.
1274 if (menuItem.getTitle().equals(getString(R.string.refresh))) { // The refresh button was pushed.
1275 // Reload the current WebView.
1276 currentWebView.reload();
1277 } else { // The stop button was pushed.
1278 // Stop the loading of the WebView.
1279 currentWebView.stopLoading();
1282 // Consume the event.
1284 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.bookmarks) { // Bookmarks.
1285 // Open the bookmarks drawer.
1286 drawerLayout.openDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
1288 // Consume the event.
1290 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.cookies) { // Cookies.
1291 // Switch the first-party cookie status.
1292 cookieManager.setAcceptCookie(!cookieManager.acceptCookie());
1294 // Store the cookie status.
1295 currentWebView.setAcceptCookies(cookieManager.acceptCookie());
1297 // Update the menu checkbox.
1298 menuItem.setChecked(cookieManager.acceptCookie());
1300 // Update the privacy icon.
1301 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
1303 // Display a snackbar.
1304 if (cookieManager.acceptCookie()) { // Cookies are enabled.
1305 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.cookies_enabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1306 } else if (currentWebView.getSettings().getJavaScriptEnabled()) { // JavaScript is still enabled.
1307 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.cookies_disabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1308 } else { // Privacy mode.
1309 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.privacy_mode, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1312 // Reload the current WebView.
1313 currentWebView.reload();
1315 // Consume the event.
1317 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.dom_storage) { // DOM storage.
1318 // Toggle the status of domStorageEnabled.
1319 currentWebView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(!currentWebView.getSettings().getDomStorageEnabled());
1321 // Update the menu checkbox.
1322 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getDomStorageEnabled());
1324 // Update the privacy icon.
1325 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
1327 // Display a snackbar.
1328 if (currentWebView.getSettings().getDomStorageEnabled()) {
1329 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.dom_storage_enabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1331 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.dom_storage_disabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1334 // Reload the current WebView.
1335 currentWebView.reload();
1337 // Consume the event.
1339 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.save_form_data) { // Form data. This can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
1340 // Switch the status of saveFormDataEnabled.
1341 currentWebView.getSettings().setSaveFormData(!currentWebView.getSettings().getSaveFormData());
1343 // Update the menu checkbox.
1344 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getSettings().getSaveFormData());
1346 // Display a snackbar.
1347 if (currentWebView.getSettings().getSaveFormData()) {
1348 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.form_data_enabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1350 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.form_data_disabled, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
1353 // Update the privacy icon.
1354 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
1356 // Reload the current WebView.
1357 currentWebView.reload();
1359 // Consume the event.
1361 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.clear_cookies) { // Clear cookies.
1362 // Create a snackbar.
1363 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.cookies_deleted, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
1364 .setAction(R.string.undo, v -> {
1365 // Do nothing because everything will be handled by `onDismissed()` below.
1367 .addCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {
1369 public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar, int event) {
1370 if (event != Snackbar.Callback.DISMISS_EVENT_ACTION) { // The snackbar was dismissed without the undo button being pushed.
1371 // Delete the cookies.
1372 cookieManager.removeAllCookies(null);
1378 // Consume the event.
1380 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.clear_dom_storage) { // Clear DOM storage.
1381 // Create a snackbar.
1382 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.dom_storage_deleted, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
1383 .setAction(R.string.undo, v -> {
1384 // Do nothing because everything will be handled by `onDismissed()` below.
1386 .addCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {
1388 public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar, int event) {
1389 if (event != Snackbar.Callback.DISMISS_EVENT_ACTION) { // The snackbar was dismissed without the undo button being pushed.
1390 // Delete the DOM Storage.
1391 WebStorage webStorage = WebStorage.getInstance();
1392 webStorage.deleteAllData();
1394 // Initialize a handler to manually delete the DOM storage files and directories.
1395 Handler deleteDomStorageHandler = new Handler();
1397 // Setup a runnable to manually delete the DOM storage files and directories.
1398 Runnable deleteDomStorageRunnable = () -> {
1400 // Get a handle for the runtime.
1401 Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
1403 // Get the application's private data directory, which will be something like `/data/user/0/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`,
1404 // which links to `/data/data/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`.
1405 String privateDataDirectoryString = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
1407 // A string array must be used because the directory contains a space and `Runtime.exec` will otherwise not escape the string correctly.
1408 Process deleteLocalStorageProcess = runtime.exec(new String[]{"rm", "-rf", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Local Storage/"});
1410 // Multiple commands must be used because `Runtime.exec()` does not like `*`.
1411 Process deleteIndexProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/IndexedDB");
1412 Process deleteQuotaManagerProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/QuotaManager");
1413 Process deleteQuotaManagerJournalProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/QuotaManager-journal");
1414 Process deleteDatabasesProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/databases");
1416 // Wait for the processes to finish.
1417 deleteLocalStorageProcess.waitFor();
1418 deleteIndexProcess.waitFor();
1419 deleteQuotaManagerProcess.waitFor();
1420 deleteQuotaManagerJournalProcess.waitFor();
1421 deleteDatabasesProcess.waitFor();
1422 } catch (Exception exception) {
1423 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
1427 // Manually delete the DOM storage files after 200 milliseconds.
1428 deleteDomStorageHandler.postDelayed(deleteDomStorageRunnable, 200);
1434 // Consume the event.
1436 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.clear_form_data) { // Clear form data. This can be remove once the minimum API >= 26.
1437 // Create a snackbar.
1438 Snackbar.make(webViewPager, R.string.form_data_deleted, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
1439 .setAction(R.string.undo, v -> {
1440 // Do nothing because everything will be handled by `onDismissed()` below.
1442 .addCallback(new Snackbar.Callback() {
1444 public void onDismissed(Snackbar snackbar, int event) {
1445 if (event != Snackbar.Callback.DISMISS_EVENT_ACTION) { // The snackbar was dismissed without the undo button being pushed.
1446 // Get a handle for the webView database.
1447 WebViewDatabase webViewDatabase = WebViewDatabase.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
1449 // Delete the form data.
1450 webViewDatabase.clearFormData();
1456 // Consume the event.
1458 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.easylist) { // EasyList.
1459 // Toggle the EasyList status.
1460 currentWebView.setEasyListEnabled(!currentWebView.getEasyListEnabled());
1462 // Update the menu checkbox.
1463 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getEasyListEnabled());
1465 // Reload the current WebView.
1466 currentWebView.reload();
1468 // Consume the event.
1470 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.easyprivacy) { // EasyPrivacy.
1471 // Toggle the EasyPrivacy status.
1472 currentWebView.setEasyPrivacyEnabled(!currentWebView.getEasyPrivacyEnabled());
1474 // Update the menu checkbox.
1475 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getEasyPrivacyEnabled());
1477 // Reload the current WebView.
1478 currentWebView.reload();
1480 // Consume the event.
1482 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.fanboys_annoyance_list) { // Fanboy's Annoyance List.
1483 // Toggle Fanboy's Annoyance List status.
1484 currentWebView.setFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled(!currentWebView.getFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled());
1486 // Update the menu checkbox.
1487 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled());
1489 // Update the status of Fanboy's Social Blocking List.
1490 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem.setEnabled(!currentWebView.getFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled());
1492 // Reload the current WebView.
1493 currentWebView.reload();
1495 // Consume the event.
1497 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.fanboys_social_blocking_list) { // Fanboy's Social Blocking List.
1498 // Toggle Fanboy's Social Blocking List status.
1499 currentWebView.setFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled(!currentWebView.getFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled());
1501 // Update the menu checkbox.
1502 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled());
1504 // Reload the current WebView.
1505 currentWebView.reload();
1507 // Consume the event.
1509 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.ultralist) { // UltraList.
1510 // Toggle the UltraList status.
1511 currentWebView.setUltraListEnabled(!currentWebView.getUltraListEnabled());
1513 // Update the menu checkbox.
1514 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getUltraListEnabled());
1516 // Reload the current WebView.
1517 currentWebView.reload();
1519 // Consume the event.
1521 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.ultraprivacy) { // UltraPrivacy.
1522 // Toggle the UltraPrivacy status.
1523 currentWebView.setUltraPrivacyEnabled(!currentWebView.getUltraPrivacyEnabled());
1525 // Update the menu checkbox.
1526 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getUltraPrivacyEnabled());
1528 // Reload the current WebView.
1529 currentWebView.reload();
1531 // Consume the event.
1533 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.block_all_third_party_requests) { // Block all third-party requests.
1534 //Toggle the third-party requests blocker status.
1535 currentWebView.setBlockAllThirdPartyRequests(!currentWebView.getBlockAllThirdPartyRequests());
1537 // Update the menu checkbox.
1538 menuItem.setChecked(currentWebView.getBlockAllThirdPartyRequests());
1540 // Reload the current WebView.
1541 currentWebView.reload();
1543 // Consume the event.
1545 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.proxy_none) { // Proxy - None.
1546 // Update the proxy mode.
1547 proxyMode = ProxyHelper.NONE;
1549 // Apply the proxy mode.
1552 // Consume the event.
1554 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.proxy_tor) { // Proxy - Tor.
1555 // Update the proxy mode.
1556 proxyMode = ProxyHelper.TOR;
1558 // Apply the proxy mode.
1561 // Consume the event.
1563 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.proxy_i2p) { // Proxy - I2P.
1564 // Update the proxy mode.
1565 proxyMode = ProxyHelper.I2P;
1567 // Apply the proxy mode.
1570 // Consume the event.
1572 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.proxy_custom) { // Proxy - Custom.
1573 // Update the proxy mode.
1574 proxyMode = ProxyHelper.CUSTOM;
1576 // Apply the proxy mode.
1579 // Consume the event.
1581 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_privacy_browser) { // User Agent - Privacy Browser.
1582 // Update the user agent.
1583 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[0]);
1585 // Reload the current WebView.
1586 currentWebView.reload();
1588 // Consume the event.
1590 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_webview_default) { // User Agent - WebView Default.
1591 // Update the user agent.
1592 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("");
1594 // Reload the current WebView.
1595 currentWebView.reload();
1597 // Consume the event.
1599 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_android) { // User Agent - Firefox on Android.
1600 // Update the user agent.
1601 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[2]);
1603 // Reload the current WebView.
1604 currentWebView.reload();
1606 // Consume the event.
1608 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_chrome_on_android) { // User Agent - Chrome on Android.
1609 // Update the user agent.
1610 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[3]);
1612 // Reload the current WebView.
1613 currentWebView.reload();
1615 // Consume the event.
1617 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_safari_on_ios) { // User Agent - Safari on iOS.
1618 // Update the user agent.
1619 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[4]);
1621 // Reload the current WebView.
1622 currentWebView.reload();
1624 // Consume the event.
1626 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_linux) { // User Agent - Firefox on Linux.
1627 // Update the user agent.
1628 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[5]);
1630 // Reload the current WebView.
1631 currentWebView.reload();
1633 // Consume the event.
1635 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_chromium_on_linux) { // User Agent - Chromium on Linux.
1636 // Update the user agent.
1637 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[6]);
1639 // Reload the current WebView.
1640 currentWebView.reload();
1642 // Consume the event.
1644 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_firefox_on_windows) { // User Agent - Firefox on Windows.
1645 // Update the user agent.
1646 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[7]);
1648 // Reload the current WebView.
1649 currentWebView.reload();
1651 // Consume the event.
1653 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_chrome_on_windows) { // User Agent - Chrome on Windows.
1654 // Update the user agent.
1655 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[8]);
1657 // Reload the current WebView.
1658 currentWebView.reload();
1660 // Consume the event.
1662 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_edge_on_windows) { // User Agent - Edge on Windows.
1663 // Update the user agent.
1664 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[9]);
1666 // Reload the current WebView.
1667 currentWebView.reload();
1669 // Consume the event.
1671 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_internet_explorer_on_windows) { // User Agent - Internet Explorer on Windows.
1672 // Update the user agent.
1673 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[10]);
1675 // Reload the current WebView.
1676 currentWebView.reload();
1678 // Consume the event.
1680 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_safari_on_macos) { // User Agent - Safari on macOS.
1681 // Update the user agent.
1682 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data)[11]);
1684 // Reload the current WebView.
1685 currentWebView.reload();
1687 // Consume the event.
1689 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.user_agent_custom) { // User Agent - Custom.
1690 // Update the user agent.
1691 currentWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value)));
1693 // Reload the current WebView.
1694 currentWebView.reload();
1696 // Consume the event.
1698 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.font_size) { // Font size.
1699 // Instantiate the font size dialog.
1700 DialogFragment fontSizeDialogFragment = FontSizeDialog.displayDialog(currentWebView.getSettings().getTextZoom());
1702 // Show the font size dialog.
1703 fontSizeDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.font_size));
1705 // Consume the event.
1707 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.swipe_to_refresh) { // Swipe to refresh.
1708 // Toggle the stored status of swipe to refresh.
1709 currentWebView.setSwipeToRefresh(!currentWebView.getSwipeToRefresh());
1711 // Update the swipe refresh layout.
1712 if (currentWebView.getSwipeToRefresh()) { // Swipe to refresh is enabled.
1713 // Only enable the swipe refresh layout if the WebView is scrolled to the top. It is updated every time the scroll changes.
1714 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(currentWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
1715 } else { // Swipe to refresh is disabled.
1716 // Disable the swipe refresh layout.
1717 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
1720 // Consume the event.
1722 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.wide_viewport) { // Wide viewport.
1723 // Toggle the viewport.
1724 currentWebView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(!currentWebView.getSettings().getUseWideViewPort());
1726 // Consume the event.
1728 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.display_images) { // Display images.
1729 // Toggle the displaying of images.
1730 if (currentWebView.getSettings().getLoadsImagesAutomatically()) { // Images are currently loaded automatically.
1731 // Disable loading of images.
1732 currentWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(false);
1734 // Reload the website to remove existing images.
1735 currentWebView.reload();
1736 } else { // Images are not currently loaded automatically.
1737 // Enable loading of images. Missing images will be loaded without the need for a reload.
1738 currentWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true);
1741 // Consume the event.
1743 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.dark_webview) { // Dark WebView.
1744 // Check to see if dark WebView is supported by this WebView.
1745 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // The device is running API >= 33 and algorithmic darkening is supported.
1746 // Toggle algorithmic darkening.
1747 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(currentWebView.getSettings(), !WebSettingsCompat.isAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(currentWebView.getSettings()));
1748 } else if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The device is running API < 33 and the WebView supports force dark.
1749 // Toggle the dark WebView setting.
1750 //noinspection deprecation
1751 if (WebSettingsCompat.getForceDark(currentWebView.getSettings()) == WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON) { // Dark WebView is currently enabled.
1752 // Turn off dark WebView.
1753 //noinspection deprecation
1754 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(currentWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
1755 } else { // Dark WebView is currently disabled.
1756 // Turn on dark WebView.
1757 //noinspection deprecation
1758 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(currentWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
1762 // Consume the event.
1764 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.find_on_page) { // Find on page.
1765 // Get a handle for the views.
1766 Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
1767 LinearLayout findOnPageLinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_linearlayout);
1768 EditText findOnPageEditText = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_edittext);
1770 // Set the minimum height of the find on page linear layout to match the toolbar.
1771 findOnPageLinearLayout.setMinimumHeight(toolbar.getHeight());
1773 // Hide the toolbar.
1774 toolbar.setVisibility(View.GONE);
1776 // Show the find on page linear layout.
1777 findOnPageLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
1779 // Display the keyboard. The app must wait 200 ms before running the command to work around a bug in Android.
1780 // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5520085/android-show-softkeyboard-with-showsoftinput-is-not-working
1781 findOnPageEditText.postDelayed(() -> {
1782 // Set the focus on the find on page edit text.
1783 findOnPageEditText.requestFocus();
1785 // Get a handle for the input method manager.
1786 InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
1788 // Remove the lint warning below that the input method manager might be null.
1789 assert inputMethodManager != null;
1791 // Display the keyboard. `0` sets no input flags.
1792 inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(findOnPageEditText, 0);
1795 // Consume the event.
1797 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.print) { // Print.
1798 // Get a print manager instance.
1799 PrintManager printManager = (PrintManager) getSystemService(Context.PRINT_SERVICE);
1801 // Remove the lint error below that print manager might be null.
1802 assert printManager != null;
1804 // Create a print document adapter from the current WebView.
1805 PrintDocumentAdapter printDocumentAdapter = currentWebView.createPrintDocumentAdapter(getString(R.string.print));
1807 // Print the document.
1808 printManager.print(getString(R.string.privacy_browser_webpage), printDocumentAdapter, null);
1810 // Consume the event.
1812 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.save_url) { // Save URL.
1813 // Check the download preference.
1814 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
1815 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(currentWebView.getCurrentUrl());
1816 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
1817 // Prepare the save dialog. The dialog will be displayed once the file size and the content disposition have been acquired.
1818 new PrepareSaveDialog(this, this, getSupportFragmentManager(), currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
1819 currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(currentWebView.getCurrentUrl());
1822 // Consume the event.
1824 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.save_archive) {
1825 // Open the file picker with a default file name built from the current domain name.
1826 saveWebpageArchiveActivityResultLauncher.launch(currentWebView.getCurrentDomainName() + ".mht");
1828 // Consume the event.
1830 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.save_image) { // Save image.
1831 // Open the file picker with a default file name built from the current domain name.
1832 saveWebpageImageActivityResultLauncher.launch(currentWebView.getCurrentDomainName() + ".png");
1834 // Consume the event.
1836 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.add_to_homescreen) { // Add to homescreen.
1837 // Instantiate the create home screen shortcut dialog.
1838 DialogFragment createHomeScreenShortcutDialogFragment = CreateHomeScreenShortcutDialog.createDialog(currentWebView.getTitle(), currentWebView.getUrl(),
1839 currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon());
1841 // Show the create home screen shortcut dialog.
1842 createHomeScreenShortcutDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.create_shortcut));
1844 // Consume the event.
1846 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.view_source) { // View source.
1847 // Create an intent to launch the view source activity.
1848 Intent viewSourceIntent = new Intent(this, ViewSourceActivity.class);
1850 // Add the variables to the intent.
1851 viewSourceIntent.putExtra(ViewSourceActivityKt.CURRENT_URL, currentWebView.getUrl());
1852 viewSourceIntent.putExtra(ViewSourceActivityKt.USER_AGENT, currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString());
1855 startActivity(viewSourceIntent);
1857 // Consume the event.
1859 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.share_message) { // Share a message.
1860 // Prepare the share string.
1861 String shareString = currentWebView.getTitle() + " – " + currentWebView.getUrl();
1863 // Create the share intent.
1864 Intent shareMessageIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
1866 // Add the share string to the intent.
1867 shareMessageIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, shareString);
1869 // Set the MIME type.
1870 shareMessageIntent.setType("text/plain");
1872 // Set the intent to open in a new task.
1873 shareMessageIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
1876 startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareMessageIntent, getString(R.string.share_message)));
1878 // Consume the event.
1880 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.share_url) { // Share URL.
1881 // Create the share intent.
1882 Intent shareUrlIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
1884 // Add the URL to the intent.
1885 shareUrlIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, currentWebView.getUrl());
1887 // Add the title to the intent.
1888 shareUrlIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, currentWebView.getTitle());
1890 // Set the MIME type.
1891 shareUrlIntent.setType("text/plain");
1893 // Set the intent to open in a new task.
1894 shareUrlIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
1897 startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareUrlIntent, getString(R.string.share_url)));
1899 // Consume the event.
1901 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.open_with_app) { // Open with app.
1902 // Open the URL with an outside app.
1903 openWithApp(currentWebView.getUrl());
1905 // Consume the event.
1907 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.open_with_browser) { // Open with browser.
1908 // Open the URL with an outside browser.
1909 openWithBrowser(currentWebView.getUrl());
1911 // Consume the event.
1913 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.add_or_edit_domain) { // Add or edit domain.
1914 // Reapply the domain settings on returning to `MainWebViewActivity`.
1915 reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true;
1917 // Check if domain settings currently exist.
1918 if (currentWebView.getDomainSettingsApplied()) { // Edit the current domain settings.
1919 // Create an intent to launch the domains activity.
1920 Intent domainsIntent = new Intent(this, DomainsActivity.class);
1922 // Add the extra information to the intent.
1923 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.LOAD_DOMAIN, currentWebView.getDomainSettingsDatabaseId());
1924 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CLOSE_ON_BACK, true);
1925 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_URL, currentWebView.getUrl());
1926 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_IP_ADDRESSES, currentWebView.getCurrentIpAddresses());
1928 // Get the current certificate.
1929 SslCertificate sslCertificate = currentWebView.getCertificate();
1931 // Check to see if the SSL certificate is populated.
1932 if (sslCertificate != null) {
1933 // Extract the certificate to strings.
1934 String issuedToCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getCName();
1935 String issuedToOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getOName();
1936 String issuedToUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getUName();
1937 String issuedByCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getCName();
1938 String issuedByOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getOName();
1939 String issuedByUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getUName();
1940 long startDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotBeforeDate().getTime();
1941 long endDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotAfterDate().getTime();
1943 // Add the certificate to the intent.
1944 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_CNAME, issuedToCName);
1945 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_ONAME, issuedToOName);
1946 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_UNAME, issuedToUName);
1947 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_CNAME, issuedByCName);
1948 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_ONAME, issuedByOName);
1949 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_UNAME, issuedByUName);
1950 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_START_DATE, startDateLong);
1951 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_END_DATE, endDateLong);
1955 startActivity(domainsIntent);
1956 } else { // Add a new domain.
1957 // Get the current URI.
1958 Uri currentUri = Uri.parse(currentWebView.getUrl());
1960 // Get the current domain from the URI.
1961 String currentDomain = currentUri.getHost();
1963 // Set an empty domain if it is null.
1964 if (currentDomain == null)
1967 // Create the domain and store the database ID.
1968 int newDomainDatabaseId = domainsDatabaseHelper.addDomain(currentDomain);
1970 // Create an intent to launch the domains activity.
1971 Intent domainsIntent = new Intent(this, DomainsActivity.class);
1973 // Add the extra information to the intent.
1974 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.LOAD_DOMAIN, newDomainDatabaseId);
1975 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CLOSE_ON_BACK, true);
1976 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_URL, currentWebView.getUrl());
1977 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_IP_ADDRESSES, currentWebView.getCurrentIpAddresses());
1979 // Get the current certificate.
1980 SslCertificate sslCertificate = currentWebView.getCertificate();
1982 // Check to see if the SSL certificate is populated.
1983 if (sslCertificate != null) {
1984 // Extract the certificate to strings.
1985 String issuedToCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getCName();
1986 String issuedToOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getOName();
1987 String issuedToUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getUName();
1988 String issuedByCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getCName();
1989 String issuedByOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getOName();
1990 String issuedByUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getUName();
1991 long startDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotBeforeDate().getTime();
1992 long endDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotAfterDate().getTime();
1994 // Add the certificate to the intent.
1995 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_CNAME, issuedToCName);
1996 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_ONAME, issuedToOName);
1997 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_TO_UNAME, issuedToUName);
1998 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_CNAME, issuedByCName);
1999 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_ONAME, issuedByOName);
2000 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_ISSUED_BY_UNAME, issuedByUName);
2001 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_START_DATE, startDateLong);
2002 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.SSL_END_DATE, endDateLong);
2006 startActivity(domainsIntent);
2009 // Consume the event.
2011 } else { // There is no match with the options menu. Pass the event up to the parent method.
2012 // Don't consume the event.
2013 return super.onOptionsItemSelected(menuItem);
2017 // removeAllCookies is deprecated, but it is required for API < 21.
2019 public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(@NonNull MenuItem menuItem) {
2020 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
2021 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
2023 // Get the menu item ID.
2024 int menuItemId = menuItem.getItemId();
2026 // Run the commands that correspond to the selected menu item.
2027 if (menuItemId == R.id.clear_and_exit) { // Clear and exit.
2028 // Clear and exit Privacy Browser.
2030 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.home) { // Home.
2031 // Load the homepage.
2032 loadUrl(currentWebView, sharedPreferences.getString("homepage", getString(R.string.homepage_default_value)));
2033 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.back) { // Back.
2034 // Check if the WebView can go back.
2035 if (currentWebView.canGoBack()) {
2036 // Get the current web back forward list.
2037 WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = currentWebView.copyBackForwardList();
2039 // Get the previous entry URL.
2040 String previousUrl = webBackForwardList.getItemAtIndex(webBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex() - 1).getUrl();
2042 // Apply the domain settings.
2043 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, previousUrl, false, false, false);
2045 // Load the previous website in the history.
2046 currentWebView.goBack();
2048 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.forward) { // Forward.
2049 // Check if the WebView can go forward.
2050 if (currentWebView.canGoForward()) {
2051 // Get the current web back forward list.
2052 WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = currentWebView.copyBackForwardList();
2054 // Get the next entry URL.
2055 String nextUrl = webBackForwardList.getItemAtIndex(webBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex() + 1).getUrl();
2057 // Apply the domain settings.
2058 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, nextUrl, false, false, false);
2060 // Load the next website in the history.
2061 currentWebView.goForward();
2063 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.history) { // History.
2064 // Instantiate the URL history dialog.
2065 DialogFragment urlHistoryDialogFragment = UrlHistoryDialog.loadBackForwardList(currentWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
2067 // Show the URL history dialog.
2068 urlHistoryDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.history));
2069 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.open) { // Open.
2070 // Instantiate the open file dialog.
2071 DialogFragment openDialogFragment = new OpenDialog();
2073 // Show the open file dialog.
2074 openDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.open));
2075 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.requests) { // Requests.
2076 // Populate the resource requests.
2077 RequestsActivity.resourceRequests = currentWebView.getResourceRequests();
2079 // Create an intent to launch the Requests activity.
2080 Intent requestsIntent = new Intent(this, RequestsActivity.class);
2082 // Add the block third-party requests status to the intent.
2083 requestsIntent.putExtra("block_all_third_party_requests", currentWebView.getBlockAllThirdPartyRequests());
2086 startActivity(requestsIntent);
2087 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.downloads) { // Downloads.
2088 // Try the default system download manager.
2090 // Launch the default system Download Manager.
2091 Intent defaultDownloadManagerIntent = new Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_VIEW_DOWNLOADS);
2093 // Launch as a new task so that the download manager and Privacy Browser show as separate windows in the recent tasks list.
2094 defaultDownloadManagerIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
2097 startActivity(defaultDownloadManagerIntent);
2098 } catch (Exception defaultDownloadManagerException) {
2099 // Try a generic file manager.
2101 // Create a generic file manager intent.
2102 Intent genericFileManagerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
2104 // Open the download directory.
2105 genericFileManagerIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).toString()), DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR);
2107 // Launch as a new task so that the file manager and Privacy Browser show as separate windows in the recent tasks list.
2108 genericFileManagerIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
2111 startActivity(genericFileManagerIntent);
2112 } catch (Exception genericFileManagerException) {
2113 // Try an alternate file manager.
2115 // Create an alternate file manager intent.
2116 Intent alternateFileManagerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
2118 // Open the download directory.
2119 alternateFileManagerIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).toString()), "resource/folder");
2121 // Launch as a new task so that the file manager and Privacy Browser show as separate windows in the recent tasks list.
2122 alternateFileManagerIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
2124 // Open the alternate file manager.
2125 startActivity(alternateFileManagerIntent);
2126 } catch (Exception alternateFileManagerException) {
2127 // Display a snackbar.
2128 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, R.string.no_file_manager_detected, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
2132 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.domains) { // Domains.
2133 // Set the flag to reapply the domain settings on restart when returning from Domain Settings.
2134 reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true;
2136 // Launch the domains activity.
2137 Intent domainsIntent = new Intent(this, DomainsActivity.class);
2139 // Add the extra information to the intent.
2140 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_URL, currentWebView.getUrl());
2141 domainsIntent.putExtra(DomainsActivity.CURRENT_IP_ADDRESSES, currentWebView.getCurrentIpAddresses());
2143 // Get the current certificate.
2144 SslCertificate sslCertificate = currentWebView.getCertificate();
2146 // Check to see if the SSL certificate is populated.
2147 if (sslCertificate != null) {
2148 // Extract the certificate to strings.
2149 String issuedToCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getCName();
2150 String issuedToOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getOName();
2151 String issuedToUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getUName();
2152 String issuedByCName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getCName();
2153 String issuedByOName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getOName();
2154 String issuedByUName = sslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getUName();
2155 long startDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotBeforeDate().getTime();
2156 long endDateLong = sslCertificate.getValidNotAfterDate().getTime();
2158 // Add the certificate to the intent.
2159 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_to_cname", issuedToCName);
2160 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_to_oname", issuedToOName);
2161 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_to_uname", issuedToUName);
2162 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_by_cname", issuedByCName);
2163 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_by_oname", issuedByOName);
2164 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_issued_by_uname", issuedByUName);
2165 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_start_date", startDateLong);
2166 domainsIntent.putExtra("ssl_end_date", endDateLong);
2170 startActivity(domainsIntent);
2171 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.settings) { // Settings.
2172 // Set the flag to reapply app settings on restart when returning from Settings.
2173 reapplyAppSettingsOnRestart = true;
2175 // Set the flag to reapply the domain settings on restart when returning from Settings.
2176 reapplyDomainSettingsOnRestart = true;
2178 // Launch the settings activity.
2179 Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
2180 startActivity(settingsIntent);
2181 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.import_export) { // Import/Export.
2182 // Create an intent to launch the import/export activity.
2183 Intent importExportIntent = new Intent(this, ImportExportActivity.class);
2186 startActivity(importExportIntent);
2187 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.logcat) { // Logcat.
2188 // Create an intent to launch the logcat activity.
2189 Intent logcatIntent = new Intent(this, LogcatActivity.class);
2192 startActivity(logcatIntent);
2193 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.guide) { // Guide.
2194 // Create an intent to launch the guide activity.
2195 Intent guideIntent = new Intent(this, GuideActivity.class);
2198 startActivity(guideIntent);
2199 } else if (menuItemId == R.id.about) { // About
2200 // Create an intent to launch the about activity.
2201 Intent aboutIntent = new Intent(this, AboutActivity.class);
2203 // Create a string array for the blocklist versions.
2204 String[] blocklistVersions = new String[]{easyList.get(0).get(0)[0], easyPrivacy.get(0).get(0)[0], fanboysAnnoyanceList.get(0).get(0)[0], fanboysSocialList.get(0).get(0)[0],
2205 ultraList.get(0).get(0)[0], ultraPrivacy.get(0).get(0)[0]};
2207 // Add the blocklist versions to the intent.
2208 aboutIntent.putExtra(AboutActivity.BLOCKLIST_VERSIONS, blocklistVersions);
2211 startActivity(aboutIntent);
2214 // Close the navigation drawer.
2215 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START);
2220 public void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
2221 // Run the default commands.
2222 super.onPostCreate(savedInstanceState);
2224 // Sync the state of the DrawerToggle after the default `onRestoreInstanceState()` has finished. This creates the navigation drawer icon.
2225 actionBarDrawerToggle.syncState();
2229 public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View view, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
2230 // Get the hit test result.
2231 final WebView.HitTestResult hitTestResult = currentWebView.getHitTestResult();
2233 // Define the URL strings.
2234 final String imageUrl;
2235 final String linkUrl;
2237 // Get handles for the system managers.
2238 final ClipboardManager clipboardManager = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
2240 // Remove the lint errors below that the clipboard manager might be null.
2241 assert clipboardManager != null;
2243 // Process the link according to the type.
2244 switch (hitTestResult.getType()) {
2245 // `SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE` is a link.
2246 case WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE:
2247 // Get the target URL.
2248 linkUrl = hitTestResult.getExtra();
2250 // Set the target URL as the title of the `ContextMenu`.
2251 menu.setHeaderTitle(linkUrl);
2253 // Add an Open in New Tab entry.
2254 menu.add(R.string.open_in_new_tab).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2255 // Load the link URL in a new tab and move to it.
2256 addNewTab(linkUrl, true);
2258 // Consume the event.
2262 // Add an Open in Background entry.
2263 menu.add(R.string.open_in_background).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2264 // Load the link URL in a new tab but do not move to it.
2265 addNewTab(linkUrl, false);
2267 // Consume the event.
2271 // Add an Open with App entry.
2272 menu.add(R.string.open_with_app).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2273 openWithApp(linkUrl);
2275 // Consume the event.
2279 // Add an Open with Browser entry.
2280 menu.add(R.string.open_with_browser).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2281 openWithBrowser(linkUrl);
2283 // Consume the event.
2287 // Add a Copy URL entry.
2288 menu.add(R.string.copy_url).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2289 // Save the link URL in a `ClipData`.
2290 ClipData srcAnchorTypeClipData = ClipData.newPlainText(getString(R.string.url), linkUrl);
2292 // Set the `ClipData` as the clipboard's primary clip.
2293 clipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(srcAnchorTypeClipData);
2295 // Consume the event.
2299 // Add a Save URL entry.
2300 menu.add(R.string.save_url).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2301 // Check the download preference.
2302 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
2303 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(linkUrl);
2304 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
2305 // Prepare the save dialog. The dialog will be displayed once the file size and the content disposition have been acquired.
2306 new PrepareSaveDialog(this, this, getSupportFragmentManager(), currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
2307 currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(linkUrl);
2310 // Consume the event.
2314 // Add an empty Cancel entry, which by default closes the context menu.
2315 menu.add(R.string.cancel);
2318 // `IMAGE_TYPE` is an image.
2319 case WebView.HitTestResult.IMAGE_TYPE:
2320 // Get the image URL.
2321 imageUrl = hitTestResult.getExtra();
2323 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the image URL might be null.
2324 assert imageUrl != null;
2326 // Set the context menu title.
2327 if (imageUrl.startsWith("data:")) { // The image data is contained in within the URL, making it exceedingly long.
2328 // Truncate the image URL before making it the title.
2329 menu.setHeaderTitle(imageUrl.substring(0, 100));
2330 } else { // The image URL does not contain the full image data.
2331 // Set the image URL as the title of the context menu.
2332 menu.setHeaderTitle(imageUrl);
2335 // Add an Open in New Tab entry.
2336 menu.add(R.string.open_image_in_new_tab).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2337 // Load the image in a new tab.
2338 addNewTab(imageUrl, true);
2340 // Consume the event.
2344 // Add an Open with App entry.
2345 menu.add(R.string.open_with_app).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2346 // Open the image URL with an external app.
2347 openWithApp(imageUrl);
2349 // Consume the event.
2353 // Add an Open with Browser entry.
2354 menu.add(R.string.open_with_browser).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2355 // Open the image URL with an external browser.
2356 openWithBrowser(imageUrl);
2358 // Consume the event.
2362 // Add a View Image entry.
2363 menu.add(R.string.view_image).setOnMenuItemClickListener(item -> {
2364 // Load the image in the current tab.
2365 loadUrl(currentWebView, imageUrl);
2367 // Consume the event.
2371 // Add a Save Image entry.
2372 menu.add(R.string.save_image).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2373 // Check the download preference.
2374 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
2375 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(imageUrl);
2376 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
2377 // Prepare the save dialog. The dialog will be displayed once the file size and the content disposition have been acquired.
2378 new PrepareSaveDialog(this, this, getSupportFragmentManager(), currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
2379 currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(imageUrl);
2382 // Consume the event.
2386 // Add a Copy URL entry.
2387 menu.add(R.string.copy_url).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2388 // Save the image URL in a clip data.
2389 ClipData imageTypeClipData = ClipData.newPlainText(getString(R.string.url), imageUrl);
2391 // Set the clip data as the clipboard's primary clip.
2392 clipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(imageTypeClipData);
2394 // Consume the event.
2398 // Add an empty Cancel entry, which by default closes the context menu.
2399 menu.add(R.string.cancel);
2402 // `SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE` is an image that is also a link.
2403 case WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE:
2404 // Get the image URL.
2405 imageUrl = hitTestResult.getExtra();
2407 // Instantiate a handler.
2408 Handler handler = new Handler();
2410 // Get a message from the handler.
2411 Message message = handler.obtainMessage();
2413 // Request the image details from the last touched node be returned in the message.
2414 currentWebView.requestFocusNodeHref(message);
2416 // Get the link URL from the message data.
2417 linkUrl = message.getData().getString("url");
2419 // Set the link URL as the title of the context menu.
2420 menu.setHeaderTitle(linkUrl);
2422 // Add an Open in New Tab entry.
2423 menu.add(R.string.open_in_new_tab).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2424 // Load the link URL in a new tab and move to it.
2425 addNewTab(linkUrl, true);
2427 // Consume the event.
2431 // Add an Open in Background entry.
2432 menu.add(R.string.open_in_background).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2433 // Lod the link URL in a new tab but do not move to it.
2434 addNewTab(linkUrl, false);
2436 // Consume the event.
2440 // Add an Open Image in New Tab entry.
2441 menu.add(R.string.open_image_in_new_tab).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2442 // Load the image in a new tab and move to it.
2443 addNewTab(imageUrl, true);
2445 // Consume the event.
2449 // Add an Open with App entry.
2450 menu.add(R.string.open_with_app).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2451 // Open the link URL with an external app.
2452 openWithApp(linkUrl);
2454 // Consume the event.
2458 // Add an Open with Browser entry.
2459 menu.add(R.string.open_with_browser).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2460 // Open the link URL with an external browser.
2461 openWithBrowser(linkUrl);
2463 // Consume the event.
2467 // Add a View Image entry.
2468 menu.add(R.string.view_image).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2469 // View the image in the current tab.
2470 loadUrl(currentWebView, imageUrl);
2472 // Consume the event.
2476 // Add a Save Image entry.
2477 menu.add(R.string.save_image).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2478 // Check the download preference.
2479 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
2480 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(imageUrl);
2481 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
2482 // Prepare the save dialog. The dialog will be displayed once the file size and the content disposition have been acquired.
2483 new PrepareSaveDialog(this, this, getSupportFragmentManager(), currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
2484 currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(imageUrl);
2487 // Consume the event.
2491 // Add a Copy URL entry.
2492 menu.add(R.string.copy_url).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2493 // Save the link URL in a clip data.
2494 ClipData srcImageAnchorTypeClipData = ClipData.newPlainText(getString(R.string.url), linkUrl);
2496 // Set the clip data as the clipboard's primary clip.
2497 clipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(srcImageAnchorTypeClipData);
2499 // Consume the event.
2503 // Add a Save URL entry.
2504 menu.add(R.string.save_url).setOnMenuItemClickListener((MenuItem item) -> {
2505 // Check the download preference.
2506 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
2507 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(linkUrl);
2508 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
2509 // Prepare the save dialog. The dialog will be displayed once the file size and the content disposition have been acquired.
2510 new PrepareSaveDialog(this, this, getSupportFragmentManager(), currentWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
2511 currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()).execute(linkUrl);
2514 // Consume the event.
2518 // Add an empty Cancel entry, which by default closes the context menu.
2519 menu.add(R.string.cancel);
2522 case WebView.HitTestResult.EMAIL_TYPE:
2523 // Get the target URL.
2524 linkUrl = hitTestResult.getExtra();
2526 // Set the target URL as the title of the `ContextMenu`.
2527 menu.setHeaderTitle(linkUrl);
2529 // Add a Write Email entry.
2530 menu.add(R.string.write_email).setOnMenuItemClickListener(item -> {
2531 // Use `ACTION_SENDTO` instead of `ACTION_SEND` so that only email programs are launched.
2532 Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
2534 // Parse the url and set it as the data for the `Intent`.
2535 emailIntent.setData(Uri.parse("mailto:" + linkUrl));
2537 // `FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK` opens the email program in a new task instead as part of Privacy Browser.
2538 emailIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
2542 startActivity(emailIntent);
2543 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) {
2544 // Display a snackbar.
2545 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
2548 // Consume the event.
2552 // Add a Copy Email Address entry.
2553 menu.add(R.string.copy_email_address).setOnMenuItemClickListener(item -> {
2554 // Save the email address in a `ClipData`.
2555 ClipData srcEmailTypeClipData = ClipData.newPlainText(getString(R.string.email_address), linkUrl);
2557 // Set the `ClipData` as the clipboard's primary clip.
2558 clipboardManager.setPrimaryClip(srcEmailTypeClipData);
2560 // Consume the event.
2564 // Add an empty Cancel entry, which by default closes the context menu.
2565 menu.add(R.string.cancel);
2571 public void onCreateBookmark(DialogFragment dialogFragment, Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap) {
2572 // Get a handle for the bookmarks list view.
2573 ListView bookmarksListView = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_drawer_listview);
2576 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
2578 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
2579 assert dialog != null;
2581 // Get the views from the dialog fragment.
2582 EditText createBookmarkNameEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.create_bookmark_name_edittext);
2583 EditText createBookmarkUrlEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.create_bookmark_url_edittext);
2585 // Extract the strings from the edit texts.
2586 String bookmarkNameString = createBookmarkNameEditText.getText().toString();
2587 String bookmarkUrlString = createBookmarkUrlEditText.getText().toString();
2589 // Create a favorite icon byte array output stream.
2590 ByteArrayOutputStream favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2592 // Convert the favorite icon bitmap to a byte array. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
2593 favoriteIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream);
2595 // Convert the favorite icon byte array stream to a byte array.
2596 byte[] favoriteIconByteArray = favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
2598 // Display the new bookmark below the current items in the (0 indexed) list.
2599 int newBookmarkDisplayOrder = bookmarksListView.getCount();
2601 // Create the bookmark.
2602 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.createBookmark(bookmarkNameString, bookmarkUrlString, currentBookmarksFolder, newBookmarkDisplayOrder, favoriteIconByteArray);
2604 // Update the bookmarks cursor with the current contents of this folder.
2605 bookmarksCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmarksByDisplayOrder(currentBookmarksFolder);
2607 // Update the list view.
2608 bookmarksCursorAdapter.changeCursor(bookmarksCursor);
2610 // Scroll to the new bookmark.
2611 bookmarksListView.setSelection(newBookmarkDisplayOrder);
2615 public void onCreateBookmarkFolder(DialogFragment dialogFragment, @NonNull Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap) {
2616 // Get a handle for the bookmarks list view.
2617 ListView bookmarksListView = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_drawer_listview);
2620 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
2622 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
2623 assert dialog != null;
2625 // Get handles for the views in the dialog fragment.
2626 EditText folderNameEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.folder_name_edittext);
2627 RadioButton defaultIconRadioButton = dialog.findViewById(R.id.default_icon_radiobutton);
2628 ImageView defaultIconImageView = dialog.findViewById(R.id.default_icon_imageview);
2630 // Get new folder name string.
2631 String folderNameString = folderNameEditText.getText().toString();
2633 // Create a folder icon bitmap.
2634 Bitmap folderIconBitmap;
2636 // Set the folder icon bitmap according to the dialog.
2637 if (defaultIconRadioButton.isChecked()) { // Use the default folder icon.
2638 // Get the default folder icon drawable.
2639 Drawable folderIconDrawable = defaultIconImageView.getDrawable();
2641 // Convert the folder icon drawable to a bitmap drawable.
2642 BitmapDrawable folderIconBitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) folderIconDrawable;
2644 // Convert the folder icon bitmap drawable to a bitmap.
2645 folderIconBitmap = folderIconBitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
2646 } else { // Use the WebView favorite icon.
2647 // Copy the favorite icon bitmap to the folder icon bitmap.
2648 folderIconBitmap = favoriteIconBitmap;
2651 // Create a folder icon byte array output stream.
2652 ByteArrayOutputStream folderIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2654 // Convert the folder icon bitmap to a byte array. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
2655 folderIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, folderIconByteArrayOutputStream);
2657 // Convert the folder icon byte array stream to a byte array.
2658 byte[] folderIconByteArray = folderIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
2660 // Move all the bookmarks down one in the display order.
2661 for (int i = 0; i < bookmarksListView.getCount(); i++) {
2662 int databaseId = (int) bookmarksListView.getItemIdAtPosition(i);
2663 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.updateDisplayOrder(databaseId, i + 1);
2666 // Create the folder, which will be placed at the top of the `ListView`.
2667 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.createFolder(folderNameString, currentBookmarksFolder, folderIconByteArray);
2669 // Update the bookmarks cursor with the current contents of this folder.
2670 bookmarksCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmarksByDisplayOrder(currentBookmarksFolder);
2672 // Update the `ListView`.
2673 bookmarksCursorAdapter.changeCursor(bookmarksCursor);
2675 // Scroll to the new folder.
2676 bookmarksListView.setSelection(0);
2680 public void onSaveBookmarkFolder(DialogFragment dialogFragment, int selectedFolderDatabaseId, @NonNull Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap) {
2681 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog fragment might be null.
2682 assert dialogFragment != null;
2685 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
2687 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
2688 assert dialog != null;
2690 // Get handles for the views from the dialog.
2691 RadioButton currentFolderIconRadioButton = dialog.findViewById(R.id.current_icon_radiobutton);
2692 RadioButton defaultFolderIconRadioButton = dialog.findViewById(R.id.default_icon_radiobutton);
2693 ImageView defaultFolderIconImageView = dialog.findViewById(R.id.default_icon_imageview);
2694 EditText editFolderNameEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.folder_name_edittext);
2696 // Get the new folder name.
2697 String newFolderNameString = editFolderNameEditText.getText().toString();
2699 // Check if the favorite icon has changed.
2700 if (currentFolderIconRadioButton.isChecked()) { // Only the name has changed.
2701 // Update the name in the database.
2702 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.updateFolder(selectedFolderDatabaseId, oldFolderNameString, newFolderNameString);
2703 } else if (!currentFolderIconRadioButton.isChecked() && newFolderNameString.equals(oldFolderNameString)) { // Only the icon has changed.
2704 // Create the new folder icon Bitmap.
2705 Bitmap folderIconBitmap;
2707 // Populate the new folder icon bitmap.
2708 if (defaultFolderIconRadioButton.isChecked()) {
2709 // Get the default folder icon drawable.
2710 Drawable folderIconDrawable = defaultFolderIconImageView.getDrawable();
2712 // Convert the folder icon drawable to a bitmap drawable.
2713 BitmapDrawable folderIconBitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) folderIconDrawable;
2715 // Convert the folder icon bitmap drawable to a bitmap.
2716 folderIconBitmap = folderIconBitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
2717 } else { // Use the `WebView` favorite icon.
2718 // Copy the favorite icon bitmap to the folder icon bitmap.
2719 folderIconBitmap = favoriteIconBitmap;
2722 // Create a folder icon byte array output stream.
2723 ByteArrayOutputStream newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2725 // Convert the folder icon bitmap to a byte array. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
2726 folderIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream);
2728 // Convert the folder icon byte array stream to a byte array.
2729 byte[] newFolderIconByteArray = newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
2731 // Update the folder icon in the database.
2732 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.updateFolder(selectedFolderDatabaseId, newFolderIconByteArray);
2733 } else { // The folder icon and the name have changed.
2734 // Get the new folder icon bitmap.
2735 Bitmap folderIconBitmap;
2736 if (defaultFolderIconRadioButton.isChecked()) {
2737 // Get the default folder icon drawable.
2738 Drawable folderIconDrawable = defaultFolderIconImageView.getDrawable();
2740 // Convert the folder icon drawable to a bitmap drawable.
2741 BitmapDrawable folderIconBitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) folderIconDrawable;
2743 // Convert the folder icon bitmap drawable to a bitmap.
2744 folderIconBitmap = folderIconBitmapDrawable.getBitmap();
2745 } else { // Use the `WebView` favorite icon.
2746 // Copy the favorite icon bitmap to the folder icon bitmap.
2747 folderIconBitmap = favoriteIconBitmap;
2750 // Create a folder icon byte array output stream.
2751 ByteArrayOutputStream newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2753 // Convert the folder icon bitmap to a byte array. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
2754 folderIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream);
2756 // Convert the folder icon byte array stream to a byte array.
2757 byte[] newFolderIconByteArray = newFolderIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
2759 // Update the folder name and icon in the database.
2760 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.updateFolder(selectedFolderDatabaseId, oldFolderNameString, newFolderNameString, newFolderIconByteArray);
2763 // Update the bookmarks cursor with the current contents of this folder.
2764 bookmarksCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmarksByDisplayOrder(currentBookmarksFolder);
2766 // Update the `ListView`.
2767 bookmarksCursorAdapter.changeCursor(bookmarksCursor);
2770 // Override `onBackPressed()` to handle the navigation drawer and and the WebViews.
2772 public void onBackPressed() {
2773 // Check the different options for processing `back`.
2774 if (drawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.START)) { // The navigation drawer is open.
2775 // Close the navigation drawer.
2776 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START);
2777 } else if (drawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.END)){ // The bookmarks drawer is open.
2778 // close the bookmarks drawer.
2779 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
2780 } else if (displayingFullScreenVideo) { // A full screen video is shown.
2781 // Exit the full screen video.
2782 exitFullScreenVideo();
2783 } else if (currentWebView.canGoBack()) { // There is at least one item in the current WebView history.
2784 // Get the current web back forward list.
2785 WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = currentWebView.copyBackForwardList();
2787 // Get the previous entry URL.
2788 String previousUrl = webBackForwardList.getItemAtIndex(webBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex() - 1).getUrl();
2790 // Apply the domain settings.
2791 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, previousUrl, false, false, false);
2794 currentWebView.goBack();
2795 } else if (tabLayout.getTabCount() > 1) { // There are at least two tabs.
2796 // Close the current tab.
2798 } else { // There isn't anything to do in Privacy Browser.
2799 // Close Privacy Browser. `finishAndRemoveTask()` also removes Privacy Browser from the recent app list.
2800 finishAndRemoveTask();
2802 // Manually kill Privacy Browser. Otherwise, it is glitchy when restarted.
2807 // Process the results of a file browse.
2809 public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent returnedIntent) {
2810 // Run the default commands.
2811 super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, returnedIntent);
2813 // Run the commands that correlate to the specified request code.
2814 switch (requestCode) {
2816 // Pass the file to the WebView.
2817 fileChooserCallback.onReceiveValue(WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams.parseResult(resultCode, returnedIntent));
2821 // Don't do anything if the user pressed back from the file picker.
2822 if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
2823 // Get a handle for the open dialog fragment.
2824 DialogFragment openDialogFragment = (DialogFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.open));
2826 // Only update the file name if the dialog still exists.
2827 if (openDialogFragment != null) {
2828 // Get a handle for the open dialog.
2829 Dialog openDialog = openDialogFragment.getDialog();
2831 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
2832 assert openDialog != null;
2834 // Get a handle for the file name edit text.
2835 EditText fileNameEditText = openDialog.findViewById(R.id.file_name_edittext);
2837 // Get the file name URI from the intent.
2838 Uri fileNameUri = returnedIntent.getData();
2840 // Get the file name string from the URI.
2841 String fileNameString = fileNameUri.toString();
2843 // Set the file name text.
2844 fileNameEditText.setText(fileNameString);
2846 // Move the cursor to the end of the file name edit text.
2847 fileNameEditText.setSelection(fileNameString.length());
2854 private void loadUrlFromTextBox() {
2855 // Get the text from urlTextBox and convert it to a string. trim() removes white spaces from the beginning and end of the string.
2856 String unformattedUrlString = urlEditText.getText().toString().trim();
2858 // Initialize the formatted URL string.
2861 // Check to see if the unformatted URL string is a valid URL. Otherwise, convert it into a search.
2862 if (unformattedUrlString.startsWith("content://")) { // This is a Content URL.
2863 // Load the entire content URL.
2864 url = unformattedUrlString;
2865 } else if (Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(unformattedUrlString).matches() || unformattedUrlString.startsWith("http://") || unformattedUrlString.startsWith("https://") ||
2866 unformattedUrlString.startsWith("file://")) { // This is a standard URL.
2867 // Add `https://` at the beginning if there is no protocol. Otherwise the app will segfault.
2868 if (!unformattedUrlString.startsWith("http") && !unformattedUrlString.startsWith("file://")) {
2869 unformattedUrlString = "https://" + unformattedUrlString;
2872 // Initialize the unformatted URL.
2873 URL unformattedUrl = null;
2875 // Convert the unformatted URL string to a URL, then to a URI, and then back to a string, which sanitizes the input and adds in any missing components.
2877 unformattedUrl = new URL(unformattedUrlString);
2878 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
2879 e.printStackTrace();
2882 // The ternary operator (? :) makes sure that a null pointer exception is not thrown, which would happen if `.get` was called on a `null` value.
2883 String scheme = unformattedUrl != null ? unformattedUrl.getProtocol() : null;
2884 String authority = unformattedUrl != null ? unformattedUrl.getAuthority() : null;
2885 String path = unformattedUrl != null ? unformattedUrl.getPath() : null;
2886 String query = unformattedUrl != null ? unformattedUrl.getQuery() : null;
2887 String fragment = unformattedUrl != null ? unformattedUrl.getRef() : null;
2890 Uri.Builder uri = new Uri.Builder();
2891 uri.scheme(scheme).authority(authority).path(path).query(query).fragment(fragment);
2893 // Decode the URI as a UTF-8 string in.
2895 url = URLDecoder.decode(uri.build().toString(), "UTF-8");
2896 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exception) {
2897 // Do nothing. The formatted URL string will remain blank.
2899 } else if (!unformattedUrlString.isEmpty()){ // This is not a URL, but rather a search string.
2900 // Create an encoded URL String.
2901 String encodedUrlString;
2903 // Sanitize the search input.
2905 encodedUrlString = URLEncoder.encode(unformattedUrlString, "UTF-8");
2906 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exception) {
2907 encodedUrlString = "";
2910 // Add the base search URL.
2911 url = searchURL + encodedUrlString;
2914 // Clear the focus from the URL edit text. Otherwise, proximate typing in the box will retain the colorized formatting instead of being reset during refocus.
2915 urlEditText.clearFocus();
2918 loadUrl(currentWebView, url);
2921 private void loadUrl(NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView, String url) {
2922 // Sanitize the URL.
2923 url = sanitizeUrl(url);
2925 // Apply the domain settings and load the URL.
2926 applyDomainSettings(nestedScrollWebView, url, true, false, true);
2929 public void findPreviousOnPage(View view) {
2930 // Go to the previous highlighted phrase on the page. `false` goes backwards instead of forwards.
2931 currentWebView.findNext(false);
2934 public void findNextOnPage(View view) {
2935 // Go to the next highlighted phrase on the page. `true` goes forwards instead of backwards.
2936 currentWebView.findNext(true);
2939 public void closeFindOnPage(View view) {
2940 // Get a handle for the views.
2941 Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
2942 LinearLayout findOnPageLinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_linearlayout);
2943 EditText findOnPageEditText = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_edittext);
2945 // Delete the contents of `find_on_page_edittext`.
2946 findOnPageEditText.setText(null);
2948 // Clear the highlighted phrases if the WebView is not null.
2949 if (currentWebView != null) {
2950 currentWebView.clearMatches();
2953 // Hide the find on page linear layout.
2954 findOnPageLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
2956 // Show the toolbar.
2957 toolbar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
2959 // Get a handle for the input method manager.
2960 InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
2962 // Remove the lint warning below that the input method manager might be null.
2963 assert inputMethodManager != null;
2965 // Hide the keyboard.
2966 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(toolbar.getWindowToken(), 0);
2970 public void onApplyNewFontSize(DialogFragment dialogFragment) {
2971 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog fragment might be null.
2972 assert dialogFragment != null;
2975 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
2977 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below tha the dialog might be null.
2978 assert dialog != null;
2980 // Get a handle for the font size edit text.
2981 EditText fontSizeEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.font_size_edittext);
2983 // Initialize the new font size variable with the current font size.
2984 int newFontSize = currentWebView.getSettings().getTextZoom();
2986 // Get the font size from the edit text.
2988 newFontSize = Integer.parseInt(fontSizeEditText.getText().toString());
2989 } catch (Exception exception) {
2990 // If the edit text does not contain a valid font size do nothing.
2993 // Apply the new font size.
2994 currentWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(newFontSize);
2998 public void onOpen(DialogFragment dialogFragment) {
3000 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
3002 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
3003 assert dialog != null;
3005 // Get handles for the views.
3006 EditText fileNameEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.file_name_edittext);
3007 CheckBox mhtCheckBox = dialog.findViewById(R.id.mht_checkbox);
3009 // Get the file path string.
3010 String openFilePath = fileNameEditText.getText().toString();
3012 // Apply the domain settings. This resets the favorite icon and removes any domain settings.
3013 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, openFilePath, true, false, false);
3015 // Open the file according to the type.
3016 if (mhtCheckBox.isChecked()) { // Force opening of an MHT file.
3018 // Get the MHT file input stream.
3019 InputStream mhtFileInputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse(openFilePath));
3021 // Create a temporary MHT file.
3022 File temporaryMhtFile = File.createTempFile("temporary_mht_file", ".mht", getCacheDir());
3024 // Get a file output stream for the temporary MHT file.
3025 FileOutputStream temporaryMhtFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(temporaryMhtFile);
3027 // Create a transfer byte array.
3028 byte[] transferByteArray = new byte[1024];
3030 // Create an integer to track the number of bytes read.
3033 // Copy the temporary MHT file input stream to the MHT output stream.
3034 while ((bytesRead = mhtFileInputStream.read(transferByteArray)) > 0) {
3035 temporaryMhtFileOutputStream.write(transferByteArray, 0, bytesRead);
3038 // Flush the temporary MHT file output stream.
3039 temporaryMhtFileOutputStream.flush();
3041 // Close the streams.
3042 temporaryMhtFileOutputStream.close();
3043 mhtFileInputStream.close();
3045 // Load the temporary MHT file.
3046 currentWebView.loadUrl(temporaryMhtFile.toString());
3047 } catch (Exception exception) {
3048 // Display a snackbar.
3049 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
3051 } else { // Let the WebView handle opening of the file.
3053 currentWebView.loadUrl(openFilePath);
3057 private void downloadUrlWithExternalApp(String url) {
3058 // Create a download intent. Not specifying the action type will display the maximum number of options.
3059 Intent downloadIntent = new Intent();
3061 // Set the URI and the mime type.
3062 downloadIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(url), "text/html");
3064 // Flag the intent to open in a new task.
3065 downloadIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
3067 // Show the chooser.
3068 startActivity(Intent.createChooser(downloadIntent, getString(R.string.download_with_external_app)));
3071 public void onSaveUrl(@NonNull String originalUrlString, @NonNull String fileNameString, @NonNull DialogFragment dialogFragment) {
3072 // Store the URL. This will be used in the save URL activity result launcher.
3073 if (originalUrlString.startsWith("data:")) {
3074 // Save the original URL.
3075 saveUrlString = originalUrlString;
3078 Dialog dialog = dialogFragment.getDialog();
3080 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the dialog might be null.
3081 assert dialog != null;
3083 // Get a handle for the dialog URL edit text.
3084 EditText dialogUrlEditText = dialog.findViewById(R.id.url_edittext);
3086 // Get the URL from the edit text, which may have been modified.
3087 saveUrlString = dialogUrlEditText.getText().toString();
3090 // Open the file picker.
3091 saveUrlActivityResultLauncher.launch(fileNameString);
3094 // Remove the warning that `OnTouchListener()` needs to override `performClick()`, as the only purpose of setting the `OnTouchListener()` is to make it do nothing.
3095 @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility")
3096 private void initializeApp() {
3097 // Get a handle for the input method.
3098 InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
3100 // Remove the lint warning below that the input method manager might be null.
3101 assert inputMethodManager != null;
3103 // Initialize the gray foreground color spans for highlighting the URLs.
3104 initialGrayColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.gray_500));
3105 finalGrayColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.gray_500));
3107 // Get the current theme status.
3108 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
3110 // Set the red color span according to the theme.
3111 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) {
3112 redColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.red_a700));
3114 redColorSpan = new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.red_900));
3117 // Remove the formatting from the URL edit text when the user is editing the text.
3118 urlEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener((View v, boolean hasFocus) -> {
3119 if (hasFocus) { // The user is editing the URL text box.
3120 // Remove the highlighting.
3121 urlEditText.getText().removeSpan(redColorSpan);
3122 urlEditText.getText().removeSpan(initialGrayColorSpan);
3123 urlEditText.getText().removeSpan(finalGrayColorSpan);
3124 } else { // The user has stopped editing the URL text box.
3125 // Move to the beginning of the string.
3126 urlEditText.setSelection(0);
3128 // Reapply the highlighting.
3133 // Set the go button on the keyboard to load the URL in `urlTextBox`.
3134 urlEditText.setOnKeyListener((View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) -> {
3135 // If the event is a key-down event on the `enter` button, load the URL.
3136 if ((event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) && (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)) {
3137 // Load the URL into the mainWebView and consume the event.
3138 loadUrlFromTextBox();
3140 // If the enter key was pressed, consume the event.
3143 // If any other key was pressed, do not consume the event.
3148 // Create an Orbot status broadcast receiver.
3149 orbotStatusBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
3151 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
3152 // Store the content of the status message in `orbotStatus`.
3153 orbotStatus = intent.getStringExtra("org.torproject.android.intent.extra.STATUS");
3155 // If Privacy Browser is waiting on the proxy, load the website now that Orbot is connected.
3156 if ((orbotStatus != null) && orbotStatus.equals(ProxyHelper.ORBOT_STATUS_ON) && waitingForProxy) {
3157 // Reset the waiting for proxy status.
3158 waitingForProxy = false;
3160 // Get a list of the current fragments.
3161 List<Fragment> fragmentList = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments();
3163 // Check each fragment to see if it is a waiting for proxy dialog. Sometimes more than one is displayed.
3164 for (int i = 0; i < fragmentList.size(); i++) {
3165 // Get the fragment tag.
3166 String fragmentTag = fragmentList.get(i).getTag();
3168 // Check to see if it is the waiting for proxy dialog.
3169 if ((fragmentTag!= null) && fragmentTag.equals(getString(R.string.waiting_for_proxy_dialog))) {
3170 // Dismiss the waiting for proxy dialog.
3171 ((DialogFragment) fragmentList.get(i)).dismiss();
3175 // Reload existing URLs and load any URLs that are waiting for the proxy.
3176 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
3177 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
3178 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
3180 // Get the fragment view.
3181 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
3183 // Only process the WebViews if they exist.
3184 if (fragmentView != null) {
3185 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
3186 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
3188 // Get the waiting for proxy URL string.
3189 String waitingForProxyUrlString = nestedScrollWebView.getWaitingForProxyUrlString();
3191 // Load the pending URL if it exists.
3192 if (!waitingForProxyUrlString.isEmpty()) { // A URL is waiting to be loaded.
3194 loadUrl(nestedScrollWebView, waitingForProxyUrlString);
3196 // Reset the waiting for proxy URL string.
3197 nestedScrollWebView.setWaitingForProxyUrlString("");
3198 } else { // No URL is waiting to be loaded.
3199 // Reload the existing URL.
3200 nestedScrollWebView.reload();
3208 // Register the Orbot status broadcast receiver on `this` context.
3209 this.registerReceiver(orbotStatusBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter("org.torproject.android.intent.action.STATUS"));
3211 // Get handles for views that need to be modified.
3212 LinearLayout bookmarksHeaderLinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_header_linearlayout);
3213 ListView bookmarksListView = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_drawer_listview);
3214 FloatingActionButton launchBookmarksActivityFab = findViewById(R.id.launch_bookmarks_activity_fab);
3215 FloatingActionButton createBookmarkFolderFab = findViewById(R.id.create_bookmark_folder_fab);
3216 FloatingActionButton createBookmarkFab = findViewById(R.id.create_bookmark_fab);
3217 EditText findOnPageEditText = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_edittext);
3219 // Update the web view pager every time a tab is modified.
3220 webViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {
3222 public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
3227 public void onPageSelected(int position) {
3228 // Close the find on page bar if it is open.
3229 closeFindOnPage(null);
3231 // Set the current WebView.
3232 setCurrentWebView(position);
3234 // Select the corresponding tab if it does not match the currently selected page. This will happen if the page was scrolled by creating a new tab.
3235 if (tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() != position) {
3236 // Wait until the new tab has been created.
3237 tabLayout.post(() -> {
3238 // Get a handle for the tab.
3239 TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(position);
3241 // Assert that the tab is not null.
3251 public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
3256 // Display the View SSL Certificate dialog when the currently selected tab is reselected.
3257 tabLayout.addOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout.OnTabSelectedListener() {
3259 public void onTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
3260 // Select the same page in the view pager.
3261 webViewPager.setCurrentItem(tab.getPosition());
3265 public void onTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
3270 public void onTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab) {
3271 // Instantiate the View SSL Certificate dialog.
3272 DialogFragment viewSslCertificateDialogFragment = ViewSslCertificateDialog.displayDialog(currentWebView.getWebViewFragmentId(), currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon());
3274 // Display the View SSL Certificate dialog.
3275 viewSslCertificateDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.view_ssl_certificate));
3279 // Set a touch listener on the bookmarks header linear layout so that touches don't pass through to the button underneath.
3280 bookmarksHeaderLinearLayout.setOnTouchListener((view, motionEvent) -> {
3281 // Consume the touch.
3285 // Set the launch bookmarks activity FAB to launch the bookmarks activity.
3286 launchBookmarksActivityFab.setOnClickListener(v -> {
3287 // Get a copy of the favorite icon bitmap.
3288 Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap = currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon();
3290 // Create a favorite icon byte array output stream.
3291 ByteArrayOutputStream favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
3293 // Convert the favorite icon bitmap to a byte array. `0` is for lossless compression (the only option for a PNG).
3294 favoriteIconBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream);
3296 // Convert the favorite icon byte array stream to a byte array.
3297 byte[] favoriteIconByteArray = favoriteIconByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
3299 // Create an intent to launch the bookmarks activity.
3300 Intent bookmarksIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), BookmarksActivity.class);
3302 // Add the extra information to the intent.
3303 bookmarksIntent.putExtra("current_url", currentWebView.getUrl());
3304 bookmarksIntent.putExtra("current_title", currentWebView.getTitle());
3305 bookmarksIntent.putExtra("current_folder", currentBookmarksFolder);
3306 bookmarksIntent.putExtra("favorite_icon_byte_array", favoriteIconByteArray);
3309 startActivity(bookmarksIntent);
3312 // Set the create new bookmark folder FAB to display an alert dialog.
3313 createBookmarkFolderFab.setOnClickListener(v -> {
3314 // Create a create bookmark folder dialog.
3315 DialogFragment createBookmarkFolderDialog = CreateBookmarkFolderDialog.createBookmarkFolder(currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon());
3317 // Show the create bookmark folder dialog.
3318 createBookmarkFolderDialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.create_folder));
3321 // Set the create new bookmark FAB to display an alert dialog.
3322 createBookmarkFab.setOnClickListener(view -> {
3323 // Instantiate the create bookmark dialog.
3324 DialogFragment createBookmarkDialog = CreateBookmarkDialog.createBookmark(currentWebView.getUrl(), currentWebView.getTitle(), currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon());
3326 // Display the create bookmark dialog.
3327 createBookmarkDialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.create_bookmark));
3330 // Search for the string on the page whenever a character changes in the `findOnPageEditText`.
3331 findOnPageEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
3333 public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
3338 public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
3343 public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
3344 // Search for the text in the WebView if it is not null. Sometimes on resume after a period of non-use the WebView will be null.
3345 if (currentWebView != null) {
3346 currentWebView.findAllAsync(findOnPageEditText.getText().toString());
3351 // Set the `check mark` button for the `findOnPageEditText` keyboard to close the soft keyboard.
3352 findOnPageEditText.setOnKeyListener((v, keyCode, event) -> {
3353 if ((event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) && (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)) { // The `enter` key was pressed.
3354 // Hide the soft keyboard.
3355 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(currentWebView.getWindowToken(), 0);
3357 // Consume the event.
3359 } else { // A different key was pressed.
3360 // Do not consume the event.
3365 // Implement swipe to refresh.
3366 swipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(() -> {
3367 // Reload the website.
3368 currentWebView.reload();
3371 // Store the default progress view offsets for use later in `initializeWebView()`.
3372 defaultProgressViewStartOffset = swipeRefreshLayout.getProgressViewStartOffset();
3373 defaultProgressViewEndOffset = swipeRefreshLayout.getProgressViewEndOffset();
3375 // Set the refresh color scheme according to the theme.
3376 swipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources(R.color.blue_text);
3378 // Initialize a color background typed value.
3379 TypedValue colorBackgroundTypedValue = new TypedValue();
3381 // Get the color background from the theme.
3382 getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.colorBackground, colorBackgroundTypedValue, true);
3384 // Get the color background int from the typed value.
3385 int colorBackgroundInt = colorBackgroundTypedValue.data;
3387 // Set the swipe refresh background color.
3388 swipeRefreshLayout.setProgressBackgroundColorSchemeColor(colorBackgroundInt);
3390 // The drawer titles identify the drawer layouts in accessibility mode.
3391 drawerLayout.setDrawerTitle(GravityCompat.START, getString(R.string.navigation_drawer));
3392 drawerLayout.setDrawerTitle(GravityCompat.END, getString(R.string.bookmarks));
3394 // Load the bookmarks folder.
3395 loadBookmarksFolder();
3397 // Handle clicks on bookmarks.
3398 bookmarksListView.setOnItemClickListener((parent, view, position, id) -> {
3399 // Convert the id from long to int to match the format of the bookmarks database.
3400 int databaseId = (int) id;
3402 // Get the bookmark cursor for this ID.
3403 Cursor bookmarkCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmark(databaseId);
3405 // Move the bookmark cursor to the first row.
3406 bookmarkCursor.moveToFirst();
3408 // Act upon the bookmark according to the type.
3409 if (bookmarkCursor.getInt(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.IS_FOLDER)) == 1) { // The selected bookmark is a folder.
3410 // Store the new folder name in `currentBookmarksFolder`.
3411 currentBookmarksFolder = bookmarkCursor.getString(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.BOOKMARK_NAME));
3413 // Load the new folder.
3414 loadBookmarksFolder();
3415 } else { // The selected bookmark is not a folder.
3416 // Load the bookmark URL.
3417 loadUrl(currentWebView, bookmarkCursor.getString(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.BOOKMARK_URL)));
3419 // Close the bookmarks drawer.
3420 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
3423 // Close the `Cursor`.
3424 bookmarkCursor.close();
3427 bookmarksListView.setOnItemLongClickListener((parent, view, position, id) -> {
3428 // Convert the database ID from `long` to `int`.
3429 int databaseId = (int) id;
3431 // Find out if the selected bookmark is a folder.
3432 boolean isFolder = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.isFolder(databaseId);
3434 // Check to see if the bookmark is a folder.
3435 if (isFolder) { // The bookmark is a folder.
3436 // Save the current folder name, which is used in `onSaveEditBookmarkFolder()`.
3437 oldFolderNameString = bookmarksCursor.getString(bookmarksCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.BOOKMARK_NAME));
3439 // Instantiate the edit folder bookmark dialog.
3440 DialogFragment editBookmarkFolderDialog = EditBookmarkFolderDialog.folderDatabaseId(databaseId, currentWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon());
3442 // Show the edit folder bookmark dialog.
3443 editBookmarkFolderDialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.edit_folder));
3444 } else { // The bookmark is not a folder.
3445 // Get the bookmark cursor for this ID.
3446 Cursor bookmarkCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmark(databaseId);
3448 // Move the bookmark cursor to the first row.
3449 bookmarkCursor.moveToFirst();
3451 // Load the bookmark in a new tab but do not switch to the tab or close the drawer.
3452 addNewTab(bookmarkCursor.getString(bookmarkCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.BOOKMARK_URL)), false);
3454 // Display a snackbar.
3455 Snackbar.make(drawerLayout, R.string.bookmark_opened_in_background, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
3458 // Consume the event.
3462 // The drawer listener is used to update the navigation menu.
3463 drawerLayout.addDrawerListener(new DrawerLayout.DrawerListener() {
3465 public void onDrawerSlide(@NonNull View drawerView, float slideOffset) {
3469 public void onDrawerOpened(@NonNull View drawerView) {
3473 public void onDrawerClosed(@NonNull View drawerView) {
3474 // Reset the drawer icon when the drawer is closed. Otherwise, it is an arrow if the drawer is open when the app is restarted.
3475 actionBarDrawerToggle.syncState();
3479 public void onDrawerStateChanged(int newState) {
3480 if ((newState == DrawerLayout.STATE_SETTLING) || (newState == DrawerLayout.STATE_DRAGGING)) { // A drawer is opening or closing.
3481 // Update the navigation menu items if the WebView is not null.
3482 if (currentWebView != null) {
3483 navigationBackMenuItem.setEnabled(currentWebView.canGoBack());
3484 navigationForwardMenuItem.setEnabled(currentWebView.canGoForward());
3485 navigationHistoryMenuItem.setEnabled((currentWebView.canGoBack() || currentWebView.canGoForward()));
3486 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + currentWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
3488 // Hide the keyboard (if displayed).
3489 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(currentWebView.getWindowToken(), 0);
3492 // Clear the focus from from the URL text box. This removes any text selection markers and context menus, which otherwise draw above the open drawers.
3493 urlEditText.clearFocus();
3495 // Clear the focus from from the WebView if it is not null, which can happen if a user opens a drawer while the browser is being resumed.
3496 if (currentWebView != null) {
3497 // Clearing the focus from the WebView removes any text selection markers and context menus, which otherwise draw above the open drawers.
3498 currentWebView.clearFocus();
3504 // Inflate a bare WebView to get the default user agent. It is not used to render content on the screen.
3505 @SuppressLint("InflateParams") View webViewLayout = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.bare_webview, null, false);
3507 // Get a handle for the WebView.
3508 WebView bareWebView = webViewLayout.findViewById(R.id.bare_webview);
3510 // Store the default user agent.
3511 webViewDefaultUserAgent = bareWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString();
3513 // Destroy the bare WebView.
3514 bareWebView.destroy();
3517 private void applyAppSettings() {
3518 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
3519 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
3521 // Store the values from the shared preferences in variables.
3522 incognitoModeEnabled = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.incognito_mode_key), false);
3523 sanitizeTrackingQueries = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.tracking_queries_key), true);
3524 sanitizeAmpRedirects = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.amp_redirects_key), true);
3525 proxyMode = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.proxy_key), getString(R.string.proxy_default_value));
3526 fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.full_screen_browsing_mode_key), false);
3527 hideAppBar = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.hide_app_bar_key), true);
3528 downloadWithExternalApp = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.download_with_external_app_key), false);
3529 scrollAppBar = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.scroll_app_bar_key), true);
3531 // Apply the saved proxy mode if the app has been restarted.
3532 if (savedProxyMode != null) {
3533 // Apply the saved proxy mode.
3534 proxyMode = savedProxyMode;
3536 // Reset the saved proxy mode.
3537 savedProxyMode = null;
3540 // Get the search string.
3541 String searchString = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.search_key), getString(R.string.search_default_value));
3543 // Set the search string.
3544 if (searchString.equals(getString(R.string.custom_url_item)))
3545 searchURL = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.search_custom_url_key), getString(R.string.search_custom_url_default_value));
3547 searchURL = searchString;
3552 // Adjust the layout and scrolling parameters according to the position of the app bar.
3553 if (bottomAppBar) { // The app bar is on the bottom.
3555 if (scrollAppBar || (inFullScreenBrowsingMode && hideAppBar)) { // The app bar scrolls or full screen browsing mode is engaged with the app bar hidden.
3556 // Reset the WebView padding to fill the available space.
3557 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
3558 } else { // The app bar doesn't scroll or full screen browsing mode is not engaged with the app bar hidden.
3559 // Move the WebView above the app bar layout.
3560 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, appBarHeight);
3562 // Show the app bar if it is scrolled off the screen.
3563 if (appBarLayout.getTranslationY() != 0) {
3564 // Animate the bottom app bar onto the screen.
3565 objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(appBarLayout, "translationY", 0);
3568 objectAnimator.start();
3571 } else { // The app bar is on the top.
3572 // Get the current layout parameters. Using coordinator layout parameters allows the `setBehavior()` command and using app bar layout parameters allows the `setScrollFlags()` command.
3573 CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams swipeRefreshLayoutParams = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) swipeRefreshLayout.getLayoutParams();
3574 AppBarLayout.LayoutParams toolbarLayoutParams = (AppBarLayout.LayoutParams) toolbar.getLayoutParams();
3575 AppBarLayout.LayoutParams findOnPageLayoutParams = (AppBarLayout.LayoutParams) findOnPageLinearLayout.getLayoutParams();
3576 AppBarLayout.LayoutParams tabsLayoutParams = (AppBarLayout.LayoutParams) tabsLinearLayout.getLayoutParams();
3578 // Add the scrolling behavior to the layout parameters.
3580 // Enable scrolling of the app bar.
3581 swipeRefreshLayoutParams.setBehavior(new AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior());
3582 toolbarLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP);
3583 findOnPageLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP);
3584 tabsLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS | AppBarLayout.LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SNAP);
3586 // Disable scrolling of the app bar.
3587 swipeRefreshLayoutParams.setBehavior(null);
3588 toolbarLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(0);
3589 findOnPageLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(0);
3590 tabsLayoutParams.setScrollFlags(0);
3592 // Expand the app bar if it is currently collapsed.
3593 appBarLayout.setExpanded(true);
3596 // Set the app bar scrolling for each WebView.
3597 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
3598 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
3599 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
3601 // Get the fragment view.
3602 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
3604 // Only modify the WebViews if they exist.
3605 if (fragmentView != null) {
3606 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
3607 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
3609 // Set the app bar scrolling.
3610 nestedScrollWebView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(scrollAppBar);
3615 // Update the full screen browsing mode settings.
3616 if (fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled && inFullScreenBrowsingMode) { // Privacy Browser is currently in full screen browsing mode.
3617 // Update the visibility of the app bar, which might have changed in the settings.
3619 // Hide the tab linear layout.
3620 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
3622 // Hide the action bar.
3625 // Show the tab linear layout.
3626 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
3628 // Show the action bar.
3632 /* Hide the system bars.
3633 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
3634 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
3635 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
3636 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
3640 } else { // Privacy Browser is not in full screen browsing mode.
3641 // Reset the full screen tracker, which could be true if Privacy Browser was in full screen mode before entering settings and full screen browsing was disabled.
3642 inFullScreenBrowsingMode = false;
3644 // Show the tab linear layout.
3645 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
3647 // Show the action bar.
3650 // Remove the `SYSTEM_UI` flags from the root frame layout.
3651 rootFrameLayout.setSystemUiVisibility(0);
3656 public void navigateHistory(@NonNull String url, int steps) {
3657 // Apply the domain settings.
3658 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, url, false, false, false);
3660 // Load the history entry.
3661 currentWebView.goBackOrForward(steps);
3665 public void pinnedErrorGoBack() {
3666 // Get the current web back forward list.
3667 WebBackForwardList webBackForwardList = currentWebView.copyBackForwardList();
3669 // Get the previous entry URL.
3670 String previousUrl = webBackForwardList.getItemAtIndex(webBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex() - 1).getUrl();
3672 // Apply the domain settings.
3673 applyDomainSettings(currentWebView, previousUrl, false, false, false);
3676 currentWebView.goBack();
3679 // `reloadWebsite` is used if returning from the Domains activity. Otherwise JavaScript might not function correctly if it is newly enabled.
3680 @SuppressLint("SetJavaScriptEnabled")
3681 private void applyDomainSettings(NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView, String url, boolean resetTab, boolean reloadWebsite, boolean loadUrl) {
3682 // Store the current URL.
3683 nestedScrollWebView.setCurrentUrl(url);
3685 // Parse the URL into a URI.
3686 Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
3688 // Extract the domain from `uri`.
3689 String newHostName = uri.getHost();
3691 // Strings don't like to be null.
3692 if (newHostName == null) {
3696 // Apply the domain settings if a new domain is being loaded or if the new domain is blank. This allows the user to set temporary settings for JavaScript, cookies, DOM storage, etc.
3697 if (!nestedScrollWebView.getCurrentDomainName().equals(newHostName) || newHostName.equals("")) {
3698 // Set the new host name as the current domain name.
3699 nestedScrollWebView.setCurrentDomainName(newHostName);
3701 // Reset the ignoring of pinned domain information.
3702 nestedScrollWebView.setIgnorePinnedDomainInformation(false);
3704 // Clear any pinned SSL certificate or IP addresses.
3705 nestedScrollWebView.clearPinnedSslCertificate();
3706 nestedScrollWebView.setPinnedIpAddresses("");
3708 // Reset the favorite icon if specified.
3710 // Initialize the favorite icon.
3711 nestedScrollWebView.initializeFavoriteIcon();
3713 // Get the current page position.
3714 int currentPagePosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
3716 // Get the corresponding tab.
3717 TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(currentPagePosition);
3719 // Update the tab if it isn't null, which sometimes happens when restarting from the background.
3721 // Get the tab custom view.
3722 View tabCustomView = tab.getCustomView();
3724 // Remove the warning below that the tab custom view might be null.
3725 assert tabCustomView != null;
3727 // Get the tab views.
3728 ImageView tabFavoriteIconImageView = tabCustomView.findViewById(R.id.favorite_icon_imageview);
3729 TextView tabTitleTextView = tabCustomView.findViewById(R.id.title_textview);
3731 // Set the default favorite icon as the favorite icon for this tab.
3732 tabFavoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(nestedScrollWebView.getFavoriteOrDefaultIcon(), 64, 64, true));
3734 // Set the loading title text.
3735 tabTitleTextView.setText(R.string.loading);
3739 // Get a full domain name cursor.
3740 Cursor domainNameCursor = domainsDatabaseHelper.getDomainNameCursorOrderedByDomain();
3742 // Initialize `domainSettingsSet`.
3743 Set<String> domainSettingsSet = new HashSet<>();
3745 // Get the domain name column index.
3746 int domainNameColumnIndex = domainNameCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.DOMAIN_NAME);
3748 // Populate the domain settings set.
3749 for (int i = 0; i < domainNameCursor.getCount(); i++) {
3750 // Move the domains cursor to the current row.
3751 domainNameCursor.moveToPosition(i);
3753 // Store the domain name in the domain settings set.
3754 domainSettingsSet.add(domainNameCursor.getString(domainNameColumnIndex));
3757 // Close the domain name cursor.
3758 domainNameCursor.close();
3760 // Initialize the domain name in database variable.
3761 String domainNameInDatabase = null;
3763 // Check the hostname against the domain settings set.
3764 if (domainSettingsSet.contains(newHostName)) { // The hostname is contained in the domain settings set.
3765 // Record the domain name in the database.
3766 domainNameInDatabase = newHostName;
3768 // Set the domain settings applied tracker to true.
3769 nestedScrollWebView.setDomainSettingsApplied(true);
3770 } else { // The hostname is not contained in the domain settings set.
3771 // Set the domain settings applied tracker to false.
3772 nestedScrollWebView.setDomainSettingsApplied(false);
3775 // Check all the subdomains of the host name against wildcard domains in the domain cursor.
3776 while (!nestedScrollWebView.getDomainSettingsApplied() && newHostName.contains(".")) { // Stop checking if domain settings are already applied or there are no more `.` in the hostname.
3777 if (domainSettingsSet.contains("*." + newHostName)) { // Check the host name prepended by `*.`.
3778 // Set the domain settings applied tracker to true.
3779 nestedScrollWebView.setDomainSettingsApplied(true);
3781 // Store the applied domain names as it appears in the database.
3782 domainNameInDatabase = "*." + newHostName;
3785 // Strip out the lowest subdomain of of the host name.
3786 newHostName = newHostName.substring(newHostName.indexOf(".") + 1);
3790 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
3791 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
3793 // Store the general preference information.
3794 boolean defaultXRequestedWithHeader = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.x_requested_with_header_key), true);
3795 String defaultFontSizeString = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.font_size_key), getString(R.string.font_size_default_value));
3796 String defaultUserAgentName = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.user_agent_key), getString(R.string.user_agent_default_value));
3797 boolean defaultSwipeToRefresh = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.swipe_to_refresh_key), true);
3798 String webViewTheme = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.webview_theme_key), getString(R.string.webview_theme_default_value));
3799 boolean wideViewport = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.wide_viewport_key), true);
3800 boolean displayWebpageImages = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.display_webpage_images_key), true);
3802 // Get the WebView theme entry values string array.
3803 String[] webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.webview_theme_entry_values);
3805 // Get a handle for the cookie manager.
3806 CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
3808 // Initialize the user agent array adapter and string array.
3809 ArrayAdapter<CharSequence> userAgentNamesArray = ArrayAdapter.createFromResource(this, R.array.user_agent_names, R.layout.spinner_item);
3810 String[] userAgentDataArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.user_agent_data);
3812 if (nestedScrollWebView.getDomainSettingsApplied()) { // The url has custom domain settings.
3813 // Remove the incorrect lint warning below that the domain name in database might be null.
3814 assert domainNameInDatabase != null;
3816 // Get a cursor for the current host.
3817 Cursor currentDomainSettingsCursor = domainsDatabaseHelper.getCursorForDomainName(domainNameInDatabase);
3819 // Move to the first position.
3820 currentDomainSettingsCursor.moveToFirst();
3822 // Get the settings from the cursor.
3823 nestedScrollWebView.setDomainSettingsDatabaseId(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ID)));
3824 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT)) == 1);
3825 nestedScrollWebView.setAcceptCookies(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.COOKIES)) == 1);
3826 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_DOM_STORAGE)) == 1);
3827 // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
3828 boolean saveFormData = (currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_FORM_DATA)) == 1);
3829 nestedScrollWebView.setEasyListEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_EASYLIST)) == 1);
3830 nestedScrollWebView.setEasyPrivacyEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_EASYPRIVACY)) == 1);
3831 nestedScrollWebView.setFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
3832 DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_FANBOYS_ANNOYANCE_LIST)) == 1);
3833 nestedScrollWebView.setFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
3834 DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_FANBOYS_SOCIAL_BLOCKING_LIST)) == 1);
3835 nestedScrollWebView.setUltraListEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ULTRALIST)) == 1);
3836 nestedScrollWebView.setUltraPrivacyEnabled(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLE_ULTRAPRIVACY)) == 1);
3837 nestedScrollWebView.setBlockAllThirdPartyRequests(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(
3838 DomainsDatabaseHelper.BLOCK_ALL_THIRD_PARTY_REQUESTS)) == 1);
3839 String userAgentName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.USER_AGENT));
3840 int xRequestedWithHeaderInt = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.X_REQUESTED_WITH_HEADER));
3841 int fontSize = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.FONT_SIZE));
3842 int swipeToRefreshInt = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SWIPE_TO_REFRESH));
3843 int webViewThemeInt = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.WEBVIEW_THEME));
3844 int wideViewportInt = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.WIDE_VIEWPORT));
3845 int displayWebpageImagesInt = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.DISPLAY_IMAGES));
3846 boolean pinnedSslCertificate = (currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.PINNED_SSL_CERTIFICATE)) == 1);
3847 String pinnedSslIssuedToCName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_TO_COMMON_NAME));
3848 String pinnedSslIssuedToOName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_TO_ORGANIZATION));
3849 String pinnedSslIssuedToUName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_TO_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT));
3850 String pinnedSslIssuedByCName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_BY_COMMON_NAME));
3851 String pinnedSslIssuedByOName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_BY_ORGANIZATION));
3852 String pinnedSslIssuedByUName = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_ISSUED_BY_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT));
3853 Date pinnedSslStartDate = new Date(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getLong(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_START_DATE)));
3854 Date pinnedSslEndDate = new Date(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getLong(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.SSL_END_DATE)));
3855 boolean pinnedIpAddresses = (currentDomainSettingsCursor.getInt(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.PINNED_IP_ADDRESSES)) == 1);
3856 String pinnedHostIpAddresses = currentDomainSettingsCursor.getString(currentDomainSettingsCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DomainsDatabaseHelper.IP_ADDRESSES));
3858 // Close the current host domain settings cursor.
3859 currentDomainSettingsCursor.close();
3861 // If there is a pinned SSL certificate, store it in the WebView.
3862 if (pinnedSslCertificate) {
3863 nestedScrollWebView.setPinnedSslCertificate(pinnedSslIssuedToCName, pinnedSslIssuedToOName, pinnedSslIssuedToUName, pinnedSslIssuedByCName, pinnedSslIssuedByOName, pinnedSslIssuedByUName,
3864 pinnedSslStartDate, pinnedSslEndDate);
3867 // If there is a pinned IP address, store it in the WebView.
3868 if (pinnedIpAddresses) {
3869 nestedScrollWebView.setPinnedIpAddresses(pinnedHostIpAddresses);
3872 // Apply the cookie domain settings.
3873 cookieManager.setAcceptCookie(nestedScrollWebView.getAcceptCookies());
3875 // Apply the form data setting if the API < 26.
3876 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
3877 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setSaveFormData(saveFormData);
3880 // Set the X-Requested-With header.
3881 switch (xRequestedWithHeaderInt) {
3882 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
3883 if (defaultXRequestedWithHeader)
3884 nestedScrollWebView.setXRequestedWithHeader();
3886 nestedScrollWebView.resetXRequestedWithHeader();
3889 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLED:
3890 nestedScrollWebView.setXRequestedWithHeader();
3893 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DISABLED:
3894 nestedScrollWebView.resetXRequestedWithHeader();
3898 // Apply the font size.
3899 try { // Try the specified font size to see if it is valid.
3900 if (fontSize == 0) { // Apply the default font size.
3901 // Try to set the font size from the value in the app settings.
3902 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(Integer.parseInt(defaultFontSizeString));
3903 } else { // Apply the font size from domain settings.
3904 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(fontSize);
3906 } catch (Exception exception) { // The specified font size is invalid
3907 // Set the font size to be 100%
3908 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(100);
3911 // Set the user agent.
3912 if (userAgentName.equals(getString(R.string.system_default_user_agent))) { // Use the system default user agent.
3913 // Get the array position of the default user agent name.
3914 int defaultUserAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName);
3916 // Set the user agent according to the system default.
3917 switch (defaultUserAgentArrayPosition) {
3918 case UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT: // The default user agent name is not on the canonical list.
3919 // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
3920 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(defaultUserAgentName);
3924 // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
3925 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("");
3929 // Set the default custom user agent.
3930 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value)));
3934 // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
3935 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(userAgentDataArray[defaultUserAgentArrayPosition]);
3937 } else { // Set the user agent according to the stored name.
3938 // Get the array position of the user agent name.
3939 int userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(userAgentName);
3941 switch (userAgentArrayPosition) {
3942 case UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT: // The user agent name contains a custom user agent.
3943 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(userAgentName);
3947 // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
3948 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("");
3952 // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array.
3953 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(userAgentDataArray[userAgentArrayPosition]);
3957 // Set swipe to refresh.
3958 switch (swipeToRefreshInt) {
3959 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
3960 // Store the swipe to refresh status in the nested scroll WebView.
3961 nestedScrollWebView.setSwipeToRefresh(defaultSwipeToRefresh);
3963 // Update the swipe refresh layout.
3964 if (defaultSwipeToRefresh) { // Swipe to refresh is enabled.
3965 // Only enable the swipe refresh layout if the WebView is scrolled to the top. It is updated every time the scroll changes.
3966 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(currentWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
3967 } else { // Swipe to refresh is disabled.
3968 // Disable the swipe refresh layout.
3969 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
3973 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLED:
3974 // Store the swipe to refresh status in the nested scroll WebView.
3975 nestedScrollWebView.setSwipeToRefresh(true);
3977 // Only enable the swipe refresh layout if the WebView is scrolled to the top. It is updated every time the scroll changes.
3978 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(currentWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
3981 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DISABLED:
3982 // Store the swipe to refresh status in the nested scroll WebView.
3983 nestedScrollWebView.setSwipeToRefresh(false);
3985 // Disable swipe to refresh.
3986 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
3990 // Check to see if WebView themes are supported.
3991 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // The device is running API >= 33 and algorithmic darkening is supported.
3992 // Set the WebView theme.
3993 switch (webViewThemeInt) {
3994 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
3995 // Set the WebView theme. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
3996 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
3997 // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
3998 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), false);
3999 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
4000 // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
4001 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), true);
4002 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
4003 // Get the current system theme status.
4004 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
4006 // Set the algorithmic darkening according to the current system theme status.
4007 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES));
4011 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.LIGHT_THEME:
4012 // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
4013 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), false);
4016 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DARK_THEME:
4017 // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
4018 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), true);
4021 } else if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The device is running API < 33 and the WebView supports force dark.
4022 // Set the WebView theme.
4023 switch (webViewThemeInt) {
4024 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
4025 // Set the WebView theme. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
4026 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
4027 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
4028 //noinspection deprecation
4029 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
4030 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
4031 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
4032 //noinspection deprecation
4033 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
4034 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
4035 // Get the current system theme status.
4036 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
4038 // Set the WebView theme according to the current system theme status.
4039 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) { // The system is in day mode.
4040 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
4041 //noinspection deprecation
4042 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
4043 } else { // The system is in night mode.
4044 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
4045 //noinspection deprecation
4046 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
4051 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.LIGHT_THEME:
4052 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
4053 //noinspection deprecation
4054 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
4057 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DARK_THEME:
4058 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
4059 //noinspection deprecation
4060 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
4065 // Set the viewport.
4066 switch (wideViewportInt) {
4067 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
4068 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(wideViewport);
4071 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLED:
4072 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(true);
4075 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DISABLED:
4076 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(false);
4080 // Set the loading of webpage images.
4081 switch (displayWebpageImagesInt) {
4082 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.SYSTEM_DEFAULT:
4083 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(displayWebpageImages);
4086 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.ENABLED:
4087 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true);
4090 case DomainsDatabaseHelper.DISABLED:
4091 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(false);
4095 // Set a background on the URL relative layout to indicate that custom domain settings are being used.
4096 urlRelativeLayout.setBackground(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.domain_settings_url_background, null));
4097 } else { // The new URL does not have custom domain settings. Load the defaults.
4098 // Store the values from the shared preferences.
4099 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.javascript_key), false));
4100 nestedScrollWebView.setAcceptCookies(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.cookies_key), false));
4101 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.dom_storage_key), false));
4102 boolean saveFormData = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.save_form_data_key), false); // Form data can be removed once the minimum API >= 26.
4103 nestedScrollWebView.setEasyListEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.easylist_key), true));
4104 nestedScrollWebView.setEasyPrivacyEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.easyprivacy_key), true));
4105 nestedScrollWebView.setFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.fanboys_annoyance_list_key), true));
4106 nestedScrollWebView.setFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.fanboys_social_blocking_list_key), true));
4107 nestedScrollWebView.setUltraListEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.ultralist_key), true));
4108 nestedScrollWebView.setUltraPrivacyEnabled(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.ultraprivacy_key), true));
4109 nestedScrollWebView.setBlockAllThirdPartyRequests(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.block_all_third_party_requests_key), false));
4111 // Apply the default cookie setting.
4112 cookieManager.setAcceptCookie(nestedScrollWebView.getAcceptCookies());
4114 // Apply the default font size setting.
4116 // Try to set the font size from the value in the app settings.
4117 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(Integer.parseInt(defaultFontSizeString));
4118 } catch (Exception exception) {
4119 // If the app settings value is invalid, set the font size to 100%.
4120 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setTextZoom(100);
4123 // Apply the form data setting if the API < 26.
4124 if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) {
4125 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setSaveFormData(saveFormData);
4128 // Store the X-Requested-With header status in the nested scroll WebView.
4129 if (defaultXRequestedWithHeader)
4130 nestedScrollWebView.setXRequestedWithHeader();
4132 nestedScrollWebView.resetXRequestedWithHeader();
4134 // Store the swipe to refresh status in the nested scroll WebView.
4135 nestedScrollWebView.setSwipeToRefresh(defaultSwipeToRefresh);
4137 // Update the swipe refresh layout.
4138 if (defaultSwipeToRefresh) { // Swipe to refresh is enabled.
4139 // Only enable the swipe refresh layout if the WebView is scrolled to the top. It is updated every time the scroll changes.
4140 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(currentWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
4141 } else { // Swipe to refresh is disabled.
4142 // Disable the swipe refresh layout.
4143 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
4146 // Reset the pinned variables.
4147 nestedScrollWebView.setDomainSettingsDatabaseId(-1);
4149 // Get the array position of the user agent name.
4150 int userAgentArrayPosition = userAgentNamesArray.getPosition(defaultUserAgentName);
4152 // Set the user agent.
4153 switch (userAgentArrayPosition) {
4154 case UNRECOGNIZED_USER_AGENT: // The default user agent name is not on the canonical list.
4155 // This is probably because it was set in an older version of Privacy Browser before the switch to persistent user agent names.
4156 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(defaultUserAgentName);
4160 // Set the user agent to `""`, which uses the default value.
4161 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("");
4165 // Set the default custom user agent.
4166 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_key), getString(R.string.custom_user_agent_default_value)));
4170 // Get the user agent string from the user agent data array
4171 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(userAgentDataArray[userAgentArrayPosition]);
4174 // Apply the WebView theme if supported by the installed WebView.
4175 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // The device is running API >= 33 and algorithmic darkening is supported.
4176 // Set the WebView theme. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
4177 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // the light theme is selected.
4178 // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
4179 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), false);
4180 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
4181 // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
4182 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), true);
4183 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
4184 // Get the current system theme status.
4185 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
4187 // Set the algorithmic darkening according to the current system theme status.
4188 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES);
4190 } else if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The device is running API < 33 and the WebView supports force dark.
4191 // Set the WebView theme. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
4192 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
4193 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
4194 //noinspection deprecation
4195 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
4196 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
4197 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
4198 //noinspection deprecation
4199 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
4200 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
4201 // Get the current system theme status.
4202 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
4204 // Set the WebView theme according to the current system theme status.
4205 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) { // The system is in day mode.
4206 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
4207 //noinspection deprecation
4208 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
4209 } else { // The system is in night mode.
4210 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
4211 //noinspection deprecation
4212 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
4217 // Set the viewport.
4218 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setUseWideViewPort(wideViewport);
4220 // Set the loading of webpage images.
4221 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setLoadsImagesAutomatically(displayWebpageImages);
4223 // Set a transparent background on the URL relative layout.
4224 urlRelativeLayout.setBackground(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.color.transparent, null));
4227 // Close the domains database helper.
4228 domainsDatabaseHelper.close();
4230 // Update the privacy icons.
4231 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
4234 // Reload the website if returning from the Domains activity.
4235 if (reloadWebsite) {
4236 nestedScrollWebView.reload();
4239 // Load the URL if directed. This makes sure that the domain settings are properly loaded before the URL. By using `loadUrl()`, instead of `loadUrlFromBase()`, the Referer header will never be sent.
4241 nestedScrollWebView.loadUrl(url, nestedScrollWebView.getXRequestedWithHeader());
4245 private void applyProxy(boolean reloadWebViews) {
4246 // Set the proxy according to the mode.
4247 proxyHelper.setProxy(getApplicationContext(), appBarLayout, proxyMode);
4249 // Reset the waiting for proxy tracker.
4250 waitingForProxy = false;
4252 // Get the current theme status.
4253 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
4255 // Update the user interface and reload the WebViews if requested.
4256 switch (proxyMode) {
4257 case ProxyHelper.NONE:
4258 // Initialize a color background typed value.
4259 TypedValue colorBackgroundTypedValue = new TypedValue();
4261 // Get the color background from the theme.
4262 getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.colorBackground, colorBackgroundTypedValue, true);
4264 // Get the color background int from the typed value.
4265 int colorBackgroundInt = colorBackgroundTypedValue.data;
4267 // Set the default app bar layout background.
4268 appBarLayout.setBackgroundColor(colorBackgroundInt);
4271 case ProxyHelper.TOR:
4272 // Set the app bar background to indicate proxying through Orbot is enabled.
4273 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) {
4274 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.blue_50);
4276 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.dark_blue_30);
4279 // Check to see if Orbot is installed.
4281 // Get the package manager.
4282 PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
4284 // Check to see if Orbot is in the list. This will throw an error and drop to the catch section if it isn't installed.
4285 packageManager.getPackageInfo("org.torproject.android", 0);
4287 // Check to see if the proxy is ready.
4288 if (!orbotStatus.equals(ProxyHelper.ORBOT_STATUS_ON)) { // Orbot is not ready.
4289 // Set the waiting for proxy status.
4290 waitingForProxy = true;
4292 // Show the waiting for proxy dialog if it isn't already displayed.
4293 if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.waiting_for_proxy_dialog)) == null) {
4294 // Get a handle for the waiting for proxy alert dialog.
4295 DialogFragment waitingForProxyDialogFragment = new WaitingForProxyDialog();
4297 // Try to show the dialog. Sometimes the window is not yet active if returning from Settings.
4299 // Show the waiting for proxy alert dialog.
4300 waitingForProxyDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.waiting_for_proxy_dialog));
4301 } catch (Exception waitingForTorException) {
4302 // Add the dialog to the pending dialog array list. It will be displayed in `onStart()`.
4303 pendingDialogsArrayList.add(new PendingDialog(waitingForProxyDialogFragment, getString(R.string.waiting_for_proxy_dialog)));
4307 } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException exception) { // Orbot is not installed.
4308 // Show the Orbot not installed dialog if it is not already displayed.
4309 if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog)) == null) {
4310 // Get a handle for the Orbot not installed alert dialog.
4311 DialogFragment orbotNotInstalledDialogFragment = ProxyNotInstalledDialog.displayDialog(proxyMode);
4313 // Try to show the dialog. Sometimes the window is not yet active if returning from Settings.
4315 // Display the Orbot not installed alert dialog.
4316 orbotNotInstalledDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog));
4317 } catch (Exception orbotNotInstalledException) {
4318 // Add the dialog to the pending dialog array list. It will be displayed in `onStart()`.
4319 pendingDialogsArrayList.add(new PendingDialog(orbotNotInstalledDialogFragment, getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog)));
4325 case ProxyHelper.I2P:
4326 // Set the app bar background to indicate proxying through Orbot is enabled.
4327 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) {
4328 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.blue_50);
4330 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.dark_blue_30);
4333 // Check to see if I2P is installed.
4335 // Get the package manager.
4336 PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
4338 // Check to see if I2P is in the list. This will throw an error and drop to the catch section if it isn't installed.
4339 packageManager.getPackageInfo("net.i2p.android.router", 0);
4340 } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException exception) { // I2P is not installed.
4341 // Sow the I2P not installed dialog if it is not already displayed.
4342 if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog)) == null) {
4343 // Get a handle for the waiting for proxy alert dialog.
4344 DialogFragment i2pNotInstalledDialogFragment = ProxyNotInstalledDialog.displayDialog(proxyMode);
4346 // Try to show the dialog. Sometimes the window is not yet active if returning from Settings.
4348 // Display the I2P not installed alert dialog.
4349 i2pNotInstalledDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog));
4350 } catch (Exception i2pNotInstalledException) {
4351 // Add the dialog to the pending dialog array list. It will be displayed in `onStart()`.
4352 pendingDialogsArrayList.add(new PendingDialog(i2pNotInstalledDialogFragment, getString(R.string.proxy_not_installed_dialog)));
4358 case ProxyHelper.CUSTOM:
4359 // Set the app bar background to indicate proxying through Orbot is enabled.
4360 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) {
4361 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.blue_50);
4363 appBarLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.color.dark_blue_30);
4368 // Reload the WebViews if requested and not waiting for the proxy.
4369 if (reloadWebViews && !waitingForProxy) {
4370 // Reload the WebViews.
4371 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
4372 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
4373 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
4375 // Get the fragment view.
4376 View fragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
4378 // Only reload the WebViews if they exist.
4379 if (fragmentView != null) {
4380 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
4381 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = fragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
4383 // Reload the WebView.
4384 nestedScrollWebView.reload();
4390 private void updatePrivacyIcons(boolean runInvalidateOptionsMenu) {
4391 // Only update the privacy icons if the options menu and the current WebView have already been populated.
4392 if ((optionsMenu != null) && (currentWebView != null)) {
4393 // Update the privacy icon.
4394 if (currentWebView.getSettings().getJavaScriptEnabled()) { // JavaScript is enabled.
4395 optionsPrivacyMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.javascript_enabled);
4396 } else if (currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()) { // JavaScript is disabled but cookies are enabled.
4397 optionsPrivacyMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.warning);
4398 } else { // All the dangerous features are disabled.
4399 optionsPrivacyMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.privacy_mode);
4402 // Update the cookies icon.
4403 if (currentWebView.getAcceptCookies()) {
4404 optionsCookiesMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.cookies_enabled);
4406 optionsCookiesMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.cookies_disabled);
4409 // Update the refresh icon.
4410 if (optionsRefreshMenuItem.getTitle() == getString(R.string.refresh)) { // The refresh icon is displayed.
4411 // Set the icon. Once the minimum API is >= 26, the blue and black icons can be combined with a tint list.
4412 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.refresh_enabled);
4413 } else { // The stop icon is displayed.
4414 // Set the icon. Once the minimum API is >= 26, the blue and black icons can be combined with a tint list.
4415 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.close_blue);
4418 // `invalidateOptionsMenu()` calls `onPrepareOptionsMenu()` and redraws the icons in the app bar.
4419 if (runInvalidateOptionsMenu) {
4420 invalidateOptionsMenu();
4425 private void highlightUrlText() {
4426 // Only highlight the URL text if the box is not currently selected.
4427 if (!urlEditText.hasFocus()) {
4428 // Get the URL string.
4429 String urlString = urlEditText.getText().toString();
4431 // Highlight the URL according to the protocol.
4432 if (urlString.startsWith("file://") || urlString.startsWith("content://")) { // This is a file or content URL.
4433 // De-emphasize everything before the file name.
4434 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(initialGrayColorSpan, 0, urlString.lastIndexOf("/") + 1,Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4435 } else { // This is a web URL.
4436 // Get the index of the `/` immediately after the domain name.
4437 int endOfDomainName = urlString.indexOf("/", (urlString.indexOf("//") + 2));
4439 // Create a base URL string.
4442 // Get the base URL.
4443 if (endOfDomainName > 0) { // There is at least one character after the base URL.
4444 // Get the base URL.
4445 baseUrl = urlString.substring(0, endOfDomainName);
4446 } else { // There are no characters after the base URL.
4447 // Set the base URL to be the entire URL string.
4448 baseUrl = urlString;
4451 // Get the index of the last `.` in the domain.
4452 int lastDotIndex = baseUrl.lastIndexOf(".");
4454 // Get the index of the penultimate `.` in the domain.
4455 int penultimateDotIndex = baseUrl.lastIndexOf(".", lastDotIndex - 1);
4457 // Markup the beginning of the URL.
4458 if (urlString.startsWith("http://")) { // Highlight the protocol of connections that are not encrypted.
4459 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(redColorSpan, 0, 7, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4461 // De-emphasize subdomains.
4462 if (penultimateDotIndex > 0) { // There is more than one subdomain in the domain name.
4463 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(initialGrayColorSpan, 7, penultimateDotIndex + 1, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4465 } else if (urlString.startsWith("https://")) { // De-emphasize the protocol of connections that are encrypted.
4466 if (penultimateDotIndex > 0) { // There is more than one subdomain in the domain name.
4467 // De-emphasize the protocol and the additional subdomains.
4468 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(initialGrayColorSpan, 0, penultimateDotIndex + 1, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4469 } else { // There is only one subdomain in the domain name.
4470 // De-emphasize only the protocol.
4471 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(initialGrayColorSpan, 0, 8, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4475 // De-emphasize the text after the domain name.
4476 if (endOfDomainName > 0) {
4477 urlEditText.getText().setSpan(finalGrayColorSpan, endOfDomainName, urlString.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
4483 private void loadBookmarksFolder() {
4484 // Update the bookmarks cursor with the contents of the bookmarks database for the current folder.
4485 bookmarksCursor = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getBookmarksByDisplayOrder(currentBookmarksFolder);
4487 // Populate the bookmarks cursor adapter.
4488 bookmarksCursorAdapter = new CursorAdapter(this, bookmarksCursor, false) {
4490 public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
4491 // Inflate the individual item layout.
4492 return getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.bookmarks_drawer_item_linearlayout, parent, false);
4496 public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
4497 // Get handles for the views.
4498 ImageView bookmarkFavoriteIcon = view.findViewById(R.id.bookmark_favorite_icon);
4499 TextView bookmarkNameTextView = view.findViewById(R.id.bookmark_name);
4501 // Get the favorite icon byte array from the cursor.
4502 byte[] favoriteIconByteArray = cursor.getBlob(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.FAVORITE_ICON));
4504 // Convert the byte array to a `Bitmap` beginning at the first byte and ending at the last.
4505 Bitmap favoriteIconBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(favoriteIconByteArray, 0, favoriteIconByteArray.length);
4507 // Display the bitmap in `bookmarkFavoriteIcon`.
4508 bookmarkFavoriteIcon.setImageBitmap(favoriteIconBitmap);
4510 // Get the bookmark name from the cursor and display it in `bookmarkNameTextView`.
4511 String bookmarkNameString = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.BOOKMARK_NAME));
4512 bookmarkNameTextView.setText(bookmarkNameString);
4514 // Make the font bold for folders.
4515 if (cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(BookmarksDatabaseHelper.IS_FOLDER)) == 1) {
4516 bookmarkNameTextView.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);
4517 } else { // Reset the font to default for normal bookmarks.
4518 bookmarkNameTextView.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT);
4523 // Get a handle for the bookmarks list view.
4524 ListView bookmarksListView = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_drawer_listview);
4526 // Populate the list view with the adapter.
4527 bookmarksListView.setAdapter(bookmarksCursorAdapter);
4529 // Get a handle for the bookmarks title text view.
4530 TextView bookmarksTitleTextView = findViewById(R.id.bookmarks_title_textview);
4532 // Set the bookmarks drawer title.
4533 if (currentBookmarksFolder.isEmpty()) {
4534 bookmarksTitleTextView.setText(R.string.bookmarks);
4536 bookmarksTitleTextView.setText(currentBookmarksFolder);
4540 private void openWithApp(String url) {
4541 // Create an open with app intent with `ACTION_VIEW`.
4542 Intent openWithAppIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
4544 // Set the URI but not the MIME type. This should open all available apps.
4545 openWithAppIntent.setData(Uri.parse(url));
4547 // Flag the intent to open in a new task.
4548 openWithAppIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
4552 // Show the chooser.
4553 startActivity(openWithAppIntent);
4554 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) { // There are no apps available to open the URL.
4555 // Show a snackbar with the error.
4556 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
4560 private void openWithBrowser(String url) {
4561 // Create an open with browser intent with `ACTION_VIEW`.
4562 Intent openWithBrowserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
4564 // Set the URI and the MIME type. `"text/html"` should load browser options.
4565 openWithBrowserIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(url), "text/html");
4567 // Flag the intent to open in a new task.
4568 openWithBrowserIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
4572 // Show the chooser.
4573 startActivity(openWithBrowserIntent);
4574 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) { // There are no browsers available to open the URL.
4575 // Show a snackbar with the error.
4576 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
4580 private String sanitizeUrl(String url) {
4581 // Sanitize tracking queries.
4582 if (sanitizeTrackingQueries)
4583 url = sanitizeUrlHelper.sanitizeTrackingQueries(url);
4585 // Sanitize AMP redirects.
4586 if (sanitizeAmpRedirects)
4587 url = sanitizeUrlHelper.sanitizeAmpRedirects(url);
4589 // Return the sanitized URL.
4593 public void finishedPopulatingBlocklists(ArrayList<ArrayList<List<String[]>>> combinedBlocklists) {
4594 // Store the blocklists.
4595 easyList = combinedBlocklists.get(0);
4596 easyPrivacy = combinedBlocklists.get(1);
4597 fanboysAnnoyanceList = combinedBlocklists.get(2);
4598 fanboysSocialList = combinedBlocklists.get(3);
4599 ultraList = combinedBlocklists.get(4);
4600 ultraPrivacy = combinedBlocklists.get(5);
4602 // Check to see if the activity has been restarted with a saved state.
4603 if ((savedStateArrayList == null) || (savedStateArrayList.size() == 0)) { // The activity has not been restarted or it was restarted on start to force the night theme.
4604 // Add the first tab.
4605 addNewTab("", true);
4606 } else { // The activity has been restarted.
4607 // Restore each tab. Once the minimum API >= 24, a `forEach()` command can be used.
4608 for (int i = 0; i < savedStateArrayList.size(); i++) {
4610 tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab());
4613 TabLayout.Tab newTab = tabLayout.getTabAt(i);
4615 // Remove the lint warning below that the current tab might be null.
4616 assert newTab != null;
4618 // Set a custom view on the new tab.
4619 newTab.setCustomView(R.layout.tab_custom_view);
4621 // Add the new page.
4622 webViewPagerAdapter.restorePage(savedStateArrayList.get(i), savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList.get(i));
4625 // Reset the saved state variables.
4626 savedStateArrayList = null;
4627 savedNestedScrollWebViewStateArrayList = null;
4629 // Restore the selected tab position.
4630 if (savedTabPosition == 0) { // The first tab is selected.
4631 // Set the first page as the current WebView.
4632 setCurrentWebView(0);
4633 } else { // the first tab is not selected.
4634 // Move to the selected tab.
4635 webViewPager.setCurrentItem(savedTabPosition);
4638 // Get the intent that started the app.
4639 Intent intent = getIntent();
4641 // Reset the intent. This prevents a duplicate tab from being created on restart.
4642 setIntent(new Intent());
4644 // Get the information from the intent.
4645 String intentAction = intent.getAction();
4646 Uri intentUriData = intent.getData();
4647 String intentStringExtra = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
4649 // Determine if this is a web search.
4650 boolean isWebSearch = ((intentAction != null) && intentAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH));
4652 // Only process the URI if it contains data or it is a web search. If the user pressed the desktop icon after the app was already running the URI will be null.
4653 if (intentUriData != null || intentStringExtra != null || isWebSearch) {
4654 // Get the shared preferences.
4655 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
4657 // Create a URL string.
4660 // If the intent action is a web search, perform the search.
4661 if (isWebSearch) { // The intent is a web search.
4662 // Create an encoded URL string.
4663 String encodedUrlString;
4665 // Sanitize the search input and convert it to a search.
4667 encodedUrlString = URLEncoder.encode(intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY), "UTF-8");
4668 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exception) {
4669 encodedUrlString = "";
4672 // Add the base search URL.
4673 url = searchURL + encodedUrlString;
4674 } else if (intentUriData != null) { // The intent contains a URL formatted as a URI.
4675 // Set the intent data as the URL.
4676 url = intentUriData.toString();
4677 } else { // The intent contains a string, which might be a URL.
4678 // Set the intent string as the URL.
4679 url = intentStringExtra;
4682 // Add a new tab if specified in the preferences.
4683 if (sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.open_intents_in_new_tab_key), true)) { // Load the URL in a new tab.
4684 // Set the loading new intent flag.
4685 loadingNewIntent = true;
4688 addNewTab(url, true);
4689 } else { // Load the URL in the current tab.
4691 loadUrl(currentWebView, url);
4697 public void addTab(View view) {
4698 // Add a new tab with a blank URL.
4699 addNewTab("", true);
4702 private void addNewTab(String url, boolean moveToTab) {
4703 // Clear the focus from the URL edit text, so that it will be populated with the information from the new tab.
4704 urlEditText.clearFocus();
4706 // Get the new page number. The page numbers are 0 indexed, so the new page number will match the current count.
4707 int newTabNumber = tabLayout.getTabCount();
4710 tabLayout.addTab(tabLayout.newTab());
4713 TabLayout.Tab newTab = tabLayout.getTabAt(newTabNumber);
4715 // Remove the lint warning below that the current tab might be null.
4716 assert newTab != null;
4718 // Set a custom view on the new tab.
4719 newTab.setCustomView(R.layout.tab_custom_view);
4721 // Add the new WebView page.
4722 webViewPagerAdapter.addPage(newTabNumber, webViewPager, url, moveToTab);
4724 // Show the app bar if it is at the bottom of the screen and the new tab is taking focus.
4725 if (bottomAppBar && moveToTab && (appBarLayout.getTranslationY() != 0)) {
4726 // Animate the bottom app bar onto the screen.
4727 objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(appBarLayout, "translationY", 0);
4730 objectAnimator.start();
4734 public void closeTab(View view) {
4735 // Run the command according to the number of tabs.
4736 if (tabLayout.getTabCount() > 1) { // There is more than one tab open.
4737 // Close the current tab.
4739 } else { // There is only one tab open.
4744 private void closeCurrentTab() {
4745 // Get the current tab number.
4746 int currentTabNumber = tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition();
4748 // Delete the current tab.
4749 tabLayout.removeTabAt(currentTabNumber);
4751 // Delete the current page. If the selected page number did not change during the delete (because the newly selected tab has has same number as the previously deleted tab), it will return true,
4752 // meaning that the current WebView must be reset. Otherwise it will happen automatically as the selected tab number changes.
4753 if (webViewPagerAdapter.deletePage(currentTabNumber, webViewPager)) {
4754 setCurrentWebView(currentTabNumber);
4758 private void exitFullScreenVideo() {
4759 // Re-enable the screen timeout.
4760 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.setKeepScreenOn(false);
4762 // Unset the full screen video flag.
4763 displayingFullScreenVideo = false;
4765 // Remove all the views from the full screen video frame layout.
4766 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.removeAllViews();
4768 // Hide the full screen video frame layout.
4769 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
4771 // Enable the sliding drawers.
4772 drawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED);
4774 // Show the coordinator layout.
4775 coordinatorLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
4777 // Apply the appropriate full screen mode flags.
4778 if (fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled && inFullScreenBrowsingMode) { // Privacy Browser is currently in full screen browsing mode.
4779 // Hide the app bar if specified.
4781 // Hide the tab linear layout.
4782 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
4784 // Hide the action bar.
4788 /* Hide the system bars.
4789 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
4790 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
4791 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
4792 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
4796 } else { // Switch to normal viewing mode.
4797 // Remove the `SYSTEM_UI` flags from the root frame layout.
4798 rootFrameLayout.setSystemUiVisibility(0);
4802 private void clearAndExit() {
4803 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
4804 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
4806 // Close the bookmarks cursor and database.
4807 bookmarksCursor.close();
4808 bookmarksDatabaseHelper.close();
4810 // Get the status of the clear everything preference.
4811 boolean clearEverything = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_everything_key), true);
4813 // Get a handle for the runtime.
4814 Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
4816 // Get the application's private data directory, which will be something like `/data/user/0/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`,
4817 // which links to `/data/data/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`.
4818 String privateDataDirectoryString = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
4821 if (clearEverything || sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_cookies_key), true)) {
4822 // Request the cookies be deleted.
4823 CookieManager.getInstance().removeAllCookies(null);
4825 // Manually delete the cookies database, as `CookieManager` sometimes will not flush its changes to disk before `System.exit(0)` is run.
4827 // Two commands must be used because `Runtime.exec()` does not like `*`.
4828 Process deleteCookiesProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Cookies");
4829 Process deleteCookiesJournalProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Cookies-journal");
4831 // Wait until the processes have finished.
4832 deleteCookiesProcess.waitFor();
4833 deleteCookiesJournalProcess.waitFor();
4834 } catch (Exception exception) {
4835 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
4839 // Clear DOM storage.
4840 if (clearEverything || sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_dom_storage_key), true)) {
4841 // Ask `WebStorage` to clear the DOM storage.
4842 WebStorage webStorage = WebStorage.getInstance();
4843 webStorage.deleteAllData();
4845 // Manually delete the DOM storage files and directories, as `WebStorage` sometimes will not flush its changes to disk before `System.exit(0)` is run.
4847 // A `String[]` must be used because the directory contains a space and `Runtime.exec` will otherwise not escape the string correctly.
4848 Process deleteLocalStorageProcess = runtime.exec(new String[] {"rm", "-rf", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Local Storage/"});
4850 // Multiple commands must be used because `Runtime.exec()` does not like `*`.
4851 Process deleteIndexProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/IndexedDB");
4852 Process deleteQuotaManagerProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/QuotaManager");
4853 Process deleteQuotaManagerJournalProcess = runtime.exec("rm -f " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/QuotaManager-journal");
4854 Process deleteDatabaseProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/databases");
4856 // Wait until the processes have finished.
4857 deleteLocalStorageProcess.waitFor();
4858 deleteIndexProcess.waitFor();
4859 deleteQuotaManagerProcess.waitFor();
4860 deleteQuotaManagerJournalProcess.waitFor();
4861 deleteDatabaseProcess.waitFor();
4862 } catch (Exception exception) {
4863 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
4867 // Clear form data if the API < 26.
4868 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26) && (clearEverything || sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_form_data_key), true))) {
4869 WebViewDatabase webViewDatabase = WebViewDatabase.getInstance(this);
4870 webViewDatabase.clearFormData();
4872 // Manually delete the form data database, as `WebViewDatabase` sometimes will not flush its changes to disk before `System.exit(0)` is run.
4874 // A string array must be used because the database contains a space and `Runtime.exec` will not otherwise escape the string correctly.
4875 Process deleteWebDataProcess = runtime.exec(new String[] {"rm", "-f", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Web Data"});
4876 Process deleteWebDataJournalProcess = runtime.exec(new String[] {"rm", "-f", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Web Data-journal"});
4878 // Wait until the processes have finished.
4879 deleteWebDataProcess.waitFor();
4880 deleteWebDataJournalProcess.waitFor();
4881 } catch (Exception exception) {
4882 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
4886 // Clear the logcat.
4887 if (clearEverything || sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_logcat_key), true)) {
4889 // Clear the logcat. `-c` clears the logcat. `-b all` clears all the buffers (instead of just crash, main, and system).
4890 Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("logcat -b all -c");
4892 // Wait for the process to finish.
4894 } catch (IOException|InterruptedException exception) {
4900 if (clearEverything || sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clear_cache_key), true)) {
4901 // Clear the cache from each WebView.
4902 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
4903 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
4904 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
4906 // Get the WebView fragment view.
4907 View webViewFragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
4909 // Only clear the cache if the WebView exists.
4910 if (webViewFragmentView != null) {
4911 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
4912 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = webViewFragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
4914 // Clear the cache for this WebView.
4915 nestedScrollWebView.clearCache(true);
4919 // Manually delete the cache directories.
4921 // Delete the main cache directory.
4922 Process deleteCacheProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/cache");
4924 // Delete the secondary `Service Worker` cache directory.
4925 // A string array must be used because the directory contains a space and `Runtime.exec` will otherwise not escape the string correctly.
4926 Process deleteServiceWorkerProcess = runtime.exec(new String[] {"rm", "-rf", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Default/Service Worker/"});
4928 // Wait until the processes have finished.
4929 deleteCacheProcess.waitFor();
4930 deleteServiceWorkerProcess.waitFor();
4931 } catch (Exception exception) {
4932 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
4936 // Wipe out each WebView.
4937 for (int i = 0; i < webViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); i++) {
4938 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
4939 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(i);
4941 // Get the WebView frame layout.
4942 FrameLayout webViewFrameLayout = (FrameLayout) webViewTabFragment.getView();
4944 // Only wipe out the WebView if it exists.
4945 if (webViewFrameLayout != null) {
4946 // Get the nested scroll WebView from the tab fragment.
4947 NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView = webViewFrameLayout.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
4949 // Clear SSL certificate preferences for this WebView.
4950 nestedScrollWebView.clearSslPreferences();
4952 // Clear the back/forward history for this WebView.
4953 nestedScrollWebView.clearHistory();
4955 // Remove all the views from the frame layout.
4956 webViewFrameLayout.removeAllViews();
4958 // Destroy the internal state of the WebView.
4959 nestedScrollWebView.destroy();
4963 // Manually delete the `app_webview` folder, which contains the cookies, DOM storage, form data, and `Service Worker` cache.
4964 // See `https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=233826&thanks=233826&ts=1486670530`.
4965 if (clearEverything) {
4967 // Delete the folder.
4968 Process deleteAppWebviewProcess = runtime.exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview");
4970 // Wait until the process has finished.
4971 deleteAppWebviewProcess.waitFor();
4972 } catch (Exception exception) {
4973 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
4977 // Close Privacy Browser. `finishAndRemoveTask` also removes Privacy Browser from the recent app list.
4978 finishAndRemoveTask();
4980 // Remove the terminated program from RAM. The status code is `0`.
4984 public void bookmarksBack(View view) {
4985 if (currentBookmarksFolder.isEmpty()) { // The home folder is displayed.
4986 // close the bookmarks drawer.
4987 drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.END);
4988 } else { // A subfolder is displayed.
4989 // Place the former parent folder in `currentFolder`.
4990 currentBookmarksFolder = bookmarksDatabaseHelper.getParentFolderName(currentBookmarksFolder);
4992 // Load the new folder.
4993 loadBookmarksFolder();
4997 private void setCurrentWebView(int pageNumber) {
4998 // Stop the swipe to refresh indicator if it is running
4999 swipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false);
5001 // Get the WebView tab fragment.
5002 WebViewTabFragment webViewTabFragment = webViewPagerAdapter.getPageFragment(pageNumber);
5004 // Get the fragment view.
5005 View webViewFragmentView = webViewTabFragment.getView();
5007 // Set the current WebView if the fragment view is not null.
5008 if (webViewFragmentView != null) { // The fragment has been populated.
5009 // Store the current WebView.
5010 currentWebView = webViewFragmentView.findViewById(R.id.nestedscroll_webview);
5012 // Update the status of swipe to refresh.
5013 if (currentWebView.getSwipeToRefresh()) { // Swipe to refresh is enabled.
5014 // Enable the swipe refresh layout if the WebView is scrolled all the way to the top. It is updated every time the scroll changes.
5015 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(currentWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
5016 } else { // Swipe to refresh is disabled.
5017 // Disable the swipe refresh layout.
5018 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
5021 // Get a handle for the cookie manager.
5022 CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
5024 // Set the cookie status.
5025 cookieManager.setAcceptCookie(currentWebView.getAcceptCookies());
5027 // Update the privacy icons. `true` redraws the icons in the app bar.
5028 updatePrivacyIcons(true);
5030 // Get a handle for the input method manager.
5031 InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
5033 // Remove the lint warning below that the input method manager might be null.
5034 assert inputMethodManager != null;
5036 // Get the current URL.
5037 String url = currentWebView.getUrl();
5039 // Update the URL edit text if not loading a new intent. Otherwise, this will be handled by `onPageStarted()` (if called) and `onPageFinished()`.
5040 if (!loadingNewIntent) { // A new intent is not being loaded.
5041 if ((url == null) || url.equals("about:blank")) { // The WebView is blank.
5042 // Display the hint in the URL edit text.
5043 urlEditText.setText("");
5045 // Request focus for the URL text box.
5046 urlEditText.requestFocus();
5048 // Display the keyboard.
5049 inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(urlEditText, 0);
5050 } else { // The WebView has a loaded URL.
5051 // Clear the focus from the URL text box.
5052 urlEditText.clearFocus();
5054 // Hide the soft keyboard.
5055 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(currentWebView.getWindowToken(), 0);
5057 // Display the current URL in the URL text box.
5058 urlEditText.setText(url);
5060 // Highlight the URL text.
5063 } else { // A new intent is being loaded.
5064 // Reset the loading new intent tracker.
5065 loadingNewIntent = false;
5068 // Set the background to indicate the domain settings status.
5069 if (currentWebView.getDomainSettingsApplied()) {
5070 // Set a background on the URL relative layout to indicate that custom domain settings are being used.
5071 urlRelativeLayout.setBackground(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.domain_settings_url_background, null));
5073 // Remove any background on the URL relative layout.
5074 urlRelativeLayout.setBackground(ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.color.transparent, null));
5076 } else { // The fragment has not been populated. Try again in 100 milliseconds.
5077 // Create a handler to set the current WebView.
5078 Handler setCurrentWebViewHandler = new Handler();
5080 // Create a runnable to set the current WebView.
5081 Runnable setCurrentWebWebRunnable = () -> {
5082 // Set the current WebView.
5083 setCurrentWebView(pageNumber);
5086 // Try setting the current WebView again after 100 milliseconds.
5087 setCurrentWebViewHandler.postDelayed(setCurrentWebWebRunnable, 100);
5091 @SuppressLint("ClickableViewAccessibility")
5093 public void initializeWebView(NestedScrollWebView nestedScrollWebView, int pageNumber, ProgressBar progressBar, String url, Boolean restoringState) {
5094 // Get a handle for the shared preferences.
5095 SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
5097 // Get the WebView theme.
5098 String webViewTheme = sharedPreferences.getString(getString(R.string.webview_theme_key), getString(R.string.webview_theme_default_value));
5100 // Get the WebView theme entry values string array.
5101 String[] webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.webview_theme_entry_values);
5103 // Apply the WebView theme if supported by the installed WebView.
5104 if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.ALGORITHMIC_DARKENING)) { // The device is running API >= 33 and algorithmic darkening is supported.
5105 // Set the WebView them. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
5106 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
5107 // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
5108 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), false);
5110 // Make the WebView visible. The WebView was created invisible in `webview_framelayout` to prevent a white background splash in night mode.
5111 // If the system is currently in night mode, showing the WebView will be handled in `onProgressChanged()`.
5112 nestedScrollWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5113 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
5114 // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
5115 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), true);
5117 // The system default theme is selected.
5118 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
5120 // Set the algorithmic darkening according to the current system theme status.
5121 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) { // The system is in day mode.
5122 // Turn off algorithmic darkening.
5123 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), false);
5125 // Make the WebView visible. The WebView was created invisible in `webview_framelayout` to prevent a white background splash in night mode.
5126 // If the system is currently in night mode, showing the WebView will be handled in `onProgressChanged()`.
5127 nestedScrollWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5128 } else { // The system is in night mode.
5129 // Turn on algorithmic darkening.
5130 WebSettingsCompat.setAlgorithmicDarkeningAllowed(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), true);
5133 } else if ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 33) && WebViewFeature.isFeatureSupported(WebViewFeature.FORCE_DARK)) { // The device is running API < 33 and the WebView supports force dark.
5134 // Set the WebView theme. A switch statement cannot be used because the WebView theme entry values string array is not a compile time constant.
5135 if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[1])) { // The light theme is selected.
5136 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
5137 //noinspection deprecation
5138 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
5140 // Make the WebView visible. The WebView was created invisible in `webview_framelayout` to prevent a white background splash in night mode.
5141 // If the system is currently in night mode, showing the WebView will be handled in `onProgressChanged()`.
5142 nestedScrollWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5143 } else if (webViewTheme.equals(webViewThemeEntryValuesStringArray[2])) { // The dark theme is selected.
5144 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
5145 //noinspection deprecation
5146 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
5147 } else { // The system default theme is selected.
5148 // Get the current system theme status.
5149 int currentThemeStatus = getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
5151 // Set the WebView theme according to the current system theme status.
5152 if (currentThemeStatus == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) { // The system is in day mode.
5153 // Turn off the WebView dark mode.
5154 //noinspection deprecation
5155 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_OFF);
5157 // Make the WebView visible. The WebView was created invisible in `webview_framelayout` to prevent a white background splash in night mode.
5158 // If the system is currently in night mode, showing the WebView will be handled in `onProgressChanged()`.
5159 nestedScrollWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5160 } else { // The system is in night mode.
5161 // Turn on the WebView dark mode.
5162 //noinspection deprecation
5163 WebSettingsCompat.setForceDark(nestedScrollWebView.getSettings(), WebSettingsCompat.FORCE_DARK_ON);
5168 // Get a handle for the activity
5169 Activity activity = this;
5171 // Get a handle for the input method manager.
5172 InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
5174 // Instantiate the blocklist helper.
5175 BlocklistHelper blocklistHelper = new BlocklistHelper();
5177 // Remove the lint warning below that the input method manager might be null.
5178 assert inputMethodManager != null;
5180 // Set the app bar scrolling.
5181 nestedScrollWebView.setNestedScrollingEnabled(scrollAppBar);
5183 // Allow pinch to zoom.
5184 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true);
5186 // Hide zoom controls.
5187 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setDisplayZoomControls(false);
5189 // Don't allow mixed content (HTTP and HTTPS) on the same website.
5190 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setMixedContentMode(WebSettings.MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW);
5192 // Set the WebView to load in overview mode (zoomed out to the maximum width).
5193 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setLoadWithOverviewMode(true);
5195 // Explicitly disable geolocation.
5196 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setGeolocationEnabled(false);
5198 // Allow loading of file:// URLs. This is necessary for opening MHT web archives, which are copies into a temporary cache location.
5199 nestedScrollWebView.getSettings().setAllowFileAccess(true);
5201 // Create a double-tap gesture detector to toggle full-screen mode.
5202 GestureDetector doubleTapGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getApplicationContext(), new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
5203 // Override `onDoubleTap()`. All other events are handled using the default settings.
5205 public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent event) {
5206 if (fullScreenBrowsingModeEnabled) { // Only process the double-tap if full screen browsing mode is enabled.
5207 // Toggle the full screen browsing mode tracker.
5208 inFullScreenBrowsingMode = !inFullScreenBrowsingMode;
5210 // Toggle the full screen browsing mode.
5211 if (inFullScreenBrowsingMode) { // Switch to full screen mode.
5212 // Hide the app bar if specified.
5213 if (hideAppBar) { // The app bar is hidden.
5214 // Close the find on page bar if it is visible.
5215 closeFindOnPage(null);
5217 // Hide the tab linear layout.
5218 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
5220 // Hide the action bar.
5223 // Set layout and scrolling parameters according to the position of the app bar.
5224 if (bottomAppBar) { // The app bar is at the bottom.
5225 // Reset the WebView padding to fill the available space.
5226 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
5227 } else { // The app bar is at the top.
5228 // Check to see if the app bar is normally scrolled.
5229 if (scrollAppBar) { // The app bar is scrolled when it is displayed.
5230 // Get the swipe refresh layout parameters.
5231 CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams swipeRefreshLayoutParams = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) swipeRefreshLayout.getLayoutParams();
5233 // Remove the off-screen scrolling layout.
5234 swipeRefreshLayoutParams.setBehavior(null);
5235 } else { // The app bar is not scrolled when it is displayed.
5236 // Remove the padding from the top of the swipe refresh layout.
5237 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
5239 // The swipe refresh circle must be moved above the now removed status bar location.
5240 swipeRefreshLayout.setProgressViewOffset(false, -200, defaultProgressViewEndOffset);
5243 } else { // The app bar is not hidden.
5244 // Adjust the UI for the bottom app bar.
5246 // Adjust the UI according to the scrolling of the app bar.
5248 // Reset the WebView padding to fill the available space.
5249 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
5251 // Move the WebView above the app bar layout.
5252 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, appBarHeight);
5257 /* Hide the system bars.
5258 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
5259 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
5260 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
5261 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
5265 } else { // Switch to normal viewing mode.
5266 // Show the app bar if it was hidden.
5268 // Show the tab linear layout.
5269 tabsLinearLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5271 // Show the action bar.
5275 // Set layout and scrolling parameters according to the position of the app bar.
5276 if (bottomAppBar) { // The app bar is at the bottom.
5279 // Reset the WebView padding to fill the available space.
5280 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
5282 // Move the WebView above the app bar layout.
5283 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, appBarHeight);
5285 } else { // The app bar is at the top.
5286 // Check to see if the app bar is normally scrolled.
5287 if (scrollAppBar) { // The app bar is scrolled when it is displayed.
5288 // Get the swipe refresh layout parameters.
5289 CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams swipeRefreshLayoutParams = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams) swipeRefreshLayout.getLayoutParams();
5291 // Add the off-screen scrolling layout.
5292 swipeRefreshLayoutParams.setBehavior(new AppBarLayout.ScrollingViewBehavior());
5293 } else { // The app bar is not scrolled when it is displayed.
5294 // The swipe refresh layout must be manually moved below the app bar layout.
5295 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, appBarHeight, 0, 0);
5297 // The swipe to refresh circle doesn't always hide itself completely unless it is moved up 10 pixels.
5298 swipeRefreshLayout.setProgressViewOffset(false, defaultProgressViewStartOffset - 10 + appBarHeight, defaultProgressViewEndOffset + appBarHeight);
5302 // Remove the `SYSTEM_UI` flags from the root frame layout.
5303 rootFrameLayout.setSystemUiVisibility(0);
5306 // Consume the double-tap.
5308 } else { // Do not consume the double-tap because full screen browsing mode is disabled.
5314 public boolean onFling(MotionEvent motionEvent1, MotionEvent motionEvent2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
5315 // Scroll the bottom app bar if enabled.
5316 if (bottomAppBar && scrollAppBar && !objectAnimator.isRunning()) {
5317 // Calculate the Y change.
5318 float motionY = motionEvent2.getY() - motionEvent1.getY();
5320 // Scroll the app bar if the change is greater than 50 pixels.
5322 // Animate the bottom app bar onto the screen.
5323 objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(appBarLayout, "translationY", 0);
5324 } else if (motionY < -50) {
5325 // Animate the bottom app bar off the screen.
5326 objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(appBarLayout, "translationY", appBarLayout.getHeight());
5330 objectAnimator.start();
5333 // Do not consume the event.
5338 // Pass all touch events on the WebView through the double-tap gesture detector.
5339 nestedScrollWebView.setOnTouchListener((View view, MotionEvent event) -> {
5340 // Call `performClick()` on the view, which is required for accessibility.
5341 view.performClick();
5343 // Send the event to the gesture detector.
5344 return doubleTapGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
5347 // Register the WebView for a context menu. This is used to see link targets and download images.
5348 registerForContextMenu(nestedScrollWebView);
5350 // Allow the downloading of files.
5351 nestedScrollWebView.setDownloadListener((String downloadUrl, String userAgent, String contentDisposition, String mimetype, long contentLength) -> {
5352 // Check the download preference.
5353 if (downloadWithExternalApp) { // Download with an external app.
5354 downloadUrlWithExternalApp(downloadUrl);
5355 } else { // Handle the download inside of Privacy Browser.
5356 // Define a formatted file size string.
5357 String formattedFileSizeString;
5359 // Process the content length if it contains data.
5360 if (contentLength > 0) { // The content length is greater than 0.
5361 // Format the content length as a string.
5362 formattedFileSizeString = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(contentLength) + " " + getString(R.string.bytes);
5363 } else { // The content length is not greater than 0.
5364 // Set the formatted file size string to be `unknown size`.
5365 formattedFileSizeString = getString(R.string.unknown_size);
5368 // Get the file name from the content disposition.
5369 String fileNameString = PrepareSaveDialog.getFileNameFromHeaders(this, contentDisposition, mimetype, downloadUrl);
5371 // Instantiate the save dialog.
5372 DialogFragment saveDialogFragment = SaveDialog.saveUrl(downloadUrl, formattedFileSizeString, fileNameString, userAgent,
5373 nestedScrollWebView.getAcceptCookies());
5375 // Try to show the dialog. The download listener continues to function even when the WebView is paused. Attempting to display a dialog in that state leads to a crash.
5377 // Show the save dialog. It must be named `save_dialog` so that the file picker can update the file name.
5378 saveDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.save_dialog));
5379 } catch (Exception exception) { // The dialog could not be shown.
5380 // Add the dialog to the pending dialog array list. It will be displayed in `onStart()`.
5381 pendingDialogsArrayList.add(new PendingDialog(saveDialogFragment, getString(R.string.save_dialog)));
5386 // Update the find on page count.
5387 nestedScrollWebView.setFindListener(new WebView.FindListener() {
5388 // Get a handle for `findOnPageCountTextView`.
5389 final TextView findOnPageCountTextView = findViewById(R.id.find_on_page_count_textview);
5392 public void onFindResultReceived(int activeMatchOrdinal, int numberOfMatches, boolean isDoneCounting) {
5393 if ((isDoneCounting) && (numberOfMatches == 0)) { // There are no matches.
5394 // Set `findOnPageCountTextView` to `0/0`.
5395 findOnPageCountTextView.setText(R.string.zero_of_zero);
5396 } else if (isDoneCounting) { // There are matches.
5397 // `activeMatchOrdinal` is zero-based.
5398 int activeMatch = activeMatchOrdinal + 1;
5400 // Build the match string.
5401 String matchString = activeMatch + "/" + numberOfMatches;
5403 // Set `findOnPageCountTextView`.
5404 findOnPageCountTextView.setText(matchString);
5409 // Process scroll changes.
5410 nestedScrollWebView.setOnScrollChangeListener((view, scrollX, scrollY, oldScrollX, oldScrollY) -> {
5411 // Set the swipe to refresh status.
5412 if (nestedScrollWebView.getSwipeToRefresh()) {
5413 // Only enable swipe to refresh if the WebView is scrolled to the top.
5414 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(nestedScrollWebView.getScrollY() == 0);
5416 // Disable swipe to refresh.
5417 swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false);
5420 // Reinforce the system UI visibility flags if in full screen browsing mode.
5421 // This hides the status and navigation bars, which are displayed if other elements are shown, like dialog boxes, the options menu, or the keyboard.
5422 if (inFullScreenBrowsingMode) {
5423 /* Hide the system bars.
5424 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
5425 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
5426 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
5427 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
5434 // Set the web chrome client.
5435 nestedScrollWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
5436 // Update the progress bar when a page is loading.
5438 public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {
5439 // Update the progress bar.
5440 progressBar.setProgress(progress);
5442 // Set the visibility of the progress bar.
5443 if (progress < 100) {
5444 // Show the progress bar.
5445 progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5447 // Hide the progress bar.
5448 progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE);
5450 //Stop the swipe to refresh indicator if it is running
5451 swipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false);
5453 // Make the current WebView visible. If this is a new tab, the current WebView would have been created invisible in `webview_framelayout` to prevent a white background splash in night mode.
5454 nestedScrollWebView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5458 // Set the favorite icon when it changes.
5460 public void onReceivedIcon(WebView view, Bitmap icon) {
5461 // Only update the favorite icon if the website has finished loading.
5462 if (progressBar.getVisibility() == View.GONE) {
5463 // Store the new favorite icon.
5464 nestedScrollWebView.setFavoriteOrDefaultIcon(icon);
5466 // Get the current page position.
5467 int currentPosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
5469 // Get the current tab.
5470 TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(currentPosition);
5472 // Check to see if the tab has been populated.
5474 // Get the custom view from the tab.
5475 View tabView = tab.getCustomView();
5477 // Check to see if the custom tab view has been populated.
5478 if (tabView != null) {
5479 // Get the favorite icon image view from the tab.
5480 ImageView tabFavoriteIconImageView = tabView.findViewById(R.id.favorite_icon_imageview);
5482 // Display the favorite icon in the tab.
5483 tabFavoriteIconImageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(icon, 64, 64, true));
5489 // Save a copy of the title when it changes.
5491 public void onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title) {
5492 // Get the current page position.
5493 int currentPosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
5495 // Get the current tab.
5496 TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(currentPosition);
5498 // Only populate the title text view if the tab has been fully created.
5500 // Get the custom view from the tab.
5501 View tabView = tab.getCustomView();
5503 // Only populate the title text view if the tab view has been fully populated.
5504 if (tabView != null) {
5505 // Get the title text view from the tab.
5506 TextView tabTitleTextView = tabView.findViewById(R.id.title_textview);
5508 // Set the title according to the URL.
5509 if (title.equals("about:blank")) {
5510 // Set the title to indicate a new tab.
5511 tabTitleTextView.setText(R.string.new_tab);
5513 // Set the title as the tab text.
5514 tabTitleTextView.setText(title);
5520 // Enter full screen video.
5522 public void onShowCustomView(View video, CustomViewCallback callback) {
5523 // Set the full screen video flag.
5524 displayingFullScreenVideo = true;
5526 // Hide the keyboard.
5527 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(nestedScrollWebView.getWindowToken(), 0);
5529 // Hide the coordinator layout.
5530 coordinatorLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
5532 /* Hide the system bars.
5533 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN hides the status bar at the top of the screen.
5534 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN makes the root frame layout fill the area that is normally reserved for the status bar.
5535 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION hides the navigation bar on the bottom or right of the screen.
5536 * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY makes the status and navigation bars translucent and automatically re-hides them after they are shown.
5541 // Disable the sliding drawers.
5542 drawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED);
5544 // Add the video view to the full screen video frame layout.
5545 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.addView(video);
5547 // Show the full screen video frame layout.
5548 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
5550 // Disable the screen timeout while the video is playing. YouTube does this automatically, but not all other videos do.
5551 fullScreenVideoFrameLayout.setKeepScreenOn(true);
5554 // Exit full screen video.
5556 public void onHideCustomView() {
5557 // Exit the full screen video.
5558 exitFullScreenVideo();
5563 public boolean onShowFileChooser(WebView webView, ValueCallback<Uri[]> filePathCallback, FileChooserParams fileChooserParams) {
5564 // Store the file path callback.
5565 fileChooserCallback = filePathCallback;
5567 // Create an intent to open a chooser based on the file chooser parameters.
5568 Intent fileChooserIntent = fileChooserParams.createIntent();
5570 // Get a handle for the package manager.
5571 PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
5573 // Check to see if the file chooser intent resolves to an installed package.
5574 if (fileChooserIntent.resolveActivity(packageManager) != null) { // The file chooser intent is fine.
5575 // Start the file chooser intent.
5576 startActivityForResult(fileChooserIntent, BROWSE_FILE_UPLOAD_REQUEST_CODE);
5577 } else { // The file chooser intent will cause a crash.
5578 // Create a generic intent to open a chooser.
5579 Intent genericFileChooserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
5581 // Request an openable file.
5582 genericFileChooserIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE);
5584 // Set the file type to everything.
5585 genericFileChooserIntent.setType("*/*");
5587 // Start the generic file chooser intent.
5588 startActivityForResult(genericFileChooserIntent, BROWSE_FILE_UPLOAD_REQUEST_CODE);
5594 nestedScrollWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
5595 // `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` makes this WebView the default handler for URLs inside the app, so that links are not kicked out to other apps.
5596 // The deprecated `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` must be used until API >= 24.
5598 public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
5599 // Sanitize the url.
5600 url = sanitizeUrl(url);
5602 // Handle the URL according to the type.
5603 if (url.startsWith("http")) { // Load the URL in Privacy Browser.
5604 // Load the URL. By using `loadUrl()`, instead of `loadUrlFromBase()`, the Referer header will never be sent.
5605 loadUrl(nestedScrollWebView, url);
5607 // Returning true indicates that Privacy Browser is manually handling the loading of the URL.
5608 // Custom headers cannot be added if false is returned and the WebView handles the loading of the URL.
5610 } else if (url.startsWith("mailto:")) { // Load the email address in an external email program.
5611 // Use `ACTION_SENDTO` instead of `ACTION_SEND` so that only email programs are launched.
5612 Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);
5614 // Parse the url and set it as the data for the intent.
5615 emailIntent.setData(Uri.parse(url));
5617 // Open the email program in a new task instead of as part of Privacy Browser.
5618 emailIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
5622 startActivity(emailIntent);
5623 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) {
5624 // Display a snackbar.
5625 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
5629 // Returning true indicates Privacy Browser is handling the URL by creating an intent.
5631 } else if (url.startsWith("tel:")) { // Load the phone number in the dialer.
5632 // Open the dialer and load the phone number, but wait for the user to place the call.
5633 Intent dialIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
5635 // Add the phone number to the intent.
5636 dialIntent.setData(Uri.parse(url));
5638 // Open the dialer in a new task instead of as part of Privacy Browser.
5639 dialIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
5643 startActivity(dialIntent);
5644 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) {
5645 // Display a snackbar.
5646 Snackbar.make(currentWebView, getString(R.string.error) + " " + exception, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show();
5649 // Returning true indicates Privacy Browser is handling the URL by creating an intent.
5651 } else { // Load a system chooser to select an app that can handle the URL.
5652 // Open an app that can handle the URL.
5653 Intent genericIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
5655 // Add the URL to the intent.
5656 genericIntent.setData(Uri.parse(url));
5658 // List all apps that can handle the URL instead of just opening the first one.
5659 genericIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE);
5661 // Open the app in a new task instead of as part of Privacy Browser.
5662 genericIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
5664 // Start the app or display a snackbar if no app is available to handle the URL.
5666 startActivity(genericIntent);
5667 } catch (ActivityNotFoundException exception) {
5668 Snackbar.make(nestedScrollWebView, getString(R.string.unrecognized_url) + " " + url, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
5671 // Returning true indicates Privacy Browser is handling the URL by creating an intent.
5676 // Check requests against the block lists. The deprecated `shouldInterceptRequest()` must be used until minimum API >= 21.
5678 public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView view, WebResourceRequest webResourceRequest) {
5680 String url = webResourceRequest.getUrl().toString();
5682 // Check to see if the resource request is for the main URL.
5683 if (url.equals(nestedScrollWebView.getCurrentUrl())) {
5684 // `return null` loads the resource request, which should never be blocked if it is the main URL.
5688 // Wait until the blocklists have been populated. When Privacy Browser is being resumed after having the process killed in the background it will try to load the URLs immediately.
5689 while (ultraPrivacy == null) {
5690 // The wait must be synchronized, which only lets one thread run on it at a time, or `java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException` is thrown.
5691 synchronized (this) {
5693 // Check to see if the blocklists have been populated after 100 ms.
5695 } catch (InterruptedException exception) {
5701 // Create an empty web resource response to be used if the resource request is blocked.
5702 WebResourceResponse emptyWebResourceResponse = new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "utf8", new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()));
5704 // Reset the whitelist results tracker.
5705 String[] whitelistResultStringArray = null;
5707 // Initialize the third party request tracker.
5708 boolean isThirdPartyRequest = false;
5710 // Get the current URL. `.getUrl()` throws an error because operations on the WebView cannot be made from this thread.
5711 String currentBaseDomain = nestedScrollWebView.getCurrentDomainName();
5713 // Store a copy of the current domain for use in later requests.
5714 String currentDomain = currentBaseDomain;
5716 // Get the request host name.
5717 String requestBaseDomain = webResourceRequest.getUrl().getHost();
5719 // Only check for third-party requests if the current base domain is not empty and the request domain is not null.
5720 if (!currentBaseDomain.isEmpty() && (requestBaseDomain != null)) {
5721 // Determine the current base domain.
5722 while (currentBaseDomain.indexOf(".", currentBaseDomain.indexOf(".") + 1) > 0) { // There is at least one subdomain.
5723 // Remove the first subdomain.
5724 currentBaseDomain = currentBaseDomain.substring(currentBaseDomain.indexOf(".") + 1);
5727 // Determine the request base domain.
5728 while (requestBaseDomain.indexOf(".", requestBaseDomain.indexOf(".") + 1) > 0) { // There is at least one subdomain.
5729 // Remove the first subdomain.
5730 requestBaseDomain = requestBaseDomain.substring(requestBaseDomain.indexOf(".") + 1);
5733 // Update the third party request tracker.
5734 isThirdPartyRequest = !currentBaseDomain.equals(requestBaseDomain);
5737 // Get the current WebView page position.
5738 int webViewPagePosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
5740 // Determine if the WebView is currently displayed.
5741 boolean webViewDisplayed = (webViewPagePosition == tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition());
5743 // Block third-party requests if enabled.
5744 if (isThirdPartyRequest && nestedScrollWebView.getBlockAllThirdPartyRequests()) {
5745 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5746 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[]{BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_THIRD_PARTY, url});
5748 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5749 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5750 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.THIRD_PARTY_REQUESTS);
5752 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5753 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5754 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5755 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5756 // Update the menu item titles.
5757 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5759 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5760 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5761 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5762 optionsBlockAllThirdPartyRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.THIRD_PARTY_REQUESTS) + " - " +
5763 getString(R.string.block_all_third_party_requests));
5768 // Return an empty web resource response.
5769 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5772 // Check UltraList if it is enabled.
5773 if (nestedScrollWebView.getUltraListEnabled()) {
5774 // Check the URL against UltraList.
5775 String[] ultraListResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, ultraList);
5777 // Process the UltraList results.
5778 if (ultraListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched UltraList's blacklist.
5779 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5780 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {ultraListResults[0], ultraListResults[1], ultraListResults[2], ultraListResults[3], ultraListResults[4], ultraListResults[5]});
5782 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5783 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5784 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRALIST);
5786 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5787 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5788 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5789 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5790 // Update the menu item titles.
5791 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5793 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5794 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5795 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5796 optionsUltraListMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRALIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.ultralist));
5801 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5802 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5803 } else if (ultraListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)) { // The resource request matched UltraList's whitelist.
5804 // Add a whitelist entry to the resource requests array.
5805 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {ultraListResults[0], ultraListResults[1], ultraListResults[2], ultraListResults[3], ultraListResults[4], ultraListResults[5]});
5807 // The resource request has been allowed by UltraPrivacy. `return null` loads the requested resource.
5812 // Check UltraPrivacy if it is enabled.
5813 if (nestedScrollWebView.getUltraPrivacyEnabled()) {
5814 // Check the URL against UltraPrivacy.
5815 String[] ultraPrivacyResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, ultraPrivacy);
5817 // Process the UltraPrivacy results.
5818 if (ultraPrivacyResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched UltraPrivacy's blacklist.
5819 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5820 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {ultraPrivacyResults[0], ultraPrivacyResults[1], ultraPrivacyResults[2], ultraPrivacyResults[3], ultraPrivacyResults[4],
5821 ultraPrivacyResults[5]});
5823 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5824 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5825 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRAPRIVACY);
5827 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5828 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5829 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5830 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5831 // Update the menu item titles.
5832 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5834 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5835 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5836 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5837 optionsUltraPrivacyMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.ULTRAPRIVACY) + " - " + getString(R.string.ultraprivacy));
5842 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5843 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5844 } else if (ultraPrivacyResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)) { // The resource request matched UltraPrivacy's whitelist.
5845 // Add a whitelist entry to the resource requests array.
5846 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {ultraPrivacyResults[0], ultraPrivacyResults[1], ultraPrivacyResults[2], ultraPrivacyResults[3], ultraPrivacyResults[4],
5847 ultraPrivacyResults[5]});
5849 // The resource request has been allowed by UltraPrivacy. `return null` loads the requested resource.
5854 // Check EasyList if it is enabled.
5855 if (nestedScrollWebView.getEasyListEnabled()) {
5856 // Check the URL against EasyList.
5857 String[] easyListResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, easyList);
5859 // Process the EasyList results.
5860 if (easyListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched EasyList's blacklist.
5861 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5862 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {easyListResults[0], easyListResults[1], easyListResults[2], easyListResults[3], easyListResults[4], easyListResults[5]});
5864 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5865 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5866 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYLIST);
5868 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5869 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5870 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5871 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5872 // Update the menu item titles.
5873 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5875 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5876 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5877 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5878 optionsEasyListMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYLIST) + " - " + getString(R.string.easylist));
5883 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5884 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5885 } else if (easyListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)) { // The resource request matched EasyList's whitelist.
5886 // Update the whitelist result string array tracker.
5887 whitelistResultStringArray = new String[] {easyListResults[0], easyListResults[1], easyListResults[2], easyListResults[3], easyListResults[4], easyListResults[5]};
5891 // Check EasyPrivacy if it is enabled.
5892 if (nestedScrollWebView.getEasyPrivacyEnabled()) {
5893 // Check the URL against EasyPrivacy.
5894 String[] easyPrivacyResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, easyPrivacy);
5896 // Process the EasyPrivacy results.
5897 if (easyPrivacyResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched EasyPrivacy's blacklist.
5898 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5899 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {easyPrivacyResults[0], easyPrivacyResults[1], easyPrivacyResults[2], easyPrivacyResults[3], easyPrivacyResults[4],
5900 easyPrivacyResults[5]});
5902 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5903 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5904 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYPRIVACY);
5906 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5907 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5908 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5909 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5910 // Update the menu item titles.
5911 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5913 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5914 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5915 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5916 optionsEasyPrivacyMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.EASYPRIVACY) + " - " + getString(R.string.easyprivacy));
5921 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5922 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5923 } else if (easyPrivacyResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)) { // The resource request matched EasyPrivacy's whitelist.
5924 // Update the whitelist result string array tracker.
5925 whitelistResultStringArray = new String[] {easyPrivacyResults[0], easyPrivacyResults[1], easyPrivacyResults[2], easyPrivacyResults[3], easyPrivacyResults[4], easyPrivacyResults[5]};
5929 // Check Fanboy’s Annoyance List if it is enabled.
5930 if (nestedScrollWebView.getFanboysAnnoyanceListEnabled()) {
5931 // Check the URL against Fanboy's Annoyance List.
5932 String[] fanboysAnnoyanceListResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, fanboysAnnoyanceList);
5934 // Process the Fanboy's Annoyance List results.
5935 if (fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched Fanboy's Annoyance List's blacklist.
5936 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5937 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[0], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[1], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[2], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[3],
5938 fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[4], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[5]});
5940 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5941 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5942 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_ANNOYANCE_LIST);
5944 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5945 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5946 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5947 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5948 // Update the menu item titles.
5949 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5951 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5952 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5953 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5954 optionsFanboysAnnoyanceListMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_ANNOYANCE_LIST) + " - " +
5955 getString(R.string.fanboys_annoyance_list));
5960 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5961 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5962 } else if (fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)){ // The resource request matched Fanboy's Annoyance List's whitelist.
5963 // Update the whitelist result string array tracker.
5964 whitelistResultStringArray = new String[] {fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[0], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[1], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[2], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[3],
5965 fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[4], fanboysAnnoyanceListResults[5]};
5967 } else if (nestedScrollWebView.getFanboysSocialBlockingListEnabled()) { // Only check Fanboy’s Social Blocking List if Fanboy’s Annoyance List is disabled.
5968 // Check the URL against Fanboy's Annoyance List.
5969 String[] fanboysSocialListResults = blocklistHelper.checkBlocklist(currentDomain, url, isThirdPartyRequest, fanboysSocialList);
5971 // Process the Fanboy's Social Blocking List results.
5972 if (fanboysSocialListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_BLOCKED)) { // The resource request matched Fanboy's Social Blocking List's blacklist.
5973 // Add the result to the resource requests.
5974 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[] {fanboysSocialListResults[0], fanboysSocialListResults[1], fanboysSocialListResults[2], fanboysSocialListResults[3],
5975 fanboysSocialListResults[4], fanboysSocialListResults[5]});
5977 // Increment the blocked requests counters.
5978 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS);
5979 nestedScrollWebView.incrementRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_SOCIAL_BLOCKING_LIST);
5981 // Update the titles of the blocklist menu items if the WebView is currently displayed.
5982 if (webViewDisplayed) {
5983 // Updating the UI must be run from the UI thread.
5984 activity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
5985 // Update the menu item titles.
5986 navigationRequestsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.requests) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5988 // Update the options menu if it has been populated.
5989 if (optionsMenu != null) {
5990 optionsBlocklistsMenuItem.setTitle(getString(R.string.blocklists) + " - " + nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.BLOCKED_REQUESTS));
5991 optionsFanboysSocialBlockingListMenuItem.setTitle(nestedScrollWebView.getRequestsCount(NestedScrollWebView.FANBOYS_SOCIAL_BLOCKING_LIST) + " - " +
5992 getString(R.string.fanboys_social_blocking_list));
5997 // The resource request was blocked. Return an empty web resource response.
5998 return emptyWebResourceResponse;
5999 } else if (fanboysSocialListResults[0].equals(BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_ALLOWED)) { // The resource request matched Fanboy's Social Blocking List's whitelist.
6000 // Update the whitelist result string array tracker.
6001 whitelistResultStringArray = new String[] {fanboysSocialListResults[0], fanboysSocialListResults[1], fanboysSocialListResults[2], fanboysSocialListResults[3],
6002 fanboysSocialListResults[4], fanboysSocialListResults[5]};
6006 // Add the request to the log because it hasn't been processed by any of the previous checks.
6007 if (whitelistResultStringArray != null) { // The request was processed by a whitelist.
6008 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(whitelistResultStringArray);
6009 } else { // The request didn't match any blocklist entry. Log it as a default request.
6010 nestedScrollWebView.addResourceRequest(new String[]{BlocklistHelper.REQUEST_DEFAULT, url});
6013 // The resource request has not been blocked. `return null` loads the requested resource.
6017 // Handle HTTP authentication requests.
6019 public void onReceivedHttpAuthRequest(WebView view, HttpAuthHandler handler, String host, String realm) {
6020 // Store the handler.
6021 nestedScrollWebView.setHttpAuthHandler(handler);
6023 // Instantiate an HTTP authentication dialog.
6024 DialogFragment httpAuthenticationDialogFragment = HttpAuthenticationDialog.displayDialog(host, realm, nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
6026 // Show the HTTP authentication dialog.
6027 httpAuthenticationDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.http_authentication));
6031 public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
6032 // Get the app bar layout height. This can't be done in `applyAppSettings()` because the app bar is not yet populated there.
6033 // This should only be populated if it is greater than 0 because otherwise it will be reset to 0 if the app bar is hidden in full screen browsing mode.
6034 if (appBarLayout.getHeight() > 0) appBarHeight = appBarLayout.getHeight();
6036 // Set the padding and layout settings according to the position of the app bar.
6037 if (bottomAppBar) { // The app bar is on the bottom.
6039 if (scrollAppBar || (inFullScreenBrowsingMode && hideAppBar)) { // The app bar scrolls or full screen browsing mode is engaged with the app bar hidden.
6040 // Reset the WebView padding to fill the available space.
6041 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
6042 } else { // The app bar doesn't scroll or full screen browsing mode is not engaged with the app bar hidden.
6043 // Move the WebView above the app bar layout.
6044 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, appBarHeight);
6046 } else { // The app bar is on the top.
6047 // Set the top padding of the swipe refresh layout according to the app bar scrolling preference. This can't be done in `appAppSettings()` because the app bar is not yet populated there.
6048 if (scrollAppBar || (inFullScreenBrowsingMode && hideAppBar)) {
6049 // No padding is needed because it will automatically be placed below the app bar layout due to the scrolling layout behavior.
6050 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
6052 // The swipe to refresh circle doesn't always hide itself completely unless it is moved up 10 pixels.
6053 swipeRefreshLayout.setProgressViewOffset(false, defaultProgressViewStartOffset - 10, defaultProgressViewEndOffset);
6055 // The swipe refresh layout must be manually moved below the app bar layout.
6056 swipeRefreshLayout.setPadding(0, appBarHeight, 0, 0);
6058 // The swipe to refresh circle doesn't always hide itself completely unless it is moved up 10 pixels.
6059 swipeRefreshLayout.setProgressViewOffset(false, defaultProgressViewStartOffset - 10 + appBarHeight, defaultProgressViewEndOffset + appBarHeight);
6063 // Reset the list of resource requests.
6064 nestedScrollWebView.clearResourceRequests();
6066 // Reset the requests counters.
6067 nestedScrollWebView.resetRequestsCounters();
6069 // Get the current page position.
6070 int currentPagePosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
6072 // Update the URL text bar if the page is currently selected and the URL edit text is not currently being edited.
6073 if ((tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() == currentPagePosition) && !urlEditText.hasFocus()) {
6074 // Display the formatted URL text.
6075 urlEditText.setText(url);
6077 // Apply text highlighting to the URL text box.
6080 // Hide the keyboard.
6081 inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(nestedScrollWebView.getWindowToken(), 0);
6084 // Reset the list of host IP addresses.
6085 nestedScrollWebView.setCurrentIpAddresses("");
6087 // Get a URI for the current URL.
6088 Uri currentUri = Uri.parse(url);
6090 // Get the IP addresses for the host.
6091 new GetHostIpAddresses(activity, getSupportFragmentManager(), nestedScrollWebView).execute(currentUri.getHost());
6093 // Replace Refresh with Stop if the options menu has been created. (The first WebView typically begins loading before the menu items are instantiated.)
6094 if (optionsMenu != null) {
6096 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setTitle(R.string.stop);
6098 // Set the icon if it is displayed in the AppBar.
6099 if (displayAdditionalAppBarIcons)
6100 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.close_blue);
6105 public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
6106 // Flush any cookies to persistent storage. The cookie manager has become very lazy about flushing cookies in recent versions.
6107 if (nestedScrollWebView.getAcceptCookies()) {
6108 CookieManager.getInstance().flush();
6111 // Update the Refresh menu item if the options menu has been created.
6112 if (optionsMenu != null) {
6113 // Reset the Refresh title.
6114 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setTitle(R.string.refresh);
6116 // Reset the icon if it is displayed in the app bar.
6117 if (displayAdditionalAppBarIcons)
6118 optionsRefreshMenuItem.setIcon(R.drawable.refresh_enabled);
6121 // Get the application's private data directory, which will be something like `/data/user/0/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`,
6122 // which links to `/data/data/com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard`.
6123 String privateDataDirectoryString = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
6125 // Clear the cache, history, and logcat if Incognito Mode is enabled.
6126 if (incognitoModeEnabled) {
6127 // Clear the cache. `true` includes disk files.
6128 nestedScrollWebView.clearCache(true);
6130 // Clear the back/forward history.
6131 nestedScrollWebView.clearHistory();
6133 // Manually delete cache folders.
6135 // Delete the main cache directory.
6136 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm -rf " + privateDataDirectoryString + "/cache");
6137 } catch (IOException exception) {
6138 // Do nothing if an error is thrown.
6141 // Clear the logcat.
6143 // Clear the logcat. `-c` clears the logcat. `-b all` clears all the buffers (instead of just crash, main, and system).
6144 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("logcat -b all -c");
6145 } catch (IOException exception) {
6150 // Clear the `Service Worker` directory.
6152 // A `String[]` must be used because the directory contains a space and `Runtime.exec` will not escape the string correctly otherwise.
6153 Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"rm", "-rf", privateDataDirectoryString + "/app_webview/Default/Service Worker/"});
6154 } catch (IOException exception) {
6158 // Get the current page position.
6159 int currentPagePosition = webViewPagerAdapter.getPositionForId(nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
6161 // Get the current URL from the nested scroll WebView. This is more accurate than using the URL passed into the method, which is sometimes not the final one.
6162 String currentUrl = nestedScrollWebView.getUrl();
6164 // Get the current tab.
6165 TabLayout.Tab tab = tabLayout.getTabAt(currentPagePosition);
6167 // Update the URL text bar if the page is currently selected and the user is not currently typing in the URL edit text.
6168 // Crash records show that, in some crazy way, it is possible for the current URL to be blank at this point.
6169 // Probably some sort of race condition when Privacy Browser is being resumed.
6170 if ((tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() == currentPagePosition) && !urlEditText.hasFocus() && (currentUrl != null)) {
6171 // Check to see if the URL is `about:blank`.
6172 if (currentUrl.equals("about:blank")) { // The WebView is blank.
6173 // Display the hint in the URL edit text.
6174 urlEditText.setText("");
6176 // Request focus for the URL text box.
6177 urlEditText.requestFocus();
6179 // Display the keyboard.
6180 inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(urlEditText, 0);
6182 // Apply the domain settings. This clears any settings from the previous domain.
6183 applyDomainSettings(nestedScrollWebView, "", true, false, false);
6185 // Only populate the title text view if the tab has been fully created.
6187 // Get the custom view from the tab.
6188 View tabView = tab.getCustomView();
6190 // Remove the incorrect warning below that the current tab view might be null.
6191 assert tabView != null;
6193 // Get the title text view from the tab.
6194 TextView tabTitleTextView = tabView.findViewById(R.id.title_textview);
6196 // Set the title as the tab text.
6197 tabTitleTextView.setText(R.string.new_tab);
6199 } else { // The WebView has loaded a webpage.
6200 // Update the URL edit text if it is not currently being edited.
6201 if (!urlEditText.hasFocus()) {
6202 // Sanitize the current URL. This removes unwanted URL elements that were added by redirects, so that they won't be included if the URL is shared.
6203 String sanitizedUrl = sanitizeUrl(currentUrl);
6205 // Display the final URL. Getting the URL from the WebView instead of using the one provided by `onPageFinished()` makes websites like YouTube function correctly.
6206 urlEditText.setText(sanitizedUrl);
6208 // Apply text highlighting to the URL.
6212 // Only populate the title text view if the tab has been fully created.
6214 // Get the custom view from the tab.
6215 View tabView = tab.getCustomView();
6217 // Remove the incorrect warning below that the current tab view might be null.
6218 assert tabView != null;
6220 // Get the title text view from the tab.
6221 TextView tabTitleTextView = tabView.findViewById(R.id.title_textview);
6223 // Set the title as the tab text. Sometimes `onReceivedTitle()` is not called, especially when navigating history.
6224 tabTitleTextView.setText(nestedScrollWebView.getTitle());
6230 // Handle SSL Certificate errors. Suppress the lint warning that ignoring the error might be dangerous.
6231 @SuppressLint("WebViewClientOnReceivedSslError")
6233 public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
6234 // Get the current website SSL certificate.
6235 SslCertificate currentWebsiteSslCertificate = error.getCertificate();
6237 // Extract the individual pieces of information from the current website SSL certificate.
6238 String currentWebsiteIssuedToCName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getCName();
6239 String currentWebsiteIssuedToOName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getOName();
6240 String currentWebsiteIssuedToUName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedTo().getUName();
6241 String currentWebsiteIssuedByCName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getCName();
6242 String currentWebsiteIssuedByOName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getOName();
6243 String currentWebsiteIssuedByUName = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getIssuedBy().getUName();
6244 Date currentWebsiteSslStartDate = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getValidNotBeforeDate();
6245 Date currentWebsiteSslEndDate = currentWebsiteSslCertificate.getValidNotAfterDate();
6247 // Proceed to the website if the current SSL website certificate matches the pinned domain certificate.
6248 if (nestedScrollWebView.hasPinnedSslCertificate()) {
6249 // Get the pinned SSL certificate.
6250 Pair<String[], Date[]> pinnedSslCertificatePair = nestedScrollWebView.getPinnedSslCertificate();
6252 // Extract the arrays from the array list.
6253 String[] pinnedSslCertificateStringArray = pinnedSslCertificatePair.getFirst();
6254 Date[] pinnedSslCertificateDateArray = pinnedSslCertificatePair.getSecond();
6256 // Check if the current SSL certificate matches the pinned certificate.
6257 if (currentWebsiteIssuedToCName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[0]) && currentWebsiteIssuedToOName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[1]) &&
6258 currentWebsiteIssuedToUName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[2]) && currentWebsiteIssuedByCName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[3]) &&
6259 currentWebsiteIssuedByOName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[4]) && currentWebsiteIssuedByUName.equals(pinnedSslCertificateStringArray[5]) &&
6260 currentWebsiteSslStartDate.equals(pinnedSslCertificateDateArray[0]) && currentWebsiteSslEndDate.equals(pinnedSslCertificateDateArray[1])) {
6262 // An SSL certificate is pinned and matches the current domain certificate. Proceed to the website without displaying an error.
6265 } else { // Either there isn't a pinned SSL certificate or it doesn't match the current website certificate.
6266 // Store the SSL error handler.
6267 nestedScrollWebView.setSslErrorHandler(handler);
6269 // Instantiate an SSL certificate error alert dialog.
6270 DialogFragment sslCertificateErrorDialogFragment = SslCertificateErrorDialog.displayDialog(error, nestedScrollWebView.getWebViewFragmentId());
6272 // Try to show the dialog. The SSL error handler continues to function even when the WebView is paused. Attempting to display a dialog in that state leads to a crash.
6274 // Show the SSL certificate error dialog.
6275 sslCertificateErrorDialogFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), getString(R.string.ssl_certificate_error));
6276 } catch (Exception exception) {
6277 // Add the dialog to the pending dialog array list. It will be displayed in `onStart()`.
6278 pendingDialogsArrayList.add(new PendingDialog(sslCertificateErrorDialogFragment, getString(R.string.ssl_certificate_error)));
6284 // Check to see if the state is being restored.
6285 if (restoringState) { // The state is being restored.
6286 // Resume the nested scroll WebView JavaScript timers.
6287 nestedScrollWebView.resumeTimers();
6288 } else if (pageNumber == 0) { // The first page is being loaded.
6289 // Set this nested scroll WebView as the current WebView.
6290 currentWebView = nestedScrollWebView;
6292 // Initialize the URL to load string.
6293 String urlToLoadString;
6295 // Get the intent that started the app.
6296 Intent launchingIntent = getIntent();
6298 // Reset the intent. This prevents a duplicate tab from being created on restart.
6299 setIntent(new Intent());
6301 // Get the information from the intent.
6302 String launchingIntentAction = launchingIntent.getAction();
6303 Uri launchingIntentUriData = launchingIntent.getData();
6304 String launchingIntentStringExtra = launchingIntent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
6306 // Parse the launching intent URL.
6307 if ((launchingIntentAction != null) && launchingIntentAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH)) { // The intent contains a search string.
6308 // Create an encoded URL string.
6309 String encodedUrlString;
6311 // Sanitize the search input and convert it to a search.
6313 encodedUrlString = URLEncoder.encode(launchingIntent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY), "UTF-8");
6314 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exception) {
6315 encodedUrlString = "";
6318 // Store the web search as the URL to load.
6319 urlToLoadString = searchURL + encodedUrlString;
6320 } else if (launchingIntentUriData != null) { // The launching intent contains a URL formatted as a URI.
6321 // Store the URI as a URL.
6322 urlToLoadString = launchingIntentUriData.toString();
6323 } else if (launchingIntentStringExtra != null) { // The launching intent contains text that might be a URL.
6325 urlToLoadString = launchingIntentStringExtra;
6326 } else if (!url.equals("")) { // The activity has been restarted.
6327 // Load the saved URL.
6328 urlToLoadString = url;
6329 } else { // The is no URL in the intent.
6330 // Store the homepage to be loaded.
6331 urlToLoadString = sharedPreferences.getString("homepage", getString(R.string.homepage_default_value));
6334 // Load the website if not waiting for the proxy.
6335 if (waitingForProxy) { // Store the URL to be loaded in the Nested Scroll WebView.
6336 nestedScrollWebView.setWaitingForProxyUrlString(urlToLoadString);
6337 } else { // Load the URL.
6338 loadUrl(nestedScrollWebView, urlToLoadString);
6341 // Reset the intent. This prevents a duplicate tab from being created on a subsequent restart if loading an link from a new intent on restart.
6342 // For example, this prevents a duplicate tab if a link is loaded from the Guide after changing the theme in the guide and then changing the theme again in the main activity.
6343 setIntent(new Intent());
6344 } else { // This is not the first tab.
6346 loadUrl(nestedScrollWebView, url);
6348 // Set the focus and display the keyboard if the URL is blank.
6349 if (url.equals("")) {
6350 // Request focus for the URL text box.
6351 urlEditText.requestFocus();
6353 // Create a display keyboard handler.
6354 Handler displayKeyboardHandler = new Handler();
6356 // Create a display keyboard runnable.
6357 Runnable displayKeyboardRunnable = () -> {
6358 // Display the keyboard.
6359 inputMethodManager.showSoftInput(urlEditText, 0);
6362 // Display the keyboard after 100 milliseconds, which leaves enough time for the tab to transition.
6363 displayKeyboardHandler.postDelayed(displayKeyboardRunnable, 100);