public static boolean domStorageEnabled;
// javaScriptDisabledSearchURL is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate() and loadURLFromTextBox().
public static String javaScriptDisabledSearchURL;
- // javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate() and loadURLFromTextBox().
- public static String javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL;
// javaScriptEnabledSearchURL is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate() and loadURLFromTextBox().
public static String javaScriptEnabledSearchURL;
- // javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate() and loadURLFromTextBox().
- public static String javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL;
// homepage is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate() and onOptionsItemSelected().
public static String homepage;
// swipeToRefresh is public static so it can be accessed from SettingsFragment. It is also used in onCreate().
- // Set the initial status for the search URLs.
- javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "");
- javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
- javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "");
- javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ // Set the initial string for JavaScript disabled search.
+ if (savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // Get the custom URL string. The default is "".
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ } else {
+ // Use the string from javascript_disabled_search.
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "");
+ }
+ // Set the initial string for JavaScript enabled search.
+ if (savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // Get the custom URL string. The default is "".
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ } else {
+ // Use the string from javascript_enabled_search.
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "");
+ }
// Set homepage initial status. The default value is "".
homepage = savedPreferences.getString("homepage", "");
// Use the correct search URL based on javaScriptEnabled.
if (javaScriptEnabled) {
- if (javaScriptEnabledSearchURL.equals("Custom URL")) {
- formattedUrlString = javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL + encodedUrlString;
- } else {
- formattedUrlString = javaScriptEnabledSearchURL + encodedUrlString;
- }
+ formattedUrlString = javaScriptEnabledSearchURL + encodedUrlString;
} else { // JavaScript is disabled.
- if (javaScriptDisabledSearchURL.equals("Custom URL")) {
- formattedUrlString = javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL + encodedUrlString;
- } else {
- formattedUrlString = javaScriptDisabledSearchURL + encodedUrlString;
- }
+ formattedUrlString = javaScriptDisabledSearchURL + encodedUrlString;
// Set the current user-agent as the summary text for the "user_agent" preference when the preference screen is loaded.
final Preference userAgentPreference = findPreference("user_agent");
- // Get the user agent text from the webview (which changes based on the version of Android and WebView installed) if we are using the default.
- if (savedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "Default user agent").equals("Default user agent")) {
- // Once API >= 17 we can use getDefaultUserAgent() instead of getUserAgentString().
- userAgentPreference.setSummary(MainWebViewActivity.mainWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString());
- } else { // Display the user-agent from the preference as the summary text.
- userAgentPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "Default user agent"));
+ switch (savedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "Default user agent")) {
+ case "Default user agent":
+ // Get the user agent text from the webview (which changes based on the version of Android and WebView installed).
+ // Once API >= 17 we can use getDefaultUserAgent() instead of getUserAgentString().
+ userAgentPreference.setSummary(MainWebViewActivity.mainWebView.getSettings().getUserAgentString());
+ break;
+ case "Custom user agent":
+ // We can't use the string from the array because it is referenced in code and can't be translated.
+ userAgentPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_user_agent);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Display the user agent from the preference as the summary text.
+ userAgentPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "Default user agent"));
+ break;
// Set the summary text for "custom_user_agent" (the default is "PrivacyBrowser/1.0") and enable it if "user_agent" it set to "Custom user agent".
// Set the JavaScript-disabled search URL as the summary text for the JavaScript-disabled search preference when the preference screen is loaded.
// The default is "".
final Preference javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference = findPreference("javascript_disabled_search");
- javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", ""));
+ if (savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // If set to "Custom URL", use R.string.custom_url, which will be translated, instead of the array value, which will not.
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_url);
+ } else {
+ // Set the array value as the summary text.
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", ""));
+ }
// Set the summary text for "javascript_disabled_search_custom_url" (the default is "") and enable it if "javascript_disabled_search" is set to "Custom URL".
final Preference javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference = findPreference("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url");
javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", ""));
javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setEnabled(javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.getSummary().equals("Custom URL"));
// Set the JavaScript-enabed searchURL as the summary text for the JavaScript-enabled search preference when the preference screen is loaded.
// The default is "".
final Preference javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference = findPreference("javascript_enabled_search");
- javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", ""));
+ if (savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // If set to "Custom URL", use R.string.custom_url, which will be tgranslated, instead of the array value, which will not.
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_url);
+ } else {
+ // Set the array value as the summary text.
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(savedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", ""));
+ }
// Set the summary text for "javascript_enabled_search_custom_url" (the default is "") and enable it if "javascript_enabled_search" is set to "Custom URL".
final Preference javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURLPreference = findPreference("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url");
case "Custom user agent":
// Set the custom user agent on mainWebView, display "Custom user agent" as the summary text for userAgentPreference, and enable customUserAgent.
MainWebViewActivity.mainWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString("custom_user_agent", "PrivacyBrowser/1.0"));
- userAgentPreference.setSummary("Custom user agent");
+ userAgentPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_user_agent);
// Set the user agent on mainWebView, display the user agent as the summary text for userAgentPreference, and disable customUserAgent.
- MainWebViewActivity.mainWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "PrivacyBrowser/1.0"));
+ MainWebViewActivity.mainWebView.getSettings().setUserAgentString(sharedPreferences.getString("user_agent", "Default user agent"));
case "javascript_disabled_search":
- // Set the new search URL as the summary text for the JavaScript-disabled search preference. The default is "".
- javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", ""));
+ if (sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // Set the summary text to R.string.custom_url, which will be translated.
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_url);
+ // Update the javaScriptDisabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ } else { // javascript_disabled_search is not set to Custom.
+ // Set the new search URL as the summary text for the JavaScript-disabled search preference. The default is "".
+ javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", ""));
+ // Update the javaScriptDisabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "");
+ }
- // Enable "javascript_disabled_search_custom_url" if "javascript_disabled_search" is set to "Custom URL".
+ // Enable or disable javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference.
javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setEnabled(javaScriptDisabledSearchPreference.getSummary().equals("Custom URL"));
- // Update the javaScriptDisabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
- MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search", "");
case "javascript_disabled_search_custom_url":
javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", ""));
// Update javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL. The default is "".
- MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptDisabledSearchCustomURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptDisabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_disabled_search_custom_url", "");
case "javascript_enabled_search":
- // Set the new search URL as the summary text for the JavaScript-enabled search preference. The default is "".
- javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", ""));
+ if (sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "").equals("Custom URL")) {
+ // Set the summary text to R.string.custom_url, which will be translated.
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(R.string.custom_url);
+ // Update the javaScriptEnabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ } else { // javascript_enabled_search is not set to Custom.
+ // Set the new search URL as the summary text for the JavaScript-enabled search preference. The default is "".
+ javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", ""));
+ // Update the javaScriptEnabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "");
+ }
- // Enable "javascript_enabled_search_custom_url" if "javascript_enabled_search" is set to "Custom URL".
+ // Enable or disable javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURLPreference.
javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setEnabled(javaScriptEnabledSearchPreference.getSummary().equals("Custom URL"));
- // Update the javaScriptEnabledSearchURL variable. The default is "".
- MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search", "");
case "javascript_enabled_search_custom_url":
javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURLPreference.setSummary(sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", ""));
// Update javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL. The default is "".
- MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptEnabledSearchCustomURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
+ MainWebViewActivity.javaScriptEnabledSearchURL = sharedPreferences.getString("javascript_enabled_search_custom_url", "");
case "homepage":
<string-array name="user_agent_entry_values">
- <item>Default user agent</item>
+ <item>Default user agent</item> <!--This item must not be translated into other languages because it is referenced in code. It is never displayed on the screen.-->
<item>Mozilla/5.0 (Android 6.0.1; Mobile; rv:46.0) Gecko/46.0 Firefox/46.0</item>
<item>Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 6P Build/MHC19Q) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.89 Mobile Safari/537.36</item>
<item>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36</item>
<item>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko</item>
<item>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586</item>
- <item>Custom user agent</item>
+ <item>Custom user agent</item> <!--This item must not be translated into other languages because it is referenced in code. It is never displayed on the screen.-->
<string name="custom_user_agent">Custom user agent</string>
<string name="search">Search</string>
- <item>Custom URL</item>
+ <item>Custom URL</item> <!--This item must not be translated into other languages because it is referenced in code. It is never displayed on the screen.-->
<string name="javascript_disabled_search_custom_url">JavaScript-disabled search custom URL</string>
<string name="javascript_enabled_search">JavaScript-enabled search</string>
- <item>Custom URL</item>
+ <item>Custom URL</item> <!--This item must not be translated into other languages because it is referenced in code. It is never displayed on the screen.-->
<string name="javascript_enabled_search_custom_url">JavaScript-enabled search custom URL</string>
+ <string name="custom_url">Custom URL</string>
<string name="general">General</string>
<string name="homepage_preference">Homepage</string>
<string name="swipe_to_refresh_enabled">Swipe to refresh</string>